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Interaction with the Grand Emperor:
Xiao Yao's conversation with the Grand Emperor about the mirror provides insight into her emotional state and her relationship with her father. The Grand Emperor's observation of Xiao Yao's candid honesty highlights their close bond and his understanding of her character. Furthermore, the Grand Emperor's acknowledgment of Xiao Yao's perceived cold-heartedness and rationality compared to her passionate mother sheds light on Xiao Yao's internal conflict and her struggle to reconcile her emotions with her outward demeanor.

This interaction adds depth to the analysis by revealing the dynamics of Xiao Yao's relationship with her father and how it influences her coping mechanisms. It showcases the mutual understanding and acceptance between them.

Coping Mechanism from Captivity:

The mirror is a symbolic continuation of coping mechanisms developed during Xiao Yao's past captivity. Just as humor and defiance were used to endure captivity with the Nine-tailed fox and the snake, Xiao Yao now employs similar strategies through the irreverent depictions in the mirror to transform traumatic symbols from her past.

Narrative of Triumph:

The irreverent depictions in the mirror, serve as a narrative of triumph over past traumas. By mocking and defying the figure that once tormented her, Xiao Yao reclaims a sense of power and control over her own narrative, turning her past experiences into sources of strength rather than sources of fear.

Distraction from Challenges:

While the irreverent depictions offer a form of amusement and defiance, they also serve as a distraction from the deeper emotional challenges Xiao Yao faces, such as missing her mother and grappling with loneliness. The mirror provides a temporary reprieve from these complexities, allowing Xiao Yao to channel her feelings into playfulness rather than confronting their full weight. Instead of facing her internal conflict directly, she retreat for fun into the mirror's reflections.

Interaction with the Grand Emperor:
Xiao Yao's conversation with the Grand Emperor about the mirror provides insight into her emotional state and her relationship with her father. The Grand Emperor's observation of Xiao Yao's candid honesty highlights their close bond and his understanding of her character. Furthermore, the Grand Emperor's acknowledgment of Xiao Yao's perceived cold-heartedness and rationality compared to her passionate mother sheds light on Xiao Yao's internal conflict and her struggle to reconcile her emotions with her outward demeanor.

This interaction adds depth to the analysis by revealing the dynamics of Xiao Yao's relationship with her father and how it influences her coping mechanisms. It showcases the mutual understanding and acceptance between them.

Coping Mechanism from Captivity:

The mirror becomes a symbolic continuation of coping mechanisms developed during Xiao Yao's past captivity. Just as humor and defiance were used to endure captivity with the Nine-tailed fox and the snake, Xiao Yao now employs similar strategies through the irreverent depictions in the mirror to transform traumatic symbols from her past.

Narrative of Triumph:

The irreverent depictions in the mirror, serve as a narrative of triumph over past traumas. By mocking and defying the figure that once tormented her, Xiao Yao reclaims a sense of power and control over her own narrative, turning her past experiences into sources of strength rather than sources of fear.

Distraction from Challenges:

While the irreverent depictions offer a form of amusement and defiance, they also serve as a distraction from the deeper emotional challenges Xiao Yao faces, such as missing her mother and grappling with loneliness. The mirror provides a temporary reprieve from these complexities, allowing Xiao Yao to channel her feelings into playfulness rather than confronting their full weight. Instead of facing her internal conflict directly, she retreat for fun into the mirror's reflections.

As we see, in this context Emperor's acknowledgment of Xiao Yao's perceived cold-heartedness and rationality compared to her passionate mother sheds light on Xiao Yao's internal conflict and her struggle to reconcile her emotions with her outward demeanor//In this scene his perception of Xiao Yao reflect metaphorically  in the mirror.


                                                                Intronisation of the Elder Princess

                                   Detailed Literary Analysis with Quotes, Symbols, and Textual Analysis:______________

In this passage, the climactic ceremony at the summit altar serves as a pivotal moment for Xiao Yao, marked by complex emotions and interpersonal dynamics.

Symbolism of the Summit Altar:

The summit altar constructed from white jade symbolizes purity and solemnity, reflecting the significance of the occasion.
The 99 steps leading to the top represent a journey or ascent, both physically and symbolically, underscoring Xiao Yao's transition and her return to prominence.
The peach blossoms embroidered on Xiao Yao's robe evoke themes of renewal and beauty amidst adversity, adding a layer of symbolism to her appearance.

Interpersonal Dynamics:

Ah Nian's anticipation of disaster and Zhuan Xu's calm expectancy highlight the tension surrounding Xiao Yao's return and its implications for the royal family.
Jing's anticipation and nervousness reveal his conflicted feelings towards Xiao Yao, showcasing the complexity of their relationship.
The Grand Emperor's observations and interactions with Xiao Yao further deepen the familial dynamics, revealing his concern for both Xiao Yao and Ah Nian.

Xiao Yao's Internal Struggle:

Xiao Yao's aloof demeanor and inner turmoil are evident in her outward appearance and internal monologue, reflecting her reluctance and discomfort with the ceremony.
Despite her outward composure, Xiao Yao's inner thoughts reveal her struggle to maintain a facade of propriety and detachment, underscoring her internal conflict.

The Grand Emperor's Concern:

The Grand Emperor's conversation with Xiao Yao elucidates his understanding of the familial dynamics and his concern for the relationship between Xiao Yao and Ah Nian.
His admission of regret and genuine sadness underscores the weight of his responsibilities and the complexities of familial relationships within the royal household.

Symbolism of the Cloud Carriage:

The cloud carriage represents a transition or passage, symbolizing Xiao Yao's return to the palace and the conclusion of the ceremony.
Xiao Yao's exhaustion and the Grand Emperor's concern during their conversation in the cloud carriage reflect the emotional toll of the ceremony and the underlying familial tensions.

Symbolism of the Summit Altar:

"The entire summit altar was constructed from white jade and consisted of 99 steps to the top, starting out wide and narrowing as it got to the top. Both sides of the steps were ringed with Gao Xing ceremonial guards who looked very imposing."
This description of the summit altar constructed from white jade symbolizes purity and solemnity, emphasizing the significance of the ceremony.

Interpersonal Dynamics:

"Ah Nian was smiling as she waited for disaster to happen."
Ah Nian's anticipation of disaster reveals the tension surrounding Xiao Yao's return and hints at potential conflicts within the royal family.

"Zhuan Xu was calm yet expectant – this moment wasn’t just Xiao Yao’s coming back, it also marked his imminent return."
Zhuan Xu's calm yet expectant demeanor reflects his egoistic thought on his empowerment, seeing Xiao Yao's return as a prelude to his own rise to power.

Jing's Emotions:

"Jing was filled with anticipation. He wanted countless times to see Xiao Yao’s true form and now he was finally going to see her. But even more nervous was standing with other guests watching from afar, making him feel he was so distant from her."
Jing's anticipation and nervousness demonstrate his longing for closeness with Xiao Yao, despite feeling emotionally distant from her amidst the crowd of spectators. It marks his loneliness while in the crowd, and the metaphoric distance he have to overcome.

The Grand Emperor's Concern:

"The Grand Emperor sighed loudly 'This life, I’ve used everything I have to exchange for everything I want. I have regrets but will still do it again. The only thing I worry about is the two of you sisters. If you can love and accept each other sincerely and look out for each other, then I will have nothing else to worry about.'"

The Grand Emperor's admission of regret and genuine sadness reveals his concern for the relationship between Xiao Yao and Ah Nian, highlighting the weight of his responsibilities and the complexities of familial relationships within the royal household.

Through these quotes and their respective analysis, we gain deeper insight into the symbolism, interpersonal dynamics, and emotional nuances present in this passage.
contrasting perspectives of Jing and Zhuan Xu regarding Xiao Yao's ascension to the role of Elder Princess:

Jing's Perspective:

"Jing was filled with anticipation. He wanted countless times to see Xiao Yao’s true form and now he was finally going to see her."
Jing's anticipation reflects his genuine excitement and eagerness to witness Xiao Yao's transformation into the Elder Princess. This suggests that he sees this moment as a significant and positive milestone,  indicating his admiration, longing and respect for Xiao Yao's character and abilities.

Zhuan Xu's Perspective:

"Zhuan Xu was calm yet expectant – this moment wasn’t just Xiao Yao’s coming back, it also marked his imminent return."
Zhuan Xu's calm yet expectant demeanor suggests a more calculated and self-centered perspective. He views Xiao Yao's ascension as a step towards his own empowerment, indicating that he may perceive her new role primarily through the lens of its implications for his own political ambitions.

In summary, while Jing views Xiao Yao's ascension with anticipation and genuine enthusiasm, Zhuan Xu approaches the situation with a more detached and strategic mindset, focusing on its broader implications for his own goals. These differing perspectives underscore the complexity of their relationships with Xiao Yao and their individual motivations within the story.


Part 6:      

                              Jing's demand for appointement with XY to Zhuan Xu.

(notice ep19, wording is "May I...", while in the koala's version it's "I want to see Xiao Yao",

as in chinese version, to wich i'll stick ):


                                   Jing's demand for appointement with XY to Zhuan Xu.

This passage provides insights into the dynamics between Zhuan Xu, Jing, and their peers, as well as the anticipation surrounding Xiao Yao's character:

Peer Pressure and Expectations:

  • "Xing Yue and Yi Yang grabbed Zhuan Xu and wheedled 'Call your cousin out. We want to meet her.'"
    • This quote highlights the peer pressure Zhuan Xu faces from his friends, who are eager to meet Xiao Yao. It reflects the curiosity and anticipation surrounding her, suggesting that she is a figure of interest and speculation among their social circle.

Zhuan Xu's Reluctance:

  • "He sighed 'She has a very strange personality. I doubt she’ll be willing to come out.'"
    • Zhuan Xu's reluctance to introduce Xiao Yao underscores the complexities of her character and their relationship. It hints  that Zhuan Xu feel  protective of her and is  aware of her reservations about social interaction-By describing her personality as "strange," Zhuan Xu implies that Xiao Yao's actions or preferences may not always align with societal norms or expectations. This characterization suggests that Xiao Yao is independent-minded, unpredictable, and rather unconventional in her behavior. 
    • While he  have some understanding of her character based on their relationship, he can't be certain of how she will respond in every situation. Therefore, his doubt about Xiao Yao's willingness to participate in social interactions is based on his understanding of her tendencies and preferences.

Jing's Determination:

  • "Jing said 'I want to see Xiao Yao.'"
    • Jing's desire to meet Xiao Yao demonstrates his earnestness and determination. It suggests a personal connection or curiosity about her, separate from the expectations of their peers.
    • It's a straightforward  statement.
    •  His directness indicates that he's not swayed by external influences but rather follows his own motivations and desires in seeking a meeting with Xiao Yao. This statement underscores Jing's individual agency and highlights the importance of his personal connection to Xiao Yao.

Zhuan Xu's Reaction:

  • "The expression in Zhuan Xu’s eyes changed and he was silent for a moment before smiling 'I can only pass word for you. She decides whether or not to see you.'"
    • Zhuan Xu's reaction to Jing's request indicates a shift in his demeanor, suggesting that he may have conflicting emotions or concerns about Jing's intentions. His offer to relay the message to Xiao Yao underscores his role as an intermediary between them.

Jing's Departure:

  • "Jing bowed 'If you please' and then turned and disappeared from the banquet."
    • Jing's departure reflects his determination to see Xiao Yao and his willingness to take action to make it happen. It suggests a sense of urgency or importance attached to their potential meeting.

Jing's Motivations:

Jing's desire to meet Xiao Yao stems from a genuine curiosity and interest in her. He expresses a personal longing to see her, separate from the expectations or pressures of their social circle. 

This suggests that Jing  have developed a unique connection  with Xiao Yao.
Assertiveness: Jing's determination to see Xiao Yao reflects his assertive nature and willingness to take action. Despite the potential challenges or obstacles, he is resolute in his pursuit of meeting her, demonstrating his commitment and determination.

Desire for Connection: Jing's decision to seek out Xiao Yao indicates a desire for connection and closeness. He  hope to establish a meaningful relationship with her, driven by a genuine interest in getting to know her better.

Overall, Zhuan Xu's motivations revolve around a sense of responsibility and protectiveness towards Xiao Yao mixed with conflicting emotion,  as he also need Jing for his own path to powership.

Meanwhile Jing's motivations stem from curiosity to see her again, assertiveness, and the genuine desire for connection . Their individual motivations drive their actions and interactions, shaping the dynamics within the narrative and potentially leading to significant developments in their relationships with Xiao Yao and each other.

CX still smiling...

As he have TSJ in his back, the smile is complitly erased from his face.


Part 7: 


Zhuan Xu had a servant deliver the news that “Shi Qi is waiting for you outside the dragon bone prison”. Xiao Yao felt happiness mixed with nervousness, it was a feeling she couldn’t fully understand.

She finished her meal, washed up, and then casually ordered the maids “I want to change to go meet a guest. Pick me a pretty outfit.”

It was the first time the maids heard the Princess ask to dress up nicely and they all perked up in excitement and pulled out all sorts of pretty outfits for the Princess to choose from.

The maids conferred and decided on three to pick from. Xiao Yao wanted one that didn’t have a cinched waist and was told she would look like she was pregnant under the moonlight.

Another maid said “Princess, we can’t wear these outfits even if we wanted because our waist isn’t small enough, legs aren’t long enough, top isn’t pretty enough. You look so pretty in it, why don’t you wear it?”

Xiao Yao asked “I really look nice in it?”

All of the maids nodded in unison and Xiao Yao thought about how this was her first time meeting Jing as a girl and decided to go with pretty over comfortable.

Xiao Yao picked a white and green robe and the maids did her hair with a bell hair pin so it whistled as she walked. She took a few steps and felt tired but the maids were gasping in joy and clapping “Princess, go see the person now. We promise he will never ever be able to forget you.”

