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Very romantic moment after watching the lovely mermaid dance:

Xiang Liu coldly stared at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao wasn’t scared in the least “If you dare raise a hand, then I dare to yell for help!

You just feel the air ...:D


With Jing back :

Jing nodded “If my mom were alive she could compliment her daughter-in-law on being a good merchant.”

                       (again a form of family branching)

Xiao Yao teased back “Who said I was going to be your wife?”

Jing jerked Xiao Yao into his arms and tightly embraced her “You’re not allowed to be anyone else’s wife!”

Xiao Yao was startled and then quietly stayed in his arms.

Jing stared at the ocean before softly saying “Xiao Yao, let’s leave here tomorrow.”


Back to fun: 

Best bros #DengWei sharing food with #ZhangWanYi 

:D We should have some more when S2 arrive!


Yeshiqi and a plant <3

as TSJ...

Sweetness overload!


                                                                               Some loving eye interaction


Really love the side by side pictures of them.❤️?

"Voodoo is seen as a harmful power but we actually mostly use it here to save lives. The Lover’s Bug keeps two people’s lives connected, which means when one is injured as long as the other is healthy then then injured person will survive. This is a very good thing. " 

So based on this, the primary purpose of the big is to save life. Right? 

 "Xiao Yao inwardly sighed in relief "

she is acting as if she ias relieved  to have dodge the bullet ???


"Voodoo is seen as a harmful power but we actually mostly use it here to save lives. The Lover’s Bug keeps two people’s lives connected, which means when one is injured as long as the other is healthy then then injured person will survive. This is a very good thing. " 

So based on this, the primary purpose of the big is to save life. Right? 

Reading this text alone, I would interpret the bug is a life-saving measure.  No need for the planter and plantee to love each other.  It is almost like organ transplant, you need medical compatibility, not mutual love, for the organ transplant to be successful and  does not end up being rejected by the receiving body.  this isn’t romantic by any means….  love bug is just a name.  You can call it life saving bug or staying alive bug or something suits your naming preference.

it’s near impossible to find a man willing to accept the other bug to be planted in him.”

Except for XY. Lucky girl she has 3 willing men at her dispo to use it on. 

Regarding the voodoo/ love bugs, after ready those extract  I understand this:

Since they are tempermental in their behaviour, girls  who cultivate them have found it difficult to find à willing person to implant  it inside. So  for millenia, it they have been implanted in lovers because only the willing person was the lover of the girl.  This by all mean does not say that they could not be implanted in a person who  is not your lover but  who you the girl care ( love) about and this care feeling is reciprocated ( love or us in love) . This is the case of XL / CX, XY/XL 

The voodoo people have never tried to place the bugs in let's say familly members or best friends of the girl.They only did it with lovers because they were the ones to easy accept it. 

The love bugs will work as long as their is love between the 2 parties.  They - the 2 parties  involved- do not need to be " in love " 

Again I could be wrong. 

 Winny Aye:

their symbols are love bugs, two xl pics in her mirror, crystals ...all those things still dont get them together ....her so called romantic feelings for xl are vague..

Thanks ?.  They are vague indeed. Looks more like friendship 1 side and In love on the other 

 Winny Aye:

joojoo...was it a love spell? well it sounds a cheat in story anyway ...if its spell..then its sort of a curse. well i was not fluttered by the curse then...

Joojoo = witchcraft , putting a spell on someone via a object , a link, a conduit. .etc so to speak. 


Very romantic moment after watching the lovely mermaid dance:

Xiang Liu coldly stared at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao wasn’t scared in the least “If you dare raise a hand, then I dare to yell for help!”

You just feel the air ...:D


With Jing back :

Jing nodded “If my mom were alive she could compliment her daughter-in-law on being a good merchant.”

                       (again a form of family branching)

Xiao Yao teased back “Who said I was going to be your wife?”

Jing jerked Xiao Yao into his arms and tightly embraced her “You’re not allowed to be anyone else’s wife!”

Xiao Yao was startled and then quietly stayed in his arms.

Jing stared at the ocean before softly saying “Xiao Yao, let’s leave here tomorrow.”


Ooh my. Big difference there. Extremely big difference. ??? good catch ???

 Winny Aye:
both Jing and Xiao Yao in the chapter...i m glad they both went together to her dad residence ...he got to meet dad in law through picture...which i think is still good.

And this is after he got to meet Ah Heng (and Qi Yo's spirit) in chapter 36 :)


Chapter 36:

Xiao Yao cried, “Mom, have you been alone here for the last four hundred years?”

“Not alone, your father has been with me.”

