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Chapter 9

Part 6

I will share parts of the novel here and my thoughts in another reply because it is so long. 


It got dark and the maids lit the sconces in the hall. The three leaned on jade pillows and started drinking on the pallet. Shi Qi was silent and Xiao Liu would sneak peeks at him.

Zhuan Xu put down his wine and went to change, but then didn’t return for a long time, clearly to give Xiao Liu and Shi Qi time to talk privately.

Xiao Liu knew Shi Qi guessed her real identity, but seeing with his own eyes is still very different. She knew Shi Qi didn’t want her to be the Grand Emperor’s daughter, the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor. Just like she didn’t want him to be the son of the Tu Shan clan. But the only thing a person cannot choose is birth.

Xiao Liu said “Whatever you want to ask or say, go right ahead.”

Shi Qi said “Actually, I don’t care who you are. You are just you. Except things have become more and more complicated.”

Xiao Liu raised an eyebrow “What? You scared now?”

Shi Qi smiled “I’ve always been scared. To desire comes worry, to love comes fear. It would be strange not to be scared.”

The Shi Qi under the lamp was so warm, so calm, so peaceful, even Xiao Liu felt her heart warm. She laughed “I don’t understand.”

Shi Qi played with his wine and smiled “What shall I call you from now on? When do I see your real face?”

“My father is the Grand Emperor. My mother is the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, she is the Xuan Yuan Princess. My full name is Gao Xing Jiu Yao. Because my forehead has the birthmark of a peach blossom, my parents gave me the nickname Xiao Yao, from the poem about how the peach blossom is blooming. But for now, you can still call me Xiao Liu.”

Xiao Liu only answered his first question and for the longest time never answered the second.

Zhuan Xu came back and said “Xiao Yao, now there is only the three of us, I want to see your real face.”

Xiao Liu leaned back and looked at the sky, and then she spoke “These past things I’ll only say once. If later on Dad and Grandfather ask about it, then Gege you go tell them!”

Zhuan Xu sat down next to her “Fine!”

Xiao Liu’s voice started “During the final battle between the Xuan Yuan Yellow Emperor and Sheng Nong’s General Qi Yo, my mother died during battle. Before she went to battle, she left me with the Royal Mother in Jade Mountain. I wanted to go home, but year after year I waited and Dad never came to get me. I was very immature then, and the Royal Mother rarely spoke and never smiled, every day forcing me to practice my spiritual powers. I hated her, and one time when Dad had a servant bring a present for me, I hid in the undercarriage and escaped down the mountain. Initially I wanted to hide in the carriage all the way home to Five Gods Mountain, to scare Dad and ask why he didn’t bring me home. I wanted him to tell me that Mom wasn’t dead. On the way home, the two servants were gossiping about me. They said a lot of bad things about my mom and me. They called me a bastard spawn. They said I was so pathetic, wanting to go back to Five Gods Mountain, but my dad would never bring me back. It was his grace that he didn’t have me killed. That was when I learned that my mom actually divorced my dad! She wasn’t my dad’s wife anymore!”


“I don’t remember exactly how I felt – despair, disappointment, rage, disbelief – I hated my mom, hated my dad…..my entire head was spinning. When the servants stopped to rest, I snuck away and didn’t know where to go but knew I couldn’t go back to Five Gods Mountain. But that was the only home I knew, I didn’t know where else to go. I followed the way to Yi Zhou because I heard that was where my mom died. I didn’t know what to do and just walked on. Probably because I was so cute, people were nice to me and fed me. One time an uncle let me ride in his carriage and said he was headed the same way. I sat down and he took me to his residence. He was nice to me, told me stories and made me laugh. I felt like Dad didn’t want me anymore so I thought he could be my dad. But one day he tried to take my clothes off, and even though I didn’t understand what was happening, I remembered the Royal Mother saying that a girl cannot take her clothes off randomly. I wasn’t willing so he hit me and I accidentally killed him. I was……” Xiao Liu gestured to the height of an eight year old human girl “Just this tall. I couldn’t believe a person could have so much blood, my clothes were soaked in his blood.”

Zhuan Xu knew now why Master couldn’t find Xiao Yao, she had been hidden away by a human in his residence.

Xiao Liu was cold but didn’t want to move and only curled up to keep telling her past. Shi Qi got up and opened a blanket, lightly covering her with it. He wanted to sit back down but Xiao Liu grabbed his sleeve and Shi Qi sat down next to her.

“Dad and Grandfather made a proclamation to the world looking for me. Many people started looking for me. Some wanted to bring me in for the reward, others wanted to kill me. I saw a little girl my age get killed. Some demons wanted to eat me because rumor was that I was bathed in the holy Yang Valley water when I was born, and live in Jade Mountain for 70 years. The Royal Mother was very harsh with my training but generous with her bounty and I ate whatever treasures were there willy nilly. So rumor was that eating me would increase their power multiple folds. I was afraid and started running and hiding. One time I hid with beggars but the people chasing me had us cornered. I was so scared and dreamed that if I could change my looks, if I was covered with the pox, my eyes crooked, my nose flat, my forehead without the birthmark, then they wouldn’t recognize me. They checked all the kids and when they got to me, I thought I was a goner but they looked at my face and let me go. I didn’t know why until I got to the river and discovered that I changed my face. I transformed into exactly the face I was thinking of. And after trying it time and again, I learned that I not only could change my face, I could change my gender as well. After learning I had this ability, I was rarely in danger.”

Zhuan Xu had so many questions but he didn’t ask and only listened.

Xiao Liu looked at the sky and calmly continued.

