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Kamiya Naoki is a young player from a professional basketball team. But due to his relatively smaller size and his tendency to crack under pressure, he is unable to show his true skills on the court. Meanwhile, Shirakawa Riko is a cheerful, strong-spirited music college graduate aiming to become a professional violinist. One day, Riko finds Naoki's lost cell phone on a bus, and their meeting begins a friendship that eventually turns into love. However, Naoki was already considering marriage with his current girlfriend. And it doesn't help matters that Naoki's coach has fallen in love at first sight with Riko!

62nd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Drama
62nd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Scriptwriter - Omori Mika
62nd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Theme song
13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Summer 2009): Best Drama
13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Summer 2009): Best Actor - Yamashita Tomohisa
13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Summer 2009): Best Actress - Kitagawa Keiko
13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Summer 2009): Best Supporting Actress - Kanjiya Shihori
arigato gozaimas lol
SPOILER ALERT..READ AT OWN RISK LOL: a lot happened in the 1st ep itself huh..his girlfriend is quite a bitch hahaha..but i'm glad he finally met Riko..she's cute..and the coach (yamablahblah) is freaking 32 years old!!..i'm 32 yrs old..wth?! i look that old?? lol..and that violinist..what a jerk?!!...he deserved more than a slap imo..bloody bastard...
*your*..sowie missed it lol
It's an enjoyable drama, although not my favourite. I'm usually very fond of sport dramas, but I find this one concentrates more on the romantic aspect and the "gambatte" philosophy and less on basketball (my favourite sport), which makes the plot a little trite.
Nevertheless, I liked it. Yamapi's performance is decent - not his best, definitely - and Kitagawa's character is very likable at times and very annoying at others, in my opinion.
Loved her friend, though.
And some scenes are very nice. As someone said: at last a true kiss in a Japanese drama. This deserves a mention at least. ;)
---> this natsuki women cannot smoke for a penny's so fake, i'm laughing my ass off haha <--- and oh yeah, i like the theme song..quite nice
Why is kissing so important? Don't you think it makes the dramas too westernised?
I'm just curious, it;s been on my mind lately. And is this similar to the anime aboiut a certain small basketball player whio had a certain weird fetish?
Bladey wrote: Why is kissing so important? Don't you think it makes the dramas too westernised?

Well, if there has to be a kiss, at least a decent one. I'd rather see none, than those wall kisses so often seen in J-dramas.
amrita828 wrote: It's an enjoyable drama, although not my favourite. I'm usually very fond of sport dramas, but I find this one concentrates more on the romantic aspect and the "gambatte" philosophy and less on basketball (my favourite sport), which makes the plot a little trite.
Nevertheless, I liked it. Yamapi's performance is decent - not his best, definitely - and Kitagawa's character is very likable at times and very annoying at others, in my opinion.
Loved her friend, though.
And some scenes are very nice. As someone said: at last a true kiss in a Japanese drama. This deserves a mention at least. ;)

i like the friend too and i'm only on my 2nd episode i get to see a real kiss eh?!! i'm all the more excited now teeheehee ..i too like dramas/movies based on sports..esp. the ones with underdogs..i'm enjoying it so could say this is my first jdrama..although i have watched Oshin but that was like eons ago when i was a little kid so it probably doesn't count lol..i tried watching Y.N.Shichi Henge but dropped it after the 1st episode..hopefully this drama won't share the same fate hahaha
amrita828 wrote: Well, if there has to be a kiss, at least a decent one. I'd rather see none, than those wall kisses so often seen in J-dramas.

i agree..i'ld rather there be none than those wall kisses as you mentioned i said above i haven't watched j dramas so i wouldn't know anything but i know kdramas tend to do the's just
amrita828 wrote: Well, if there has to be a kiss, at least a decent one. I'd rather see none, than those wall kisses so often seen in J-dramas.

Mhmm, I sorta agree. But I always think this is so against what they are used to and they are too shy and I"m kind of feeling bad for them which interferes with the watching of the drama. Maybe not the younger ones but certainly the older generation. Unless maybe they want to do thos to leave this more conservative image behind?
look, those wall kisses can be either because iof what just mentioned ior ebcause the cast is not getting well with another. They should just hug instead.
---> i think i can understand why Natsuki did what she did...i mean c'mon, girl needs some love and Naoki aint giving her any hahahaha <--- :p
---->I don' I don't condone cheating under any circumstances unless the other person cheated first...Then get revenge and even then I would rather just dump the person.