He is raising the  bar high  now for me. He is extra hot with the white hair. 


Before I go back to mainly YaoJing subject, I would really like to share, another fan or Thai blogger review of Once Promised + Eternally Yearning For You. Because there are things that i think the same as her although she favored Once Promised and I much favored Eternally Yearning For You. 

I took her review translate into english..this revie was written in 2017 ..6 years before we watched the drama.

Link https://www.bloggang.com/m/mainblog.php?id=serverlus&month=08-04-2017&group=9&gblog=3

The novel contains a little bit of fantasy. I understand that the author took part of Chinese folklore to be the theme of the story.  There is the lengend of Emperor Pan Gu  dividing sky/heaven and earth. After Emperor Fu Zi and Empress Ni Wa passed away, the world divided into three which gods, human and demons living altogether. Qi Yo, the male lead, is an individual from the legend.

Part 1: Once Promised/ Promise Me Forever
The main theme of the story is war and romance. Qi Yo, the male lead from the story is the general of Sheng Nong. Xi Ling Heng is the daughter of Yellow Emperor of Xuan Yuan, and she is betrothed to Shao Hao, Prince of Gao Xing. If you knew the Chinese lengend, you will  certainly know it will be sad ending. At here, the author is very go at writing the plot with a mixture of lengend and romantic tragedy.

Because there were so many characters , the author let us greet with the charaters slowly. Therefore, it is not difficult to remember . Each characters, even side  characters had left good impression and memorable as much as main characters. At some scene they even stole the show from the main couple.

In part one, the author made readers fell in love with the characters and then let them suffer the cruel destiny one by one. The readers cried and cried time to time. (If anyone wanting to read , be prepared and hard hearted).  In the end it is a tragedy (not even one couple have good ending). But within the story, all 4 books (Thai ver has 4 books), it has romance that is pleasing, the cuteness of female lead's pet, the friendship, and then having to leave behind love for burden and duty.

Part two: Eternally Yearning for You

The story took place 30 years after part one has ended, with the children of the couples from part one. There are  the characters from part one that has not died yet, also played important role in part two.

The story opened as seemingly nothing to do with part one at all.I don't know who are the characters that were appearing. As I read on, I even sensed the smell of Yoai(BL) feeling. Until I read a certain amount of book 1,  Zhuang Xu appeared and his identity revealed. That's when I realized I was tricked by the author.

In this part, the plot emphasizes on romance more. The female lead had 4 male guys, fall for her (actually only 3 are vital). Therefore, the readers are fooled a little bit on whom of them will eventually get with female lead in the end, and probably because the author had already done hardcore job on part one that in this part the main characters suffer less cruelly than part one. Compare to part one, part two felt less inactive. The main characters of the story are still grey. there is reasoning for their actions and getting the result of their actions. Because of that, a reader like me cannot hate anybody.

Eventhough, part two has a happy ending with the main couple ending up together, and many other characters also getting their life goals, but Tong Hua style has to have tears fall a little bit. That is why the heroic figure, (supporting male lead), selflessly do everything for female lead without letting her know to the very end. (For me personally, I did not cheer him with female lead at all because I could not help thinking the way he did everything feels more like love of a father than a man in love). Overall, this part is easy read compare to part one. However, for me, part one was much more thrilling and resentful, and the characters are more likeable.

My reaction to her review, 

I understand why she prefer Part 1, because it is more action pack and the character feelings felt more raw words used and also it has two couples, Xiao Yao's parents and Zhuang Xu's parents. Nevertheless, personally I prefer Part 2 because it has more realistic feeling of neutral although it is a very romantic melodrama, inclining toward what we call happy ending. Besides, tragedies are not my thing. I don't like being hard hearted most of the time.  Besides i do like this imperfection of characters. One thing though, I like this rawness emotions I get from Once promised sometimes though . I may share some abstract later on.

About the happy ending, I am absolutly agree. For me personally, even Zhuang Xu and Xiang Liu endings are not tragic. 

I especially agree with her take on XL towards XY, I have been lately saying he still has some questionable action especially to those who said he is her one true, because I totally disagree with that take and neither that she would prefer if he confessed....  Just like this reviewer, I think his actions all shown towards XY are caring. However, I still do not feel this raw deep woman and man attraction from him. And yep aren' we actually possessive of our spouse? How would we feel if theres 3rd hand ? I have highlighted that part. Therefore i cant feel full romance from him. I mean I know he sacrifice lives for Xy ...but he also did that for his army .

And I am reminded of Ah Bi words about XL.

Xiang Liu said mockingly “Can’t believe my reputation is so bad even a demon raised by Qi Yo would disdain me.”