“In the beginning I was so excited and changed my face every few days. After a year the people chasing me gradually decreased and I felt safe. I changed my face all the time and traveled the vast wilderness. One day I looked in the mirror and discovered that I forgot what my real face looked like. I desperately tried to remember and reassemble it but nothing looked it. Initially I tried not to be nervous, I knew magic transformation could never destroy the true face. I tried to learn the magic to transform back and discovered that there was no transformation ability quite like mine. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find my real face anymore.”

Xiao Liu closed her eyes “Those days were like an nightmare, my face changing all the time. I walked on the street and a girl walked towards me and if her eyes were pretty and I thought about it, my eyes would become hers. I was so nervous every day, and at night I would worry about it and my face would change even in my dreams so I woke up with a new face. I was constantly changing and every face was a false one. I was too scared to look in the mirror or see anyone. One day I was eating at a restaurant when I heard a girl call grandmother and remembered my grandmothe
r and my face changed and everyone saw it and screamed. I rushed out the restaurant and ran and ran until I ran into the mountains. I hid there seeing no one. I had no mirror and when I washed my face in the river I closed my eyes. If I didn’t look at myself, it didn’t matter what my face turned into because I was still me.”

Shi Qi and Zhuan Xu were both very distressed. They knew Xiao Yao had experienced very bad things, but they never would have imagined that she would lose her face. Everyone envied the Gods for having spiritual powers and could change their forms, but to lose oneself is the biggest nightmare of all.

“I lived like a beast and thanks to the Royal Mother’s harsh training I had pretty decent powers and the normal beasts were no match for me. It was free in the mountains but there was no one to talk to and I was very lonely. But I didn’t dare leave so I started talking to myself. Later I talked to a snake demon in training but it didn’t want to talk to me. I stole its egg so it would chase me every day to kill me. I would run and talk to it. It understood what I was saying but hadn’t developed the ability to talk yet so I would talk for it and converse with myself. My talkative habit was formed there. Day after day, year after year, I didn’t know how much time passed, and it was only later I learned 20 years had passed.”

Zhuan Xu held her hand tightly, as if wanting to give that frightened lonely girl some companionship. He asked with a raspy voice “How did you maintain your face?”

“One day I met a man and he candidly admitted he was a demon and was gravely injured and was seeking medicines. He talked to me so I talked to you. Initially I was very wary so I sat far from him and ran away after a few words. After a long time and I kept testing him, he never expressed any ulterior motive towards me. So I talked more to him and he wasn’t afraid of my changing face. He changed his face and I changed my face and we had a competition and had a great laugh about it. In front of him I didn’t feel like a monster, I didn’t feel scared so I gradually trusted him. One night he caught me and wanted to take me away. The snake demon got mad and wanted to stop him but he killed it. He took me to a far off Southern place where the mountains was tall and perilous. He hid me in a remote cave where he built a nest and a cage to raise me in. He said he was the Nine-tailed fox, a hundred years ago my mother’s………friend cut one of his tails off. He was greatly injured and his powers were severely diminished. Because of my special body, he wanted to raise me for tens of years to become the best medicine.”
Zhuan Xu’s face changed and he pulled out his satchel with the furry white fox tail “Is this his?”

Xiao Liu nodded her head and Zhuan Xu wanted to destroy the white fox tail but Xiao Liu snatched it away and wrapped it around her wrist and continued talking.

“That bastard fox demon hated my mom, and not just because my mom’s………friend injured him. It was also because my mom killed my ninth uncle and he was best friends with my ninth uncle. Whenever he thought of my ninth uncle, he would curse my mom with the most vicious loathsome insults. But mom was dead so he could only torture me. I was raised by him for 30 years, tortured by him for 30 years. One night he said that in two more full moon nights then he could eat me. He sang a sad song and got drunk and didn’t shut the cage completely. I had been devising how to run away for 30 years so I opened the cage and came out and secretly poisoned his drink then snuck back in the cage. He didn’t sense anything odd and the second day I tried to get him drunk by purposely mentioning my ninth uncle. He beat me up and started drinking again and ingested the poison that I developed from all the weird things he had been feeding me. He collapsed on the floor and returned to his true fox form. I climbed out the cage and he opened his eyes and looked at me. I picked up a knife and cut off each of his tails. After I cut off a tail, I would show it to him. His entire fox mouth was covered in blood but in his eyes was the sense of release. He closed his eyes and I lit a fire and burned the entire cave down.”

Xiao Liu picked up the fox tail “He locked me in a cage for 30 years, cursing and torturing me, stripping all my powers developed on Jade Mountain and turned me into a useless person. But he taught me many things. In the mountain it was just the two of us. When he wasn’t having a crazy fit, he explained the various transformation powers to me and gave me a priceless treasure. It was the mirror made from the soul of a mystic gorilla beast that could record the past. He told me to use the mirror to record my face so that if it changed the next day I could use the mirror to change back. Gradually I learned to hold my face and when he took me out occasionally he would teach me how to differentiate between the plants and told me all the various demons and beasts he had killed. He told me all the weaknesses of the various types. In the end when I killed him, when I cut off each of his remaining 8 tails, then he and I ended our vengeance at that time. I’ve long stopped hating him so just keep this tail!”

Xiao Liu handed the tail to Zhuan Xu “The Nine-tailed fox is as rare a beast as the phoenix. I can transform myself so this tail has no use for me. You keep it, in the future you can use it to help you transform and break through mystic enchantments.”

Zhuan Xu tossed it on the ground in disgust “I don’t want it.”

