
ZX has shown that when it comes to XY, he is extremely  controling. This was not even about him wanting to protect her at some point 

I was glad she never loved him like a lover. He would have been extremly possessive and controling. This is a really bad characterists combination in a lover. 

He thought gaining power would bring XY closer to him, he thought getting rid of Jing will give him a chance with XY but what he didn’t know was XY doesn’t want to be one of his numerous wives nor saw him in a romantic way. ZX failed to see that. Jing’s request of a 15 year promise was something he put out there & gave XY a choice,she could’ve said no but she didn’t now did she? Meaning she had already accepted Jing & had feelings for him for a while now, she knew of his engagement, knew YY didn’t like Jing. She likes him that’s why she said yes, also chose to wear dresses & got jealous whenever jing’s involved. With ZX there’s only brotherly love,he just couldn’t accept that fact, his greed for XY’s love is what pushed her away & the breaking point was her discovering he had something to do with Jing’s death. No matter what anyone says, XY has /will always love Jing,without him she’d have become a royal mother cos she thought he’s gone,even tho she doesn’t believe it,I mean she could’ve moved on & chose another guy but she didn’t.

I copied this from 

He looked at the zithers, Xiaoyao looked at him. Jing can’t help smiling, he lifted his eyes to look at Xiaoyao, his eyes swept past her eyes, and slowly landed on her lips. Xiaoyao’s cheeks blushed furiously and she looked away quickly, looking down to pretend to pluck the strings.
Jing couldn’t resist to hold her hand, Xiaoyao blinked and looked anxiously at him.
Jing clasped her hand in his ” I just want to tell you, I think I am the luckiest man in the world.”

ooh my world.  Those 2 are truly  in love. TH made it so clear in her novel.


I copied this from 

He looked at the zithers, Xiaoyao looked at him. Jing can’t help smiling, he lifted his eyes to look at Xiaoyao, his eyes swept past her eyes, and slowly landed on her lips. Xiaoyao’s cheeks blushed furiously and she looked away quickly, looking down to pretend to pluck the strings.
Jing couldn’t resist to hold her hand, Xiaoyao blinked and looked anxiously at him.
Jing clasped her hand in his ” I just want to tell you, I think I am the luckiest man in the world.”

ooh my world.  Those 2 are truly  in love. TH made it so clear in her novel.

Definetly YaoJing is a couple who loves each other. WHICH IS TOO CLEAR.....those who dont understand are denying it..


The only thing Jing did was  to ask XY for a 15 years promises. It was not even a selfish request because XY has a choice in the matter. She was free to say yes or no. Nothing was forced on her.

What ZX did was as low as what Hou did.

I find 15 years promise more giving option to himself from. She can refused it or take it back later. 

Jing didn’t know how to answer. If she didn’t come, then he didn’t know where else to go. In this dark deep place, he once experienced the sweetest happiness, but the one who gave him the happiness was Xiao Liu. It wasn’t this girl before him now. If she took back her promise, he would completely understand.

But the fact she happily wants to take the promise and was  also happy YiYang didn't like Jing. So she's giving herself a chance. IT'S NOT FORCED! But yep the commentor could see it "selfish" , because she/he might see it that it's sort of emotional imprisonment to pull XY like that. But that emotion is something no one can forced though. I mean XY/WXL is attracted to the way YSQ is. But to me love cannot be forced and XY will naturally ignore it if she's not attracted to him. I wont go into details because we all know. Its just something some fans ignore. Because the way they think is YSQ acted the way XY would like and he's making his actions promising to her (compare it to XL,whom she has more raw feels through his rough treatments , I will talk more on it in my next post). Ok..15 year promise is one thing.

Another thing is he acted possessive and hire XL(buy Yaoliu's bargain, and XL sold it too heartfully) to break off XY wedding. Again I see some take it as Jing's selfishness and calling him fake gentleman and such.  Because Jing didn't have much courage to face XY himself because he might fueled her up. Again XL is doing in his own style too just broke off wedding at actual  ceremony.?? I call it bad boy style although XL fans are saying he's not true bad boy. But I think those who think Jing is fake gentleman and calling him  as such are having bits if plot holes to them (borrowing Symbolika words). Because for one thing is he did not mean to make it such extreme way though.  I think he sincerely did not believe she loves Feng Long. But the actual fact is he can't let go of her or that hope. So two reasons combined. Its not as extreme as CX/ZX, but for me personally it's like this, Jing is gentleman and proper mostly but he is not saint, and definetly is  another living creature with passion, he seems to be calm and reasonable most of the time, but when it comes to XY, his emotions can burst out too (but not extreme way as ZX). Like he himself said, he knew that what a burden he is holding on and XY maybe more suitable with FL and FFB but he can't let go of her. And she chose him too. I think there's emotional clash within but what he did doesn't sound extreme. And i still see consideration from him. 

