His Smile:

Off topic. What would you feel if The Legend of Rosy Clouds got to air first before LYF? I found a funny post on Twitter saying that they need LYF S2 to air first because they'll have conflicting feelings for DW as a villain who is super obsessed with another woman versus DW as the purehearted Shiqi who deeply loves Xiao Yao. heheheh 

As for me, I'll be cheering him on in both roles, even though he is a pure menace in LoRC. 

Same, I will be cheering him on regardless which one airs first. 

Different characters but it's DW behind all these wonderful characters that we are supporting right? :)


Same, I will be cheering him on regardless which one airs first. 

Different characters but it's DW behind all these wonderful characters that we are supporting right? :)

I agree. Plus, if we have conflicting feelings about his character portrayal, that only means he is doing a great job of making his characters come alive. 

 Winny Aye:

I am reading the novel now. I can understand if TSJ character is not as popular. I prefer drama ver a little more. i don't know if i am the only who thinks that way. I think TSJ/YSQ in novel is more quiet, more reserved and talk so little. He doesn't like to be touched. In drama, YSQ collapsed into WXL arms after taking poison smiling. I mean what kind of person drink poison and smile?? And yep the way he gets jealous of XL ...😁

They are the same character. But Deng Wei brings the best of Jing. I mean his expression. I could feel under quiet gentleman, there is a also cute sly fox. 

And yep I disagree with those shamer who said Deng Wei ver of Jing makes more of puppy following XY/WXL than a prince. I wonder what type of eyes they have 👀

In the drama Hing also did not want to be touched at first like what @ChuanTian said. Remember he didn’t want XY to touch him at first too? And I think when he gave her the first piggyback ride, she said I know you don’t like to carry people or something like that I think it’s referring to that not touching thing as well. But since he started to like/trust her he was ok with it.  

 His Smile:

Off topic. What would you feel if The Legend of Rosy Clouds got to air first before LYF? I found a funny post on Twitter saying that they need LYF S2 to air first because they'll have conflicting feelings for DW as a villain who is super obsessed with another woman versus DW as the purehearted Shiqi who deeply loves Xiao Yao. heheheh 

As for me, I'll be cheering him on in both roles, even though he is a pure menace in LoRC. 

I think DW is good at not having the shadow of his previous roles interfering with his current one. Like with Jing, I don’t see XiaoLin or QinKe or XueQianXun at all even with Reuters of CSX same thing lol idk is it just me though 😂 but I think he’s doing amazing for a newish actor. 

I just read a comment saying that XY likes to feel needed, so she likes weak people.

This is true, more or less. She doesn't trust that she can rely on other people. In QS Town, her companions are all weaker than her (at least when they first meet) and she enjoys being the one who looks out for them in her own gruff way. That's a dynamic that feels safe for her.

Comment also said that XY treated shiqi as one of her children and that at the end, XY picked TJS because he was the only one who allowed her to control him.

This part is pretty crazy though. Every time TSJ obeys XY, it's a choice. There are plenty of times where he doesn't listen to her. Usually when he's worried about her safety. She doesn't treat him like a child. She chooses him because he proves that love and kindness, and his commitment to her (and inability to let her go), can last a lifetime, even after terrible suffering. In the drama, she tells him outright that she likes that he is kind and gentle. In the novel, she also specifies what she likes about TSJ:


Chapter 22:

Xiao Yao clamped her hands over his mouth “You idiot! All I want is someone who will hold me tightly and never abandon me no matter what!” Xiao Yao’s forehead was pressed against Jing’s forehead “You can’t let me go, I really like that!


She was tired and closed her eyes to nap and the carriage was silent until Zhuan Xu suddenly asked “Are you certain? Jing may not be the best man, or the man most suited for you.”

Xioa Yao opened her eyes “You and I are both abandoned children, you know more than anyone what I want.”


Chapter 47:

Xiao Yao said, “You all think that I saved Jing’s life and he just glommed on to me, but in truth it was Jing who saved me.