Xiao Liu knew Zhuan Xu was furious right now so pointed to Shi Qi to pick it up. She said to him “That night in the inn when you asked me to show you my true form, I declined not because I was planning to abandon you and disappear forever. It’s because I couldn’t show you my true form. That fox dummy mocked me correctly, if I don’t know what I really look like, how can she transform into me.”

Zhuan Xu was so angry that the anger even rubbed off on Shi Qi who carried the Nine-tailed fox lineage “They say the Nine-tailed fox is adept at transformation, what problem does Xiao Yao have that she can’t return to her true form?”

Shi Qi thought and realized that Xiao Yao’s childhood face was probably already a false one. If she had a false face from the moment she was born, that meant the Grand Emperor and the Xuan Yuan Princess must have used an incredibly powerful magic or the assistance of a magical object to transform the face of an newborn infant who had no powers yet. And do so in a way not to be seen through by others. But why? This inexplicable action must be hiding a huge secret, but one done so they could protect Xiao Yao. Shi Qi slowly said “I don’t know either. You should go ask the Grand Emperor, perhaps he will know why.”

Zhuan Xu was very perplexed and turned to Xiao Liu “I can’t see your true form so I feel like you’re hiding in a shell. I’m scared that if I open the shell, you’ll run away again.”

Xiao Liu teased him “What do you want me to look like? I’ll transform into her for you. You can have whatever little sister you want.”

Zhuan Xu was exasperated and raised his fist “Are you itching for a fight?”

Xiao Liu laughed “I can’t beat you in a fight anymore” then turned to Shi Qi “When we were kids, he could never beat me in a fight.”

Zhuan Xu remembered how all Xiao Yao’s powers were forcibly stripped from her, and the pain she must have endured, and how she would never be able to develop her powers ever again. All his tamped down rage bubbled forth and he couldn’t pretend to be unaffected anymore. He stood up abruptly and rushed towards his room “I’m going to rest.”

Xiao Liu looked at his departing back and murmured “It’s all in the past now.”

Xiao Liu stood up and said to Shi Qi “I’m off to rest as well.”

Shi Qi said to Xiao Liu “Don’t worry, you’ll find your true form.”

Xiao Liu laughed. They all wanted to see what she looked like but the person who most wanted to know what she looked like in this world was herself.

End of chapter 9.

Chapter 9 

Part 6 

My Thought
Running Away from Jade Mountain

We learnt the reason why Xiao Yao ran away from Jade Mountain and did not dare to go back to Five Gods Mountains. It must be really hard for her to accept the fact that her mother involvement with another man. Her parents divorced. She probably did not want to face her father, Grand Emperor. The servants talked badly of her. So that she decided to go find her mother first. She probably could not accept the fact that her mother die in war.

Abused as A Child (Nearly Raped)

She was still a child. Some people found her cute. Some may pity her but some may want to take advantage from her. Such as the man who tried to raped her. I really feel terrible for a kid around 8 years (human age) to have commit such a deed as killing somebody even it meant to defense. It is horrible. 

Face Lost and Wandering

It was after that then she probably got more scared of others. She became lost and despaired. Because she has this peach blossom birth mark inside, her face keep changing. She had no control over it. Because she was still young and not knowing how to use this ability. As a metaphor, I take it as her being lost to who she was because she was not sure who she was at all. So all those hundreds of years, she just wandered around. 

Caged By Nine Tailed Fox And  Revenge

The nine tailed fox took revenge on Xiao Yao just because she was the daughter of the a woman who was friend of the one that cut one of his tailed. 30 years in capture, making her eat disgusting things, stripping all her power. It ended with her poisoning him, cutting all his tails off and burning down the whole cave. 

Again very horrible experience. But I am glad how Xiao Yao had strong spirit and soul. I mean she did not give herself completely into horrible way. In fact when she started to entering medical profression it's because of the wrong intention of learning to kill, but she ended up creating more lives by treating infertility in ladies. 

I do love that Jing was there making her warm from cold by putting on blanket onto her. I mean he noticed her being cold. And how she made him to be near her. It is sweet. Jing already could tell Xiao Yao appearance was fake from the start but he's not going to mentioned it because its not the time and he guessed it must be for protecting Xiao Yao. Both Zhuan Xu and Jing  felt so bad for Xiao Yao. But I love how Jing was quick in taking care of her. Zhuan Xu was also affected. He held her too. At the same time he showed disgusted towards those who hurt someone he care. His anger fell upon the furry fox tail. But Xiao Yao was already over with all of her vengeance feelings. 

Chapter 9

I will this time only focus on my fav moment in this moment and discuss it 

!Yahoo Peng to read...!!! + more from Winny, thanks Ladies <3! Will take time to go through your post after work <3!

Jing wanted to deny it because Grand Emperor is Xiao Liu's father. We all know he wants her. But he could not run away from his truth. And Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao did not want her dad to make him uncomfortable.

I did not read this as Jing trying to lie but the grand emperor wanting more clarification .

"The Grand Emperor said very leisurely “I remember you are engaged to the youngest daughter of the Fang Feng family. Or am I mistaken?” 

Jing started to sweat and he answered very stiffly “No.” 

[F or me Jing answer = "No  you are not mistaken "

  it is not "No  i am not engaged"]

Then the emperor  ask for a  confirmation   to be clear   about what Jing's answer was refering to. 

“No, you aren’t engaged? Or no, I am not mistaken?” 

“Yes, Your majesty is not mistaken.” 

Jing answered that he was refering to GE not mistaken that he is engage.

 For me he was sweating because   he did not expect the GE to brush the topic of his engagement  just like that.  He is not only the GE but the father of XY the  girl   he loves.     Here the GE is indirectly telling him that he knows  there is something more going on between Jing and XY and it is not proper since Jing is engaged. He should treat his daughter properly. Jing is engaged so why is he here with his daughter?  The GE emperor is also kind of taking personal  notes that Jing is indeed engaged.

