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Yeah it’s a BL tho lol, dunno if it’ll be your taste. I’ve also read heaven’s official blessing but to a certain chapter(I forgot lol)

ohhh, i haven't watched any jijiji, but might check that, nothing bad w/that for me :⁠-⁠) so no prob, thanksss for the info.(⁠^⁠^⁠)😉


so being rich means being intelligent to know what XY wants and give it? did i get that right? =⁠_⁠= *i feel like i see stars*

yes thats what she wrote it there..when i read it i feel like cannot get anymore idiotic...it tickles..😌🍵

 Winny Aye:

cant help already obese...😘 

understood :⁠-⁠D :⁠-⁠D


No worries.  will check blood sugar level.  Hahaha. 😂 

LOOL hope still manageable haha.


...just adding some cinammon :D

haha thankssss for that cinnamon :⁠-⁠D

 Winny Aye:


so being rich means being intelligent to know what XY wants and give it? did i get that right? =⁠_⁠= *i feel like i see stars*

yes thats what she wrote it there..when i read it i feel like cannot get anymore idiotic...it tickles..😌🍵

 same-- that cracked me up so i have to stop reading there. 🍵needing this too.haha.

 Winny Aye:

thats very true lol ....Jing represents a normal decent man who loves his family 

that part where XY likes going to Jing's room and sleeping by his side is one of my faves esp the novel ver., it makes me want to be the spirit fox and see XY like that myself, her talking to him, --- ^⁠_⁠^😻

yesss thankful for TH for that.😉



Exactly cos now those who enjoy the drama are now having this sour taste in their mouths cos xl fans keep talking trash & I’ve also seen fans saying they’ve lost interest in TJC cos of how toxic his characters fans are, which I think shouldn’t be at all but 🤷🏽‍♀️.  It’s sad that has to happen, cos even i don’t have any problem with TJC, it’s xl I have an issue with. The fans throw rocks,then hide their hands. Call them out on their bull & they say you’re being aggressive 🤦🏽‍♀️.

trueeee. i was trying to get to know him more and hear him sing more coz i heard him sing and ZWY too during the h!6 guesting and also they were all hilarious there, but idk anymore-- ill just go back to my usual thing, just D-Z, DW, Jing, and YaoJing stuff for now^⁠_⁠^ 💜💜.

thanksssssss for all the interactions here so far. loved it all. brb (⁠^⁠^⁠)💜😉


There’re women who don’t value themselves & it shows in their actions & choices. Run from women like that cos they’ll make you as miserable as them. There’re soo many CX & xl walking around but a few Jing,that’s why a Jing is precious cos he’s a rare jem. Why do think a lot of women are on meds or seeing a shrink? They’d rather cheat on a Jing for a CX or xl cos he’s not breaking their hearts,using them or abusing them.


Our society does not lack any CX or XL.  But there is a severe lack of Jing.

Let’s pray that for any girl who already has a Jing in her life, she won’t let him go, and that she loves and appreciates him.

Yes these days, a decent guy is  hard to find. but theres still are. When you meet one just cherish him. But it depends on how much these type of people are still valued. How much family live is valued.

Decent guy may not be exactly like Jing. But their characteristics are that directly showing their feelings although sometimes may not be that romantic . but you can feel you are loved. He is direct and do not play any love games. He is a nice guy who can make you are equal to him. No controlling on how he want you to be.  Some women do not like or appreciate this kind of men because he does not fall into...."we are both bored ..so lets go naughty with relationship" type. I did have seen women actually ditch these type of men for an exciting bad boy . There are who find Jing type actually boring but she will choose him because she has this brain enough random exciting love life is not for life. These women  never really happy because they never really appreciate jing like husbands with hearts. Sometimes they  can commit adultary too. but whatever of these two cases these women are quite doomed with love life.