Sir Bi shook his head “No, I don’t disdain you at all. It’s the opposite, I truly respect you! Your heart is as clear as crystal, even my voice cannot enchant you or lead you astray. Power, wealth, and glory hold no sway or temptation for you.”

And lastly ..yep I feel her about ....feeling of BL in earlier chapters with all those scenes because Xiao Liu was addressed as "he". 

I think I will be posting something related to Jing next. 

Hi..can I join?
I really like the Yaojing couple, they are so cute.
I have several questions that are really bothering me.
A few days ago I visited Yaoliu LOVESICKNESS thread..
There is a 2013 Tonghua post about sauvignon blanc.
At first I felt that Xy didn't love XL at all, but lately I'm a little confused...

Sorry I can't post the picture, because my account is still new.

"Long Love" - Love cannot be found, but forgetfulness cannot be achieved



2013-02-26 09:35:53

Jin Yong's "Flying Fox in the Snow Mountain" made many readers remember Mrs. Hu. After her husband died, she committed suicide. The love she followed through life and death was very soul- stirring. I was also very touched and liked this woman very much, but even when I was young, I still had a doubt. She committed suicide, what will happen to her child? How should a child whose parents are dead live? Even if the most famous hero in the world is entrusted to take care of it, so what? Who in this world can replace his parents? (Facts have proved that Hu Fei Sure enough, he has gone through hardships)

Therefore, in comparison, what moved me more was Liang Yusheng's Wu Xuanshuang. After Li Yi's death, the scene of her taking Li Yi's children and walking step by step in the wind and snow will always be imprinted in my heart. Her love for Li Yi was deep and transcended her own life, but she chose to live to take care of Li Yi's children.

(These are all stories I read many years ago, but as I write this, I suddenly realize that I can’t remember Mrs. Hu’s name, I just remember that she is Hu Yidao’s wife, but I clearly remember Wu Xuanshuang’s name, and it seems that I can’t remember her name. It shows something. A woman attaches her life to a man, while another woman lives her own life no matter how strong her love is.)

"Sauvignon Blanc" conveys a kind of "raw" emotion.

I always feel that love in this world is soul- stirring, but it is not everything in life.

Family, friendship, ideals, responsibilities... People have all kinds of ties in the world, and there is also a lot of happiness that does not come from love.

[Sauvignon Blanc is because of deep love, because it cannot be obtained, and because it cannot be forgotten.

However, I am willing to carry this feeling and live well.

Life is one encounter and parting after another, it is forgetting and beginning again and again.

You've been here, you've left.

【Even though I miss you so much, I still smile when I see the beautiful rainbow.

I haven’t published a new book for two years. This is my new story "Sauvignon Blanc" for you.

—— My dear reader, my companion on the journey!

Without you, there would not be one story after another of mine.

thank you all!

Tong Hua


Hi..can I join?
I really like the Yaojing couple, they are so cute.
I have several questions that are really bothering me.
A few days ago I visited Yaoliu LOVESICKNESS thread..
There is a 2013 Tonghua post about sauvignon blanc.
At first I felt that Xy didn't love XL at all, but lately I'm a little confused...

Sorry I can't post the picture, because my account is still new.


Im just happy u join us here in fact.

About those XL fans..I

i cant say..since we have different sight ..and different take on same words...and for us ..this love sickness song is all for YaoJing...and just read some of our opinions and facts here.. and see what you feel is more true to u ..


There is a 2013 Tonghua post about sauvignon blanc.
At first I felt that Xy didn't love XL at all, but lately I'm a little confused...

About loving XL , I will just say its different kind of love from the way she loves Ye Shi Qi/ Tu Shan Jing. Even with attraction, it didnt develop into something like YaoJing. 

When it comes to this raw deep male female attraction and love, I can gurantee Xiao Yao felt most for Jing.

But yep all 3 guys are important her differently.

And thanks for sharing all those phrases . If i could see full interview would be good. But if theres not its all fine . I will react to it soon. because i have some work at the moments... See u then.


Just like I feel...Xiaoyao really loves Jing. Only in some parts of the novel when Xiaoyao sends the crystal ball...and XL's question during the wedding robbery...it made me wonder a little.


Regarding the Tonghua post, it looks like it came from Tonghua's Weibo, but currently her Weibo account is restricted, so I got it from a Tonghua book fan. There are a few, maybe later I'll share them here.



