
Winny Aye 

--reposting photos

Im not over magnolia yet...pink magnolia ?

I made new aesthetic too

 from chapter 44

Xiao Yao suddenly started crying “Jing, the flower is gone! I can’t see you anymore!” 

Xiao Yao’s eyes were staring into the distance and she said with a smile “Jing, you’re finally back!”

"Jing, I miss you so much, so much……..Don’t leave………don’t leave……..”

Jing was here! Jing was right beside her.

Her real despair. ..but beautiful

yessssshh everything abt this part of the chapter w/magnolias, her lines and Left Ear's observations and Xuan she mistaken as Jing-- it's also hard for me to move on to other yaojing flower love language yet, it's keeping my full attention. th, th, th, you're such a good writer, whether intentional or not to pick these flowers, you have my respect here.haha. ??

that's such a lovely yaojing-magnolia edit Winnyyy*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*??? {was also thinking of doing the same but} you did awesome here already (⁠^⁠.^⁠)

It is quite heart felt chapter ? ....yep...thank u?

I hope u do one too...?

 Winny Aye:
Winny Aye 17 hours ago
Im not over magnolia yet...pink magnolia ?

Yep i am rereading this scene from chapter 44.

Xiao Yao finally woke up and Left Ear said “You hang in there, after tonight when the sun rises tomorrow we’ll be safe.”

Xiao Yao’s eyes were unfocused and didn’t seem to see Left Ear, instead smiling at the distance “Magnolias.”

Left Ear saw that Xiao Yao liked those pink flowers and quickly plucked an armful to bring back and place around her.

Left Ear placed on in Xiao Yao’s hand and she said “When the weather is nice I’ll wash your hair, and you can wash my hair, Jing. Don’t forget to pluck the leaves in the morning dew.”

Left Ear knew Xiao Yao was delirious and could no nothing other than repeating “Endure tonight and His Majesty will be here at sunrise, so you have to make it until then.”

Xiao Yao smiled at the flower as the sun gradually set. Xiao Yao suddenly started crying “Jing, the flower is gone! I can’t see you anymore!” Her eyes were about to close and Left Ear suddenly felt that he could not let Xiao Yao sleep no matter what, otherwise she would never wake up again.

Left Ear took some branches and shoved the godly wood inside, the entire thing lit up like a torch “Look! So many flowers, so many many flowers!”

Xiao Yao tried hard and opened her eyes and took in the flowers.

Left Ear didn’t care about exposing their location anymore, instead throwing more and more wood into the fire to burn brightly so Xiao Yao could see the flowers. He didn’t even care if killers would be lured by the flames, or whether he could battle them, all he knew was that he had to let Xiao Yao see the flowers so she wouldn’t close her eyes.

When Zhuan Xu arrived, all he saw was a brightly burning fire with a bloody Left Ear beside it tossing leaves and branches on the flames. Xiao Yao rested under the magnolia tree with magnolia flowers strewn around her.

Xiao Yao’s eyes were staring into the distance and she said with a smile “Jing, you’re finally back!”

Zhuan Xu carried Xiao Yao onto the cloud carriage. Her body couldn’t move but her face was tightly pressed to his chest “Jing, I miss you so much, so much……..Don’t leave………don’t leave……..”

Xiao Yao listened to his firm beating heart and finally felt comforted. Jing was here! Jing was right beside her.

Her real despair. ..but beautiful

=> I'm stuck here hahhaha winny unstuck me please! :D


Yeah, this came after s1 ended… there’re even videos of this & when they visited qingshui village during the war 

So much enthousiasm in their faces! And the hands so tightly interlaced...<3 

Winny Aye 

17 hours ago


Just to be sure..this pic is a leaked one too for S2 right?

Ultimate happy ending...?

sorry, didn't make myself clear before i went offline-- ?

It took me some time too, but managed it! :D Dont worry!

that's amazing how much you patiently waited for his appearance, i wasn't even much aware abt this interview and hengdian tv and film fest till i checked weibo and saw his c-diamonds crowding the live broadcast w/photo collages of DW, very cute*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*.  you represent all i-diamonds who also eagerly and patiently waited to see him and hear from him.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*? 

By now fans are crying all over X/twitter to get to see DW today...

 Blueberries Field:
Yes, thanks to his c-diamonds  that we're able to get many many updates on Deng Wei. The first thing I check in the morning is Deng Wei 's Chaohua page and his There's tree in Sendai.  These pages wouldn't have been as active and lively as they are now without his diamonds' dedication.  

I first noticed him in TTEOTM, I think he did a great job in bringing his characters to life. Then I watched this behind the scene video of him protecting Bai Lu from a run away, agitated horse: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/i24iIsWsaes  I thought what a selfless and brave young man he really is, and from then on I became his fan.

Btw, he looks so good on his latest interview.  https://ibb.co/TKYPzL3

Same , it was TTEOM. He litteraly scotched me :D


i checked, haha, this was around ep 10, yes Xiaoliu was acting a bit cold and was kind of ignoring Shiqi when he said to "try the braised dishes and green plum wine he made-- wxl even addressed him as master qingqui" ?these two-- 

Yeahhhh, but she kept using the green bottle Jing brought after that.

i see, tteom days, i failed to notice him then :⁠-⁠(  only Jing got my full attention and curiousity, but ill get back to his Xiaolin char coz i see lots of cfans edits abt it(⁠^⁠^⁠). That bts, yessss, it made me respect him all the more. thanksss for sharing.(⁠^⁠^⁠)

abt his intw, i picked up some infos new to me so i shared them here earlier. he answers so well in all his interviews, he's soft spoken and down-to-earth, and well-mannered---, that it's so hard not to care more abt him as him and his acting career. it's like the more you know abt him, the harder you fall for him, really. jijiji.???

100 %

Here are some TTEOM pics... the moment DW mesmerized me :D (just sharing some) :

The little spark make up on his eye is his own doing ...<3 

The expression :D!... 

 Winny Aye:
I hope u do one too...?

Yeah...come on sapphire !

since im seeing DW's superchat being filled with flowers {timely w/our magnolia disc and later w/other yaojing flowers} and nature photos with the tag-- 邓为 ?每日一善 ?#每日一善# w/c means
Deng Wei?A good deed every day? #日一 kind # {gg transl}, ill share some related yaojing vibe nature edit by c-yaojingS, they're all great.*⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*

(⁠^⁠.^⁠) (⁠^_⁠^⁠) (⁠^,⁠^⁠) ^⁠_⁠^

Thank you!


this one is really yaojing:⁠-⁠D time travelling haha cute} 

My fav too :D! Their kids , some ships, horses, birds could be added ahahaha!

Yeahhhh, but she kept using the green bottle Jing brought after that.

Right! :D

 Winny Aye:
Jing was here! Jing was right beside her.

Relating this image. The first contact he is saying with no possibility to talk:

                                                                                                 "I'm here"

                                                                                     *We are here, one for another*


=> I'm stuck here hahhaha winny unsteack me please! :D

Im stuck here too..lol..but will share more scenes soon...????


                                                                                     *We are here, one for another*

that look..???