Edit: Just to make a little clearer on why i dont think Jing is fake gentleman because he hired XL to break off XY's wedding is because although it may sound, his emotions are bursting out, it's still sensible act. Because from what he said why would he made things worse by appearing in front of her and let XL talked to her whom might have more effective on her. And here I also believed Jing knew of XY's affection for XL too. And if Jing fake gentleman as said, he may not let it known is he who hired XL to do such deed. 


That's why I respected XL in the end when he  made the doll for XY. He did not force XY to have it. If Jing had not  told yhe maid to pack it, XY would not have it with her. Hence why I also dislike the change they will be making in season 2 where Nia h force XY to always keep it with her all the time. It will take away the beauty of XL and Jing act and turn Niah into a busy body. I dislike busy body to the core.

Umm..yep it sounds drama is making A Nian more important and clinging XY to keep XL last present (his blessing to her I'd say).  Personally ,I don't mind it right at the moment about A Nian being in the picture. Again i need to see the flow of drama go. 

No matter what anyone says, XY has /will always love Jing,without him she’d have become a royal mother cos she thought he’s gone,even tho she doesn’t believe it,I mean she could’ve moved on & chose another guy but she didn’t.

Chapter 49 really emphasizes this.


Chapter 49:

Xiao Yao smiled bitterly, such deadly poison couldn’t even kill her. Having the bug connected with Xiang Liu was like giving herself nine lives. But what was the point of living like this?

Sir Bi saw Xiao Yao’s devastated expression and gently said, “Why don’t you stay on Jade Mountain for awhile? The Royal Mother doesn’t have much time left. Even if the Black Emperor didn’t bring you, we were going to bring you here.”

Xiao Yao stared in shock at Sir Bi who replied calmly, “Don’t feel bad. Death is a natural part of life.”

Xiao Yao thought about it. If one could not love and live freely, then death would be a form of release. She said, “I want to see the Royal Mother.”

Sir Bi said, “The Royal Mother is alert right now so I’ll take you to see her.”


The Royal Mother said, “All the girls seem like good people, why do they want to be the Royal Mother?” She was about to pick another picture up when she paused and looked over at Xiao Yao and asked, “Xiao Yao, have you thought about the future?”

Xiao Yao was startled. “What?”

The Royal Mother leisurely said, “Sometimes the world is so big that anywhere can be home, sometimes the world is so big but nowhere to go and death is a release. Jade Mountain isn’t a good place, but it is cut off from the rest of the world. Xiao Yao, do you want to become the next Royal Mother and govern Jade Mountain?

The Royal Mother’s expression was as if she already knew everything. Xiao Yao’s eyes teared up, the entire world belonged to Zhuan Xu and there was nowhere she could go to hide from him. Only Jade Mountain cut off from the entire world gave her a place to rest.

Xiao Yao replied, “I do!”

The Royal Mother clapped her hands and turned to Shiu Hong. “There, the matter is taken care of so you can disappear now.”

Shui Hong looked at Xiao Yao and sighed, “Can’t believe the one person who didn’t want to be on Jade Mountain the most now wants to stay here forever.” Shiu Hong picked up the items and walked off.

Lie Yang landed on a peach blossom branch. “Xiao Yao, being the Royal Mother means you will never be able to leave Jade Mountain for the rest of your life and must be alone forever. Have you really thought it through?”

Xiao Yao said, “I thought it through. The world may be vast but there is nowhere I can go now. Being the Royal Mother is my only resting place.” In the past she greedily sought out the sights and sounds of the outside world but now that she lost everything, nothing mattered to her anymore. She was tired and wanted only a peaceful spot to putter around for the rest of her life.

Lie Yang grew silent and Sir Bi wanted to object, but couldn’t find a reason to. Perhaps reaching this point, growing old on Jade Mountain really was Xiao Yao’s only choice.


“Tomorrow, I will become the Royal Mother.”

“Do you know what that means?”

“I lived on Jade Mountain for 70 years. I know exactly what that means.”

Zhuan Xu was devastated and enraged as he continued, “The Royal Mother cannot step one foot off the mountain, she must be alone for the rest of her life! You are drawing your own prison cell until you die! Even if Jing is dead, even if you don’t love me, your life is still very long and the world very vast. You can still find someone to spend your life with! Is there no one left in this world that is worth your staying for?