It would be out of character and very disrespectful  for Jing to lie. 

That how I understood this part.  We all have our own understansing of course .

Good analysis of this chapter. 

Good analysis of this chapter. 

Yeap! <3 Will cover it soon too :)


No ...peng..Im not saying "he lie" ...theres no such words of that in my post. The way I said "He wanted to deny",  it's because I wanted to pointed out that he wanted to look perfectly in front of XY's dad or why would he be nervous.. He had  his unwanted tie. "want to deny" is not equal to " lie". I was just not clear about it . I edit a bit ...i hope it's more clear now. 


after edit..

"Good analysis of this chapter"

Thank you..

Chapter 9 Wrapped Up

Part 1

Grand Emperor Pampering Xiao Liu

We first encountered Grand Emperor here in the novel. In previous chapter the way his palace looks modest is already described. In  here, Grand Emperor neither looking young or old, looking around as 30 age of a human, but the clear fact is that there is sadness in him. 
Wen Xiao Liu was surely seemly wanting to annoy him with all those noisy and messy manners. But Grand Emperor was not bothered one bit by that. He even asked her about her favorite dish and flavor and seems to know her well , by revealing about how she likes snacks before bedtime. One could take that it is because she reminds him of someone special. But of course we do know things will be revealing for the rest of the of the chapter. 

Zhuan Xu finally guessed who Wen Xiao Liu is..

In this part, we see or guessed that Grand Emperor already knew who Wen Xiao Liu was when Zhuan Xu/Cang Xuan was only beginning to realize it. It was clear that Grand Emperor did not want to force Wen Xiao Liu into admiting. It's all up to her, whether she was willing to reunite with him or not. But he's making her feel comfortable.
Grand Emperor also hinted that sometimes not only ill intent that causes harm but also love. Therefore, nothing should be forced. 


Part 2

Zhuan Xu Recalling The Past

Zhuan Xu finally knew Wen Xiao Liu was his long lost beloved sister, Xiao Yao. He realized that his scheming ability and ruthlessness that made him miss to see the sincerity Wen Xiao Liu showed him when he was Xuan, and saved him two times. He even thought of hurting her to get Tushan Jing to bring the ice crystal to get healed.
Zhuan Xu chose to believe Wen Xiao Liu was the child of on of 5 princes, the sibling and traitors to Grand Emperor. Therefore he treated her roughly in bringing her to Five Gods Mountains. He even broke her legs when he capture her. 
So in this chapter, in this scene, finally he cured her with his power but still dare not ask her anything. 
It is implied that Wen Xiao Liu smiled to his ruthlessness as she understood he had to be like this for survival. 

Shi Qi's Protectiveness

Up to this scene, chapter 9 does not seem to  give Shi Qi importance. However, we can all notice clearly that he's been taking care of Wen Xiao Liu throughout. Feeding her fruits( to make her happy) and swiftly attack Zhuan Xu when he thought Zhuan Xu was going to hurt Xiao Liu although he was weak in power. Anf she did lean in his arms especially when she cried and thought about her past. 


Part 3

Mount of Money Vs The Moon Light

Grand Emperor was still pampering Wen Xiao Liu and she was still randomly answering his questions of what she wanted. Without thinking much she answered what normally a person would want. Money of course. The way she roll on the money mountain was a fun scene. But yet the mountain made her unable to see the beauty of the moonlight she loved. She realized Grand Emperor was serious with her, so she no longer dare to bullshit with him. 

In this particular scene, we could see Grand Emperor was still trying best to make Wen Xiao Liu feel comfortable. It also explained Wen Xiao Liu's love for the beauty of nature/moon more than a lot of money. In other words she is not materialistic but love  the beauty of the world that include moonlight. 

"It's best not to marry the woman who do not sweat"
(Different usage of translation from thai ver, but I will still be using Koala ver, because its still the same)

We could see Wen Xiao Liu was feeling more and more comfortable at Grand Emperor's palace. In this certain passage on what she said to Jing/Shi Qi was that avoid marrying woman who are all beautiful  but not like to enjoy outside life but all kept themselves inside to be beautiful and not to get tired with sweat, such woman could be petty. Therefore marry someone like her who enjoy life? I could be wrong. So how do you interpret this passage?

In my personal opinion, Xiao Liu is accepting herself as a woman more and more. Moreover, I have a feeling as if she was indirectly flirting with Jing.


Part 4

Xiao Liu's memories and past are coming back. 

In chapter 9, it is too obvious that Xiao Liu memories of her being princess and her mother. Especially in I felt she completely felt she was a woman. First she encountered her bird (wing ride purpose) whom she had to be parted with since it's still in its egg. But the bird still recognized her.
Then she remembered how she once played with her mother in this garden.
And then after the torture and meeting Consort Jing An, who exactly look like her mother but not her mother. We can see how much this affected her and how much she missed and longed for her mother. Because she totally lost to act as Wen Xiao Liu. At the moment she was the princess Xiao Yao, her original and former self.
And Zhuan Xu came to embrace her. This is how he reunited with Xiao Yao. We can definetly see their bond was indeed very strong. According to the context, when they were young they supported each other when left alone together by parents and elders. As Xiao Yao (Xiao Liu) hugged him back meaning she's accepting to be his sister again and to back in his life to continue support him him.


