Winny Aye:
 I will be replying soon.

Looking to it *hug* take your time!

Try giving it a watch, it’s really good the ML looks cold but took the FL under his wing,taught her self defense etc. it’s really intriguing 

It's on my watch list, so will watch. Just as Winny, I really don't have time yet. Thx for recommandation though *hug*.


lol Im missing hobbit now..❤


Same Peng Peng! That Dark 

goes with Burried

Exactly my lecture.

Unless you have some Persephone vibes you don't want to take that path. I don't see any characteristic in Xiao Yao that would stick to this type of female character. Wich would better suit a lunatic like. Xiao love life. Love people. She care for the beauty of the life the most I think :).

I somehow have a feeling that XY is relatable to ordinary women like us deep yep..💖

 Winny Aye:
lol Im missing hobbit now..❤

Another character with great empathy, kindness, selflessness. 

Before I write about my take again on YaoJing and Yaoliu, I am collecting some comments why some women prefer XL type of men...I had reddits ....So im sharing too, as to see people  view world and men different from us. hehe  our ideal are sunjective indeed.

Comment 1

Bet, you must have watched only a few episodes and did not read the book.

There are a lot of reasons why he is the best fit amongst the rest. He is a stand-out character. In both the book and series people judge him and now, even in the audience there is always discrimination and judgements against him LOL. Can't blame you, people judge things or people that they don't understand.

But I'll tell you this. Xiang Liu is the one who loves her the most. :)

Comment 2

Xiang Liu takes my vote! Not sure how the drama will adapt their relationship, but in the novel it’s pretty obvious that Xiao Yao has feelings for him. There is one scene where he asks her who she’d rather spend her life with and she refuses to answer (even though she said yes when asked if she’d marry TSJ). Even TJC, XL’s actor, said something along the lines of “just because they didn’t end up together doesn’t mean they were never in love” and Yang Zi described their relationship as “the type that is unspoken”

Comment 3

True. I think in the series they made TSJ a lot closer to her but in the book, it was pretty obvious that she loves Xiang Liu the most that she buried it to the deepest part of her heart and soul. She can't help herself but reach out, and try to tell him but whenever she's about to XL will crash her hopes and remind her that she shouldn't end up with him. T.T And in that chapter, XY said, "Hurt.. I'm hurt," which XL stopped her because he was worried.

XY loves the snow, the moon, and most of the ocean.

You see, XL is not only protecting her from the outside. But XL is also guarding her heart from himself because XY fears that she might lose herself in loving him. Not to mention her grandfather and father told her Jing is the best man for her. LOL And XY told XL that she doesn't want to end up like her parent's story.

So XL did everything in his power for her not to end with him. He doesn't want her to suffer. :)

Comment 4

She has his image stored in her magic mirror, cooks for him (of course poison ) and for those who have read the novel know that she takes the first step to convey her feelings to XL ( she does something incredible) as her final plea when her marriage is arranged with the 4 ML ( this is not a spoiler as you can see the wedding scene in the trailer )

Comment 5

It's more of who would do anything for her without a second thought who would put her 1st above everything that's why we are team xiang liu

Comment 6

If I were Xiao Yao in the story, I would pick XL.

But I am not, so if I could decide the ending of the novel, the best ending for XY is for her to be with the only person who can make her blush: TSJ.

Comment 7

I would still pick XL. Sadly, he's fiction and a demon far from reality. But man, life with him would never be boring or full of disappointments. It will probably be the most interesting, unique, and full of growth. Because he empowers you to be one. You'll probably appreciate the world, life, and doing things on your own terms shamelessly. The thing about XL is he sees you as an equal, he never tolerates yet he would do anything for you without a heartbeat.

I'm in my 30s and I don't mind boredom honestly but man, XL is a perfection of a husband. He'd be a person who'd always choose to do the right thing even if it means he is on the losing end, decides the best, and understands your needs first before his wants. He will put you above everything The only thing that you need to work with him is his temper but other than he is the best.

I thought we agreed to not talk about the serpent, rather focus on YaoJing? Since there’re prying eyes 🤷🏽‍♀️

 Winny Aye:
XY is relatable to ordinary women like us deep down

Hahaha someone already married them by only changing the colors...:D

I notice many YaoLiu fans think their cp is true deep love and  yaojing is just surface and something xy choose  tsj out practical and therefore cannot be deep like yaoliu which bond is raw, understanding. 

And we YaoJing fans think that our cp is true deep love.. because obviously they attracted to each other since beginning, devotion and commitment and natural long which lead to action. At least I think like that. I think its ok for me to be   judgemental on XL why I could not be on his ship as of what had been shown and written in the novel  . When i entered YaoLiu romance thread on season 1 page to get a peak of leak  script I did see how they judge Jing. Some are reasonable and some are plain dislike. One thing they argue is his choosing granny over going back to be XY's YeShiQi because granny threaten to end her own life. If so, granny would not have to help yy rape jing. So i dont agree with that. And another thing is Jing being sweet talk weakling , and someone XY will have to protect . Which again i don't agree. So I think its ok for us to let out why we dont think XL is a good ideal too. To think back, even if XL's the endgame , I could not be on his ship. its undenying, that initially he's quite physically assualtive towards her. I feel very uncomfortable towards it.

thats include his love bites. 

apart from physical hurting , I do not appreciate how he's acting to be the one in control or dominating even when he had good intention and want to heal her. he's not so hesitate to use her for his own benefit at times.  And he will do what he think is right  . i mean he will do what he think will make her happy but hes not considerate of making options for him and for her. he stick to his rough treatment of her up to their last meeting, seem to like fueling her to do something; revealing about  ZX involvement in Jing murder. Yep I do not like his dominating nature with her and hes too determined she must know his feelings for her own good thingy indicates to me that he sort of a pain loving person ..and very moody , capable of harming if his mood is ruined. 

