I love how the viewers are into LYF.






I came across a great analysis of Cang Xuan by someone on Weibo. He or she made some interest points. I do feel that CX is often misunderstood and under appreciated.  It's Google translated.


Crazy Mountain 

7-24 03:15

Because Tong Hua wrote one point and kept nine points, everyone's understanding of Yuxuan is different, and the Yuxuan that I like and some people's is not the same Yuxuan.

▶︎The Yuxuan I like is the only exception in this world.

He is the first emperor who lives for protection, whether it is protecting his family at the beginning or protecting the people of the world at the end of the story.
In the dramas and books I have watched over the years, some power seekers are for revenge and some for ambition, but I think only those who take the road of emperor for protection will really care about the people. If one person does not protect, how can the people be protected. Only with the heart of protecting one person can we take the responsibility of protecting the people.

Because of the order of his aunt, the exhortation of his grandmother, and the vigilance of his grandfather, Yuxuan buried the young Yuxuan, abandoned the poetic life of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and resolutely embarked on this bloody road full of conspiracy and assassination.

From then on, he gave up his personal feelings and lived a life of joy and sorrow, and lived a life of not being able to enjoy himself, not being able to be offended, and not being able to be close to others.

Fighting for the world to protect his family is a very pure childish heart. When he didn't know that he was also in danger, and didn't know how difficult this road was, he secretly vowed to become the master of the wilderness to protect his family.

▶︎He can give up everything along the way.

Everyone wants face, and he can give it up. For Lao Mu's face, Wen Xiaoliu came to the wine shop to make trouble. He smiled and said "Sixth Brother" all the time. In order to turn a big thing into a small thing, he was flexible and went to apologize to Lao Mu with gongs and drums. In Hao Ling's palace, An Nian's maid could mock him casually, but he didn't care. He just regarded An Nian as his sister, loved her, protected her and took care of her.

Everyone wants a reputation, and he can give it up. In order to let the fifth and seventh kings personally send him to Chenrong Mountain, he personally trampled on his dignity. In the eyes of everyone, he is a notorious prince of Xiyan who is not worthy of being reused, indulges in pleasure, and has a bad reputation. He is sorry for his parents and uncle. He accepted the abuse with a wry smile. Everyone

wants love, he can give it up, and he has to give it up. If you don't fight for the world, you can't protect it, and if you fight for the world, you can't love it. Along the way, he watched the person he loved deeply walk towards someone else, loved, hurt, hurt, and broke up, breaking up and getting back together. When she was in pain, he hated himself and felt that he didn't protect her well. When she was happy, he blamed himself, why it wasn't him who made her happy.

He loves Xiaoyao and is also responsible. In the eyes of Xiaoxuan, if he can't protect her, he doesn't deserve to love her. This is his self-requirement. So he climbed all the way, overcoming all obstacles, and walked to the pinnacle of power. Finally, he had the ability to protect her but lost the qualification to love her, and the person standing next to him was the one who repeatedly hurt and broke her, and couldn't even protect himself.

He warned Jing again and again, asking him not to hurt her.
But he broke him completely. How can you let Xuanxuan not hate, how can you not complain, and how can you dare to easily give him the responsibility of protecting Xiaoyao.

It's not that he can't give up, but he must give it to someone who is worthy.
Xuanxuan's agreement to their marriage means that he has to hand over the responsibility of protecting Xiaoyao to Jing. He can't trust Jing. I can't trust him either. I just trust Tong Hua. Too good is cowardly, you can't choose one.

People scold him for looking down on Jing and wanting to kill Jing. I not only understand him, but I also agree with him. Strip away those loves and just regard him as a brother, he will have more magnanimity to kill Jing.

▶︎I love him in every detail that is not highlighted by Tong Hua.

When he lost his family, he didn't blame others, but chose to become strong to protect the only relatives left. The two uncles sent people to assassinate him from time to time, forcing him to go to Haoling as a hostage. He didn't hate it, but felt that all living beings are suffering, and everyone has a few bad relatives.

He cares about the people. When he was young, he had the opportunity to avenge his father, but he gave up his father's revenge for the people of the Central Plains. When he was in Qingshui Town, he would rather risk being robbed of his credit by the Five Kings and Seven Kings than ignore the interests of the people for the throne.
He is clear about right and wrong and does not implicate innocent people. When the doctor could not save him, he comforted him. When Meilin was killing people, the doctor could not save Xiaoyao, and he said he would find another doctor.

He is good at attacking people's hearts and using people well. Yujiang wanted to avenge his brother who was a cruel official. He captured and released Yuxuan seven times, which not only resolved the hatred and made him get rid of hatred, but also made him willing to follow him and use him for his own purposes. The journey to Zezhou was full of dangers. He persuaded his confidants that if he died, they, as the wealth of the world, should not die so unworthy, and they could go to another wise master.