Part 5

Xiao Yao Reunion with Grand Emperor and Tushan Jing
 Xiao Yao was reunited with her dad after her long anxiety. It seems like she was afraid he would not accepted her because he did not came to pick her up at Jade Mountain back then. But both are very happy; father and daughter. 
Xiao Yao was guilty that she did not tell her true identity to her Shi Qi before when Shi Qi told her everything about his background. To my personal opinion, she did not tell him because she herself was not sure how things will turn out to be. Besides, I have a feeling she has sort of feeling haunted by her past loss and things that had happened, and still wanted to run away from it. But now everything was well settled.

And then in the next scene when Shi Qi or Jing showed up in front of Grand Emperor. Grand Emperor knew who he is and straight talk of his fiance, Fang Feng Yi Yang. It must be very difficult feeling Jing.
Jing wanted to deny it because Grand Emperor is Xiao Liu's father. We all know he wants her. But he could not run away from his truth. And Xiao Liu/Xiao Yao did not want her dad to make him uncomfortable.


Part 6
Running Away from Jade Mountain
We learnt the reason why Xiao Yao ran away from Jade Mountain and did not dare to go back to Five Gods Mountains. It must be really hard for her to accept the fact that her mother involvement with another man. Her parents divorced. She probably did not want to face her father, Grand Emperor. The servants talked badly of her. So that she decided to go find her mother first. She probably could not accept the fact that her mother die in war.

Abused as A Child (Nearly Raped)
She was still a child. Some people found her cute. Some may pity her but some may want to take advantage from her. Such as the man who tried to raped her. I really feel terrible for a kid around 8 years (human age) to have commit such a deed as killing somebody even it meant to defense. It is horrible. 

Face Lost and Wandering
It was after that then she probably got more scared of others. She became lost and despaired. Because she has this peach blossom birth mark inside, her face keep changing. She had no control over it. Because she was still young and not knowing how to use this ability. As a metaphor, I take it as her being lost to who she was because she was not sure who she was at all. So all those hundreds of years, she just wandered around. 

Caged By Nine Tailed Fox And  Revenge 
The nine tailed fox took revenge on Xiao Yao just because she was the daughter of the a woman who was friend of the one that cut one of his tailed. 30 years in capture, making her eat disgusting things, stripping all her power. It ended with her poisoning him, cutting all his tails off and burning down the whole cave. 

Again very horrible experience. But I am glad how Xiao Yao had strong spirit and soul. I mean she did not give herself completely into horrible way. In fact when she started to entering medical profression it's because of the wrong intention of learning to kill, but she ended up creating more lives by treating infertility in ladies. 

I do love that Jing was there making her warm from cold by putting on blanket onto her. I mean he noticed her being cold. And how she made him to be near her. It is sweet. Jing already could tell Xiao Yao appearance was fake from the start but he's not going to mentioned it because its not the time and he guessed it must be for protecting Xiao Yao. Both Zhuan Xu and Jing  felt so bad for Xiao Yao. But I love how Jing was quick in taking care of her. Zhuan Xu was also affected. He held her too. At the same time he showed disgusted towards those who hurt someone he care. His anger fell upon the furry fox tail. But Xiao Yao was already over with all of her vengeance feelings. 


Wrap Up
Overall chapter 9 focus on Xiao Liu going back to the place which she called home. Her identity is revealed as well as her torturing past. The reason why she had been  wandering for so long. It's really is intriging how her wandering, loss of identity flow together well with her lost of true appearance.
But what really make me delighted is that at the stage of Wen Xiao Liu changing life, from a mere Qing Shui town doctor Wen Xiao Liu, into a Princess of Gao Xing, Jing was there besides her. He also get to witness her reuniting with her brother and father, the other two important men in her life. He was there for her to cried upon and rest in his arms. 

Chapter 9 is now done. Chapter 10 is coming ...

 Winny Aye:
End of chapter 9.

                          Literary Analysis of Chapters 9 (Part 4-7): Xiao Liu's Revelation and Reunion

In this parts  of  the chapter, the narrative unfolds a pivotal moment in the story, marked by Xiao Liu's revelation of her true identity, her reunion with the Grand Emperor, and the subsequent interactions with Zhuan Xu and Shi Qi. These chapters delve into themes of identity, acceptance, and the complexities of relationships, providing a rich literary tapestry that enhances character development and propels the plot forward.

**1. Theme of Identity:

  • The theme of identity is central to these chapters. Xiao Liu's revelation about her true identity as the daughter of the Grand Emperor and the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor adds layers to her character. Her journey of self-discovery, marked by trials and transformations, underscores the fragility of identity and the impact of external circumstances on one's sense of self.

**2. Emotional Resonance:

  • The emotional resonance of these chapters is palpable. Xiao Liu's reunion with her father, the Grand Emperor, after centuries of separation evokes a potent mix of emotions – from joy and relief to guilt and vulnerability. The emotional complexity deepens the reader's connection with the characters, making their experiences more relatable and compelling.

**3. Family Dynamics:

  • Family dynamics take center stage as Xiao Liu confronts her father about the reasons for not picking her up earlier. The Grand Emperor's explanation adds nuances to the familial relationships, revealing the complexities of ruling a kingdom amidst internal strife. This exploration of family dynamics contributes to the story's realism and depth.

**4. Acceptance and Love:

  • Shi Qi's acceptance of Xiao Liu despite the complications of her identity showcases a profound theme of unconditional love. His willingness to see beyond societal expectations and embrace her for who she is underscores the redemptive power of love. This theme resonates with readers as it explores the transformative nature of their genuine connections.
  • Xiao Liu's actions throughout the narrative, including facing the Grand Emperor's anger and sharing her painful past, demonstrate a form of sacrificial love. She is willing to endure hardships and potential consequences for the sake of Shi Qi's well-being and understanding.

