Sleepy are you lost....? Do you need directions to the LSG thread :p
Uahaha, she is just showing me some fun things ^^ Great pics Rainy! My first time seeing them ^^
Hey Han long time no are you...???
RainFlower wrote: Sleepy are you lost....? Do you need directions to the LSG thread :p

haha Nope! I know where I am.

Hangebokhan wrote: Uahaha, she is just showing me some fun things ^^

Great pics Rainy! My first time seeing them ^^

Ooh So I found some "new" ones? lol I decided to post some in here because this thread is lacking in pictures. lol
That is because he is lacking in decent photos T_T Rain: Going well, sorry it has been so long, I have been working myself to the bone finishing my show. It is done now though so I am making a reappearance. Now I am working on getting a job over in Korea or Japan. Totally going to see KNG somehow if I end up in Korea XDDD
Hangebokhan wrote: That is because he is lacking in decent photos T_T

Rain: Going well, sorry it has been so long, I have been working myself to the bone finishing my show. It is done now though so I am making a reappearance. Now I am working on getting a job over in Korea or Japan. Totally going to see KNG somehow if I end up in Korea XDDD

*psssst* You need to find the right contacts in Korea so that you can sta- I mean meet him. :p
LibradaJ wrote: 40 more days....

And when he is out we´ll hold a second wedding for Libby and KiNG KoNG! :p
LibradaJ wrote: 40 more days....

I can't believe it's been 2 years! Any news on projects he might have lined up?
Jeaniessi wrote: I can't believe it's been 2 years!

I can't believe it either, seems like yesterday...
akai-kitsune wrote: And when he is out we´ll hold a second wedding for Libby and KiNG KoNG! :p

I love Kai! :)
LibradaJ wrote: I love Kai! :)

Then its: Call! *imitating some drama character*
Sleepninja wrote:

holy crap! that man just oozes hot.