I have lost hope. I now fear even the wedding will be  cut and all. 


I have lost hope. I now fear even the wedding will be  cut and all. 

ITS SO IRONIC but I will have to take Cangxuan gege's advice

Don't expect anything, and you won't feel disappointed... HAHAHAHA


I have lost hope. I now fear even the wedding will be  cut and all. 

If that happens then I’m fucking rating this drama a 1, cos not only did they rob us of a proposal scene,now a wedding too? they better think otherwise!


ITS SO IRONIC but I will have to take Cangxuan gege's advice

Don't expect anything, and you won't feel disappointed... HAHAHAHA

EXACTLY  lmao.   This part 2 is nothing like I imagined.  The way I was excited, worried and now. .....disappointed is not even a strong enough word to describe how I feel.  If not for DW beautiful face and smile and the fact that i want to see him in his red wedding outfit, I would have dropped the drama by now. 

Can’t blame y’all,cos I feel the same way. Honestly been a bit disappointed cos WTH was up with that xl scene visiting chi Chen’s place? It was suppose to be XY & Jing bowing to the portrait not him nor CX. Everything’s fucked up

the intentional non candid XL scenes are starting to piss me off. As if Jing highlighted scenes aren't already being cut, when we finally get to see them kiss, it was less than 5 secs and they immediately pan the screen to XL dedicated double the time to him "feeling" the kiss. WTFFF

ALSO HIM IN CHI CHEN'S PLACE BOWING WHEN IT SHOULD'VE BEEN JING BOWING? no wonder some people are pissed off in weibo. YETT, YETTTT, there are still YaoLiu stands who are saying XL isn't getting enough screen time, like WHAT  MORE DO YOU WANT WHEN jing scenes are already robbed and gave to CX and XL?? Drama only watchers that will never read the novel will probably think XY is meant to be with XL with that's just the production crew's bias @___@!!!  sorry for the rant, the amount of disrespect the production team is showing to Jing and the obvious Bias to XL is making my blood boil.


ALSO HIM IN CHI CHEN'S PLACE BOWING WHEN IT SHOULD'VE BEEN JING BOWING? no wonder some people are pissed off in weibo. YETT, YETTTT, there are still YaoLiu stands who are saying XL isn't getting enough screen time, like WHAT  MORE DO YOU WANT WHEN jing scenes are already robbed and gave to CX and XL?? Drama only watchers that will never read the novel will probably think XY is meant to be with XL with that's just the production crew's bias @___@!!!  sorry for the rant, the amount of disrespect the production team is showing to Jing and the obvious Bias to XL is making my blood boil.

Exactly!!! A lot of Jing’s scenes have been given to CX & xl. The nerve of yaoliu stans to complain,when in fact xl is absent a lot in the latter part of the novel.  I’m slowly beginning to lose interest in the drama but hanging on because of Deng Wei,or else I’d have stopped watching it. They’re trying to be people pleasers & that’s not how it’s supposed to work,cos Jing’s the end game if not then let XY go die with xl or let xl surrender & let him confess to XY while Jing is “dead”. Then THEY get married like how the yaoliu stans want,end! Cos this is pissing me off

Cos if they keep up with this shit, might as well let XY & xl start dating & when Jing comes back,he’ll OFFICIALLY leave XY and move on with his life & his business. Since they wanna fuck up everything


the intentional non candid XL scenes are starting to piss me off. As if Jing highlighted scenes aren't already being cut, when we finally get to see them kiss, it was less than 5 secs and they immediately pan the screen to XL dedicated double the time to him "feeling" the kiss. WTFFF

It is the story of poor XL  and CX who could not get theirvlove reciprocated.  XY love story is not important. She is no more the main lead in this story . 


It is the story of poor XL  and CX who could not get theirvlove reciprocated.  XY love story is not important. She is no more the main lead in this story . 

That’s how it seem like now. Where’s tong hua? Isn’t she supposed to be part of the production crew? Cos this is just bad.  Jing will be gone for a couple of episodes after tomorrow, so his lines & scenes were NOT to be distributed to xl & CX,CX is already the ML with enough screen time 🤦🏽‍♀️

I cannot believe I only  watched YaoJing scenes,  XL and  XY little talk by the sea and Xin Yue rant. That is all I watched in episode 16.

  Episod1 5 I just watched the little Xiao Jing.  


That’s how it seem like now. Where’s tong hua? Isn’t she supposed to be part of the production crew? Cos this is just bad.  Jing will be gone for a couple of episodes after tomorrow, so his lines & scenes were NOT to be distributed to xl & CX,CX is already the ML with enough screen time 🤦🏽‍♀️

TH was involved. She let them butchered all the characters. XY is  more dumb than in  part 1, XL is a pathetic simp XC is  extra ... Jing is none existant except for smiling sweetly at XY .  

I haven't seen the latest episodes yet but based on the reactions I've read online, the drama production really deviates a lot from the novel. I guess I will just treat this drama as a separate entity from the novel in order for me to enjoy it. This is like me having to read Romancing Mr. Bridgerton and watching season 3 of Bridgerton, pretending it was a fan-made video. 


I haven't seen the latest episodes yet but based on the reactions I've read online, the drama production really deviates a lot from the novel. I guess I will just treat this drama as a separate entity from the novel in order for me to enjoy it. This is like me having to read Romancing Mr. Bridgerton and watching season 3 of Bridgerton, pretending it was a fan-made video. 