**5. Symbolism and Transformation:

  • Xiao Liu's ability to transform becomes a symbolic motif throughout these chapters. Beyond its literal interpretation, transformation becomes a metaphor for personal growth, resilience, and the fluidity of identity. 

**6. Foreshadowing and Intrigue:

  • These chapters skillfully employ foreshadowing to hint at future challenges and conflicts. Shi Qi's acknowledgment that things have become more complicated sets the stage for potential obstacles in the characters' relationships. The narrative leaves readers intrigued, eager to unravel the mysteries and confrontations that lie ahead.

**7. Contrast in Reactions:

  • The contrast in Zhuan Xu and Shi Qi's reactions to Xiao Liu's revelation adds depth to the narrative. Zhuan Xu's initial anger and frustration, juxtaposed with Shi Qi's understanding and acceptance, highlight the diverse emotional responses to Xiao Liu's past. This contrast introduces tension and sets the groundwork for character development.

**8. Narrative Structure:

  • The narrative structure, weaving together past and present, contributes to the overall engagement of the reader. Flashbacks provide essential context to Xiao Liu's journey, allowing readers to empathize with her struggles and appreciate the significance of her reunion with the Grand Emperor.

In conclusion, chapters 9 (Part 4-7) of the narrative represent a poignant exploration of identity, acceptance, and familial bonds.


Analysis of Shi Qi's Understanding and Acceptance of Xiao Liu's True Identity:

Shi Qi's understanding and acceptance of Xiao Liu's true identity play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of their relationship. This development is significant for several reasons, and analyzing it provides insights into the characters and the overarching themes of the narrative.

1. Unconditional Acceptance:

  • Shi Qi's acceptance of Xiao Liu despite her being the daughter of the Grand Emperor and the granddaughter of the Yellow Emperor speaks to the depth of his feelings for her. His willingness to embrace her, regardless of the complications and potential political implications, highlights a genuine connection that transcends societal expectations.

2. Complexity of Relationships:

  • The revelation of Shi Qi's engagement to Fang Feng Yi Yang adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. Despite this pre-existing engagement, Shi Qi's acceptance of Xiao Liu suggests that his feelings for her go beyond societal norms and predetermined alliances. It hints at the complexity of emotions and personal connections that often exist beneath the surface of political arrangements.

3. Foreshadowing Future Challenges:

  • Shi Qi acknowledging that things have become more complicated foreshadows potential challenges and conflicts in their relationship. This acknowledgment adds a layer of realism to their connection, recognizing that external factors and societal expectations can influence the course of their relationship.

4. Emotional Resilience of Xiao Liu:

  • Xiao Liu's past, marked by loneliness, fear, and a loss of identity, makes Shi Qi's acceptance even more poignant. It becomes a source of emotional support for Xiao Liu, offering her a sense of belonging and understanding that she has long sought. This dynamic reinforces the theme of resilience in the face of adversity.

5. Shi Qi's Emotional Intelligence:

  • Shi Qi's ability to navigate the complexities of Xiao Liu's identity reveals his emotional intelligence. He understands her fears, guilt, and the internal conflict she faces. This emotional awareness not only strengthens their connection but also positions Shi Qi as a character with depth and sensitivity.

6. Symbolism of Transformation:

  • Xiao Liu's transformative abilities become symbolic of personal growth and acceptance. Shi Qi's ability to see beyond her external identity and connect with the person beneath the transformations reflects a deeper understanding of love that goes beyond physical appearances.

7. Contrast with Zhuan Xu's Reaction:

  • Shi Qi's acceptance stands in contrast to Zhuan Xu's initial anger and frustration. While Zhuan Xu struggles with his emotions and the pain Xiao Liu endured, Shi Qi takes a more accepting and understanding stance. This contrast emphasizes the diversity of reactions to Xiao Liu's revelations and sets the stage for further exploration of these relationships.

8. Building Trust:

  • Shi Qi's acceptance contributes to the gradual building of trust between him and Xiao Liu. Trust is a foundational element in any relationship, and Shi Qi's ability to accept Xiao Liu for who she is fosters an environment where she can be more open and vulnerable.

In conclusion, Shi Qi's understanding and acceptance of Xiao Liu's true identity serve as a pivotal moment in their relationship. It adds depth to the characters, explores themes of love and acceptance, and foreshadows potential challenges for them both.


                                                 Analysis of Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi in chapter 9

1. Sacrifices and Risks:

  • Xiao Liu takes significant risks and makes sacrifices for Shi Qi. Despite her fears and uncertainties about revealing her true identity, she decides to share her past with him. Opening up about her painful experiences, including her time with the Nine-tailed fox, is a vulnerable act that demonstrates her trust and willingness to be honest with Shi Qi.

2. Emotional Connection:

  • The emotional connection between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi goes beyond the physical. Xiao Liu's willingness to share her deepest, most painful memories suggests a desire for emotional intimacy with Shi Qi. This kind of vulnerability is often associated with a deep emotional bond.

3. Protective Instinct:

  • Xiao Liu's protective instincts, such as shielding Shi Qi from the Grand Emperor's anger and ensuring his comfort, indicate a strong emotional attachment. Her actions go beyond mere friendship, suggesting a level of care and concern that is often associated with romantic love.

4. Shi Qi's Acceptance:

  • Shi Qi's acceptance of Xiao Liu, despite her complicated history and shape-shifting abilities, is a key element. Xiao Liu's fear of rejection and abandonment is alleviated by Shi Qi's understanding and unconditional support. This acceptance can contribute to the deepening of romantic feelings.