The reason why he lived like this in his life is inseparable from his grandfather's ambition and Shaohao's weighing of the pros and cons.
Without his grandfather's ambition, his uncle would not have died.
Without Shaohao's promise and not keeping it, his father would not have died.
Without his grandfather's use and Shaohao's intervention in the battle between Xiyan and Chenrong as an ally of Xiyan, his aunt might not have died in the battle of Jizhou.
But he forgave them, understood them, and understood what they had to do.

Xiangliu tried to kill him many times, Qingshui Town almost took his life twice, and before the last war, he killed his only confidant Fenglong. Xuan still respected him. After his death, Xuan offered three cups of wine to him from afar, kept his promise to collect the body of the remnant king Chenrong, and let their souls return to their hometown.

▶︎I deeply love and respect Xuan in every place where Xuan is not understood.

I want to love the essence, not the phenomenon.
I want to see what qualities of the character this incident embodies, and I don't want to just look at the incident itself.

I see that he can love without doing it.

He can just beat Haoling directly, without making a decision for her, and without explaining to Xiaoyao. Because of love, he planned for three years to kill two birds with one stone for one person's far-reaching plan, so that Xiaoyao would not be in a dilemma after the war, and he scraped her bones to heal her wounds, so that she would not have to live in fear of her life being revealed, and asked Li Yuan to tell her that his father was worthy of respect. People will spread rumors, not the truth. When the truth is known, she is still the respected Miss Xiling. This nightmare of more than three hundred years is over. Because of love, he gave Xiaoyao one reason after another to accept this war, so that she would not be too sad.

I respect his restraint in not doing what he knew he could do.

In every choice that could benefit himself, Xuanxuan chose to benefit others and the people.

Even if he wanted the throne, he would not abandon the interests of the people. Even

if Xuanxuan became the King of Xiyan and had the qualifications to be willful, he always restrained himself. He was always torn between what he wanted to do and what he should do, and it was painful. It was a kind of restraint that could be done but was not done, and it was the pain of the greater self whipping the smaller self. His lack of willfulness, his selflessness, and his dedication to justice were his self-requirements rather than his necessities from the beginning. He knew that the emperor never had to bear the price of his willfulness, and he knew that he didn't have to suffer the pain of the turmoil in the world. He knew that he had millions of cavalry in his hands and he was not afraid of using force, but he was still willing to use gentle means. For the sake of the people, he could give in a little, and force was the last resort.

Even if he could legitimately kill the five kings and seven kings who had assassinated him thousands of times and put him to death, Xuan was kind and tolerated them and let them die well.

Even if the battle with Hao Ling could be persisted. Xiyan's national strength was several times that of Hao Ling, and two of the four tribes of Hao Ling had surrendered, and Hao Ling was almost in his pocket. However, he chose to give in for the Qinglong tribe and Xihe tribe behind Shaohao, to reduce bloodshed and sacrifice, and for Anian's life without worries. If it were anyone else, he would either fight or let Shaohao surrender, and would never accept this kind of abdication that was not conducive to his own prestige.

At the beginning, Xuanxuan took on the responsibility of protecting his family, and now Xiyan Xuanxuan is also willing to protect the people of the Great Wilderness.

▶︎His humility in love is another kind of refrain from doing what he can do.

Obviously, he didn't need to take a step back at the beginning. They had an agreement to be husband and wife. He asked for it first, and who knows how things will develop before the end. Obviously, he could force love in the end, but he always respected her.

His humility in love comes from his deep recognition of the love of a couple for a lifetime, from his clear knowledge that he is not qualified, and from his respect for Xiaoyao, so he took a step back when he had no power, and after he was in power, he still just crawled in the dark and never forced Xiaoyao.

Along the way, he respected her and always felt that he owed her. Whenever she was sad or hurt, he wanted to apologize and admit his mistakes, regardless of whether it was caused by him or not, but he was inexplicably labeled as a madman. If he really went crazy once, I wouldn't regret it so much. His madness was not pure. In addition to the love between men and women, this madness also included the responsibility of a brother and the promise to his relatives, otherwise he would not have said to his relatives in the end, "I'm sorry, I can't keep the oath I made back then."

▶︎Responsibility and protection are the life questions of Xuanxuan.

I hoped countless times that he would walk towards himself, but he always struggled to walk towards responsibility. He can give up love and hate, hatred and resentment, but he can't let go of responsibility.

As a brother, he has to protect his sister. He is not at ease to hand over his sister, the daughter of Chichen, to a cowardly person.