By saying all these so, do i think yaoliu is toxic ?

The answer is NO!

Because it actually heals them. Therefore it cant be toxic. At least it does heal XY through her fear of him , sympathy and sharing traumatic past. We dont exactly know when did XY fall for this guy. I think the author show it like their bond was soul partner which dont need reason and timing . (But I do think she also attracted since she saw him first time, in novel, because it describe XL to be quite handsome and its written in XY perspective. ) Its like when she met him , through fears, she will let out her traumatic past. Her being not indifferent to strange species or  demon like him, make him fall for her i guess. and yep they had this unknown bond too.

And about her devasting feel on his death, some yaoliu fans take it as her love for him. Even when he hurt her so much she still broken for his death and that if he had treated her better she will be more broken than that? Well i have different opinion from it. Xiao had always sympathized with XL since the beginning, she was sure  he wont hurt her not only because of the lovers bugs but because he never really hurt her to death and even save her life. I think she felt sorry because in their last meeting she told him off from her anger and that she never wanted to meet him again. even though she never hated him in fact. Their farewell was not so well and that result her to regret when he actually died. 

And there had been some questions ....including some of yaojing fans too. Some asks is it because of trust issues.? My answer is no. Its because when she's with YeShiQi or Jing, she normally did not want to think about her traumatic pasts. I mean she think of him more as her now and future and hope. It's fulfiled hope in the end.I like this last paragraph in chapter 50. It sounds like what she longed for in her life and gained it in the end.

Xiao Yao softly sighed, from now on Sheng Nong Mountain was no longer part of her life. She was no longer the granddaughter to the Yellow Emperor or the little sister to Zhuan Xu accompanying his path. Xiao Yao glanced at Jing and leaned her head on his shoulder, from now one she was his wife!


Hahaha someone already married them by only changing the colors...:D

wow....what an it!😍


I thought we agreed to not talk about the serpent, rather focus on YaoJing? Since there’re prying eyes 🤷🏽‍♀️

sometimes we its quite related to subject and i think even us YaoJing are still confused about love story here. It s more like releasing and confirming ourselves .

 Winny Aye:
even in the audience there is always discrimination and judgements against him LOL

=> No comment XD!!!!!!!

 Winny Aye:
(even though she said yes when asked if she’d marry TSJ)

=> she auto replied it. So...

 Winny Aye:
XY fears that she might lose herself in loving him. Not to mention her grandfather and father told her Jing is the best man for her. LOL And XY told XL that she doesn't want to end up like her parent's story.

=>Auto replied too, even if I see this as an over simplification, and the fact that it makes look XY as  a  very weaker person that she is, and completly influenceable!. Really? :D

 Winny Aye:
So XL did everything in his power for her not to end with him. He doesn't want her to suffer.

=> He did great! Agree! :D . (but will die anyway).

 Winny Aye:
magic mirror, cooks for him (of course poison

=> TSJ draw for her-play music- and cook for her (of course delicious food that she enjoyed blushing).

 Winny Aye:
put her 1st above everything

=> Army first and his soldiers!. N°1 untill death come.

 Winny Aye:
But I am not, so if I could decide the ending of the novel, the best ending for XY is for her to be with the only person who can make her blush: TSJ.

=> :D...Auto funny :p

 Winny Aye:
your own terms shamelessly

=> Living and feeling the world, even in fantasy as a happy end to be generous and share happyness, knowledge, give  back all the seeds of your blessing to be distributed freely and largely.

You can be shamelessly happy with Jing man. His kisses  for exemple are hot enough :D His fur is a welcome to fantasy.

 Winny Aye:
He'd be a person who'd always choose to do the right thing even if it means he is on the losing end, decides the best, and understands your needs first before his wants. He will put you above everything

=>Now seriously; this is Jing's desription...the other choose to die, choose above...*sight*..nonono..wrong :D

@Winny this is exhausting!:D You know very well how it feel already, to just put a positive Xiajing or Jing alone, positive post everywhere, else where than in here...

These are all over internet, so nothing new :). So question: what do you want to do with these exemples here?

 Winny Aye:
releasing and confirming ourselves .

***If you feel it, I'm ok. But I would suggest to wait until other say how they receive it, :)

It's our common space afterall :).

Concretely:  do you lack of respondent? do you want just to organize your thoughts around

 this? search to arm ourselves? (are we not enough armed?) Do you want to make a table listing suitable counter-responses?

I wont go personally in there, but as I said, I'm willing to help out a friend in her cooking stuff :D

Just make it Digestible pleeeeeeeeaaase! :D ahahaha :D!


what do you want to do with these exemples here?

Maybe its wrong to share here but im still comparing YaoJing and YaoLiu. So I have a feeling that I might make some comments about the cps and its not solely my own opinion but its interesting why people think yaoliu is better.  I m taking points and check those facts back. When i was exploring in Yaoliu thread in S1, they also share xy relationship with other men too . not just xl. Not all are bias so its good. But im not gonna share them here. reddit is enough . So as to share where my explanation of the two cps come from which i maybe discussing later .maybe or maybe not. 


If you feel it, I'm ok. But I would suggest to wait until other say how they receive it, :)

Concretely:  do you lack of respondent? do you want just to organize your thoughts around this? 

search to arm ourselves? (are we not enough armed?) Do you want to make a table listing suitable counter-responses?

I wont go in there, but as I said, I'm willing to help out a friend in her cooking stuff :D

enjoy cooking .😋💞

hehe i m just making points . its because im still seeing some are still confused as well as myself at times. And its something im rereading too , i mean the novel.  but no worries, I will comment much more on yaojing and jing stuffs.