Regarding the Tonghua post, it looks like it came from Tonghua's Weibo, but currently her Weibo account is restricted, so I got it from a Tonghua book fan. There are a few, maybe later I'll share them here.

thank u so much...will be looking forward to it..♡♡



Just like I feel...Xiaoyao really loves Jing. Only in some parts of the novel when Xiaoyao sends the crystal ball...and XL's question during the wedding robbery...it made me wonder a little.

about crystal ...I think its XY attraction to XL. But well its not explained. I did not question this before but i did lately how much deep is her love for XL in that man woman sense  that she created it or is it because she's just fascinated by the ocean world mercouple and clamshell. The same thing with mirror. Because I dont deny her attraction. But i mean she can control herself not to love him. ..I still feel her love for jing is more like yearning for her man and more true. So if anyone asks whom she loves deep down its jing with both her mind and heart. 

Edit: About what XL asked XY about whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life is ?

And her answer with "mind not allowing heart to speak" and "hurt" 

Personally i dont think they refer to XL. will expand answer later. 

Sorry, I only use Google Translate, please correct me if there's anything wrong.






女主角的選擇一直都是出於心理的缺失,而她的 心理和童年少年的成長息息相關,也就是現在 心理學裡常說的原生家庭。



However, after writing more than 200,000 words, I felt that I had not thought clearly about what the story wanted to express. My attempt to express the theme of life and death is not an easy subject to express. My experience and thoughts are not up to par with my attempt, so I decided to shelve it.

I skipped the story of Pluto and started writing "Sauvignon Blanc", which took more than a year.

A decision was made in the middle. My parents were getting old, and even if they had enough time to travel, they would move back to their country to settle down. I had another minor illness and had a minor operation. It was expected to be cured in a week or two. In the end, I stayed in bed for two months.

I wrote while lying down recovering from my injuries.

Thanks to my friends who gave me a lot of advice. I am satisfied with my control of this story. The theme I want to express is also clearly expressed.

The heroine's choice has always been due to psychological deficiencies, and her psychology is closely related to the growth of childhood and teenagers, which is what is often called the original family in psychology today.


Table of contents


13-5-31 來自微博weibo.com



13-5-31 from Weibo weibo.com

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Xiaotian silently watched the fireworks in the sky. Qingqiu must be so beautiful at the moment. Jing probably supported her grandma and watched the colorful fireworks with everyone; and the vast mountains outside Qingshui Town should be dark. In the bleak cold wind, the soldiers gathered around the campfire, drank bad wine, and sang a song about their motherland. Xiang Liu, probably dressed in snow- white clothes, accompanied Gong Gong, silently walking through the darkness, patrolling from one camp to another.

Note: apart from the words above, Tonghua also added a picture of XL and XY holding hands on the waves, with the moon as a background.

I don't know what it means... why not Jing and xy...I am annoyed


13-3-10 來自微博weibo.com



13-3-10 from Weibo weibo.com

To all strong people: Sufferings become sufferings only because those who encounter them are defeated. And we defeated the sufferings, crushed them into pieces, kneaded them into our own bodies, and turned them into our own strength. Therefore, we never regard sufferings as sufferings - "Sauvignon Blanc"



13-5-31 來自微博weibo.com



13-5-31 from Weibo weibo.com

Sauvignon Blanc 2: Xiaotian silently watched the fireworks in the sky. Qingqiu must be so beautiful at the moment. Jing probably supported her grandma and watched the colorful fireworks with everyone; and the vast mountains outside Qingshui Town should be dark. In the bleak cold wind, the soldiers gathered around the campfire, drank bad wine, and sang a song about their motherland. Xiang Liu, probably dressed in snow- white clothes, accompanied Gong Gong, silently walking through the darkness, patrolling from one camp to another.

Note: apart from the words above, Tonghua also added a picture of XL and XY holding hands on the waves, with the moon as a background.

I don't know what it means... why not Jing and xy...I am annoyed

Do you mean this picture?

I think she just like the art....But i mean she cant lie to her words right...and also which she value more...even if XL is her fav...


10-13 From 微博weibo.com






國頂多有點影子。 (突然有種覺得封筆前能否





10-13 From Weibo weibo.com

Some people are surprised that there is a story in the middle? Well, there is

Ah, one mountain, two kingdoms, three royal families and four aristocratic families, Xiling is in the promised land,

Chishui and Tushan are in Sauvignon Blanc, and Gui Fangshi will write about it in this one.

Ah! Apart from this, Erguo hasn’t written anything yet, but that one should be

It’s the last part (the one after Sauvignon Blanc). In this part there are two

The country is at best a shadow. (Suddenly there is a feeling that before closing the pen, can I

I finished writing with fear………………)

@ 同 华 tonghua: What do you think about the relationship between Zeng Xunuo and Sauvignon Blanc?

What would be a good name for that article? I haven’t officially started writing the article yet, and I’ve been losing sleep for several days just because of the name. Will you save me?





yes, that image, the info is that this is the only bonus image included in the first printing of the 2013 edition.
I hope so, maybe because XL is her favorite.