As the grandson of Xiyan, he has the responsibility to inherit the ambition of King Xiyan and unify the Great Wilderness.

As himself, he has the world in his heart. After more than two hundred years of folk experience, he knows that the people have been fighting for a long time. He wants to end the situation that the Great Wilderness has been torn apart since Fuxi died and Nuwa withdrew from the world. There have been endless wars and small wars for thousands of years. He wants a Great Wilderness where people, gods and monsters are equal, and he wants to seek welfare for the people.

After that, people, gods and monsters are equal in the Great Wilderness, and there will be no war orphans like Yaoxuan in the Great Wilderness. After that, monsters like Yinglong and Xiangliu will no longer be despised.

At the beginning of the story, he had no choice. He had to choose power. Protecting Xiaoyao was his love and responsibility. At the end of the story, he still had no choice. He had to choose the world. That was his new mission.

He was born to protect. The mission of protecting Xiaoyao has been completed. The next step is to protect the Great Wilderness.

I didn't say goodbye to Xuan deliberately. I fully respected her memory. When I forgot her, I would naturally say goodbye to her.

I love CX and this analysis is deep....I'll have to read it slower and get back to you. (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ thanks for sharing.

I agree. This is a very deep and thoughtful analysis. I too will read it again, and slower. I suspect it provides words I cannot find to explain how I can be such a huge fan and support of a very grey character that is Cang Xuan(to some, he is a complete red flag). I've never wished anyone other than a green flag to be with an FL but oh my Cang Xuan breaks my pattern of hopes and wishes. What an extraordinary character breathed into life by an extraordinary actor. I'm a fan forever of Zhang Wanyi. Thanks for sharing. 


I agree. This is a very deep and thoughtful analysis. I too will read it again, and slower. I suspect it provides words I cannot find to explain how I can be such a huge fan and support of a very grey character that is Cang Xuan(to some, he is a complete red flag). I've never wished anyone other than a green flag to be with an FL but oh my Cang Xuan breaks my pattern of hopes and wishes. What an extraordinary character breathed into life by an extraordinary actor. I'm a fan forever of Zhang Wanyi. Thanks for sharing. 

You're welcome. Yes, this is a very thought out character analysis of CX. I enjoyed reading the author's perspective providing more clarity on his characterization.  This just reaffirmed why I like our grey CX and joining him in his deep pit of despair.  Zhang Wanyi is really a remarkable actor.


it looks like WeTV is gearing up promo for ZWY's new drama: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/oheLKrhR2yR4dAfb/?mibextid=WC7FNe



it looks like WeTV is gearing up promo for ZWY's new drama: https://www.facebook.com/share/r/oheLKrhR2yR4dAfb/?mibextid=WC7FNe

Yes, I see a lot of good sign that it might be out soon. Thanks for sharing.

 Katelyn Arshi:

Yes, I see a lot of good sign that it might be out soon. Thanks for sharing.

I think it comes out Aug 8th! Can’t wait to see and hear his beautiful voice again. I am still not over the messy S2 and my YaoXuan ship so hoping this new series will help me get over the hump


I think it comes out Aug 8th! Can’t wait to see and hear his beautiful voice again. I am still not over the messy S2 and my YaoXuan ship so hoping this new series will help me get over the hump

Me too. I can't wait to watch it. 

Cang Xuan is one of the most complex and grey character I have seen in a while. The actor Zhang Wan Yi really delivered for me. I wished the author gave him a happy ending. Overall he seemed to be the most respectable and one of the more selfless one in the drama as he had to keep putting others first before himself while giving that fake smile he always does. It pained me to see his heart break each time while showing restraint continuously. 

 Katelyn Arshi:
In case you are missing YaoXuan and interested in putting LFY as your wallpaper on desktop/laptop, here are some that you could use.

These are lovely.  Thank you for making them!

 Katelyn Arshi:
I came across a great analysis of Cang Xuan by someone on Weibo. He or she made some interest points. I do feel that CX is often misunderstood and under appreciated. It's Google translated.

An interesting take on CX that we don't normally see.  Definitely food for thought.

 Katelyn Arshi:

Yes we need something to soothe our hearts.

These are awesome ??? and the top one is also heartbreaking. 


Thank goodness for ZWY and YZ who have allowed me to continue watching despite the choppy plot and disappointing changes. I really hope to see them work together again in the near future - their chemistry and acting range is too good to not be utilized again!

Absolutely!  I am hoping they are offered something together soon. I will miss them together here.  A one of a kind "brother and sister" magical pairing. Even now, XY is wandering around with the flower (poinciana?) in her hair, from him ? ?