wow I hate to say this but I haven't watched the drama since episode 12... I still want to watch, but I have been doing other stuff, and before I used to watch this drama no matter what!! I agree with graphicfighter and amrita.
amrita I have been trying to send you a message on your profile for the past three hours lol... I cant get in. Would you please try and see if you can get in my profile and if so, send me a message so that I can reply to that one? Thank you.
NinaJade82 wrote: amrita I have been trying to send you a message on your profile for the past three hours lol... I cant get in. Would you please try and see if you can get in my profile and if so, send me a message so that I can reply to that one? Thank you.

Sorry Nina, I've been trying repeatedly too, but it's so slow the page expires. :(
You haven't got a DramaCrazy account, per chance, have you?

*too curious to know what you want to send me. Shota-kun in a box?*
To be honest, i still like it the same :)
Why? Mostly bacouse of cute stupidity and childishness of all the characters, that is still up there. Its not that strong, as it was in the begining, but its still there. Plus i love the Mu Won / ex girlfriend (dont remmember her named) couple. They are pretty cute ^_^
I also like that this drama doesnt have so much cliches (im not saying, that it doesnt havy any, but its still not that bad).
amrita828 wrote: Wow, I'd like you to read my post on DC about this a couple of weeks ago. We almost said the exact same things.
It's funny because the drama has remained as entertaining as in the beginning, the characters are still as lovable and refreshing, but... but. I've been stuck on episode 12 for something like two weeks now and it took me 2 days to complete it.

Just like you, the news about the extension marked my drop in interest. I'm not thrilled at all by the whole corruption sub-plot - or even better: I couldn't care less. I hate money issues in dramas. And I'm beginning to lose interest in the love pairing too. I know this is about the affirmation of Eun Sol as a woman of true character and I say more power to her! But the excitement of the beginning is gone.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I started thinking I was weirder than I already am. :p

Ah ah, I did not read your post but I had the feeling I wasn't the only one, simply by judging the inactivity of this thread out there. Usually when a drama is that good, it makes you want to share your thoughts, guess what's next, flail over pairing...immediately. Turns out I'm an empty shell at the end of each episode since a few weeks and I don't even know why precisely. It's really regretful because I loved all the main characters and their crazy antics for once (Ice Cream girl, ah ah!).

In fact, I feel like reliving the "Lie To Me" syndrom all over again. Once the story set on a new direction, the characters interaction I liked so much in the beginning changed (come on, just when we started to have some Mu Wo/Ji Heon bromance...) and I feel like the chemistry is gone. At one point when I saw Eun Sol clinging to Ji Heon, I thought "Wait - since when are they officially dating??"... I must have fell asleep somewhere or my brain probably disconnected while I was watching the episode, lol. Aah I don't know, this drama used to be the highlight of my week before, why do I feel like that now? I'll wrap it up anyway but it's such a pity it has come to this.
amrita828 wrote: Sorry Nina, I've been trying repeatedly too, but it's so slow the page expires. :(
You haven't got a DramaCrazy account, per chance, have you?

*too curious to know what you want to send me. Shota-kun in a box?*

I have a dramacrazy account, can I get messages there too??? wow I didn't know that haha...
no Shota-kun in a box, but something else I wanted to talk to you about which is not secret, just too long, an idea. Now you are not so curious anymore... hehe

wondering what is my account name in DC bahaha.. I never use it. Okay ill be back with the info :)
NinaJade82 wrote: I have a dramacrazy account, can I get messages there too??? wow I didn't know that haha...
no Shota-kun in a box, but something else I wanted to talk to you about which is not secret, just too long, an idea. Now you are not so curious anymore... hehe

wondering what is my account name in DC bahaha.. I never use it. Okay ill be back with the info :)

I suppose if I told you that this makes me even more curious than Shota in a box, you won't believe me... :p
And yes, you can send messages on DC. :D
okay so you send me a friend request, if you did that then how come you couldn't send me a PM? Were you able to access my profile? Im just asking because this is very weird. nway... I can't remember my log in info in DC but I have can get it, however it requires patience and time since my net provider at work is very, very slow haha. Ill be back later. Ill let you know if I got on DC.
First of all, apologies people for basically chatting on the Boss thread, but right now I see no alternative.

