i have no idea what he just said..i could barely understand a few words in between...but it felt awesome to hear his voice :):):)
You are one dedicated fan..lol
LisNoir wrote: You are so mean...:( But I will survive :p

kamz wrote: nomatter how hard you try i know who your no.1 is hahahahaha :p

Haha u guys make me laugh Im glad im not that obssessed with any actor/singer lol
BTW as Won Bin is older than ur guys i presume hes done his service hahahaha
kamz its been 2 days & u hvnt visited this thread is this a sign of the apocolypse ??
hahahaha...i don't really have any news to post lol...

miahne binnie..you are always in my heart..always & forever hehehe :p
Random CF I came across :p Enjoy!

Crazy4You wrote: Random CF I came across :p Enjoy!

heheeh thanks C4Y...
I saw it (without the sound ofcourse) hahaha..Binnie looks smoking hot *siiigh*...but i must say that's one long CF for sure hahahaha..i couldn't understand what it was about but I got to see Binnie and that's more than enough hehehe..thanks again C4Y
kamz wrote: heheeh thanks C4Y...

kamz wrote: I saw it (without the sound ofcourse) hahaha..Binnie looks smoking hot *siiigh*...but i must say that's one long CF for sure hahahaha..i couldn't understand what it was about but I got to see Binnie and that's more than enough hehehe..thanks again C4Y

Haha your welcome (: It was about some laptop I guess haha.
I am very sad, Binnie...I see Jeanie posting about her beloved SJS, C4Y & Sleep-ee posting about their beloved LSG, Mik-ia posting about his KHJ..How about me? Why can't I find anything new on you?! Any pictures/ articles/ anything at all?!! Wae??? Wae??!!!!
(WAITTT Lis-ssi!! don't answer that..it's a rhetorical question :p..I know why I can't find them and I know you want to answer but NO, you are not allowed to lol)

I miss you Binnie and I wish I could see you more often..One more year to go..1 year 27 days to be precise :(...*sigh* fighting!!!

An Entrapment

My love, I have tried with all my being
to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
but nothing seems worthy;

I know now why Shakespeare could not
compare his love to a summer’s day.
It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
of such a creature as thee,
to simply cast away the precision
God had placed in forging you.

Each facet of your being
whether it physical or spiritual
is an ensnarement
from which there is no release.
But I do not wish release.
I wish to stay entrapped forever.
With you for all eternity.
Our hearts, always as one.

- Anthony Kolos -
this next year cannot go fast enough! Come Back!!!
awww khumawo oori Lis-ssi...

and yes Jeanie....binnie palli waaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(