kamz wrote: i think that's true too..he's not very photogenic

I don't care if KNG is photogenic or not. I don't think that it matters when he is such a good actor. ;) There are so many '' photogenic'', ''eye-candy'', '' sexy'', '' handsome'' idols that suck as actors.
He is such eyecandy, he just has to be in motion! He is a person who cannot be captured in a picture!
I wanted one of those books. Trying to get one, I would have to sell my first born. Hmmmm... where did that kid go? ;)
When is he being released? It's got to be soon right...April or May?
Jeaniessi wrote: When is he being released? It's got to be soon right...April or May?

Probably in May.
Boo hiss, still a while to go then, it feels like forever since Bad Guy. I wonder what kind of drama he'll do when he gets out. ^^

Kim Nam-gil's management said, "His release date hasn't even been set.'' But he will be released in mid-July.
Hangebokhan wrote: Just checking ^^ He is very much an in motion person, his still pictures do not do him justice...

KamZ wrote: i think that's true too..he's not very photogenic

I have to agree. I think that is why he is a 'strange attraction' actor for me. When I watched him as Bidam in QSD I was pretty captivated by his character because of his acting. He is really good. And Bidam is certainly not a black and white/good or bad character. I mean...leaning toward the 'not good' and yet...I still had sympathy for his character and there were moments when I found him very attractive. "In Motion" describes him to a T. I haven't watched Bad Guy because I'm spoiled for the end...but I don't rule out a watch in the future and that is mostly due to my strange attraction to KNG.
Yeona wrote: Update

Kim Nam-gil's management said, "His release date hasn't even been set.'' But he will be released in mid-July.

awww...totally looking forward to watching new dramas of LJK & KNG ^_^...and binnie will join soon after kyaaaaa~
Gahh, KNG, how we adore him XD
KamZ wrote: awww...totally looking forward to watching new dramas of LJK & KNG ^_^...and binnie will join soon after kyaaaaa~

Same here :D I haven't seen a KNG drama yet, but I have a few somewhere in the Monster........somewhere......=__= And of course I love LJK and Binnie so it's a no-brainier that I'll be watching their new dramas.
Sleepninja wrote: Same here :D I haven't seen a KNG drama yet, but I have a few somewhere in the Monster........somewhere......=__= And of course I love LJK and Binnie so it's a no-brainier that I'll be watching their new dramas.

The BEST introduction, bar none, to KNG is through Queen Seon Duk. He was an acting god in that show...
Hangebokhan wrote: The BEST introduction, bar none, to KNG is through Queen Seon Duk. He was an acting god in that show...

KK I'll try to watch that one soon. :)
Sleepninja wrote: KK I'll try to watch that one soon. :)

Heh, as much as I love him though, if you have seen QSD and Bad Guy or Portrait of a Beauty you will get the Jist of everything he has ever done. Jerk.

PoaB is good if you want some sexin'.