I’m looking for this kdrama I started watching either late last year or early this year but never got to finish. I don’t remember the name but remember small scenes and details. It was a historical drama

The ML was a tall thin man with a beard. He was the son the king had with a mistress. The guy didn’t know his father was the king and was plotting to kill the king with other people.  (that’s all I can remember)

There was a gold hair piece involved.

There was a pregnant lady who was the mistress of the family she was a servant to. She eneded up getting strangled to death while she was in labor….  

The FL was higher class until something happened to her family and she became a servant as well. There was a scene where she refused to put on shoes that one of the maids tried on and the ML rolled out a long silk for her to walk on.

I really liked the show and was binge watching it at some point. I  don’t remember why I stopped watching it but I really want to finish it but can’t remember the name or any of the actors or actresses 

Tale of Nokdu

By any chance is it this. This is slightly older but some elements of your description made me think if this.

yes its Maids.  The long silk for her walk is on episode 2.

I’ve never used this website before so I don’t know how to reply to individual comments but it was the show MAIDS and I finally got to finish it. Thank you!


I’ve never used this website before so I don’t know how to reply to individual comments but it was the show MAIDS and I finally got to finish it. Thank you!

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