
What the heck?

Man.  If I had waited out in the cold for hours to greet Tan Jian Ci and he showed up in his Space Alien Completely Covered Head to Toe ... I might be a little miffed.  lol

Oh! The Tusken outfit :D

He really took it to heart when the fans said he should be protected from the cold heheh


So, it looks like Tan Jian Ci is sneaking in another event tomorrow.  Prada!

-Prada event tomorrow, Shanghai 12.6

 -Filter booting & GQ event 12.7

 -Tencent Starlight 12.17

 -Hunan NYE 12.31 

Oh my gosh it’s so hard to keep up!

Kokuto, there’s a Kotoko on the main comment section. Is it your twin sister? 


Kokuto, there’s a Kotoko on the main comment section. Is it your twin sister? 

I thought I answered this.  Brain fart.

Nope.  I don't know them.

All right!  Enjoy these last few events in December.  The FILTER shoot has started!



Oh! The Tusken outfit :D

He really took it to heart when the fans said he should be protected from the cold heheh

Well, it's not quite the Tusken outfit, but it's definitely from a close by shop.  O_O


All right!  Enjoy these last few events in December.  The FILTER shoot has started!


He legit doesn’t sleep.

How is this possible?


I thought I answered this.  Brain fart.

Nope.  I don't know them. 

Lol I know. Such a coincidence hahah

But nothing beats a Kokuto :)


Lol I know. Such a coincidence hahah

But nothing beats a Kokuto :)



He legit doesn’t sleep.

How is this possible?

I don't know.  I mean, he's going from that to the GQ event.

But he only has the TenCent thing later.  And everyone will be off on New Year's when he performs next.  Hopefully he'll have less appearances after that... that's presuming he's going to take a break from Hello Saturday.  O_O


I don't know.  I mean, he's going from that to the GQ event.

But he only has the TenCent thing later.  And everyone will be off on New Year's when he performs next.  Hopefully he'll have less appearances after that... that's presuming he's going to take a break from Hello Saturday.  O_O

That’s why he’s looking so thin :(

This is concerning. Dude needs to slow down, seriously =_=

Actually, I love how his fans call him the Prince of Beihai.

Another one of his nicknames (which he has referred to himself as more than once) is The Great White Shark of Beihai.


That’s why he’s looking so thin :(

This is concerning. Dude needs to slow down, seriously =_=

He does seem to be thinner. :(


Another one of his nicknames (which he has referred to himself as more than once) is The Great White Shark of Beihai.

Ah!  There it is.  I knew it had Shark in it.  Thank you!

Though I'm not sure why one would refer to oneself as a shark.  hmmmm.


Ah!  There it is.  I knew it had Shark in it.  Thank you!

Though I'm not sure why one would refer to oneself as a shark.  hmmmm.

