Winny Aye:

thank you collecting images and the way do you think ..I should open scapbook thread on S1 page...and then second half in S2 page?

Yes I think you should, because we still don't have a release date + again just an advice you can when we are aware of the date=> copy the full album here, cause I don't think people wont go back and forth bethween the sections, and they might be willing to be recalled here in S2 of Xiaojings moments in S1.

I would gladly help you with that task....

Deng wei's drawing....(maybe I can apply as his art teacher? :D)


My thoughts! :))))  Your thread(s) of the scrapbook must be seen as going at some point, as a whole....If people (like me :D) CUT your ongoing scrapbooking=> it's a pity and a mess...I would recommend you if it's still ongoing/builiding (taaake your time) , that you have somewhere ready to copy-paste a SIMPLE announcement sentence that reminds people to re-go in scrapbooks pages / *1->8/14->19* *

Think just of a simple message where y changes only the numbers- so new reader, or we...dont get lost, and easily continue....

I will start open once it reach to around episode 8...because we are mostly following drama...about some photos...I think i will take...some u share here and on candy shop..?

Love this lila tones- like the glycine cake...


Deng wei's drawing....(maybe I can apply as his art teacher? :D)

his XY's embrace ....?? that little fox...he loves it...? ..YES

=> Xiao jings wedding candies bag WAOW :D!!!

 Winny Aye:
his XY's embrace ....?? that little fox...he loves it...? ..YES

:D *I see you* / *I feel you*


=> Xiao jings wedding candies bag WAOW :D!!!

I want to have YaoJing marriage candies too..??

 Winny Aye:
I want to have YaoJing marriage candies too..??

me too!!! :D


:D *I see you* / *I feel you*

YaoJing playful side..??

 Winny Aye:

YaoJing playful side..??

:D!!!! XD!

A last one, must go back lol to work lol

Diamonds ladies on shift <3


A last one, must go back lol to work lol

Diamonds ladies on shift <3

Im multitasking lol..but yep..see U around ?

 Winny Aye:
m multitasking lol..but yep..see U around ?

I'm not serious today! :D Here are diamonds trucks! OMG!