Zhuan Xu grabbed Xiao Yao’s hand tightly like he was never going to let go. “Why?”

Xiao Yao smiled so casually, like this had nothing to do with her. “Zhuan Xu, how can you not know why? I could have lived like an ordinary girl, marrying and having kids, living a simple, happy life. You took it all away from me! I can’t kill you, I can’t kill myself, I can’t even leave! The whole world knows I am Qi Yo’s daughter, the whole world is under your rule – if I can avoid people trying to kill me, I still can’t avoid your forces to bring me back. Zhuan Xu, the world is so vast but you’ve pushed me to the point of being with you or having nowhere else to go!”

“If you don’t become the Royal Mother, I can give up…….”

Xiao Yao shook her head. “Zhuan Xu, I’m tired. Let me rest now!

Zhuan Xu tightly held onto Xiao Yao’s hand pleading, “Xiao Yao, if you don’t become the Royal Mother I will give you any freedom you want, go anywhere you want!”

Xiao Yao got on her knees and raised her head to look up at Zhuan Xu, “Gege, please I beg you to remember all we shared and agree to let me be the Royal Mother. Give me a place to rest.”

Her expression was placid and in her dark depths there was no love or hate anymore, just nothingness.


Xiao Yao stared at the peach blossom forest and remembered when Jing proposed to her. It was on Cao Ao Peak on Sheng Nong Mountain, which didn’t have any peach blossom trees, but Jing knew her parents pledged their love under peach blossom trees so he used his power to conjure up thousands of miles of peach blossoms and as the petals rained down he nervously asked, “Tu Shan Jing wishes for Xi Ling Jiu Yao’s hand in marriage.”

Xiao Yao reached out her hand and caught a few peach blossoms and smiled.

The Royal Mother was dressed in ceremonial robes and waited for her on the altar. She lucidly watched Xiao Yao and the only spectator below the stage was Zhuan Xu, his face starkly white and exhausted as he kept his eyes on Xiao Yao without blinking.

Xiao Yao walked directly to the altar without looking anywhere else and the Royal Mother asked, “As custom, I shall ask one final time – once you are Royal Mother you cannot get married or ever leave Jade Mountain. Do you still agree?

Zhuan Xu yelled “Xiao Yao———-“ with tears in his eyes, pleading with every fiber of his being.

Under the peach blossoms falling around her, Xiao Yao seemed to spot Jing and she tightly clenched her hands around the petals in her palm as she smiled at him and said, “I agree.”

The Royal Mother nodded “Fine!”

Zhuan Xu painfully closed his eyes.


Thanks so much for sharing the chapter. ♡♡

If you are still here. I'd like to ask what you think about YaoLiu romance and YaoJing romance regardless of which type you prefer. 

 Winny Aye:


Thanks so much for sharing the chapter. ♡♡

If you are still here. I'd like to ask what you think about YaoLiu romance and YaoJing romance regardless of which type you prefer. 

Hi Winny! ^^

Hmmm. Well, first I believe in both romances. As in, I think the text provides enough evidence to convince me that XY loved (had romantic feelings for) both TSJ and XL. Which seems to be a fairly rare position in the fandom.

For me, TSJ and XL (and XY, and CX, and pretty much every character) each have their flaws and certain actions or character traits that I don't like. But, for the most part, I like them both. I appreciate what they each do for XY, and I appreciate most (but not all) of their romantic scenes with XY. 

I prefer the novel to the drama, and in the novel, XY's happy ending would not be possible without both TSJ and XL. Without TSJ, XY would have condemned herself to a lonely and miserable existence on Jade Mountain for the rest of her life. Without XL, XY and TSJ would both be dead twice over. 

Lately I may have been mostly sharing the comments that I disagree about but lately I saw another comment I agree about.
Its on YouTube and language is in Thai.
So I will share my translation here. I agree about everything except the first line, the quoted one. I dont know where it comes from.

