Oh my gosh, I got a welcoming message from the fan club! Deaded
Congratz!🎉🎉Pls share if you get melons and insider infos from the super fans site.
Btw I remember in one of Hi Saturday Ep a couple of months ago, The participants can share a melon with Teacher He and he‘s giving them points depends on how ‚yummy‘ the melon is and TJC‘Melon got the highest point like 100.000, but they bleeped the secret as he told it and only left something like October in it. I‘ve been very curious afterwards to know what is it all about🤔. So I expect some big news is going to happen in this October?
And he got really shy in the LYF Ep at Hi Saturday, where they put heart rate detecting device on them and TJC was asked if someone (co-worker) ever confessed to him after filming and he said ‚yes, some did‘😉. Well if he is secretly dating, then good for him. Wish him all the happiness in real life. He suffered enough for us in dramas LOL.