Xiao Yao’s face was burning “What are you guys talking about? I’m just going to see a regular friend.”

All of the maids controlled their smiles – yup, just a friend, a regular friend who was so regular that the Princess would spend all that time dressing herself up.

Xiao Yao took the cloud carriage down the mountain and got off to walk the rest of the way. It was a full moon out and Xiao Yao slowly walked until she could hear the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff.

She saw a man standing on the rocks, he was facing the ocean and quietly waiting. It was unclear how long he waited, it was unclear how much longer he’ll continue to wait.

The person waiting for her was Ye Shi Qi.

Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness.

Xiao Yao walked quietly towards him.



                                                                                Going to appointement             

As mentioned previously, this whole scene in the drama version in ep.19 is represented through CX point of view. Marking his turmoil with music added. 

                         Xiao Yao - Pampering herself for her appointement with Tushan Jing

Anticipation and Nervousness:
Xiao Yao experiences a mix of happiness and nervousness as she prepares to meet Ye Shi Qi. This blend of emotions signifies the significance of the encounter and hints at Xiao Yao's emotional investment in their relationship. The text portrays her feelings as something she "couldn’t fully understand," adding depth to her internal turmoil.

Symbolism of Dressing Up:
Xiao Yao's decision to dress up nicely for the occasion symbolizes her desire to make a good impression and  hints at her growing feelings for Ye Shi Qi. The maids' excitement and insistence that she looks beautiful in the outfit highlight the significance of her appearance in shaping her confidence and self-image.

Contrast between Inner and Outer Perception:
There's a contrast between Xiao Yao's internal feelings of nervousness and the outward perception of her as confident and beautiful. While Xiao Yao  feel uncertain internally, externally, she presents herself as poised and elegant. This dissonance between inner emotions and outward appearance adds complexity to her character and underscores the intricacies of human emotions.

The Encounter:
The description of Xiao Yao's approach to Ye Shi Qi builds suspense and anticipation, highlighting the importance of this meeting for both characters. The imagery of Xiao Yao walking towards him against the backdrop of the moonlit night and crashing waves evokes a sense of drama and heightened emotion, setting the stage for a significant interaction between the two characters.

Overall, this passage delves into Xiao Yao's emotional landscape as she prepares to meet Ye Shi Qi, portraying her internal conflict and anticipation with vivid imagery and symbolism. It sets the stage for a pivotal moment in their relationship
the significance of this moment lies in its novelty – it marks the first time Xiao Yao has expressed a desire to dress up nicely, signaling a shift in her demeanor and  her perception of herself. 

This departure from her usual habits suggests a newfound sense of self-awareness or a change in priorities.

For the maids, who are familiar with Xiao Yao's usual preferences and routines, this unexpected request prompts excitement and eagerness to assist her. The fact that they all "perked up in excitement" underscores the rarity of Xiao Yao's request and emphasizes its importance in the context of her life.

This moment symbolizes a potential turning point in Xiao Yao's personal growth or emotional journey. It  indicate a desire to present herself differently, to explore new facets of her identity, and to prepare for a significant encounter with Ye Shi Qi.

 Xiao Yao's question "
I really look nice in it?" further emphasizes the significance of this moment. It reflects her uncertainty and  even a sense of vulnerability as she ventures into unfamiliar territory.

By seeking validation from her maids about her appearance, Xiao Yao demonstrates a degree of self-consciousness and a desire for reassurance. This question reveals her insecurities and highlights her need for external affirmation, especially in matters relating to her appearance.

Additionally, Xiao Yao's inquiry suggests a departure from her usual demeanor of self-assurance and independence. It portrays her in a more vulnerable light, showcasing a side of her character that is not often seen - as 
her acting womanly for a man  to meet in a place crowded with her maids.
Xiao Yao's face burning further underscores her internal turmoil and emotional intensity in this moment. The physical sensation of heat on her face symbolizes her heightened emotions and nervousness as she prepares to meet Ye Shi Qi.

The phrase "
face was burning" suggests a blush or flush, indicating a rush of blood to her cheeks, which is a common physiological response to embarrassment, excitement, or anxiety. In this context, it conveys Xiao Yao's embarrassment at the attention she is receiving from her maids and their teasing remarks about her appearance.

Moreover, her burning face  also signify a sense of self-consciousness about her decision to dress up and the implications it have for her meeting with Ye Shi Qi. 

It reflects her awareness of the significance of this encounter and the anticipation she feels about the outcome.
In original chinese text:





The anger in Xiaoyao's heart gradually disappeared, leaving only joy and nervousness.

Xiaoyao walked softer and lighter, approaching him quietly.

Koala: Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness.

Xiao Yao walked quietly towards him.

=> In the first version: "The anger in Xiaoyao's heart gradually disappeared, leaving only joy and nervousness," the focus is on the emotional transition within Xiaoyao. It highlights the gradual shift from negative emotions (anger) to positive ones (joy and nervousness). The emphasis is on Xiaoyao's internal state and how it evolves over time.

In the second version: "Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness. Xiao Yao walked quietly towards him," the language used suggests a more immediate and complete transformation of emotions. The word "frustration" is used instead of "anger," indicating a broader emotional state encompassing more than just anger. Additionally, the phrase "felt all her frustration slowly disappear" implies a more sudden change compared to the gradual disappearance of anger in the first version. The action of walking quietly towards him follows directly after this emotional transformation, indicating a sense of resolution and purpose in Xiaoyao's demeanor.
In the second version, the phrase "Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness" implies a significant emotional release for Xiao Yao. The word "frustration" suggests a broader range of negative emotions beyond just anger,  including feelings of  impatience. As these negative emotions dissipate, they are replaced by feelings of joy and nervousness, which can be seen as more positive and anticipatory.

This emotional transformation indicates a sense of resolution in Xiao Yao's demeanor. The removal of frustration suggests that she has found a way to reconcile any internal conflicts or uncertainties she  had before meeting Ye Shi Qi. The presence of joy and nervousness reflects her anticipation and excitement at seeing him, suggesting that she has resolved any doubts or hesitations about meeting him. This sense of resolution gives Xiao Yao a clearer sense of purpose as she approaches Ye Shi Qi, indicating that she is more confident and focused in her actions. Overall, this emotional journey illustrates Xiao Yao's growth and readiness to face whatever lies ahead in her encounter with Ye Shi Qi.



Part 8 :

                      Ah Nian- The one who felt it would be best if a beast came and hurt her.

Chinese original version full extract of this Ah Nian-XL part:


Translation in engl. below and full analyisis in next post..


































Anian sat with her knees crossed, watching the waves coming from all directions and breaking around her, roaring like a monster. Normally, she would have been scared, but tonight she He didn't feel scared, and even thought it would be better if a monster came out. Anyway, his father and brother had Xiaoyao, and they no longer cared about her. She thought it would be best if she was bitten by a monster and seriously injured, and her father and brother found her when she was dying. They blame themselves and feel guilty, but it's too late! A-Nian got some pleasure from imagining her father and brother's pain of losing her.

Another wave came, and a man with white clothes and white hair and a silver mask sat on the wave. 

He looked at Anian with a smile and said softly: "Is it painful? Your father and brother have abandoned you."

Ah Nian recognized him as the Nine-Life Xiang Liu who kidnapped her together with Xiao Liu. Perhaps because Xiaoliu was responsible for all the bad things last time, Xiang Liu didn't have a bad impression on Ah Nian. Ah Nian was nervous, but not afraid.

A Nian asked: "Why are you here?"

Xiang Liu smiled, "What do you think? The whole wilderness is talking about Princess Gaoxin. Naturally, I am a little curious, so I came to join in the fun."

It’s Xiaoyao again, it’s Xiaoyao again! A Nian snorted heavily.

Xiang Liu smiled and said: "Without her, you would still be Gaoxin's unique Wang Ji, your father's only daughter, and your brother's only sister. But she ran out inexplicably and took away everything from you. Don't you want to To take revenge on her?"

A Nian bit her lip tightly and remained silent. She knew she shouldn't make a deal with Xiang Liu. Her brother had angrily called him a devil, but... there was no deal that couldn't be made in this world, only temptations that weren't strong enough.

Ah Nian struggled and said: "I hate her, but I don't want her to die. I just want everything to return to before."

Xiang Liu said softly: "I admit that I may want to kill the prince of Xuanyuan, but I will never kill the Wang Ji of Gaoxin. We Shennong Rebels never want to offend King Gaoxin."

A Nian knew that, so she was not afraid of him.

Xiang Liu stared into A Nian's eyes and suggested gently: "What do you think about torturing her but not taking her life?"

A Nian nodded slowly.

Xiang Liu smiled, "You are really a kind girl. Your father and brother should prefer you."

A-Nian felt that she had finally heard something satisfying after such a long time, so she asked, "How can I teach her a harsh lesson?"

Xiang Liu said: "As long as you can lure her out without being noticed, leave the rest to me."

A Nian asked: "Why do you want to help me? What do you want me to help you with?"

Xiang Liu smiled and said: "You are Wang Ji of Gaoxin. You have nothing. It is rare that I can do something for you. Of course I am very happy. You also know the situation of our Shennong Rebel Army. If possible in the future, I hope Wang Ji Can you help me once."

A Nianxiao asked: "You don't even want me to swear, aren't you afraid that I will regret it?"

Xiang Liu looked at her with a smile and said softly and solemnly: "I believe you."

A Nian smiled sweetly, "Okay! Help me teach her a lesson, and I'll help you again in the future."

Xiang Liu handed a shell to A Nian, "Lead her to the sea, crush this, and I will arrive."

A Nian put away the shells and Ce Xuanniao returned.

Xiaoyao looked at the figures on the rocks with joy while walking nervously. Suddenly, a pebble hit her back. Xiaoyao turned around and saw Anian standing far away. He waved to her as if asking her to come over. Xiaoyao walked towards Anian, but Anian turned around and disappeared into the trees.

Xiaoyao frowned, looked back at the seaside, and chased after Anian in the direction where he disappeared.

A Nian's figure disappears and appears in the woods. She has grown up in Wushen Mountain since she was a child. She is far more familiar with Wushen Mountain than Xiao Yao. Her spiritual power is much higher than Xiao Yao. As long as she wants to, it will be easy to get rid of Xiao Yao. easy. Xiaoyao could already tell that A-Nian was deliberately teasing her, but she wanted to see what A-Nian wanted to do.

They passed through the path in the woods and came to the other side of the mountain. Anian stood on the cliff by the sea and waved to Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao walked over slowly, "What do you want to do?"

A-Nian looked at Xiaoyao carefully from head to toe, with a very complicated expression. Xiaoyao was also sizing up A-Nian and couldn't figure out what A-Nian wanted to do. Even if A-Nian pushed her off the cliff, he wouldn't be able to kill her.

Ah Nian crushed the shell and suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao sighed, "You really want to push me down, do you?" She wanted to dodge and escape, but Ah Nian blocked Xiao Yao's escape route with an ice sword and stood there. Behind Xiaoyao.

Anian said cryptically: "You guessed it right!"


Part 8 :

                      Ah Nian- The one who felt it would be best if a beast came and hurt her.

The one who felt it would be best if a beast came and hurt her.

This passage delves into Ah Nian's complex emotions and her encounter with Xiang Liu, revealing her inner turmoil and his  manipulation.

Ah Nian's Vulnerability:
The opening of the passage exposes Ah Nian's vulnerability and sense of abandonment by her family. She harbors thoughts of self-harm, feeling that her father and brother no longer care about her. This vulnerability makes her susceptible to manipulation by external forces, as she seeks comfort and validation from elsewhere.
Xiang Liu's Manipulation:
Xiang Liu's arrival exacerbates Ah Nian's feelings of resentment towards Xiao Yao. He capitalizes on her vulnerability by planting seeds of revenge in her mind. He subtly encourages her to seek retribution against Xiao Yao for supposedly usurping her place in the family hierarchy. Xiang Liu's manipulation is evident in his words, where he subtly stokes Ah Nian's resentment while offering himself as a means of enacting revenge.
Ah Nian's Internal Struggle:
Ah Nian's internal conflict is palpable as she grapples with her hatred towards Xiao Yao and her reluctance to resort to extreme measures. Despite her animosity towards Xiao Yao, she hesitates to wish harm upon her. This internal struggle reflects Ah Nian's underlying moral compass and the complexity of her character. She ultimately desires a return to the past, where familial harmony prevailed, rather than seeking vengeance.

Xiang Liu's Influence:
Xiang Liu's influence over Ah Nian is evident in her eventual agreement to cooperate with him. Despite her initial reservations, she succumbs to his persuasion, agreeing to lure Xiao Yao into a trap. This underscores Xiang Liu's skill in manipulation and his ability to exploit the vulnerabilities of others for his own gain.

Symbolism of the Clam Shell:
The clam shell serves as a symbolic object representing Ah Nian's complicity in Xiang Liu's scheme. By accepting the shell and agreeing to use it to lure Xiao Yao, Ah Nian becomes complicit in Xiang Liu's plans. The act of smashing the shell signifies Ah Nian's descent into darkness and her willingness to betray her family ties for the sake of revenge.

In first conclusion, this passage delves into the themes of vulnerability, manipulation, and revenge, exploring the intricate dynamics between Ah Nian and Xiang Liu. It showcases Ah Nian's inner turmoil and moral conflict, while highlighting Xiang Liu's cunning and ability to exploit others for his own purposes.

One instance of this manipulation is when Xiang Liu mentions, "But she randomly showed up and took everything from you." By framing Xiao Yao as the one responsible for Ah Nian's perceived loss, he deepens Ah Nian's resentment and plants the idea of seeking retribution.

