
I so do not agree with this take ?. I mean 1 does not need to know that a person love them  to be able to fall in love with them.


This they keep misinterpreting her words lol. Her saying she had no choice just meant her past experiences and her trauma allowed her to have no choice but to have those specific requirements for the man she wishes to spend her life.

Well, I was just saying, but I guess I might misinterpreted it a little while I was writing it, about Yanzi saying XY had no choice,  but the other two mls did not offer or make themselves options. And XY had almost no ideas about how they love her in that way. Yanzi know about her character's requirements and she's refering to that. But what I am actually saying in that comment/reply is that it's not like all the three men were declaring love for her then, she chose from one of them. There actually only one who make the effort. And therefore it makes room for some audiences to make "what if".
But then I don't think XY ever had made a choice in falling in love. She's already showing her needing for YeShiQi, and wanting him to be by her side. even before she knew his feelings for her, that's why she's avoiding this side of her as to protect herself (if he left her one day) . It's all naturally coming to her. Is it because it's her trauma in the past that made her need his healing side? Or its just her merely attracted the man...fox...?? I don't know..but I do know YaoJing is love.

 Winny Aye:

I don't agree with that info...?

I just saw another one that's even worst than the one I shared earlier on. Not only are they rewriting their own plot of the drama, they're even changing the who the male lead of the drama is lmao 


I just saw another one that's even worst than the one I shared earlier on. Not only are they rewriting their own plot of the drama, they're even changing the who the male lead of the drama is lmao 


I can't even..?????

I can't really. .their love bad boy male lead trope is just over the top top topp notch  . ...Very very very enthrusiatic to make up every reason/facts ...

With their theory "ONLY BAD BOY MADE MALE LEAD!" is what keept me going ?????.. I really feel pity for some guy that will get with briany yaoliu fans. ..who will take any nice guy in real life only because its practical. ..really really. ... this "ONLY BAD BOY MADE PASSIONATE ROMANCE" even if there is not strong evidence ..their strength digging up any words and make it big...is something I really really. ..Ummm hehehehehhe



Y'all uhh go read this 

Has this person actually read the novel or watched the drama? XY being attracted to TSJ is the starting point and foundation of their whole relationship. The day TSJ decided he would never leave XY wasn't when she saved his life and healed him. It was when she found his body so attractive she blushed and couldn't look at him, returning TSJ's sense of humanity and manhood after TSH's de-humanizing torture.


Also Xing Yue knew how close ZX & XY were even before she got married to him. What she wanted was his love, but when she couldn’t& also when ZX mentioned XY’s name in bed, that’s when her rage was lashed out at XY. Plus FL was desperate to make Xing Yue get in ZX’s good graces, besides if he hadn’t taken the arrow for ZX, ZX wouldn’t have known Jing was the main reason why FL decided to side with him.

Yes true. He wouldn't have appreciated what Jing has done. They had their mistakes.



Y'all uhh go read this 

Lmao that’s ridiculous! Whatever helps them sleep at night. They keep trying to rewrite history , it’s time for them to snap out of their fantasy world & come back to reality. Such nonsense ???


Do we actually know of Jing’s age? I only remember XY saying he’s older than her,when he teased calling her sister lol.

I don't recall his specific age being mentioned in the novel. XL mentions that he and TSJ did business together for hundreds of years before either of them met XY. That suggests that TSJ was already out doing business on behalf of the clan at least 200 years before TSH tortured him. 

XY and CX were separated for 300 years. XY spent the first 70 years on Jade Mountain and then 30 years as the nine-tailed fox's captive. And in the drama she still had the appearance of a child when she escaped from the nine-tailed fox 200 years before meeting TSJ.

Assuming that TSJ began doing business on behalf of the clan at an age where he didn't look like a child, TSJ is probably at least a few decades older than XY, if not a few centuries. 

In chapter 23 (after XY's 37 years of healing, at least four years of learning archery, and more than six years of living with TSJ in QS town) XY speculated that XL was "just a young man" when he escaped from the slave match arena "five or six hundred years ago". And she noted that she hadn't even been born at that time. So she was definitely less than 500 years old (but also definitely much older than 350 years old) at that point. So when she met TSJ ~50 years earlier, she was probably somewhere between 400 and 450 years old. 



Y'all uhh go read this 

it’s a passionate love that shows itself in the form of physical affection (such as kissing, hugging, and holding hands)

We did see these happen to Jing and XY, didn't we?

Disney movies, full of pining and soulmates and “true love’s kiss.” 

I suddenly remember someone shared a photo on facebook about Jing sleeping for 37 years and with others in it, idk but it felt insulting though they may think it's just for fun. Anyway, that "true love's kiss" since they mentioned it, I kinda wanted to link it to when XY talked to, made some small kiss gestures, and fed Jing the medicine and then there's the lamp's light back on, that was so meaningful?


I just saw another one that's even worst than the one I shared earlier on. Not only are they rewriting their own plot of the drama, they're even changing the who the male lead of the drama is lmao 

Just to fit what they wanted to believe in or the ending they wanted it to be?

 AH :

Has this person actually read the novel or watched the drama? XY being attracted to TSJ is the starting point and foundation of their whole relationship. The day TSJ decided he would never leave XY wasn't when she saved his life and healed him. It was when she found his body so attractive she blushed and couldn't look at him, returning TSJ's sense of humanity and manhood after TSH's de-humanizing torture.

Well it's a pity some fans trying to make LYF into some tragic bad boy love story. ..It's much more than that. .I understand Yaoliu has more heartwrenching storyline,  so people feel it (XL popular ml trope helps too?)...and YaoJing love story feel...boy next door type romance at first glance ....All love types are actually deep here...so need to appreciate all... important in XY life as a personal growth....I hope new fans and more people who will be watching or reading novel come to appreciate XY relationships with all three and other relationship..despite which their fav is..


So when she met TSJ ~50 years earlier, she was probably somewhere between 400 and 450 years old.

Thanks. ((: That's old but they're immortals so I think age doesn't really matter? so the g emp, y emp and mountain jade mother are around thousand year olds, so ZX/CX, XY, and Ah Nian are the closest of age ranges then. The three other mls are older than them and so is Xing Yue, right.


In chapter 23 (after XY's 37 years of healing, at least four years of learning archery, and more than six years of living with TSJ in QS town) XY speculated that XL was "just a young man" when he escaped from the slave match arena "five or six hundred years ago". And noted that she hadn't even been born at that time. So when she met TSJ ~50 years earlier, she was probably somewhere between 400 and 450 years old. 

I wonder how many years those gods and goddesses live? ? ... But they still get old...so i think they dont live forever..



So when she met TSJ ~50 years earlier, she was probably somewhere between 400 and 450 years old.

Thanks. ((: That's old but they're immortals so I think age doesn't really matter? so the g emp, y emp and mountain jade mother are around thousand year olds, so ZX/CX, XY, and Ah Nian are the closest of age ranges then. The three other mls are older than them and so is Xing Yue, right.

They are immortals...so they never die??

 Winny Aye:

They are immortals...so they never die??

I think they also die but with some other reasons? but then there's also the reincarnation theme which is common for immortal themed dramas?