People forget that those characters are just words on a page.

Exactly. I'll never feel bad roasting fictional people.

But if someone were to point this out in the main comment section, his attorneys would be losing their minds and start calling us all sorts of names. Us, real, living, breathing people. That's what they don't seem to grasp. Characters are made to entertain real people. Real people are not.

Yes, some of them act like it's a personal attack against them and call us names like B*tch, delusional, and other such words. At least we don't go after them and do the same thing. It's so childish :)

For example, Jing is a terrible character in terms of basically everything. He was written to have the personality of a stale loaf of bread, whose unique traits are being sweet, kind, and forgiving. A well-written character can have all of those characteristics and still be the complete opposite of him. He's a background character who should have stayed as such.

Jing should've died during those 37 years in a coma. He thought Xiao Yao was dead anyway. To quote HeadInTheClouds, why'd he stick around like a bad rotten fish smell?

People forget that those characters are just words on a page. Back when there was no cinema or television, they were represented on stage. And the audience threw tomatoes at the actors when they didn't like what they were seeing.

I don't know why nor when things became so pathetic that criticizing aspects of an entity that doesn't even exist in real life has somehow turned into a crime. For example, Jing is a terrible character in terms of basically everything. He was written to have the personality of a stale loaf of bread, whose unique traits are being sweet, kind, and forgiving. A well-written character can have all of those characteristics and still be the complete opposite of him. He's a background character who should have stayed as such.

But if someone were to point this out in the main comment section, his attorneys would be losing their minds and start calling us all sorts of names. Us, real, living, breathing people. That's what they don't seem to grasp. Characters are made to entertain real people. Real people are not.

There really seems to be a problem with some people understanding the difference between a personal attack and talking about a character.  They can't seem to distinguish between a real person and a fictional character.  It just boggles my mind.

NGL, Jing as a character grated against my personal biases and pet peeves early on.  I've had negative experiences with people like Jing who played emotional games.  But if others like him, that's their preference.  Just don't expect me to be blind to his faults.

Jing should've died during those 37 years in a coma. He thought Xiao Yao was dead anyway. To quote HeadInTheClouds, why'd he stick around like a bad rotten fish smell?

LOL!  Tan Jian Ci said something similar ... well not about Jing being fishy.   Someone linked a video where Tan Jian Ci said he respected Tong Hua's work, but if you put him on the spot, HE would have XL stay with XY after the 37 years in the clam shell, and season 2 would be their Underwater Adventures.  lol

I think I'm going to have watch Schitt's Creek, just from all the gifs posted.

Something truly important to get the bad taste of fish out of our mouths ahahah

The Jo Malone livestream has been translated <3

Found this video that explains why it was so loud at Tan Jian Ci's DeBeers event.


THREE floors of fans!


Something truly important to get the bad taste of fish out of our mouths ahahah

The Jo Malone livestream has been translated <3

Oh, awesome!  Something to watch over supper.  Thank you!

And they coughed up their e-mail in the comments.  waggles eyebrows at nathsketch

Newest casting rumor about Tan Jian Ci's next film project, Tong Hua's Filter.

Feng Long!!!


Found this video that explains why it was so loud at Tan Jian Ci's DeBeers event.


THREE floors of fans! 


Newest casting rumor about Tan Jian Ci's next film project, Tong Hua's Filter.

Feng Long!!!


That Gao dude creeps me out lol sorry.


Oh, awesome!  Something to watch over supper.  Thank you!

And they coughed up their e-mail in the comments.  waggles eyebrows at nathsketch

They what?



That Gao dude creeps me out lol sorry.

I'm glad you said that.  Cause he gives me a weird vibe.  Something about his face, cause I haven't seen him in anything.


They what?

Originally the video was posted without subtitles.  In the comments, someone asked about English Subs, and in the replies, whoever subtitled it said they were finished, and the fan club posted their e-mail addy and said send them in.


LOL!  I don't think Tan Jian Ci was expecting that, but he seemed to be coping... quite happily. :)


Originally the video was posted without subtitles.  In the comments, someone asked about English Subs, and in the replies, whoever subtitled it said they were finished, and the fan club posted their e-mail addy and said send them in.

Heheh yes, now I saw it :)


Oh, awesome!  Something to watch over supper.  Thank you!

And they coughed up their e-mail in the comments.  waggles eyebrows at nathsketch

Ah the fan club email.

Gee, don’t scare me like that. The Alien mask was enough hahahahah