Additionally, Xiang Liu subtly offers himself as a solution to Ah Nian's desire for revenge, stating, "All you need to do is lure her out and not be detected. I’ll handle the rest." This offer positions him as a powerful ally who can help Ah Nian achieve her goal, further enticing her to act on her feelings of animosity.

Furthermore, Xiang Liu's manipulation is evident in his assurance to Ah Nian that he would never harm Gao Xing's Princess, stating, "I confess I might kill Xuan Yuan’s Prince, but I will never kill Gao Xing’s Princess." This reassurance serves to manipulate Ah Nian into trusting him and going along with his plans, despite her initial reservations.

Let's get deeper:

                                                                           Ah Nian as a pawn:

Xiang Liu's manipulation of Ah Nian underscores his cunning nature and his willingness to exploit others for his own gain. His subtle encouragement of revenge reflects his desire to sow discord and chaos, furthering his own agenda within the story as he demonstrates a keen ability to recognize and exploit vulnerability, using Ah Nian's feelings of abandonment and resentment to manipulate her into doing his bidding. This highlights Xiang Liu's skill in psychological manipulation and his willingness to use others as pawns to achieve his goals.

Xiang Liu's interaction with Ah Nian reflects his complex morality and ambiguous motives. While he presents himself as an ally to Ah Nian, offering to help her seek revenge against Xiao Yao, his true intentions remain in the dark. Despite his assurance that he would not harm Gao Xing's Princess, there is an underlying sense of ambiguity and danger in his words.
Simply putted: Xiang Liu's behavior in this passage is  unhealthy, both in terms of his mental state and his moral compass.

Firstly, his willingness to manipulate Ah Nian's emotions and manipulate her into seeking revenge against Xiao Yao reflects a certain moral ambiguity and lack of empathy. Instead of addressing the root causes of Ah Nian's feelings of abandonment and resentment, he capitalizes on them for his own purposes, which is indicative of a manipulative and potentially unhealthy mindset.

Secondly, Xiang Liu's apparent fixation on revenge and his involvement in orchestrating a potentially harmful situation for Xiao Yao present a level of obsession or instability. His willingness to involve himself in such schemes, as well as his use of subtle manipulation tactics, are signs of psychological unhealthiness and moral decay.

His behavior reflects a deeply unhealthy mindset characterized by a lack of empathy and a willingness to manipulate others for personal gain. By encouraging Ah Nian to seek revenge against Xiao Yao, he perpetuates a cycle of resentment and hostility that ultimately serves his own agenda.

Furthermore, Xiang Liu's involvement in orchestrating harm against Xiao Yao reveals a disturbing disregard for the well-being of others and a willingness to engage in morally questionable actions. His apparent fixation on revenge and his use of subtle manipulation of a vulnerable and emotionally pained young woman,  tactics suggest a character who is morally bankrupt and psychologically unstable.

His behavior reflects a deeply unhealthy mindset that adds complexity and depth to his portrayal in the narrative, while encouraging readers to consider the moral and psychological implications of Xiang Liu's behavior as follow:

 A person who takes advantage of vulnerable individuals is often referred to as a "predator" or an "exploiter." These terms describe someone who manipulates or exploits others for their own gain, particularly when those individuals are in a weakened or vulnerable state.

 a person who looks for other people in order to use, control, or harm them in some way.

Ref: https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/predator#:~:text=%3A%20a%20person%20who%20looks%20for,corporate%20predator%20acquiring%20business%20rivals
This passage depicts a deeply unhealthy and concerning situation. It portrays a young girl, Ah Nian, feeling wrongly neglected and abandoned by her family, leading her to consider self-harm and to seek revenge on another individual, Xiao Yao.

Ah Nian's feelings of neglect and abandonment by her family are troubling. Her desire for self-harm and the belief that her family would only regret her injury or worst, when it's too late is indicative of a severe inner pain. These thoughts and emotions are deeply concerning. Xiao Yao felt them, and is willing to do her best to help her overcome them as seen in the scene just before in the drama ep19 in a discussion with her father, related to her sister:

The power dynamic between Xiang Liu and Ah Nian is clearly imbalanced, with Xiang Liu taking advantage of Ah Nian's vulnerability and emotional distress. Moreover, in this context extorting a promises is pushing further the red button ON .

I will conclude this analysis  and exploration , based on the behavior described in the passage,  that Xiang Liu's actions are  indicative of traits commonly associated with a personality disorder, such as antisocial personality disorder  (ASPD)  or narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) .

1. Manipulative and Exploitative Behavior: Xiang Liu demonstrates a pattern of manipulation and exploitation throughout the interaction with Ah Nian. He preys on her vulnerability and resentment towards Xiao Yao, using flattery and promises to gain her trust and cooperation. This manipulative behavior is characteristic of individuals with ASPD or NPD, who often exploit others for personal gain without remorse.

2. Lack of Empathy and Remorse: Xiang Liu's disregard for the well-being of others, as evidenced by his willingness to assist Ah Nian in tormenting Xiao Yao, reflects a profound lack of empathy and remorse. He shows no concern for the potential harm his actions may cause, indicating a callous and unempathetic demeanor consistent with ASPD.

3. Grandiosity and Sense of Entitlement: Xiang Liu displays a sense of grandiosity and entitlement, positioning himself as a powerful ally capable of fulfilling Ah Nian's desires. He views himself as superior to others, evidenced by his confident assertion that he would never harm Gao Xing's Princess. This sense of entitlement is a hallmark trait of individuals with NPD, who often exhibit grandiose fantasies of success, power, or beauty.

4. Deception and Manipulation: Xiang Liu engages in deceitful behavior by concealing his true intentions behind a facade of charm and benevolence. He manipulates Ah Nian's emotions and perceptions to further his own agenda, demonstrating a willingness to deceive others for personal gain, which is consistent with the manipulative tendencies observed in individuals with ASPD.

In conclusion, Xiang Liu's actions in the passage align with traits commonly associated with personality disorders, particularly antisocial personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder. His manipulative, exploitative, and unempathetic behavior underscores the complexity of his character and the potential psychological factors driving his actions. While his portrayal as a demon may serve as a narrative device, it does not excuse or justify his harmful behavior towards others. Instead, it adds depth to his characterization and highlights the psychological intricacies at play within the narrative.

In short, you see him=> call  a support number , wait for help, be ressourcefull and by no means provoque him! 

"Joke" aside. I'm sure that one of his head must already know that he is not doing right...let's wait and see...


Part 9 - Last Chapter 13 Part :                                                           

We left Xiao Yao feeling pretty in her dress, all in beauty with this in her mind:

Waiting for her here is Ye Shiqi.

Here is what happen to her (original version linked in chinese):


First the FULL TEXT:



Xiaoyao looked at the figures on the rocks with joy while walking nervously. Suddenly, a pebble hit her back. Xiaoyao turned around and saw Anian standing far away. He waved to her as if asking her to come over. Xiaoyao walked towards Anian, but Anian turned around and disappeared into the trees.

Xiaoyao frowned, looked back at the seaside, and chased after Anian in the direction where he disappeared.

A Nian's figure disappears and appears in the woods. She has grown up in Wushen Mountain since she was a child. She is far more familiar with Wushen Mountain than Xiao Yao. Her spiritual power is much higher than Xiao Yao. As long as she wants to, it will be easy to get rid of Xiao Yao. easy. Xiaoyao could already tell that A-Nian was deliberately teasing her, but she wanted to see what A-Nian wanted to do.

They passed through the path in the woods and came to the other side of the mountain. Anian stood on the cliff by the sea and waved to Xiaoyao.

Xiaoyao walked over slowly, "What do you want to do?"

A-Nian looked at Xiaoyao carefully from head to toe, with a very complicated expression. Xiaoyao was also sizing up A-Nian and couldn't figure out what A-Nian wanted to do. Even if A-Nian pushed her off the cliff, he wouldn't be able to kill her.

Ah Nian crushed the shell and suddenly rushed towards Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao sighed, "You really want to push me down, do you?" She wanted to dodge and escape, but Ah Nian blocked Xiao Yao's escape route with an ice sword and stood there. Behind Xiaoyao.

Anian said cryptically: "You guessed it right!"

Xiaoyao wanted to kill A-Nian and had a way, but she wanted to beat A-Nian but had no way. As a result, Xiaoyao could only feel a strong force coming from her back, and her body flew off the cliff.

Xiaoyao was not scared. When she was very young, she dared to stand on the edge of the cliff and jump into the sea. Xiaoyao even enjoyed the free flight before falling into the sea.

The sea breeze blew up Xiaoyao's black hair and the green gauze on her body. Like a butterfly, she spread her green wings and flew towards the sea.

Xiaoyao stretched her body and squinted her eyes contentedly. Suddenly, her eyes widened.

Under the bright moonlight, the deep blue sea is sparkling. A man in white clothes and white hair is lying on his back on the rolling waves. He is raising the corners of his lips and looking at her with a smile, as if he is admiring a song that dances just for him. Dance.

Xiaoyao wanted to run away, but in mid-air, her only direction was downward. She could only watch as she and him got closer and closer. Just when she thought she would hit Xiang Liu directly When he was on her body, he sank and she fell into the sea water. He grabbed her hand with both hands and she could only be dragged to the bottom of the sea by him.

He took her swimming under the sea. Xiaoyao felt that Xiang Liu could not possibly want to kill her, but was deliberately torturing her, but she could only endure it.

The last breath in her chest had been exhaled. Xiaoyao grabbed his hand and looked at him pleadingly. He ignored her and continued to swim deeper into the seabed. Xiaoyao was holding it in so hard that it felt like her whole chest was about to explode. Her hands had no strength left. She let go of her fingers. Xiang Liu held her waist and pointed at his lips with a smile. He was saying, he wanted something fresh. Just breathe the air yourself.

Xiaoyao shook her head. In the past, she was Wen Xiaoliu. She never considered herself a woman and it didn't matter what happened. But now, she can't do it.

The smile on Xiang Liu's lips disappeared, he hugged Xiao Yao and continued to sink.

He looked at Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao looked at him.

Xiang Liu's sinking speeded up, and Xiao Yao began to understand that when facing a nine-headed demon who didn't care about anything, the identity of Gao Xin Wang Ji could not protect her.

Xiang Liu sank faster and faster, but the seemingly soft water produced terrifying power, squeezing Xiao Yao into powder, her chest seemed to explode, and Xiao Yao's whole body was in severe pain.

Life and death are just a simple choice.

Their faces were very close, so close that the tips of their noses were almost touching. Xiaoyao only had to move forward a little to touch his lips.

But, she can't!

Xiaoyao felt as if seawater was pouring into her ears and nose, his lips were so close, so close... Xiaoyao lost consciousness and passed out.

Xiang Liu pressed her head hard, pushed her to his lips, and brought her up.

The two emerged from the sea.

Xiang Liuping sat on the water, bent one leg, lifted the unconscious Xiaoyao, and let her lie on his lap. He held spiritual power in his palm and patted Xiaoyao's back several times, and Xiaoyao let out a cry. She opened her mouth, vomited a few words of water, and gradually woke up. But her whole body was sore, her head was dizzy, and she couldn't move. She closed her eyes and leaned feebly on Xiang Liu's lap.

After resting for a long time, Xiaoyao finally woke up. She held onto Xiang Liu's knees and slowly pushed herself up. It was probably because of Xiang Liu's spiritual support that the water under her body was like an extremely soft cushion. Her movements would make her sink slightly, but they would not let her down. She sank.

Xiang Liu had no expression on his face and kept staring at her without speaking, and Xiao Yao didn't know what to say.

They were in the vast sea, surrounded by boundless darkness, as if they were the only two people left in the world.

Xiaoyao finally said: "Originally, I planned to pretend that I didn't know you when I saw you in the future."

"I still have your Gu in my body, do you want to break the oath you swore?"

Xiaoyao said: "Logically speaking, only I can sense you, and you shouldn't be able to sense me. How do you know that I am Wen Xiaoliu's?"

Xiang Liu raised his hand, pushed the wet hair back from Xiaoyao's face, held her head, and looked at her face carefully, "Is this your true appearance?"


"You are very good at lying."

Xiaoyao defended herself, "It's not a lie, I really thought I was Wen Xiaoliu."

"Prince Gao Xin?" Xiang Liu sneered, "No wonder you suddenly wanted to save Xuanxuan even if you died that day."

Xiaoyao didn't dare to say anything anymore.

Xiang Liu's hand seemed to be accidentally placed on her shoulder, his fingers brushed her neck, and he said seductively: "Which of the things you said are false? Why don't you confess it once today? I won't kill you." .”

"I told you before, I only talk nonsense, not lies." Xiaoyao spread his hands, "I like to talk because I am afraid of being lonely. If I tell lies, I will only get lonelier as I talk."

Xiang Liu's nails, which had become a bit sharp, returned to their original shape silently. Xiao Yao had no idea that she really had a brush with death at that moment.

Xiang Liu stared silently into the dark void, not knowing what he was thinking. His whole body was like a sword without a scabbard, so sharp that no one in the world could get close to him.

Xiaoyao didn't know why, but she felt like she was sinking to the bottom of the water again, even though she was on the surface of the water, and her chest felt very tight. She suddenly remembered something, took out her wet purse, took out a small jade bottle, poured out a handful of colorful pills, spread them out in the palm of her hand and showed them to Xiang Liu, "Would you like to try them?"

Xiang Liu slowly put each one into his mouth like eating jelly beans.

"How's it going? I made this specially for you. I checked a lot of information and found a lot of rare medicinal materials."

The coldness on Xiang Liu's body suddenly faded, "It's okay."

"Is it okay?" Xiao Yao almost cried, "Many medicinal herbs are planted on Penglai Island and watered with water from Guixu Water Eye. They have grown for eighteen hundred years."

Xiang Liu said calmly: "Are you still thinking of poisoning me?"

