Uggggg!!!!!! I totally need a preview for next week!!!!!

I stopped at ep. 14 and i'm waiting for it to be fully released. I just can't deal with the wait! I also somehow feel that drama's gonna break my heart. </3! 
I feel the same! I think I have a broken heart every time an episode ends and I feel totally silly. I'm generally pretty good at not getting sucked in - particularly when a drama isn't done airing. But this time? I'm a total goner!

I complain, but that's why we watch dramas, right? 
What's worse is that they show us a preview when the next episode is the next day but never when we'll have to wait a whole week!!!
It's been a great drama.. I actually looked forward to watching it for a long time. I totally get waiting til the drama ends to watch it.  
Just finished..... except for the last 2 episodes ( they kind of lost steam) I loved it. Nothing too complicated... and I am "sucker" for Vampires! 

I don't see that at all in most of his dramas. I have seen pretty much all of them, too. This one had story flaws, yes, but that has to do with the writing. I did find him struggling here in many instances, mainly when he was doing a scene where he is overwhelmed being a vampire. It is the only time I have thought his acting had flaws. 

Are you even talking about Scholar Who Walks the Night, or are you talking about Joseon Gunman? I am confused by your comments about him playing with guns 90% of the time...O_o

I liked this drama.. the script was a bit weak, but the chemistry between the actors made up for it. 

I'm with you on this one. I feel like this show, while not awful, lacked a lot due to the writing. The actors were all on point.