@Nina: After many unsuccessful attempts, I did access your page and even sent a message on your wall. Because it took forever, the page expired. So I gave up and came here to reply.
When I went back to it, half an hour later or so, I found out that my message on your wall had been, indeed, posted. It should be there, as I read it myself on your wall.
Since it seemed as though everything worked, I befriended you and then sent you a second message - again on the wall. Result: the page expired again.

I didn't even try to PM you, because all the private messages I've sent lately got lost somewhere between Pluto and Vega. :p

Should you remember your account on DC, here's the link to my profile:

amrita828 wrote: First of all, apologies people for basically chatting on the Boss thread, but right now I see no alternative.

I didn't even try to PM you, because all the private messages I've sent lately got lost somewhere between Pluto and Vega. :p

Too funny... Pluto was my favorite planet when I was little (the name that is haha)

Yes I also apologize for starting all the craziness... all right, no more, here it ends. I think I might have sent you a PM wihtout problems, check your notifications even if it says 0 lol... some times that doesnt mean anything at all.
graphicfighter wrote: Am I the only one whose interest has dropped for the past few episodes? I don't know if it's because the fun seems to be almost gone (mostly because Ji Heon character has become more "mature" and Eun Sol clearly made her choice of boyfriend), or if the underlying plot is boring (the whole corruption thing) or if it has become too predictable (let's do a non-sense break up 3 episodes before the end to regain a bit of dynamism) but I'm not anticipating the episodes with excitement anymore. Geez, they're going to make this even draggier with the 2 episodes extension than it has already become. :/

I've lost interest in it the past few episodes as well, I've watched episodes 13 and 14 but ... I's now picking up actual drama, it started off really fun and "I just have to watch it - it's so funny!" but lately I haven't really felt like watching it, I'm hoping the last 2 episodes that they added bring back that fun and excitement, but I'm with you guys on it having a draggier kind of feel at the moment. Is it bad that I've kinda lost interest in the main couple? I find myself cheering more for Ice Cream and Moo Won now...I mean I still love both the main guys, but I think it's how the plot moved - now that they're a couple it just seems lacking.

NinaJade82 wrote: I have a dramacrazy account, can I get messages there too???

You have a DC account Nina? Do you go in the forums there?
haha... (another chatting scene about to open) no I dont go in the forums there since drama fans there are more agressive and I tend to not express myself the right way at times! Here I have sort of made way... phew! I hope lol
NinaJade82 wrote: haha... (another chatting scene about to open) no I dont go in the forums there since drama fans there are more agressive and I tend to not express myself the right way at times! Here I have sort of made way... phew! I hope lol

Ohh haha I see. I sometimes post in the forums but I mostly just use it to talk to people [people on here actually haha, since MDL doesn't work right with the profile pages]; on there you can post a VM in a matter of seconds hahaa
and a VM is the same as a PM here I suppose haha... every site has its own words and things. Frankly I was never a forum person, before deciding to register here I wondered around the website like about two times. Then the third time I wanted to comment on something and I said, "WTH?" and signed up. I dont do well with online communication, Im more of a face to face kind of person. Plus even then, a lot of people tell me Im way different than what they thought I would be the first time we meet. (the way they thought I would be its never a nice way lol)
VM = Visitor Message, haha. Kinda the same here when you go on a profile and leave a comment. PM works the same there, too (: This site is the first time I ever entered forums, too haha. It took me a month after joining to join the forums - because on the home page I saw a forum for "Hana Kimi Remake" and after that I started posting more, and well now I'm where I am after almost 4 months haha