Xiaoyao shook his head, "I think I, the poison god, can poison even the nine-tailed fox demon. There is no reason why I can't poison you, the nine-headed demon!"

Xiang Liu smiled disdainfully, "I'll wait."

Xiaoyao felt that the atmosphere between the two was no longer so tense and asked cautiously: "Why did you get involved with A-Nian?"

"Can't you?"

Xiaoyao grabbed Xiang Liu's lapel and said seriously: "No! Don't provoke her anymore. She is so well protected by my father that she can't resist being teased by someone like you."

Xiang Liu leaned forward and asked with a smile: "What kind of person am I? What kind of person am I?"

Xiaoyao rolled her eyes at him, "You know it yourself."

Xiang Liu said nonchalantly: "She hasn't considered you a sister yet, but you are anxious to be a good sister first."

"In the relationship between people, one person must take the first step. Needless to say, it goes without saying between men and women. This is also true for parents and children. When the children are unaware, parents will start to pay.Personally, I would never be the one to take the first step, but between A-Nian and I, I decided to be the one to take the first step. Not because of how good or worthy she is, but because of my father Wang and Xuan Xuan, I am willing to pay for A-Nian first for my father and Xuanxuan."

"It doesn't mean that you will be rewarded for your efforts. If she can betray you to me, she can betray you to others. If she can push you off the cliff this time, she may be able to insert a dagger into your heart next time."

"I know, so I'm only willing to do this kind of thing once."

Xiang Liu said, "I promise you won't tease your sister again, and you have to promise me something."

"Can I say no?"

"Obviously not."

Xiaoyao blinked and looked at Xiangliu, pretending to be attentive.

Xiang Liu said: "Continue to help me make poison."

This is very simple. Xiaoyao readily agreed, "Yes. But...how can I leave it to you? I'm not in Qingshui Town now, and you can't go to the mountains to find me."

Xiang Liu smiled and said, "This is what you need to consider. Anyway, if I don't see your medicine for too long, I will go find your sister."

Xiaoyao muttered, "I knew you wouldn't let me go so easily."

Xiang Liu said: "I have spared you."

Xiaoyao curled her lips.

Xiang Liu snorted coldly and suddenly asked: "Why?"

Xiaoyao understood that he was asking why he would rather die than kiss him, but she deliberately pretended to be confused, "Why?"

Xiang Liu held her arm and lowered it. Xiao Yao hurriedly shouted: "Oh, I remembered it, I remembered it."

Xiang Liu stared at her, and Xiao Yao said, "I'm scared."

"Would it be worse than death?"

Xiao Yao pondered for a while before slowly said, "My brother, is a tinkling of gems, one night when we chatted, he laughed at me after all, I am still a girl who can dream. Although just, just ...... but I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, you will walk into my dream, and you ......" Xiao Yao shook her head, ”You are definitely not suitable to appear in a girl's dream, that would be even scarier than death."

Xiang Liu laughed softly. Gradually, his laughter became louder and louder. He let go of Xiao Yao and floated away into the distance.

Xiaoyao shouted: "Hey, hey... don't leave me. If you leave me here, how can I go back?"

Xiang Liu smiled and said, "Swim back!"

Xiaoyao's expression changed, "You want me to swim back from here? This is the deep sea, and sea beasts and sea monsters are everywhere. My spiritual power is low, and any sea monster can eat me!"

Xiang Liu said with a smile: "I am doing this for your own good. If I am too gentle and considerate to you, and accidentally enter your dream, making your life worse than death, wouldn't it be a sin?" After Xiang Liu finished speaking, he slowly Slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea and disappearing.

Xiaoyao still didn't believe it and shouted: "Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu, nine lives! Nine-headed monster! Dead devil! Dead nine-headed devil..."

The sea rose and fell together, and the heaven and earth were silent.

Xiaoyao only felt that the color of the sea had become darker. She shuddered, discerned the direction, cursed Xiang Liu, and swam towards the Five Gods Mountain.

At first, she was afraid that some sea beast would suddenly appear and bite her legs off. After a long time, there was still no land in sight. Xiaoyao was worried not about being bitten to death, but about being drowned.

In order to save every ounce of energy, she did not dare to think wildly. She kept her mind blank and thought about nothing, as if she was in meditation during practice, while her body maintained a fixed rhythm and kept paddling.

At first, I could still feel the physical pain caused by exhaustion, but gradually, everything disappeared. The sky was no longer the sky, the sea was no longer the sea, and I couldn’t even feel my own existence. Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping.


Analysis below.




                                                                 Title: Drawned in a VICIOUS MASS


Physical Coercion and Abuse: Xiang Liu's disregard for Xiaoyao's plea for mercy and his insistence on forcing her underwater demonstrate a stark display of physical coercion and abuse. He exerts his power over her by pressing her head towards his lips, disregarding her distress and physical pain.

Struggle for Autonomy: Xiaoyao's resistance to Xiang Liu's demands highlights her struggle and will for autonomy and agency in the face of his domination. Despite her physical and emotional pain, she refuses to comply with his commands, demonstrating her determination to assert her own will and resist being subjugated.

Gendered Violence: The scene underscores the gendered violence inherent in Xiang Liu's actions towards Xiaoyao. His forceful imposition of his will upon her, coupled with her vulnerability and inability to defend herself, reflects broader themes of gender-based violence and the abuse of power.

Existential Desperation: Xiaoyao's contemplation of life and death in the midst of her ordeal reflects a sense of existential desperation and hopelessness. She grapples with the fundamental choices that define her existence, feeling trapped between life and death in a situation where her agency is stripped away.

Emotional Trauma: The passage portrays the emotional trauma inflicted upon Xiaoyao as she confronts Xiang Liu's brutality. Her internal struggle and the intense physical sensations she experiences serve as visceral reminders of the emotional anguish and psychological torment she endures at his hands.

Overall, the scene depicts a harrowing portrayal of abuse and manipulation, highlighting the raw brutality of Xiang Liu's actions and the profound impact they have on Xiaoyao's physical and emotional well-being.

Further with QUOTES:


Physical Coercion and Abuse:

Quote: "Xiang Liu pressed her head hard, pushed her to his lips."

Analysis: This quote vividly illustrates Xiang Liu's physical dominance and coercion over Xiaoyao. The forcefulness of his action, coupled with Xiaoyao's resistance, emphasizes the brutality of the encounter and the imbalance of power between them.

Struggle for Autonomy:

Quote: "But, she can't!"

Analysis: Xiaoyao's internal dialogue reflects her struggle to assert her autonomy and resist Xiang Liu's control. Despite her physical and emotional anguish, she refuses to comply with his demands, underscoring her determination to maintain agency over her own body and choices.

Gendered Violence:

Quote: "He ignored her... her chest seemed to explode."

Analysis: Xiang Liu's disregard for Xiaoyao's pleas and his infliction of physical pain upon her highlight the gendered violence inherent in his actions. The power dynamics at play, where a male figure exerts dominance over a female character, underscore broader themes of gender-based violence and oppression.

Existential Desperation:

Quote: "Life and death are just a simple choice."

Analysis: Xiaoyao's contemplation of life and death amidst her ordeal reflects her existential desperation and sense of hopelessness. The stark simplicity of her statement underscores the gravity of her situation and the profound existential crisis she faces in the midst of Xiang Liu's abuse.

Emotional Trauma:

Quote: "The smile on Xiang Liu's lips disappeared..."

Analysis: The disappearance of Xiang Liu's smile, coupled with Xiaoyao's intense physical pain, serves as a poignant depiction of the emotional trauma inflicted upon her. The visceral nature of her experience highlights the profound impact of Xiang Liu's brutality on her emotional well-being and psychological state.

We have an insight with these quotes and analyses of the raw brutality and emotional intensity of the scene, shedding light on the complex dynamics between Xiaoyao and Xiang Liu and the profound impact of their interaction on both characters.


Lies and control :

Xiaoyao said: "Logically speaking, only I can sense you, and you shouldn't be able to sense me. How do you know that I am Wen Xiaoliu's?"

Analysis: By not disclosing the true extent of his knowledge about her, specifically regarding the bug he maintains a position of power and control over Xiaoyao.

His actions demonstrate a deliberate attempt to manipulate Xiaoyao's perception of their interaction, keeping her unaware of the extent to which he can monitor and influence her. This lack of transparency further underscores the power dynamic between them, with Xiang Liu exerting control over Xiaoyao's understanding of their relationship and her own agency.

By withholding crucial information and manipulating Xiaoyao's perception of their connection, Xiang Liu reinforces his dominance and underscores the complexity of their dynamic, characterized by deception and manipulation.


Xiang Liu's hand seemed to be accidentally placed on her shoulder, his fingers brushed her neck, and he said seductively: "Which of the things you said are false? Why don't you confess it once today? I won't kill you." .”

The use of the adverb "seductively" emphasizes the subtle yet deliberate nature of his actions, implying an attempt to exert influence over Xiaoyao.

By choosing to switch and employ a seductive tone, Xiang Liu seeks again to manipulate Xiaoyao's emotions and perceptions, aiming to establish a sense of intimacy. This manipulation serves to further reinforce his control over the situation and maintain the power dynamic in his favor.


But Xiao Yao is not as week as Ah Nian.  

Xiaoyao, she ultimately retains agency and control over her own actions and boundaries. Her refusal to kiss Xiang Liu, even at the risk of death, underscores her determination to maintain autonomy and resist his manipulative tactics.


 "Life and death are just a simple choice" 

In the context of Xiaoyao's refusal to comply with Xiang Liu's advances, this statement takes on added significance: Xiaoyao is willing to risk her life rather than compromise her principles on the subject to whom she kiss or not ,and not submit to manipulation. Its more than restisting strength and resolve in the face of coercion it's her will, be it choosing death. 

(ep.19 shaking her head "no")

Her willingness to defy him, even in a precarious situation, highlights her commitment to preserving her own integrity and autonomy. Despite Xiang Liu's attempts to establish intimacy and control, Xiaoyao remains steadfast in her refusal, asserting her agency and asserting her own boundaries.

 Xiaoyao's refusal to kiss Xiang Liu serves as a powerful assertion of her autonomy and resistance against manipulation. It reinforces her agency and control over her own body and choices, ultimately challenging the power dynamic in their interaction. "But, she can't!".

But - as a choice.

She can't - expression of her will.


"Xiaoyao shook her head. In the past, she was Wen Xiaoliu. She never considered herself a woman and it didn't matter what happened. But now, she can't do it."

She than rather embrace Death. 

Textual reference: 

  passed out


Xiaoyao's refusal is explicit and unequivocal. She gave her life for it.

 Whether some may fantasizes her or fantasizes to be in her position at that moment and do otherwise, it's their fantasy. Why not ? It's fiction. But as we see from the text ( even in koala's version) - It's absolutly not Xiao Yao's will/desire/wish/dream/- and that should be fully respected, if not understood from the text. As none word is existing in this whole chapter 13 passage , to make her even slightly shiver with desire, her heart fluff------ and the writer know those words:

Related few exemples(ch6,ch8)- "Xiao Liu’s evil side rose up so he maintained his position and closed his eyes, pretending he saw and heard nothing, waiting to see how Jing would react.", 

"Xiao Liu naughtily licked the center of his palm with his tongue and Shi Qi was like being hit with an electric shock "

(By the way he is still waiting for Xiao Yao at the Dragon Bone Prison....)

We see from these extracts that she knows to express her naughtyness, and hotness. But it's  with Jing.

What about her Heart? The Bug connection? the famous BUG  is bugging ? - why arent they singing with unicorns flying over them both? I mean in love people should see and feel butterflies in their very bodies at a moment like that. You love -you desire -you want to at least kiss, your heartbeats are wild race, there is no one around let's goo....! Right? While, even,  if I am making a little joke here, you do understand the overall meaning. It - Should be hot if romanced. It's cold as a refrigirator compartment. There is not even a single fish to sing a little song.

Let's continue with Quotes:

"I still have your Gu in my body, do you want to break the oath you swore?"

As no charm is operating he even have to remind her of the bug. It's a torture.It's abuse. It's manipulation.

Was it maybe because he drawned her fistly?. Maybe.


"Xiang Liu sank faster and faster, but the seemingly soft water produced terrifying power, squeezing Xiao Yao into powder, her chest seemed to explode, and Xiao Yao's whole body was in severe pain."

Ultimately, Xiaoyao's refusal to comply with Xiang Liu's desires represents a significant moment of empowerment and agency for her character. It reinforces her role as a protagonist who actively asserts control over her own destiny, rather than allowing others to dictate her actions or decisions. As readers, it's important to recognize and honor her agency, as it contributes to the depth and complexity of her character, and resonates with themes of autonomy, consent, and empowerment within the narrative.



Continuing Analysis:

 Quote: "Xiang Liu stared silently into the dark void, not knowing what he was thinking."------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The imagery of Xiang Liu staring into the "dark void" suggests a sense of emptiness and ambiguity surrounding his thoughts. The darkness symbolizes the unknown and the depths of his inner turmoil, hinting at inner darkness. After the textual coma, we see that even Xiang Liu himself not fully understand/is aware of his own motivations. His thougts are veiled to himself.

Moreover, the use of the word "void" implies a sense of emptiness or lack of clarity in Xiang Liu's thoughts, reinforcing the notion that his mind is a complex labyrinth of conflicting emotions and motivations. This emptiness could also reflect his internal struggle with his identity as a demon and his interactions with others, particularly Xiaoyao. 

Xiao Yao resourcefulness :

When Xiaoyao feels herself sinking and her chest tightening, she recalls the small jade bottle containing the colorful pills. This action reveals her ability to stay calm under pressure and to adapt to changing circumstances. 

A skill honed through her experiences as both a survivor and a practitioner of poisoncraft. She knew it would distract him and she used it:

Xiang Liu slowly put each one into his mouth like eating jelly beans.The coldness on Xiang Liu's body suddenly faded, "It's okay."

