Sorry if I didn't post this In the right place! It's a Japanese movie. And throughout the end, a girl turned into a shut in and she was around 40+(?) And she's lost all hope until she listened to some Jpop boygroup, and she has her posters on the wall. Her room was also very messy. She has a photo of the group in a frame and she decides to finally go outside to a park whilst carrying a lot of her stuff/trash. However some thugs/teenagers thought it was funny to go and kick her and beat her up. Leaving her laying on the grass. I think she died and someone only saw her the next day Because from what I remember there was a guy who was narrating her story and she wasn't the only person in the movie. I think she was more of a story? I watched this movie around 2-3 years ago so I don't really remember the title and I couldn't find the movie description anywhere ;_; And I also forgot my old MDL account from before so I can't go see it.. or even if I wrote it down. I remember crying at the end though.
it's called Memories of matsuko, a very good film! i rated it 10