
Hahaa he is a ticking bomb and I love it! Baffling how Lao Sang is so dense and cannot see after all these yrs that CX is in love with XY - even Xiao Xiao and Jin Xuan know.

Xinyue is getting unhinged as well, waiting for her to snap and make a move. I guess they sort of glossed over how Xinyue found out that CX is in love with XY because it was mentioned in the novel haha prob cuhs it would be too scandalous to show how it planted a seed in her head (in the novel she hears him saying XY’s name in le bedroom lol)

Yeah, the bedroom scene with CX saying XY's name would not pass censorship. LOL They showed that  Xinyue is jealous just by her being aware of how much time CX spends with XY.

 Katelyn Arshi:

Yeah, the bedroom scene with CX saying XY's name would not pass censorship. LOL They showed that  Xinyue is jealous just by her being aware of how much time CX spends with XY.

She has a lot of time on her hands. I commend CX for being able to go to Xiao Yue Peak everyday, doesn’t he have evening plans with his 9 wives hahaha. Aiy but seeing him at Xiao Yue Peak is heartwarming, the one place he can shed off his mask and be completely himself :’) XY is his home

Hahaa he is a ticking bomb and I love it! Baffling how Lao Sang is so dense and cannot see after all these yrs that CX is in love with XY - even Xiao Xiao and Jin Xuan know.

Heh ... Lao Sang is a wood demon.  He's literally a dense block head of wood.  lol.


Heh ... Lao Sang is a wood demon.  He's literally a dense block head of wood.  lol.

Haha no kidding! although he is able to carry out other duties quite well hahaha

Today’s YaoXuan scenes were so tragically good ? in fromt of our ship, we are all outsiders ?

Faced with the rumors in the court, Xuan domineeringly protected his sister and argued with the ministers. Feng Long and the ministers were terrified and dared not breathe a word.

BTS Ep 10 

The emperor's heavy responsibility is on his shoulders, CX's love is... as long as you want it, as long as I have it.


Hahaa he is a ticking bomb and I love it! Baffling how Lao Sang is so dense and cannot see after all these yrs that CX is in love with XY - even Xiao Xiao and Jin Xuan know.

Xinyue is getting unhinged as well, waiting for her to snap and make a move. I guess they sort of glossed over how Xinyue found out that CX is in love with XY because it was mentioned in the novel haha prob cuhs it would be too scandalous to show how it planted a seed in her head (in the novel she hears him saying XY’s name in le bedroom lol)

Omg this video made me LOL

I saw episodes 10 and 11 today, and you are right: it is interesting how Lao Sang doesn't know CX is in love with XY! Casually mentioning the upcoming possible nuptials for Jing and XY....even better was how CX got her to put back the wedding indefinitely by having her work on the (many) books of healing knowledge that need to be created.  OH CX, I am so proud of you, that was so clever! Even better was Jing's face falling yet again when XY thanks him for his support.....for the love of everything, why couldn't Jing say, let's get married, and have a long engagement? He had such a long one with FFYY was the return of the hapless Jing that I don't like. Up to that point I was enjoying him this season, for the first time in the whole drama. So very clever, CX ??

But oh those rumours he spread about XY, to 1) free her from Haoling so he can take it over, and b) get her to Chenrong Mountain where it is now her home forever and forever with him (or until he goes mad), he is very smooth right now. 

But can I say, I cried so much during XY's scenes with XL, and later GeGe, talking about her father? Both Tan Jianci and ZWY brought their A-game to those scenes, along with YZ.  Buckets of tears for all of them. It wasn't Niagara Falls here, but it felt like it ?

And ooh Xinyue - when she heard the news about XY not being a princess - that loathing she has for her sister-in-law - you are right, Sssnoopyyy, she is getting unhinged too. 

I also liked how CX protected her in his court when the minister all wanted her thrown out of the kingdom. Go CX! 


She has a lot of time on her hands. I commend CX for being able to go to Xiao Yue Peak everyday, doesn’t he have evening plans with his 9 wives hahaha. Aiy but seeing him at Xiao Yue Peak is heartwarming, the one place he can shed off his mask and be completely himself :’) XY is his home

LOL! I know! I was thinking that too...who would know he has 9 wives? We only see two, mostly, except for the briefest of glimpses when XY was putting her plan to bring Tushan Hou down. I loved seeing her  meltdown at the year end when she was alone again.  

"XY is his home" - absolutely. They are such a cosy family, the three of them, except for the knowing glances the Emperor King keeps sending CX's way. I am delighted we get these happy moments of her and CX together, at least they were happy for a time.  My CX/XY ship heart  ???

LFY Weibo update: " Looking at each other closely, we can see the true heart, and the entanglement of fate is hard to bear."


 Katelyn Arshi:

LFY Weibo update: " Looking at each other closely, we can see the true heart, and the entanglement of fate is hard to bear."


Oh my! What episode will this be?


Oh my! What episode will this be?

I'm not sure but maybe in the next few episodes like 15 or 16.  This was posted on the official site an hour ago. Can novel readers enlightened us or is this an added scene for the drama?


Oh my! What episode will this be?

It’s in today’s episode! And plays out pretty similarly to the book!!!

omg the convo CX had with his shifu is pretty in line with the novel :(

Zhuan Xu’s face revealed his desolation “Master, what does it feel like to marry the woman you love.”

The Grand Emperor smiled sadly “I don’t know.”

“Didn’t Master marry Auntie?”

“When I married her I didn’t love her yet, by the time I fell in love with her, she already saw herself as Qi Yo’s wife.”

Zhuan Xu sighed “So even Master doesn’t know!”

The Grand Emperor joined him and sighed “That’s right.”

Zhuan Xu sadly continued “Sometimes I feel like my life is so absurd. I moved an entire garden of flowers into my backyard but the only flower I want isn’t there. Just that one I want isn’t there! When in actually I don’t even want an entire backyard full of flowers, I just want that one flower!”

CX in Haolin were high quality scenes today!


CX in Haolin were high quality scenes today!

His restrained yet yearning expressions killed meee - just want to give him a hug. The way he looked like he didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry at XY expressing that she always thought he cared about the world/power more. T_______T Kinda wanna shake XY back to her senses lol

I see that the scene with XY shown today is slightly different from the other take they had filmed (which circulated online before the episode aired). In the bts one, he was practically yelling about his unhappiness on marrying all these women, but the one aired was more controlled. I guess they chose to display a more restrained CX - in line with how he has been portrayed so far. In between being retrained and explosive with emotion - I appreciate the level of detailed acting from ZWY. 

FMV:  cang xuan's despair | lost you forever

I feel so much for him. ??

 Katelyn Arshi:

FMV:  cang xuan's despair | lost you forever

I feel so much for him. ??

Aaaahhhhhhhh don’t make me cry again!!! I cannot imagine anyone but ZWY as CX, he was perfect for the role!