She than try to dissuade him from provoking A-Nian further. Her plea for sister underscores her protective nature, especially considering her father's strong connection to A-Nian and her will to please him.

To witch  he is leveraging his compliance with her request to not use her sister again- against her cooperation in helping him make poison. This demonstrates a power play on Xiang Liu's part, as he seeks to manipulate Xiaoyao into fulfilling his own agenda by using her personal relationships and vulnerabilities as leverage.

The coercion in this exchange is underscored by Xiang Liu's authoritative tone and demeanor. His insistence that Xiaoyao cannot refuse ("Can I say no? Obviously not.") further emphasizes his attempt to manipulate and control her actions.

BUT: Why?

Xiang Liu's initial question, "Why?", is laden with ambiguity and carries multiple layers of meaning. On the surface, it seems to inquire about Xiaoyao's reluctance to engage in the intimate act of kissing him. However, beneath the surface, it delves into deeper psychological and emotional issues, probing into Xiaoyao's fears and insecurities.

Xiaoyao's deliberate pretense of confusion highlights her awareness of Xiang Liu's underlying intentions and her reluctance to confront them directly. This tactic serves to protect herself from further vulnerability while maintaining a semblance of control in the interaction.

Xiang Liu's subsequent question, "Would it be worse than death?" reflects his attempt to gauge the extent of Xiaoyao's fear and the intensity of her emotional response. By framing the situation in such stark terms, he emphasizes the gravity of their interaction and the potential consequences of Xiaoyao's actions.


Expression of Fear: Xiaoyao's admission that she is scared reveals the depth of her emotional state and the profound impact that Xiang Liu's advances have on her. This fear is not merely of physical harm but encompasses a deeper, more visceral dread that speaks to her psychological well-being and sense of self.

Assertion of Boundaries: Xiaoyao's response serves as a firm assertion of her boundaries and autonomy. Despite the power dynamics at play and Xiang Liu's persistent advances, she refuses to capitulate to his desires out of fear for her own well-being. This refusal underscores her strength of character and determination to maintain agency over her body and emotions.

Sibling Dynamics: Xiaoyao references her brother, Xuanxuan, indicating a close relationship between them. The fact that she recalls a specific incident involving him laughing at her suggests that their relationship is not without its complexities or tensions. This incident likely left a lasting impression on Xiaoyao, contributing to her sense of vulnerability and insecurity. Recalling it at this moment suggests that her relationship with her brother and the dynamics between them are central to her understanding of herself and her approach to relationships with others. She could very likely signify to Xiang Liu that he likely more  a brotherlike figure or companion rather than a potential lover in her inner perception.

Fear of Vulnerability: When Xiaoyao mentions being a "girl who can dream," she alludes to her capacity for vulnerability and imagination. Dreams often represent a realm of subconscious thoughts and emotions, and for Xiaoyao, they symbolize a space where her innermost fears and desires are laid bare. By expressing fear of Xiang Liu entering her dreams, she reveals a reluctance to expose her vulnerable inner world to him, fearing further manipulation or harm, and set her boundaries.

Preference for Death over Vulnerability: Xiaoyao's assertion that appearing in a girl's dream would be "more terrifying than death" underscores the depth of her fear and aversion to vulnerability. This statement suggests that she would rather face death than expose herself to the potential psychological harm of allowing someone like Xiang Liu into her inner world. It highlights her strong sense of self-preservation and the lengths to which she will go to protect her emotional well-being.

To wich statement he laugh. And throw her away.

He is obvious hurted. And again inflict pain to Xiao Yao. The bug must be bugging again I guess...

Extract as he leave:

The sky was no longer the sky, the sea was no longer the sea, and I couldn’t even feel my own existence. Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping.


                                                                      The Vicious Mass: Analysis


The sky was no longer the sky, the sea was no longer the sea, and I couldn’t even feel my own existence. Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping.


The sky was no longer the sky, the sea was no longer the sea, and I couldn’t even feel my own existence. Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping.

Physical Pain and Exhaustion: The passage begins with Xiao Yao acknowledging the physical pain caused by exhaustion, indicating the intensity of the situation she finds herself in. This pain serves as a tangible reminder of her struggle and the harsh reality of her circumstances.

Gradual Dissociation: As Xiao Yao's exhaustion deepens, there is a gradual dissociation from her surroundings. The description of how "everything disappeared" implies a detachment from the physical world around her. This dissociation can be interpreted as a coping mechanism, a way for her mind to distance itself from the immediate suffering and danger.

Loss of Perception:  Xiao Yao describes how the sky and sea lose their usual significance and identity. This loss of perception suggests a disorientation and confusion, where familiar landmarks or elements of nature become indistinguishable or irrelevant. It reflects the disarray of her mental state and the overwhelming nature of her ordeal.

Loss of Self-Awareness: Xiao Yao's inability to feel her own existence underscores a profound sense of disconnection from herself. This loss of self-awareness hints at a state of existential crisis, where her identity and sense of self become blurred or obscured by the overwhelming challenges she faces.

Instinct of Survival: Despite the overwhelming circumstances,Xiao Yao's survival instinct remains intact. The description of "moving forward in a viscous mass" emphasizes the relentless determination to persevere despite the odds. This instinctual drive highlights the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Symbolism of Forward Movement: The continuous forward movement symbolizes not only physical endurance but also emotional resilience and the will to overcome obstacles. It conveys a sense of hope amidst despair, suggesting that even in the darkest moments, there remains a possibility for progress and hopefully a survivor's triumph.


C.G.Jung : Water is the “valley spirit,” the water dragon of Tao, whose nature resembles water- a yang in the yin, therefore, water means spirit that has become unconscious.

                                                 Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
Paragraph 40

The sea she is swimming into ...is described by the author  not only as dangerous but as a vicious mass. 

As it directly follow the previous encounter I relate it to it and make the asumption of the following meaning:Xiang Liu 's last harmfull actions toward her where so harsh, that even her unconsciouss is left as poisoned- so badly injured and affected negativly by resonance (the vicious mass she swim in).

****Let's Dive with Xiao Yao and REWIND a bit:

 the purpose of the settled trap and torment told to ah nian in the begining: 


Xiang Liu looked at Ah Nian and gently suggested “You want to torment her a bit but not kill her, is that right?” -“All you need to do is lure her out and not be detected. I’ll handle the rest."

All actions driven to kiss Xiaoyao, despite her clear refusal and subsequent collapse, represent a significant physical danger and violation of her autonomy. This act crosses boundaries of consent and demonstrates a blatant disregard for Xiaoyao's well-being and agency. The fact that Xiaoyao collapses in the water, symbolizing her vulnerability and near-death experience, underscores the severity of the situation.

The physical danger is intertwined with moments of desperate intervention, as he have to revive her. This sequence further emphasizes the perilous nature of Xiaoyao's interactions with Xiang Liu and underscores the challenges she faces in asserting her autonomy and resisting his coercive advances.

"more terrifying than death

No loving red flying hearts or flower petals in the back of her horizon, no bug resonation in any sort of tone. But a vicious mass. Two striking words

The use of the word "vicious" implies that the situation is hostile and aggressive, and the word "mass" suggests that it is a large and powerful entity.  These words conveys a sense of being trapped and  nd overwhelmed by a toxic and harmful encounter.  


"Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping." 

We see how this part of the chapter 13 presents a narrative that is not only anti-romantic, but abusive and  focusing instead on themes of fear, coercion, and survival. The refusal of Xiaoyao to engage in the kiss, her genuine terror at the thought of Xiang Liu invading her dreams, and her struggle for survival in the face of overwhelming challenges all contribute to a storyline that is distinctly non-romantic. Rather than portraying romantic interactions or emotions, the passage highlights power dynamics, personal boundaries, and the harsh realities of the characters' circumstances. It serves as a stark reminder that not all relationships are built on love and affection, and that sometimes, individuals must navigate through adversity and maintain their autonomy in the face of coercion and danger. Set boundaries and continue to swim.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  

Let's count with Xiao Yao while she swim...

The repeated emphasis on physical and emotional pain underscores the intense and unsettling nature of the situation, reinforcing the none-romantic tone of the passage - writers used words:

downward - 1

torturing - 2

ignore - 1

explode - 1

lost - 1

unconsciousness - 1

hard - 2

died - 1

coldly - 1

terrified - 1

worse than death - 1

shuddered - 1

cursed - 1

drowned - 1

pain - 1

disappeared - 1

dark - 2

fear - 1

death - 3

kill - 1

vicious mass - 1

bitten to death - 1

sinking - 2

betray - 1

sinking to the bottom of the water - 1

chest felt very tight - 1

sharp - 1

brush with death - 1

afraid - 1

defended - 1

lying - 1

break - 1

darkness - 1

vomited - 1

sore - 1

passed out - 1

severe pain - 1

sink - 1

to kill her - 1

sink to the bottom of the water - 1

torturing her - 1

tension - 1

pleadingly - 1

loneliness - 1

lonely - 1

silent - 1

not speak - 1

torment - 1

ignoring - 1

dizzy - 1

shivered - 1

struggling - 1

desperate - 1

trouble - 1

problem - 1

frustrated - 1

no longer - 1

sin - 1

silent - 1

shouted - 1

That brings the total count to 60 instances of negative words in the Xiao Yao - XL short passage.

Whike 9 neutral or positive:







Smile- 2: Xiang Liu smiles as he floats away into the distance after Xiaoyao expresses her fear.+"Xiang Liu smiles seductively while speaking to Xiaoyao."

Doing this for your own good

Come on swim Xiao Yao!! You can make it through !



In conclusion - despite facing adversity and abuse, Xiaoyao demonstrates remarkable strength and resilience throughout the passage. After being subjected to coercion and manipulation by Xiang Liu, she maintains her agency and refuses to succumb to his demands easily. Her refusal to comply with his advances, despite the consequences, underscores her determination to assert her autonomy and resist his control.She refuses to give up, even when struggling, to relinquish her sense of self.

Furthermore, Xiaoyao's decision to confront Xiang Liu and assert her boundaries, despite the risks involved, demonstrates her courage and resilience in the face of adversity and abusive behavior.

 Despite the power imbalance between them, she refuses to be silenced or intimidated, highlighting her unwavering resolve and inner fortitude.

Overall, her refusal to be defined by her circumstances and her determination to assert her autonomy make her a compelling and empowering character. She rocks ! (again).

Bonus Hooray to Tushan Jing/Yeshiqi who is still waiting for her. (he rocks too).


Navigating LINKS:

Prologue & Chapter 1: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=1

 Chapter 2: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=2

Chapter 3 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=2 &https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2928519&page=3

Chapter 4 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=3

Chapter 5 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2929973&page=4

Chapter 6 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2931067&page=4 

Chapter 7 :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2932103&page=5

Chapter 8 :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2933303&page=6

Chapter 9: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2934083&page=9

Chapter 10: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2938307&page=10

Chapter 11 : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2944897&page=11

Chapter 12: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?p=2950205&page=12

Chapter 13: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=13


                   CHAPTER 14  text (full original version, followed by a DeepL translation):




















































































































































































(Part 2 below)

(Part 2 below)





















































































































































































(translation with DeepL below)

(translation with DeepL below)


Xiao Yao didn't know exactly how long had passed, she only knew that her eyes regained a bit of vision when her hand touched a hard object and instinctively grasped it.

Seeing that it was a piece of reef, Xiao Yao's entire body immediately went limp, and as she lay on her back, she saw a pitch-black silhouette standing stubbornly on the top of the reef rock in the distance.

At this time, the sky was already cloudy, in the cold morning sun, that long silhouette seemed to have fused with the reef, set between heaven and earth, becoming a waiting for the end of the world.

Xiao Yao also do not know whether it is tired, or joy, the throat is astringent, can not make a sound, she feebly raised her hand, as if in the wave, but all did not move.

Finally, the man on the rock wall saw her, not caring about the shore, he leapt off the rock wall, jumped into the sea, swam to Xiaoyao side, picked her up. The two were half immersed in the sea water, Xiao Yao's body was trembling because of her strength, but Jing didn't know why, his body was also trembling.

Both of them trembled so much that they couldn't speak, and Xiao Yao could hear her upper and lower teeth fighting. She felt funny and depressed, having made up carefully, she didn't expect to appear in the most lousy position.

Xiao Yao winced and said, "Don't, don't ...... go in the water." After soaking in seawater all night, she really didn't want to soak anymore.

Jing climbed up the reef with her in his arms, but after hobbling a few steps, he unexpectedly slipped and fell downwards. Jing was afraid of hurting Xiaoyao, and used his own back to land, thumping and falling.

Xiao Yao laughed, "You, you ...... also nine ...... fox ...... stupid ...... "

Finally arrived at the shore, Jing held Xiaoyao walked to the rock wall under the wind, Xiaoyao face pale, lips black, Jing one hand against her back heart, one hand holding her palm, the spiritual power slowly lost in, slowly in her body to swim a few circles, Xiaoyao's body only stopped trembling.

At this time, it was already bright outside, but this tiny corner under the rock wall was still gloomy because of the cover of the reef and the woods.

Jing looked at Xiao Yao's body warmed up, retracted the hand placed on her back heart, felt that he should also let go of the hand holding her hand, but couldn't let go, his hand was momentarily loosened and momentarily tightened. Xiao Yao looked at him and teased, "You used to be bold, but now you're even timid?"

Jing loosened his hand, "Now is different from before."

"What's different?"

Jing glanced at her and sharply lowered his eyes again. Xiao Yao touched her messy wet hair and pinched her cheeks, she guessed that her face couldn't look any better, she was very frustrated and decided that she really needed to go back and teach Ah Nian a hard lesson. Xiao Yao stood up, "I'm going back."