5. Intimacy and Closeness:

  • The intimate moments between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, such as him covering her with a blanket and their close interaction during her revelation, imply a level of closeness that transcends mere friendship. These gestures can be interpreted as manifestations of affection and love.

6. Sacrificial Love:

  • Xiao Liu's actions throughout the narrative, including facing the Grand Emperor's anger and sharing her painful past, demonstrate a form of sacrificial love. She is willing to endure hardships and potential consequences for the sake of Shi Qi's well-being and understanding.


  1. "Actually, I don’t care who you are. You are just you. Except things have become more and more complicated." - Shi Qi

    • This quote encapsulates Shi Qi's unconditional acceptance of Xiao Liu. Regardless of her complicated background and identity, he sees her for who she truly is, emphasizing the importance of personal essence over external factors.
  2. "I don’t know either. You should go ask the Grand Emperor, perhaps he will know why." - Shi Qi

    • Shi Qi's acknowledgment that he doesn't fully understand Xiao Liu's situation but suggests seeking answers from the Grand Emperor underscores his trust in Xiao Liu's family to provide clarity. It also reflects his openness to understanding her complexities.
  3. "I can’t see your true form so I feel like you’re hiding in a shell. I’m scared that if I open the shell, you’ll run away again." - Zhuan Xu

    • Zhuan Xu's metaphorical language of Xiao Liu hiding in a shell and his fear of her running away highlights the vulnerability and fear that Xiao Liu's transformative abilities may have instilled in her. It also illustrates the fragility of her emotional state.
  4. "You’ll find your true form." - Shi Qi

    • Shi Qi's reassurance reflects his belief in Xiao Liu's journey towards self-discovery and acceptance. The notion of finding one's true form extends beyond physical appearance, encompassing a deeper understanding of oneself.

Literary Analysis:

  1. Symbolism of Transformation:

    • Xiao Liu's shape-shifting abilities serve as a powerful symbol of personal growth and acceptance. The transformative nature of her identity mirrors the broader theme of self-discovery and the fluidity of identity over time. Her journey becomes a metaphor for the complexities of individuality.
  2. Acceptance Beyond Physicality:

    • Shi Qi's acceptance of Xiao Liu, irrespective of her changing appearances, symbolizes a love that transcends physical attributes. It emphasizes the idea that true acceptance is rooted in understanding and appreciating the essence of a person, independent of external changes.
  3. Metaphor for Emotional Struggles:

    • Xiao Liu's struggle with maintaining a consistent appearance can be seen as a metaphor for the emotional challenges she faces. The inability to hold onto a stable identity reflects the internal turmoil and uncertainty she grapples with, adding depth to her character.
  4. Trust and Vulnerability:

    • The act of Xiao Liu revealing her past to Shi Qi showcases a level of trust and vulnerability. Her willingness to share her darkest moments becomes a pivotal moment in their relationship, highlighting the transformative power of opening up to others.
  5. Journey Towards Self-Discovery:

    • Xiao Liu's quest to find her true form is not just a physical endeavor but a journey towards self-discovery and self-acceptance. The theme encourages readers to reflect on the idea that true identity goes beyond external appearances and is an evolving, introspective process.=> Rejuvenate Hall - Rejuvenate Flower sealed weapon


  1. "Actually, I don’t care who you are. You are just you. Except things have become more and more complicated." - Shi Qi

    • This quote encapsulates Shi Qi's unconditional acceptance of Xiao Liu. Regardless of her complicated background and identity, he sees her for who she truly is, emphasizing the importance of personal essence over external factors.
  2. "I don’t know either. You should go ask the Grand Emperor, perhaps he will know why." - Shi Qi

    • Shi Qi's acknowledgment that he doesn't fully understand Xiao Liu's situation but suggests seeking answers from the Grand Emperor underscores his trust in Xiao Liu's family to provide clarity. It also reflects his openness to understanding her complexities.
  3. "I can’t see your true form so I feel like you’re hiding in a shell. I’m scared that if I open the shell, you’ll run away again." - Zhuan Xu

    • Zhuan Xu's metaphorical language of Xiao Liu hiding in a shell and his fear of her running away highlights the vulnerability and fear that Xiao Liu's transformative abilities may have instilled in her. It also illustrates the fragility of her emotional state.
  4. "You’ll find your true form." - Shi Qi

    • Shi Qi's reassurance reflects his belief in Xiao Liu's journey towards self-discovery and acceptance. The notion of finding one's true form extends beyond physical appearance, encompassing a deeper understanding of oneself.

Literary Analysis:

  1. Symbolism of Transformation:

    • Xiao Liu's shape-shifting abilities serve as a powerful symbol of personal growth and acceptance. The transformative nature of her identity mirrors the broader theme of self-discovery and the fluidity of identity over time. Her journey becomes a metaphor for the complexities of individuality.
  2. Acceptance Beyond Physicality:

    • Shi Qi's acceptance of Xiao Liu, irrespective of her changing appearances, symbolizes a love that transcends physical attributes. It emphasizes the idea that true acceptance is rooted in understanding and appreciating the essence of a person, independent of external changes.
  3. Trust and Vulnerability:

    • The act of Xiao Liu revealing her past to Shi Qi showcases a level of trust and vulnerability. Her willingness to share her darkest moments becomes a pivotal moment in their relationship, highlighting the transformative power of opening up to others.
  4. Journey Towards Self-Discovery:

    • Xiao Liu's quest to find her true form is not just a physical endeavor but a journey towards self-discovery and self-acceptance. The theme encourages readers to reflect on the idea that true identity goes beyond external appearances and is an evolving, introspective process.