Oh just putting it out here that CX NEVER saw the other men as his rivals except Jing cos he’s seen how close Jing & XY was back in qingshui town. He also saw there was more than closeness between them,more reason why he tried to separate XY from Jing but it fell on deaf ears as usual lol. So him being envious didn’t start from when he found out WXL was XY, it started back in qingshui, him find out XY was his long lost cousin fueled his envy the more. Okay I’m going back to my cleaning 🧹 & cooking 🧑‍🍳 ☺️

@ winny 

Lemme also add that, XY chose xi ling to be equal to the tushan name, she already had a forever with Jing but wanted to have her own name that way it’ll fit Jing’s name too. That also tells you she had already wholeheartedly gave her heart to him. Jing didn’t force her but let her choose instead & when she asked him why she chose xi ling,he replied,‘I know’. 

There’re women who’s suffering & regretting cos they let a Jing go & ended up with nothing but heartache & depression but heyyy that’s what they want/excites them🥴.


WE had this and now my gift of the day (had to reduce the size from Tina's tweet :p) +>

Please just enjoy :D How not love him? <3



Lmao just like how  he experienced every heartbreak xiao yao felt over jing when they were separated . So we could say he was heartbroken over him too ?

That bug became a curse lol. 


@ winny 

Lemme also add that, XY chose xi ling to be equal to the tushan name, she already had a forever with Jing but wanted to have her own name that way it’ll fit Jing’s name too. That also tells you she had already wholeheartedly gave her heart to him. Jing didn’t force her but let her choose instead & when she asked him why she chose xi ling,he replied,‘I know’. 

There’re women who’s suffering & regretting cos they let a Jing go & ended up with nothing but heartache & depression but heyyy that’s what they want/excites them🥴.

Let‘s appreciate the teaching moments the LYF novel and drama offers to viewers.  This is one of those moments.  Both Xiao Yao and Jing are very considerate of each other as life partners.  Jing never forces a choice upon XY.  XY makes decisions out of her free will.

the wise  姐姐 妺妺们 will choose a Jing over a CX or XL.  For those unfortunate ladies who already have a Jing as their partner and choose to let him go over a CX/ XL, they will learn the ramifications of their decision and they of course will hurt their Jing.  🤔

 Winny Aye:
Yes these days,

... After reading you I just wanted to say this:

 As we are not in xianxia or any fictional world, relationships we get into are or seems more raw than these pictured in those beautifull imaginary worlds. So it's on how we cook/deal  with this raw aspects of others and ourselves. ..As you described => they are many variety/nuances in dealing with the research of happyness of 2 people together. One must not loose himself , neither loose the delicate grasp beetween reality and his own fantasies. The best one I would say, is the one who can reach your center point in that "gravity"  and feel like "at home" with it (confortable).  That goes the same with what you call the "naughty" type. It takes two of the same kind, reaching a different state , but still the same grasp of their "gravity".  It's like a  balance point of two carrying for each other partners. 

By same kind, I mean only - wishing the same result/goal. 

So yes , it's raw, it's not perfect, but it's still beautifull and colorfull. As life is. Xiao Yao/Jing is like a 3D gorgous picture of our (in this thread only :p) inner motivations/desires and our inner perception of who to/how to/give and respond to love .  They show us their whole palette of their loving relashionship. 

                     “Cooking requires a light head, a generous spirit and a large heart.” - Paul Gauguin


Oh just putting it out here that CX NEVER saw the other men as his rivals except Jing cos he’s seen how close Jing & XY was back in qingshui town. He also saw there was more than closeness between them,more reason why he tried to separate XY from Jing but it fell on deaf ears as usual lol. So him being envious didn’t start from when he found out WXL was XY, it started back in qingshui, him find out XY was his long lost cousin fueled his envy the more. Okay I’m going back to my cleaning 🧹 & cooking 🧑‍🍳 ☺️

Have to revisit the QingShui Town part of the drama….i thought CX’s interest in Xiao Liu was due to suspicion.  He was then interested in 十七 after he was recognized by 静夜 as the missing second young master of 青丘.  CX tried to get to know 十七/Jing with the intention of finding out more about him and hopeful eventual recruitment him to his side or for his grand father’s kingdom.  All of that were thrown out the window when CX realizes Xiao Liu is Xiao Yao, and he will lose Xiao Yao to Jing.