Jing hurriedly stood up, pulling her arm, and immediately let go like an electric shock, face a little hot. Gao Xin's clothes were light and airy, and when they were soaked, they obediently stuck to her body, she didn't feel it when she sat shrunken just now, but when she stood up at this moment, all of a sudden, her waist was her waist, and her breasts were her breasts, and she could see it extraordinarily distinctly.

Seeing Jing's expression, Xiao Yao looked down at herself and immediately squatted down, clasping her hands around her knees and covering herself tightly.

Jing sat across from her, and after using his spiritual energy to help her dry her clothes, he whispered, "Go back later, okay? Just for a while."

Xiao Yao didn't say anything.

"I waited for you all night, thinking you wouldn't come."

Xiao Yao asked in exasperation, "If you thought I wouldn't come, why did you still wait?"

Jing didn't know how to answer, if she really didn't come, he didn't know where he could go, in the depths of this earth, he had the happiest and sweetest moments. But the person who gave him happiness and sweetness was Xiao Liu, not this young girl in front of him, if she took it back, he understood completely.

Xiao Yao kneeled down on both knees and knelt in front of him, her eyes full of annoyance and aggression, ''Do you think it's hard for you to wait all night? You have a fiancée! You go in and out with her, but you change your ways to remind me every moment that I made a promise to you. If you don't believe me, why do you want me to make a promise? Let me tell you, last night I almost died trying to keep my promise to you!" Xiao Yao pushed King fiercely, "I'm done, I take back my promise! You get the hell back to Qing Qiu and go marry Windproof Yi Ying!"

Jing didn't dare to fight back, but he was also determined not to back off, "I won't marry her, she doesn't actually like me and shouldn't be willing to marry me."

Xiao Yao stopped shoving, "I don't believe it! Why would she not like you?"

"I have a crippled leg, and I can see she's surprised and disappointed. Once, she saw the scars on my body and was shocked ...... " In fact, saying shocked is a very subtle way of saying that Yi Ying was pale and scared, she didn't dare to look at him for a second, and since then, when the two of them were alone, Yi Ying would keep her distance from him.

Xiao Yao had a hard time, she knew that Jing's legs were inconvenient, and she also knew that the scars on Jing's body were a bit scary, but that shouldn't be a reason for him to be disliked. Xiao Yao said, "You've been engaged for decades, could it be that she still cares about these external things?"

"In fact, I had absolutely no idea what she actually looked like before I met her in Clearwater Town, and we've never met. She was the person picked by my mother, and at that time, my mother was already sick, so I didn't want my mother to worry about my marriage anymore, and I immediately agreed. After the engagement, I had to take care of my mother and deal with the affairs of the clan, I was too busy to think much about this matter, but it was my elder brother who quietly slipped away to look at the defence against the wind Yi Ying, and came back and said to me with a smile ''congratulations, it is indeed a flowery and intelligent woman''. After my mother's death, I had to deal with a broken-down big brother, and was in no mood to think about any male-female affairs. After Grandma revealed the secret of Big Brother's birth, I was even more unmotivated to think about it. It wasn't until everything calmed down and Grandma said it was time for me to get married that I remembered I had a fiancée. Grandma was already old, my sister-in-law looked like she didn't exist, and the Tu Shan Clan did need a mistress to help Grandma share her worries. After discussing with the elders, Grandma chose a wedding date, and I didn't realise that before the wedding was even held, I was secluded by Big Brother."

It turned out that the meeting in Qing Shui Town was actually his first encounter with Fangfeng Yiying, then it is no wonder that Fangfeng Yiying would be disappointed ...... Xiao Yao s heart was mixed, some sour and difficult, and some happy, and he did not know what he was actually thinking.

After half a day, Xiao Yao said quietly: ''MissFangfeng Yiying,  is indeed a flowery face, and people are capable. It's normal to be a little picky in your eyes, so don't take it to heart."

"You, are the most beautiful." Jing said and immediately lowered her head.

"Even now?"


Xiaoyao puffed out a laugh, "I finally understand why tinkling jades' flowery words are invincible to young girls, even though I know what you say isn't the truth, I still like to hear it."

"What I said is the truth. Xiao Yao, I didn't expect you to be like this, if I knew you were like this ...... even in the dark dungeon, I would never have had the courage to speak extravagantly ......" Jing's back was straight, but his head was hung low, as if he were a plant that My body, my voice ...... Do you know why I refused to heal my leg even though I knew it could be healed? Because I knew that even if it was healed, the real wound was still inside the body, and that no medicine could cure it. I can wear clothes to hide the ugly scars, I can use rare medicines to heal my leg, and I can speak as little as possible to hide my ugly voice. I can deceive everyone, I am still the magnificent and outstanding Qingqiu Gongzi, but I can t deceive myself ...... Xiao Yao, I don t deserve you! In this world, there are many healthy, intelligent and handsome male children ......"Jing, raise your head! Tushan Jing, raise your head."

Jing slowly raised his head, and Xiao Yao's face came up to the side of his face, murmuring and whispering, "Last night, a man forced me to kiss him, but now I just want to kiss you." Her lips gently landed on Jing's lips, Jing's body trembled dramatically and jerked back, avoiding Xiao Yao, "Don't ...... Xiao Yao."

Xiao Yao closed her eyes and tilted her head, her cheeks flushed, her body trembling lightly, "Jing ...... Jing ......"

Xiao Yao's light call trembled so much that it was almost impossible to hear what she was calling for, Jing felt as if he was trembling as well, his kiss fell on the scarlet on Xiao Yao's forehead, it was as if there was a ball of fire that burned all the way from Xiao Yao's forehead to his heart, warming his cold heart, perhaps sooner or later one day, those wounds that were hidden in his body and had no cure would also recover.

Jing hugged Xiao Yao tightly, his head buried in the middle of Xiao Yao's neck, as if he was dreaming of joy, making him just want to hold Xiao Yao forever and never let go.

Xiao Yao moaned, "You're about to strangle me to death."

Jing immediately let go of her, his face flushed red. Xiao Yao laughed softly and leaned her head on his arm, looking at him.

Jing was embarrassed and slightly inclined his head, "Just now you said you almost died last night, and said ......"Xiao Yao waved her hand unconcernedly, "I scared you by talking in anger."

Jing looked at Xiao Yao, puzzled in his heart, but knew that Xiao Yao did not want to mention it anymore.

Xiao Yao smiles and asks, "Why not here?" She pointed to her lips.

Jing whispered, "It's not time yet."

"Then when will ...... it be okay." Xiao Yao half closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands to hide her shyness.

Jing couldn't answer, because that was up to her, not him. It wasn't that he didn't desire it, but - he wanted her love, he didn't want her to do it just out of pity, Sayo had already given him too much and he didn't want to keep taking advantage of her kindness.

Xiao Yao peeked at him through the cracks of his fingers, "I thought that when you men saw a woman, you all hated to immediately flip over to the couch and stripped naked ......," Xiao Yao couldn't go on, since she changed back to her daughter's body, unknowingly she couldn't afford to be as unashamed and shameless as Xiao Liu. Especially now, it is even more hate to swallow back the words just said.

Although Jing has always been clean, but after all, is in charge of a family of people, in and out of the sex places is common, and the children of the big families are inevitably some of the declaration of lust and indulgence, Jing naturally is a man should know all the things know. In the business world, not to mention more explicit words than this, or even more explicit things have seen, but did not have any feeling, talking and laughing as usual. But to Xiao Yao, only feel the fire burning uncomfortable, low voice defence: "I, not that."

Both of them are silent, there is a trace of shyness in the embarrassment, and there is a faint delight in the embarrassment.

"Xiao Yao ...... Xiao Yao ......," came the cry ofZhuan Xu. The two were startled like they were thieves and immediately separated. Xiao Yao made a shushing gesture to Jing, signalling him to keep quiet and hide.

Xiao Yao casually raked her hair, burrowed into the bushes, circled around to the reef, and waved at Zhuan Xu, "Here it is!"

Zhuan Xu ran over quickly, "Why are you in this sorry state?" Saying that he immediately took off his outer robe and draped it over Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao said, "Why have I turned into this appearance? It's not because you're a good sister, I'm going back to clean up Ah Nian."

Zhuan Xu summoned the cloud carriage and helped Xiao Yao on board, "I thought you were planning to hold back all the time."

Xiao Yao glanced in the direction of the rock wall and boarded the vehicle, "If we don't teach her a lesson, next time I'm afraid she'll do something that will cause Father and you pain."

"What exactly did she do?"

Xiao Yao smiled mysteriously, "This is a matter between our sisters, so you should stay out of it." If Jing knew that Ah Nian had dared to collude with Xiangliu to set her up, Jing would be furious.

The Zhuan Xu asked, "Have you seen Jing?"

"Yes.""What did you ...... talk about?"

"Just casually chatted, well ...... he said something about him and FafengYi Ying, and also chatted a little bit about something else."

Zhuan Xu said with a wry smile, "Casual chatting, chatting all night without returning to the palace?"

Xiao Yao justifiably asked back, "Do I look like someone who comfortably played all night? If it wasn't for your good sister, I would have gone back to the palace to sleep long ago."

Zhuan Xu twisted her hair to see that it was filled with seaweed and sand again, shaking her head and laughing, "It really doesn't seem like you've suffered much, you've finally suffered at the hands of Ah Nian for once. You also don't call me my good sister in one breath, in terms of far and near, that's your sister!"

Xiao Yao drooped her face and sighed, suddenly remembering something, she asked, "That Tushanhou, what do you think?"

"Not bad."

Xiao Yao exuded interest, and Zhuan Xu could only explain in detail, 

"He's very talented in person, and he's more rigid and domineering than Jing, and I heard that during those years when Jing disappeared, he was in charge of a lot of things in the Tushan family, and he did a great job, but it's a shame that he had to back down once Jing returned. I think it's very strange, they are twins, instu is the eldest son, and his talent is not inferior to Jing, so he should have a more important position. But it's strange, the Tushan family obviously values Jing more, and Feng Long and the others don't seem to take him too seriously, especially Feng Long, who seems polite and courteous, but that politeness and courtesy is actually very hard to bear compared to his familiarity with Jing. The circle of the children of the family seems to be very complicated and difficult to enter, but it is very simple, the attitude of a few key people can decide everything, such as their circle, Fenglong and Jing showed that they valued me, and other people will naturally give me a few points of respect. Hou was a bit more miserable, although Fenglong accepted him because he was a Tushan Clan, he obviously didn't really approve of him. However, I have a feeling that hou is by no means someone who is willing to live under people forever, he's just being patient, and I see ambition in his eyes."Xiao Yao nodded, "It feels like you don't have a bad impression of him."

A moment of tinkling of gems smiled to himself, "Because he's actually in a bit of a similar situation to me. We are both enduring, we are both waiting for the right time to be able to kill our opponents with a single strike, and we are both eager to prove ourselves to everyone."

Xiao Yao's complexion became grave, and a moment later Zhuan Xu said, "Don't worry, if Jing didn't have some tactics, Feng Long wouldn't have valued and trusted him so much, in fact, as long as Jing was willing, he could have made the first move and got rid of instr. But I don't know what he thinks, he's hesitant to do it." Jinkong patted her shoulder and laughed, "Seeing that you saved Jing's life, as long as Jing didn't offend you, I will keep an eye on hou, and I suspect that ......" Zhuan Xu narrowed his eyes and sneered, "hou is colluding with Uncle Wang. ."

Xiao Yao was relieved for a few moments, frowning, "Has the FanFeng Clan also defected to Uncle and the others?"

"Looking at the actions of the Defence FanFengYi Ying, it should be. Otherwise, how would a FanFeng Clan dare to kill me repeatedly? Aren't those elders of ours the ones in this world who must want me dead?"

Xiao Yao sighed, "I really admire you guys, one of you wants to kill the other, but you can still play together without any problems, talking and laughing."

Zhuan Xu smirked, "Don't you think this is also a kind of fun?"

Xiao Yao laughed out loud, "Indeed!"

The cloud carriage stopped, Xiao Yao jumped out of the carriage, but she did not intend to enter the hall, and instructed her maid, "Bring me some random raggedy clothes."

The maid busily ran in and brought a piece of clothing that had been destroyed by Ah Nian to Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao threw the tinkling of gems' outer robe back to him, wrapped the tattered clothing around her body, and was about to leave.

The moment of tinkling of gems called out, "Aren't you going to change your clothes before going to settle the score with Ah Nian?"Xiao Yao turned back, shook her hair that was mixed with seaweed and sand, and said, "That's what I want!"

A moment of tinkling of gems laughed, "Then I don't care about you guys, I'm going to look for Fenglong and Xinyue, they're leaving tomorrow."

Xiao Yao waved her hand as she walked away, "You go find your fun, I'll go find mine."

Xiao Yao kicked open the door of Ah Nian's hall and walked in, it was estimated that last night Ah Nian was worried about her heart and didn't sleep well, she hadn't risen yet at this moment.

The maids of honour have blocked Xiao Yao, "Great Wang Ji, the second Wang Ji has not yet risen, if you have something ......"

Xiao Yao hands and feet together, crackling all kicked and pushed open. Haitang blocked the door, Xiao Yao said, "What? You still want to fight me?"

Haitang knelt down, "Slave girl doesn't dare." But she just wouldn't let go.

Xiao Yao cursed, "Ah Nian, if you have the guts to do it, you should have the guts to admit it! What's the point of hiding behind a slave girl? You coward!"

Ah Nian pulled open the door and said to Haitang, "Get out of the way, I want to see what she dares to do, if she really has the guts, she will kill me today, only then will I be able to convince her!"

A few maidservants advised, "First Wangji, Second Wangji, you ......"

Xiao Yao and Ah Nian shouted in unison, "Get lost!"The maidservants were busy pulling Haitang aside and Xiao Yao said to Ah Nian, "If you have the guts to invite me in, let's see what I'll do to you."

