Last Japanese song you listened to?

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Remioromen - Konayuki

I just have to post another song, I've been addicted to it since I watched that Yamapi drama, it's so amazingly good

Masshiro by Oda Kazumasa
Rubaxxa wrote: Remioromen - Konayuki

Awesome song, Remioromen is awesome..<3
Last listened song for me would be NewS:
Ghost Friends - Ai Itai
Last song.... Larc~en~ciel-Ready steady go. lol good shizz.
Skye-N-Rain wrote:

Oopsy Poopsy. Double post, but I gotta say this song is pretty freaken awesome. *favorites* What anime was this song on?
Pexster wrote: Oopsy Poopsy. Double post, but I gotta say this song is pretty freaken awesome. *favorites* What anime was this song on?

Not sure, found the band from an amv earlier today.
Damnit. I'll find it! But I really like it. Usually... well pretty picky nowadays.
This isn't from any band or well known artist, but i think it's really heartwarming and cute. ^^

Waaaah I can't figure out how to post videos like everyone does. ;~;
Starae wrote: Waaaah I can't figure out how to post videos like everyone does. ;~;

To add a video to the Forum, Post the URL on the search engine to the comment board. However, You'll need to add this