"True love is fighting for it to possess. And being selfless is not so true love"
To Xiang Liu, XY fell for him without any intention to. One thing is because they shared similar traumatic events in life. XY sympathized towards XL a lot.  XY wished XL to lead a successful life, and thought he deserved happiness. Moreover, his loyalty, bravery and determination made her respect him too. That's the reason why she helped him in occasions. It is pure love without any intention to possess in lifetime. In the last chapter, it's not surprising that XY was deeply devasted and could not sleep the whole night. She knew he did a lot for her although the actions might sounds like transaction. Xiang Liu will be someone who live in her memory forever. But then it doesn't sound much like missing spouse or lover although there are some romantic elements. It's hard to explain. It's more of remembering a senior you used to have a crush on before when younger although now you have official boyfriend or husband already. Or it can be celebs, idols or someone you love. He/she stays in your memory to be remembered but not sharing life time together.
But with Jing, according to both drama and novel, XY fell in love with him not because of pity but it happened naturally . They are both attracted to each other with natural law of attraction. XY was shy and turn red when helping him bath since early episodes. XY mostly followed her heart too and was not able prevent herself from doing so even when he was already having fiance. Since in Qing Shui town, XY/WXL asked Jing/YSQ about is maids around him. Both in drama and novel, it is clearly shown she was sulk and jealous over YSQ. A love like this is definetly male-female, boy-girl love who want to possess each other. It gives this kind of feeling "If I don't get you I will be broken to death!". There is evidence that Jing held XY to get burnt together in the burning maze. And when Yy issue occured, they broke up, XY spit blood because of being heart broken from him.
It's how the author shows human natural attraction and love. That is why XY chose Jing. Because both hold eternal love for each other.

How you guys think about this comment!


Hmmm. Well, first I believe in both romances. As in, I think the text provides enough evidence to convince me that XY loved (had romantic feelings for) both TSJ and XL. Which seems to be a fairly rare position in the fandom.

hehehe I understand you. Actually that is quite good. I also believe XY holds romantic feelings for both guys. But it different though. It's hard to explain. To me XY feelings towards TSJ are more inclining to possessive love like general couple. For XL, more of crush but unintentional. For me yaoliu is that they could developed into something like yaojing if there had been different situations and circumstances. It depends of course.  But I disagree with the fact that said XY would prefer XL if he confessed. Because to me there's nothing absolute according to the novel. Regardless XL is still special to XY. XL selflessly&mysteriously helped XY to get her happy ending is also true love from him. 

Yes...all characters have flaws and merits. 

I prefer the novel to the drama, and in the novel, XY's happy ending would not be possible without both TSJ and XL. Without TSJ, XY would have condemned herself to a lonely and miserable existence on Jade Mountain for the rest of her life. Without XL, XY and TSJ would both be dead twice over. 

I agree with everything you said in this passage. 

All in all, thank u so much for the response. ♡♡

himself said, he knew that what a burden he is holding on and XY maybe more suitable with FL and FFB 

I honestly believe he said this because compare to those 2 men, he knows he is not free.  He has a fiance while FFB and FL are single and also are much stronger. In time of status he is very suitable.


@ Winny Aye 

And here I also believed Jing knew of XY's affection for XL too. 

I agree  here. He knew she was not happy marrying FL. So  sending XL was a way of letting her be happy wit him. He did not know that XL was  not going to take her away with him forever.  

He was married but still cared about XY happiness. As long as she was happy.


I copied this from 

He looked at the zithers, Xiaoyao looked at him. Jing can’t help smiling, he lifted his eyes to look at Xiaoyao, his eyes swept past her eyes, and slowly landed on her lips. Xiaoyao’s cheeks blushed furiously and she looked away quickly, looking down to pretend to pluck the strings.
Jing couldn’t resist to hold her hand, Xiaoyao blinked and looked anxiously at him.
Jing clasped her hand in his ” I just want to tell you, I think I am the luckiest man in the world.”

ooh my world.  Those 2 are truly  in love. TH made it so clear in her novel.

He makes her blush all the time & she can’t help it lol. When they got back together,she kept blushing even when he got back from the brink of death & told XY her makeup looks good but not enough as a bride for the wedding,she kept blushing too.

I’d be pissed if they don’t add the proposal scene,also Jing’s death scene too cos it’s plays a pivotal role in the story. I’ve already seen bts of Hou & Jing’s fight so letting the story flow will make it more believable than cutting out all important scenes. 21 episodes is too short but it’s also a good way to adjust all important scenes from the novel,besides 45min run time is enough to cover those arcs.


I’d be pissed if they don’t add the proposal scene,also Jing’s death scene too cos it’s plays a pivotal role in the story. I’ve already seen bts of Hou & Jing’s fight so letting the story flow will make it more believable than cutting out all important scenes. 21 episodes is too short but it’s also a good way to adjust all important scenes from the novel,besides 45min run time is enough to cover those arcs.

I agree.   I am now pissed off that they cut  XYJing  going to town together to get  the zither.