Ah Nian coldly grunted and got out of the way.

Xiao Yao walked in and chained the door. She pointed at herself, "Are you satisfied with what you combined with others to make me like this?"

Ah Nian sits down with a flourish and picks up the water to try to drink, "It's quite satisfactory."

Xiao Yao picked up the kettle on the case and splashed a whole pot of water on her face, "You brainless thing!"

Ah Nian jumped up, "You, you ...... I won't be Gao Xin Yi if I don't beat you half to death today." She waved her hand, but found that the spiritual power seemed to have disappeared, not to mention the ice stick, not even a single ice slag came out.

Xiao Yao hooked her hand at her, "Don't just talk without practising!"

Ah Nian casually picks up a jade ru and goes to smash Xiao Yao like she's wielding a stick, Xiao Yao picks up her phoenix qin and fights with her. When the jade ru broke, Ah Nian grabbed a half-human-high gilt twined lotus flower water mirror and smashed it fiercely towards Xiao Yao, smashing her phoenix qin to pieces.

Xiao Yao grabbed a bunch of fat powder boxes, smashing Ah Nian while dodging, "You brute cow, you have some strength."

Xiao Yao jumped to the case, Ah Nian smashed several cases to pieces.

Xiao Yao hid next to the shelf, and took the vase and book to smash Ah Nian, Ah Nian swept across with the water mirror, and smashed the whole shelf over.

Xiao Yao retreated to the side of the couch, Ah Nian forced his way over, "I'll see where else you can escape?"In her anger, Ah Nian had already forgotten the importance of lightness, she smashed the water mirror fiercely at Xiao Yao, only wanting to make this person disappear from her world.

Xiao Yao jumped up like an ape and climbed on top of the couch to avoid the fatal blow. As she fell, she forcefully ripped off the entire veil tent, and the overlapping veils fell on Ah Nian. These veils are either water and fire invulnerable shark raw silk, or swords can not cut the coiled silk spider veil, Ah Nian tugged half a day, not only did not pull apart, on the contrary, more and more tightly entangled himself.

Xiao Yao rushed to her belly kicked hard, Ah Nian fell heavily on the ground, the back of the head hit the floor, pain face green.

Xiao Yao rode and sat on top of her, "Gao Xin Yi, this is you! Lose your spiritual power and you can't do anything! Lose your identity and you're nothing!"

Tears welled up in Nian's eyes, "You think you're better than me? If your mother wasn't Xuanyuan's royal concubine, would Zhuan Xu care about you? If you weren't the granddaughter of King Xuanyuan, would others think you're better than me? Apart from your bloodline being nobler than mine, what else makes you better than me? I've at least worked hard on my own and my spiritual power is higher and stronger than yours, but what about you? You say that you are the disciple of the Queen Mother, but you can't even beat the most ordinary demons! If it weren't for your status, would Father have held a grand ceremony for you? Do you think the guests of the Great Wasteland are just here to see you? Let me tell you, no! They are here because your father is King Gao Xin, your mother is King Xuanyuan's concubine, your maternal grandfather is King Xuanyuan, and your master is the Queen Mother! Apart from these identities, you're actually even more worthless than me!"

So this is Ah Nian's inferiority complex, Xiao Yao contemplated for a moment and said, "You're actually resenting your mother for being too insignificant in her origins!"

Ah Nian roared like a madman, "I didn't! I didn't! My mother is the best in the world, don't you dare say that about my mother ......"

Ah Nian struggled to get up, Xiao Yao gave her a punch on the nose, beating her tears and snot all out, then struggling to stay still, Xiao Yao pressed on her chest and said: "You still dare not admit it? Aren't you just resentful because of your mother? Although you are better than me in everything, it is because your mother is just a woman with a lowly status, not only lowly, but also deaf and mute, so you appear to be inferior to me in every way. Are you thinking that if you were the disciple of the Queen Mother, you wouldn't know how high your spiritual power is? Are you thinking that if you were King Xuanyuan's granddaughter, you would never be as useless as me?"



Nen thought in horror, am I really minding Niang's identity?

No, it wouldn't! Mother was so gentle and pitiful, she and Father were all Mother had left, she would never mind Mother's identity!

Xiao Yao droned, "If you have the ability to think, you must have the ability to admit it, besides crying, what else can you do?"

Ah Nian still let out a loud cry, Xiao Yao took out a little bit of medicinal powder and sprinkled it on the veil, a few wisps of light smoke rose up, the veil which was invulnerable to water and fire, and not harmed by swords and knives was corroded out of a small hole.

Xiao Yao took the medicinal powder and said to Ah Nian, "If you cry again, I will blow gently and blow this medicinal powder onto your face." As Xiao Yao spoke, she sprinkled a little more medicinal powder onto the veil, and light smoke floated up.

Ah Nian immediately bit her lips tightly and stared at Xiao Yao in fear, her tears were still pouring out, but she didn't dare to cry out anymore.

Xiao Yao put away the medicinal powder, ''That's what makes it easier to talk! Since I know your secret, I will also tell you one of mine. The fact that you resent your mother's identity isn't a big deal because I hate my mother's identity." Xiao Yao gave Nian a look, "Don't believe it? It seems that our father is so shrewd and powerful that no one dares to chew on you in front of you for so many years! Let me tell you! Do you know why no one on the Five Gods Mountain dares to mention my mother? Because my mother repudiated our father!"

Ah Nian forgot to cry and looked at Xiao Yao in shock. In this world, there was actually a woman who dared to abandon King Gao Xin?

Xiao Yao said, "After my mother repudiated our father, she took me to live at the Chao Yun Peak on Xuan Yuan Mountain, if this was all, then so be it, but she actually ran off to lead the army to war for the sake of the righteousness of the family and the world. She sent me to the Queen Mother of Jade Mountain, lied to me and said let me play in Jade Mountain, she will come to pick me up after a period of time, and the result ...... is that she never returned and died in the war! That hellish place on Jade Mountain is not a place for normal people to live at all. The maidservants are all like mutes, and the Queen Mother is considered very talkative if she speaks ten words a month. I've been looking forward to my mother coming to pick me up day after day, and I've been waiting for her for seventy years, but she ......" Xiao Yao sneered, "This is what my mother said about coming to pick me up after a while!"

Xiao Yao leaned down and said seriously to Ah Nian, "To be honest, if God allows a person to have a choice of mother, I want your mother. Your mother is gentle and delicate, honestly treating Father as her heaven, and following Father single-mindedly. She's just a weak woman who can't do anything, doesn't have to take on any great righteousness, can guard her daughter as she grows up, and no matter what time it is, as long as she's there waiting for you when you want her, and when the whole world turns their backs on you, she still guards you."

Ah Nian was stunned, Xiao Yao patted her cheek, "Are you willing to switch mothers with me?"

Ah Nian immediately shouted, "No, never! My mother is mine." It was as if Xiao Yao really wanted to steal her mother from her. Xiao Yao got up from Ah Nian's body and helped her to untie the veil while saying, "Whether you like it or not, anyway, this girl just appeared in your world, and now you only have two paths to take."

Xiao Yao didn't dare to really let go of Ah Nian, only letting her face show. Xiao Yao roughly pushed Ah Nian to sit up, she squatted in front of Ah Nian, "The first path is the current path, we don't get along well, you keep finding fault with me, even going as far as to join forces with outsiders to fix me. Have you thought carefully about what the end of this path is?"

Ah Nian didn't say anything and Xiao Yao said, "You'll make Father King suffer and you'll lose a moment Zhuan Xu."

Ah Nian stared at Xiao Yao, who said, "To Father, you and I are like the back of the hand, and the back of the hand is flesh, so whether it's you who gets hurt, or me, he'll be in pain. If Father is in pain, your mother's day will change, and your mother will also be in pain! If both father and mother are in pain, I don't believe you, as a daughter, will find it pleasant! And Zhuan Xu, maybe you don't want to admit it, but I know you know it in your heart, and that's why you've tried to verify it again and again. I'm not Father and Zhuan Xu, I won't coax you with falsehoods, but Zhuan Xu and I are connected by blood, our safety and danger are linked, we are each other's leaning on each other, even the only leaning in this world. If you really hurt me, the tinkling of gems will definitely not forgive you!"

Xiao Yao paused and continued, "The second path, however, is very different from the first, we live in peace, don't stare at me! I said living together in peace, I didn't say living together in friendship! The so-called peaceful coexistence is well water does not offend river water, Cheng En Palace is very big, so big that even if there is more than one of me, as long as you do not want to pay attention to it, it is perfectly possible to not see once a year. You can think carefully about the end of this path. Father will be pleased thatZhuan Xu will continue to favour you and protect you, and your mother will continue to live in peace."

Ah Nian snorted coldly, "Are there only two paths?"

Xiao Yao laughed, "Actually, there is a third, we get along amicably, from now on you not only have father and brother to love you, but you also have an extra sister to pamper you."

"Bah, you're dreaming!"

Xiao Yao spread her hands and said indifferently, "I knew it was a dream, so I didn't mention it at all."

Ah Nian lowered her head, silently contemplating, and Xiao Yao also stopped talking.

The room quieted down, and the voices outside became shrill as the maids cried and screamed, "Wang Ji, Wang Ji, don't fight! Please, don t fight ...... Your Majesty, didn t you already send someone to report to His Majesty? Why hasn't His Majesty sent someone ...... yet?"

After a long time, Xiao Yao saw that Ah Nian's expression was already very calm, and began to continue to untie the veil on Ah Nian's body, and just as she untied Ah Nian's hands, Ah Nian threw Xiao Yao a slap with force, and Xiao Yao flipped her heavily onto the ground with a hand, and raised her fists, "You still want to fight ah? Then let's continue."

Ah Nian angrily said, "You kicked me in the stomach and punched me in the face, I'll slap you in the face, let's call it even, and from now on, well water does not interfere with river water!"

Xiaoyao thought about it and withdrew her fist, "Good!"Xiao Yao stood up, picked up the tattered robe on the ground and wrapped it around her body, and was just about to pull the latch, when she turned back and said, "Only you and Xiangliu know about what happened between you and Xiangliu, and I won't tell Zhuan Xu, and you've sealed your mouth yourself."

Xiao Yao pulled the door open, and the maids stared at her in disbelief.

When Xiao Yao walked back to the Hall of Bright Serenity, the maids of honour also looked at her dumbfounded, the bolder Coral stammered, "Wang Ji, who, who hit you?"

Xiao Yao walked to the water mirror, a stark palm print on the left side of her face, Xiao Yao thought about the bruises on Ah Nian's face and laughed, "Who else in this palace dares to hit me besides the other Wang Ji? However, I didn't make it easy for her either, if you guys want to see her in action, hurry up and go watch."

The maids still stood dumbfounded, Xiao Yao said, "If you don't want to go and watch the fun, prepare a bath for me, I have a smell of the sea on me, it's unbearable."

Only then did the maids return to their senses and hurriedly went to prepare the bathing utensils, Coral also went to look for injury medicine.

Xiao Yao finished her bath, put on the medicine, ate something, and instructed the maidservants, "I'll sleep for two hours, remember to make sure to wake me up when it's time."

Xiao Yao slept beautifully, and after she woke up from her sleep, she asked the maid to help her prepare her clothes for going out.

Xiao Yao said, "Something comfortable." Just after the words were finished, she thought about it and added, "It also needs to be nice looking, both comfortable and nice looking."

The maids all lowered their heads and snickered, Coral picked up a set of gardenia yellow dress and said, "Although this dress has to be girdled, as long as it's not bunched up as tightly as when wearing a gown, it's actually very comfortable to wear. Did Wang Ji find last night's wear difficult?"

"Other than being a bit cumbersome, it's not unpleasant." Xiao Yao laughed, "Then this is the set."

After putting on her clothes, Xiao Yao looked at herself in front of the mirror and lamented that with Ah Nian's five fingerprints around, it was actually a white dress!

Coral had already prepared a drapery hat for her that matched the dress, Xiao Yao put on the hat and took the cloud carriage out of the palace.

Zhuan Xu said that Fenglong would be leaving tomorrow, so I thought that Jing would also be leaving early tomorrow morning. With this farewell, there was no telling when he would see him again, so Xiao Yao wanted to see him again before he left.

When they arrived at the courtyard where the Tu Shan Clan lived on Ying Zhou Mountain, the servant guarding the door said, "Prince Jing went shopping, presumably because he's leaving tomorrow and wanted to buy some specialities from the Five Divine Mountains to take back as gifts."

Xiao Yao had thought that Jing would be resting, but she didn't expect him to go out with the Zhuan Xu and the others, it seemed that he didn't want anyone to know that she hadn't slept all night last night. Thinking of his two weird fox-tailed dolls, if he had the intention to hide them, it would indeed be difficult for outsiders to ascertain his whereabouts.

Not having found anyone, Xiao Yao was a bit wan, but she didn't want to go back for a while, so she could only go to Yingzhou Island to wander around in boredom.The last time I strolled around Yingzhou Island, I was still a child, and it was very different from now. At that time, Yingzhou Island was only inhabited by some low-grade divine races, and it was beautiful, but there was not much life. Now there are a lot of human race, and from time to time you can see the demon race, hustle and bustle, very lively. Everyone lived a peaceful and contented life, so their behaviour was naturally very courteous.

Xiao Yao couldn't help but be proud of her father. After coming back, maybe because she grew up, she could feel that her father was not happy, but her father said that he exchanged all for what he wanted, and this is probably what her father wanted!

Xiao Yao saw a set of makeup boxes made of coral, from small to large there were about twelve pieces, the small ones could be used to hold rouge and powder, the large ones could be used to hold hairpins and jewellery. Xiaoyao thought of the maid Coral's name and thought that if it wasn't too expensive, it would be nice to buy this for Coral. She walked over, picked up one and looked at it, the workmanship was indeed good, and asked, "How much?"