Xiao Liu's journey toward self-discovery and acceptance can be seen from a jungian perspective, as an attempt to integrate her various personas into a cohesive identity. This aligns with psychological theories that emphasize the importance of integrating different aspects of the self for psychological well-being.

                                                          "You’ll find your true form." - Shi Qi

It would be out of character

You  pointed out the potential subtleties in Jing's response and the Grand Emperor's subsequent inquiries. It's indeed very possible that Jing's discomfort and the Grand Emperor's probing suggest a deeper connection between Jing and Xiao Liu (Xiao Yao), which the Grand Emperor is keen to understand.

Your perspective highlights the tension in the scene and suggests that the Grand Emperor might be aware of the unspoken dynamics between Jing and Xiao Liu. Jing's uneasiness could stem from the fact that he is engaged but also has a close relationship with Xiao Liu, and the Grand Emperor might be subtly questioning the nature of that relationship.

Wich in the drama is very palpable...(ep.15).

=> Rejuvenate Hall - Rejuvenate Flower sealed weapon

                                                                        =>Xiao Liu & Xiao Yao.

Before we continue...Kerastase.Deng Wei....

Announcement of NEW  XIAOJING THREAD !

Dear Readers,

 As we think that for more clarity , and being concerned about few misrepresentation and oversimplification of the character arcs (Xiao Yao/ Tushan Jing) in our discussions thread, as when someone oversimplifies complex character developments, it can mislead others and diminish the depth and nuances of the narrative. It can mislead even our initial purpose of our exploration.

 We (@Winny Aye, @peng-peng, @Symbolika1) found one way to respond to such simplifications and misinterpretations=> is to  break down how these moments contribute to the intricate character growth and the evolving relationships in the story. Keeping so always the whole CONTEXT in mind. By providing a detailed analysis, we can counter the oversimplified narrative and showcase the depth and complexity of the characters' journeys. For instance, taking each event or significant interaction and delve into its context, impact, and the emotional depth it adds to the character's story arc.

 By doing so, we can emphasize the intricacies of their relationships, motivations, and the internal struggles they face, providing a more accurate and nuanced understanding to counteract any oversimplification. And twisted, cuted, misleading interpretations. As we belive that's in detailed and thoughtful analysis that can we, help readers, and ourselves , to grasp the complexity of the story and its characters, encouraging a more comprehensive Xiao Yao's & Jing's discussion that respects the depth of writer Tong Hua narrative in novel and the drama.

 All this taking as, you can imagine quite a lot of our time=>We are creating for the purpose, a none discussive new thread for Clarity with Our complete and ongoing LYF Study. Of course, we will continue our explorations in this , saphires thread first. Wich remain our main XiaoJing thread and where you can interact with us and have all Xiaojing related discussion you are eager to enjoy!.

Link to our new thread:

In LYF S1 section: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c

In LYF S2 section: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c

                         "PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE COMMENTS THERE -THANK YOU :) !!!"


Before we continue...Kerastase.Deng Wei....

I meannn....DW is handsome...his eyes.. this is picture is art.


What I like in this chapter is  that we see how much Xiao Yao and Ye Shi Qi kind of parallel each one and she- Xiao Yao - is aware of it.   She understood  why he was quiet since the big revelation and that just like her not wanting him to be the son of the Tu Shan Clan, he did not want her to be the daughter of the Grand Emperor,  the grand daughters of the Yellow emperor.  She is right that we do not choose our birth.  his reply to her shows that  even though he knows that their situation is now getting more complicated, and  that scares him, he is not giving up. I honestly do not get why Xiao Yao does not understand  what he said in "To desire comes worry, to love comes fear". Maybe she does not because her believes her heart closed to love, she is not looking for love but for a partnerlol this will change before she knows it.

As their conversation progresses we see her Xiao Yao revealing her story to Ye Shi Qi/ Tu Shan  Jing  [ I call him  Jing because he introduced as such to then Grand Emperor :

" Shi Qi bowed to the Grand Emperor who asked “Tu Shan Jing?”
Shi Qi respectfully answer “It is I.”  

Again this show that  Ye Shi Qi and Jing are one and the same.  No offence but anybody believing otherwise really need to read the novel again for at this stage it would be  serious lack of comprehension ]

She told him about her parents, her full name and the reason for her name.  This is something extremely private and she only shared it with  him 1rst.  She did not need to sh are something so private WITH HIM BUT SHE DID . This shows how much she cares and respect him and want hims to know this important fact about her.  

Zhuan Xu  asked  her to tell him and Jing  about what happened to her. Again Xiao Yao share with them - she could have refused and asked Jing to leave but she did not  -all  that she went through in the past. She told them more than she ever told Xiang Liu.  So when people say that Xiao Yao  shared her story with only Xiang  Liu, they are lying because  that is not true as we can see in this chapter. She shared   her parents divorce, the feeling she had for her mother and father when she felt that they did not want her, she spoke about her near rape, her 1rst  kills,  during her tale, she looked for Shi Qi comfort and morale and emotional support  :

Love all the facts you point out here. I think Xiao Liu felt bad that she had not tell him anything much about herself while he told her almost everything about himself in dragon prison.  "To desire, comes worry. To love, comes fear" . I love this confession of desire and love yet fear that are dwelling. He's a man in love. keke..i have a feeling. She finally told him her full name as to make sure to him that he was also important to her too, in a way of her telling. And yep she told both ZX and Jing fully about her past. Actually she told Jing about her wandering and about monkey  and snake when they were in Qing Shui town ( When finding jiu jiu and precious herbs) , so yep to those who said she only share past with xl are not true at all. 

Overall this insight from  you is delight and give clear facts ..very suporf