Xiao Yao looked back at the Grand Emperor and then realized it wasn’t that father but… Xiao Yao quickly asked, “Qi Yo is also still alive?”

Ah Heng knew Xiao Yao’s emotional knot over this issue, so didn’t get angry with Xiao Yao calling her dad by his name, but also didn’t answer her question. She asked, “Who is the young man behind you?”

Xiao Yao turned around and her heart fluttered in nervous sweetness as if she was on a secret date with her boyfriend and her parents caught them.

The Grand Emperor answered, “His name is Tu Shan Jing, the Qing Qiu Tu Shan clan’s current clan leader.”

Jing knelt to the ground to bow his head low. “Greetings to the Princess.”

Ah Heng raised her hand. “No need for such formality, you are the clan leader.”

The Grand Emperor explained, “He wants your most precious thing, of course he’ll be like this.”

Ah Heng looked at Jing bowing on the ground behind Xiao Yao with no intention of getting up and understood everything. She felt conflicted and couldn’t speak for some time.

Jing and Xiao Yao nervously remained kneeling until Xiao Yao couldn’t help but call out, “Mom?”

Ah Heng appeared to snap out of it and asked, “Is he good to you?”

Xiao Yao said, “Yes, very good.”

Ah Heng added, “No one treats you even better? Why does it have to be him?”

Xiao Yao said, “Because only him, no matter what happens, he will never leave me.”

Ah Heng appeared to chuckle before she called, “Jing!”

“I’m here.”

“Please take care of Xiao Yao.”

Was that her stamp of approval for him? Jing immediately bowed three times and joyfully replied, “I will definitely do that.”


Reading this text alone, I would interpret the bug is a life-saving measure.  No need for the planter and plantee to love each other.  It is almost like organ transplant, you need medical compatibility, not mutual love, for the organ transplant to be successful and  does not end up being rejected by the receiving body.  this isn’t romantic by any means….  love bug is just a name.  You can call it life saving bug or staying alive bug or something suits your naming preference.

Love of some kind is required, and the references to lovers and couples (I'm not sure if the original Mandarin word that was translated to "couple" has the same connotation) seems to suggest romantic love is required. Although the bug that was unsuccessfully planted in CX creates all kinds of trickiness for understanding the Lovers' Bugs, because a connection was established even though XY's bug was not "successfully" planted in him... and the Voodoo King doesn't give us information about how those details (a bug that is not "successfully" planted) would affect how the bugs work. 

There was definitely very strong love between CX and XY when they were children that they still carried in their hearts, and they had promised to marry each other, but I'm not sure it would be accurate to say that either of them had romantic love for the other at the time that XY tried to plant the bug in CX.

In any case, without love, the Voodoo King says that the bugs would turn into Heartbreak Bugs and kill the hosts. And Se Mai Er said the hosts must be different genders. 


Chapter 26: 

Se Mai Er explained, “Most voodoo bugs are parent-child bugs. The parent bug can control the child bug, and this kind of bug is easy to raise and easy to plant. But legend has it there is a rare, extremely difficult-to-raise-and-plant bug. That bug has a gender difference and is split into a male bug and a female bug. It is hard to raise and even harder to plant. If a woman raised the bug, she needs to find a man to plant it. If a man raised the bug, he needs to find a woman to plant it. Almost always this bug is raised but cannot be planted even in a lifetime. So this bug remains just a legend in Jiu Li.”

“What kind of bug is it?”

“I don’t know what kind of bug it is, but I do know its name. It’s called a Lover’s Bug and legend says, “Lover’s Bug, Heart to Heart.” It sounds a lot like what Princess described.”


Chapter 37:

“Lover’s Bug, like its name indicates, is a pair of male-female voodoo bugs. The couple who has the bug successfully planted will have their life and emotions connected."


"If the Lover’s Bug turns on each other then both people will die. Which is why the Lover’s Bug also has another name: the Heartbreak Bug.


"It really is a Lover’s Bug! But how is this possible? ‘Lovers who raise the bug produce the Lover’s Bug, Not Lovers who raise the bug produce the Heartbreak Bug.’"


Chapter 48:

Xiang Liu sat down next to the raft and stared at the sleeping Xiao Yao before softly saying, “The tree grows old on land together, the mandarin ducks die together in the water – the Lover’s Bug connects heart to heart and our lives, and there truly is no way to remove the bug. Years ago I was only able to remove the bug from Zhuan Xu because he didn’t know it was you so he didn’t willingly accept the bug. So you never successfully planted the bug on him in the first place. But I….I was heart and soul willing, so the bug successfully planted in me.