Before the shopkeeper could answer, a woman next to her picked up a makeup box and looked at it, saying, "I'll take this, wrap it up."

Xiao Yao did not have to take it, but just felt that the woman next to her was too overbearing, and was too lazy to take care of her, and only said to the shopkeeper, "I was the one who looked at the thing first, and asked for the price first, so if I didn't say I didn't want it, I shouldn't be able to sell it to someone else."

The shopkeeper said apologetically to the woman, "It is indeed true to buy and sell things."

The woman immediately said, "Whatever she offers, I'll give you twice as much again."

The other woman said, "The workmanship is okay, but the coral is not good, if sister wants something like this, I'll order the craftsmen to carve a set specifically for you from the coral of the Returning Market."

Xiao Yao heard their voices were a bit familiar, so she turned around to look, it was actually Xin Yue and Yi Ying.

Feng Long and YiYing were walking over, followed by several servants carrying things. XinYue said to one of the servants, "Put away this coral makeup box." She then turned her head to look at Xiao Yao and said to Yi Ying, "I'm not a woman who has never seen anything nice, so how could I look at this kind of thing? It's just a novelty that I bought to reward my subordinates."

Xiao Yao was not good at using words to suppress people like Xin Yue, at this moment, Xiao Yao really wished that Ah Nian and Haitang were there, remembering the time when Haitang asked Xin Yue's maidservant to ask for a bundle of Fusang Divine Wood, Xiao Yao couldn't help but smile and said to Xin Yue, "If Miss likes it, then take it."

Zhuan Xu rushed over in a few steps and said, "Xiao Yao? It's really you! Why are you here shopping?"

Xiaoyao said, "I'm a bit bored, so I just came here for a stroll." As she said this, she secretly glanced over to Jing's side, and seeing the joy in his dark eyes, Xiao Yao also couldn't help but purse her lips and smile.

Although it was just two usual conversations, but tinkling of gems and Xiao Yao appeared to be very intimate, Xin Yue stared at Xiao Yao warily and said to tinkling of gems with a wry smile, "You really do have quite a few confidants, you can run into one just by strolling around."

Fenglong and Instructor both laughed, and the tinkling of gems coughed slightly and introduced them to the crowd, "Didn't you all clamour to meet my cousin last night? This is my cousin."

Feng Long stopped laughing for a moment, and the crowd all looked solemn. Feng Long and Xiao Yao greeted each other, and when he raised his head, he took a closer look at Xiao Yao, but unfortunately, the veil covered it, and he couldn't see the face under the veil. Xiao Yao returned the salute to the crowd and secretly paid attention to Tushanhou. I thought that even if someone like that had nice features, his temperament should be obscene, but I didn't expect him to be unexpectedly handsome. His brows and Jing's eyes were five or six points alike, but his were more rigid, with a bit of arrogance, and there was a faint scar at the corner of his lips, making him carry a point of severity even when he smiled.

XinYue took the set of coral make-up box to XiaoYao and smiled, "I'm really sorry, because I'm leaving tomorrow, it's rare to see a set of chic gifts, so I'm in a hurry, this set of make-up box please accept it, even if it's as a souvenir that we don't fight and don't get to know each other."Xiao Yao secretly praised, it was worthy of being a son or daughter raised by the two big families, she looked at the tinkling of gems, the tinkling of gems nodded slightly, Xiao Yao smiled and took it, "Thank you."

XinYue said happily, "The more people there are in the shopping market, the more lively it is, why don't you join us."

"Yes!" Xiao Yao agreed.

A few people talked while shopping, Xiao Yao didn't say much, but everyone took care of her, so the group got along well.

XinYue and FengLong bought quite a few more things, the attendant who followed them all had their hands full, XinYue smiled bitterly and said, "You guys don't laugh at us, our parents are from big families on both sides, we came to a trip to the Five Divine Mountains, if we don't bring something back, it's not possible to say that we can't go back, but if we send A, we have to send B."

Hou said, "We won't laugh, we'll only be envious."

Xinyue laughed.

Xiaoyao thought to herself, Xinyue was nice to hou, and didn't appear to be different than she was to Jing.

XinYue said, "I can't, I can't stroll anymore, let's find a place to rest."

Zhuan Xu laughed and said, "I know you're going to be unable to, there's a wine shop over there, and the food is pretty good, it's almost dinner time anyway, so why don't we just have some drinks and food over there, and count it as me saying goodbye to all of you."

Zhuan  led everyone into the wine shop, the owner of the wine shop should know Zhuan Xu and personally welcomed them out, taking them to sit on the patio.

The patio was surrounded by a two-storey house, four square, the first floor planted a lot of vines and plants, but the owner of the shop didn't let those vines climb, but let them hang straight down, as if they were green bead curtains, some of the vines had bright red vermilion fruits on them, and some had small purple and yellow flowers on them, sitting on the patio, full of verdure and rosy, it was as if you were sitting in the mountain wilderness.

Xin Yue looked at Zhuan  and smiled and praised, "It's a good place."

The shopkeeper invited everyone to be seated, a large sitting couch with a large four-sided table, two people to one side, Xiao Yao did not know the intentions of Zhuan Xu, hesitation, has been Xingyue smile pressed in Fenglong side to sit down. Xin Yue sat on Xiao Yao's left hand, on the side of the tinkling of gems. Jing and Yiying sat opposite to Xiaoyao and Fenglong. Zhouhou sat alone on one side, opposite Zhuan .

The shopkeeper served four or five kinds of wine, some strong and some as light as honey, and brought seven or eight plates of exquisite small dishes and some fruits and melons for everyone to choose from.

Seeing that the tinkling of gems nodded their heads and expressed their satisfaction, the shopkeeper immediately retired.

Feng Long laughed, "Looking at this situation, you don't look like a guest, but rather like a host."

Zhuan Xu, "I don't dare to deceive you guys, I am indeed considered as the owner here, I like to brew wine, it's not fun to drink it by myself after all, so I opened a few shops."

XinYue became interested and asked chirpily, YiYing and Hou also interjected a few words from time to time, the conversation was very lively.

Feng Long used clean chopsticks to clip a small dish of small jade melon to Xiao Yao, whispered, "I see you just now the first bite is this, should be love to eat, but clip very little, if you feel far away, I will help you clip."Xiao Yao swept a glance at Jing, clamped a piece of small jade melon into her mouth, and said to Feng Long, "Thank you."

After Feng Long tasted several types of wine, he poured a cup of sweet and refreshing fruit wine for Xiao Yao, "Try this."

After Xiao Yao took it, she said in a low voice, "You chat with them, there's no need to take special care of me."

XinYue had sharp ears and interjected, "My brother is not usually like this, he doesn't even care about others taking care of him, let alone taking care of others. I see that he does seem a bit different today, even to me he has never been so careful and considerate."

Feng Long lowly reprimanded, "Don't talk rubbish!"

XinYue made a face and said to Jing, "Brother Jing, you know brother well, do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Jing smiled faintly, "No nonsense."

Feng Long was dissatisfied and pointed his finger at Jing and said to Yi Ying, "Good sister-in-law, quickly help me plug that mouth of his."

Yi Ying blushed red with shame, swept a glance at instu, and mouthed, "Don't shout!" The action, however, was attentive, helping Jing get some small dishes that were far away from Jing, and pouring wine for Jing.

Feng Long shook his head and laughed, "That's not exactly blocking!"

Zhuan Xu and Xin Yue both laughed and coaxed, Yi Ying didn't mind either, lifting the wine goblet with both hands and handing it to Jing's lips, saying softly, "Please use it."

Jing sat rigidly, not moving, a forced smile on his face.

The crowd laughed and Feng Long said, "Huh? I don't see you squirming in the past, but today you've become a bit more formal."

Jing lowered his eyes and drank the wine in one gulp from Yi Ying's hand.

Zhuan Xu and Feng Long laughed as they applauded, and Feng Long praised, "It's better for your sister-in-law to be quick!"

Hou also applauded and laughed, Yi Ying stared at Hou and smiled like a flower.

Xiao Yao felt suffocated and finished the small jade melon in the dish in one gulp, Feng Long immediately helped her with another dish.

Yi Ying said, "Xiao Yao, there are no outsiders here, how suffocating it is to wear a drapery hat, take it off."

Xinyue chimed in, "Yes, yes."

Xiao Yao said apologetically, "It's not that I don't want to take off my hat, but I don't know what I ate wrong, my face suddenly developed a rash, it's really not good to see people."

Yi Ying and Xin Yue both sighed regretfully, Xin Yue even said to her brother while sighing long and hard, "Don't blame your sister for not helping you, but rather the heavens for not helping you."

The shopkeeper brought two maidservants, removed all the cold dishes, served hot dishes, and brought a few jars of wine.

Xinyue tasted it and said to Yiying, "Not bad."

Zhuan Xu, "With your praise, I'm going to reward the cook heavily later."The crowd turned to talk about the various clans within the Great Wasteland, and what outstanding sons and daughters they had in recent decades, and what they preferred in private. You said a few words, I said a few words, seemingly idle chit-chat, but with mysteries everywhere.

Jing stayed silent, quietly sipping his wine, the crowd was probably used to him being like this, and none of them were surprised. However, he appeared to be lost in thought, but every time Feng Long or Zhuan Xu suddenly said something to him, he always answered correctly, so it was evident that he knew exactly what was happening around him.

Xiao Yao grabbed the pot of spirits over and drank from a cup, gradually her bones softened and her body shrank like a cat, propping her head up with one hand and holding the cup of wine with the other.

Feng Long looked at her with new curiosity, and did not say anything, carrying the wine altar to drink with her, when she finished a cup, pour her a cup, and drink a cup himself, the two seemed to be sparring.

When Zhuan  saw this, he laughed and said, "Feng Long, don't get my sister drunk."

Feng Long sighed, "It doesn't matter who gets who drunk."

Zhuan Xu knew how much Xiao Yao could drink and smiled and stopped talking. Later on, it was really Feng Long who got drunk first, and the others also drank themselves into a stupor, and I don't know who proposed to go out to sea, and all of them didn't object.

Not far from the restaurant, there was a pier, but a moment later, a lot of people ordered people to prepare the boat, and the crowd really took the boat and sailed out to sea.

When they arrived at the boat, they were sobered up by the sea breeze. Maybe because we are going to leave tomorrow, but maybe even more because we are young, leaving is just an excuse for youthful indulgence, a group of people laugh and joke around, I toast you a glass, and you toast me a glass, and continue to drink.

Yi Ying got drunk and dragged Xin Yue to dance on the deck; Feng Long saw a big fish swimming by and said he wanted to go under the sea to catch it, and with a flutter he really jumped into the sea. Zhuan Xu was taken aback, and Xinyue called out with a smile, "Don't worry! He's a member of the Red Water family, and he goes crazy at the sight of water! No one can drown him!"

After all, Zhuan  was still uneasy and wanted to find a retainer to go down to the sea, but there was only one retainer in total who drove the boat, and instr. said with a glass of wine in his hand, "I'll go and catch fish with him." After saying that, he also jumped into the sea.

Zhuan Xu stood at the bow of the boat and looked on, Yi Ying sat suspended on the side of the boat, kicking his feet and said with a smile, "Don't worry, he has hunted many sea beasts since he was a child, I'm just afraid that he'll really come back with a few big fish later on."

Zhuan Xus' wine surged up and his head ached a little.

Yi Ying laughed and asked Xin Yue, "I'm going to fish for the moon, are you coming?"

Xin Yue shook her head and pointed at her, "You're really drunk."

With a flutter, Yi Ying jumped into the water.

Xinyue giggled gibberishly, and a moment later, Zhuan  said, "I still shouldn't have to worry about it, should I?"

"I don't know, I'm not sure how watery she is, but go down there and find out." She tugged atZhuan , who said, "I can't swim, you know.""I know you can't swim." Xin Yue's eyes shone brightly, as if they were the brightest stars, and she said compulsively to Zhuan Xu, "Jump in with me!"

Zhuan Xus did not say anything, but just looked at Xin Yue with a smile. Xin Yue tilted her head and smiled, her charming eyes like silk, "Dare you give me your life?" After saying that, she gazed at the tinkling of gems, walked backwards step by step to the edge of the boat, and tumbled into the sea in a reverse position.

Zhuan Xu smiled, walked over, and dryly jumped into the sea as well.

Xiaoyao held a glass of wine and slumped over the side of the boat, smiling as she took another drink. If it wasn't for the fact that she had been forced by that dead devil Xiang Liu to soak in the sea yesterday night, she would have really wanted to jump in as well.

Jing silently walked up behind her, and Xiao Yao turned back, sliding into a sitting position on the deck, mocking, "Now you dare to approach me?"

Jing didn't say anything as Xiao Yao raised her empty wine glass, and Jing picked up the decanter and helped her pour a glass. Xiao Yao handed him the wine cup, and Jing took it, thinking that she wanted him to drink, and was just about to drink when Xiao Yao half lifted her veil and pointed to her lips.

Jing brought the glass of wine to Xiao Yao's lips, and Xiao Yao slowly finished drinking from his hand.

As the wine rose, Xiao Yao's hair sank, her temples jumped straight up on both sides, and her stomach churned a bit. She knew that she was really drunk and pushed away Jing's hand, leaning against the side of the boat with her eyes closed, waiting for the uncomfortable energy to pass.

Jing took a small medicine capsule and put it at the end of Xiao Yao's nose, letting her sniff it.

Xiao Yao said, "You haven't forgotten what I taught you."

"Never forget."

"Is it hard for you to see Fenglong treating me well?"

"Hard." Jing was silent for a moment and slowly said, "It's hard."

Xiao Yao laughed, "Hearing that it's hard for you makes me feel quite good."

Jing's finger gently touched her cheek, "Who hit you?"