Zhuan Xu stared in disbelief at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao continued “When I left Jade Mountain, I was just a kid who knew nothing. Later I encountered all those horrible things, I only glanced over it when telling you and didn’t share all the details. I didn’t forget any of it, it’s just those tens of years of agony and shame are horrible for me to stomach. When I was locked in a cage by the nine-tailed fox, he would beat me and torture me and make me eat all sorts of disgusting things. I lived even worse than an animal. I hated everyone I could possibly hate – I hated them for abandoning me, for making me live a nightmare. I may have survived in the end but my heart and soul were battered. When I met Jing, he was dirtier than the dirtiest beggar. I saved him in a split second’s kindness and didn’t actually care if he lived or died. But when I discovered all the wounds and bruises on his body, it reminded me of myself so many years ago. I suddenly had a strong desire for him to survive, to keep on living. It was like seeing myself get past it, if Jing could survive. I endured the same torture and shaming, so I know how it can turn a person extreme, cold, suspicious, and how hard it is to be someone who is warm, trusting, and kind. But Jing did it! He showed me, proved to me, that no matter how others have treated us, we can choose to still be kind and good and forgiving. Gege, you might see him as weak and indecisive but you tell me, if one day I betrayed you in the worst way, can you just kill me afterwards?”

Zhuan Xu said with certainty, “You would never betray me or hurt me!”

“Wasn’t that what Jing thought about Hou? He was Jing’s most trusted and beloved older brother. Until Hou did what he did, Jing was like you today, believing completely that Hou would never harm him. I thought Jing would turn cold and suspicious after what Hou did to him, and actions would be decisive and heartless, like both of us have become – but he didn’t! Gege, don’t you think that’s another kind of strength and courage? It appears different than us, but Jing is using his own method to defeat and overcome his suffering.

Zhuan Xu was silent but he agreed, someone like Jing who was so brilliant and strategic on political matters, how could he not know how to get revenge on Hou.

Xiao Yao said “Jing clearly saw what kind of person I am. He knows I won’t give first, won’t take a chance, so he told me that he will give first, he will take a chance. When he said that, he already did so much for me. I was touched then, yet didn’t believe in him completely. I thought it was possible to do it for a time but impossible to do it forever. People’s hearts change, today’s reality is not tomorrow’s reality! But Gege, after what you went through, could you still say that you will give first, you will take a chance? Are you even willing to do that?”

Zhuan Xu had no reply to that.

Xiao Yao added “You and I are the same type of people – we cannot do that! Jing kept trying hard to get close to me, but I never fully trusted him, and in fact always was ready to fully retreat at any moment. I never said it, but Jing must’ve known it. Gege, maybe in your eyes I’m perfect, but in truth it’s very tiring to be with a person like me!”

Zhuan Xu coolly said, “Perhaps he did a lot for you, but all I saw was you spitting up blood because of him and Fang Feng Yi Yang.”

Xiao Yao sighed “Yes, that was Jing’s mistake, but I wasn’t blameless either. I could have handled the matter with him but chose not to do anything, watching from the sidelines and forcing him to prove himself to me. Back then I didn’t know that love can’t be about one-sided giving, staying together requires both sides working at it. We both made mistakes, so we both endured the punishment. It was the first time we both liked someone, so making mistakes is normal. We were simply used by Hou and Yi Yang is all.”

Zhuan Xu kept trying not to think about what Feng Long said before he died but his words gnawed at him. Right now his frustration burst forth and Zhuan Xu impatiently said, “Even if Jing is a million ways perfect, what’s the point of telling me this? ..."


Those are just two examples. 

I really agree with XY about it being tiring to love her lol I thought about it so many times. If I wasn’t someone strong emotionally and mentally I think I’d be pulled into her darkness 🥲 ofc I believe in love is patient and kind and we should go through thick and thin together in a relationship but I’ve learned not at the expense of our own mental health 🥺 


In the drama Hing also did not want to be touched at first like what @ChuanTian said. Remember he didn’t want XY to touch him at first too? And I think when he gave her the first piggyback ride, she said I know you don’t like to carry people or something like that I think it’s referring to that not touching thing as well. But since he started to like/trust her he was ok with it.  

I remember that scene . She tells him to consider her as a rock. Same exact words in both. The novel is very warm indeed ..i mean those scenes . I m more alive with YSQ in drama . it is probably because of my mood at the time. i will be continue reading . ❤

 Winny Aye:


In the drama Hing also did not want to be touched at first like what @ChuanTian said. Remember he didn’t want XY to touch him at first too? And I think when he gave her the first piggyback ride, she said I know you don’t like to carry people or something like that I think it’s referring to that not touching thing as well. But since he started to like/trust her he was ok with it.  

I remember that scene . She tells him to consider her as a rock. Same exact words in both. The novel is very warm indeed ..i mean those scenes . I m more alive with YSQ in drama . it is probably because of my mood at the time. i will be continue reading . ❤

The drama is good on it’s own but novel is supplemental I guess. I especially like all the little details from the novel from all the characters that doesn’t get shown as well in the drama


I think Jing did not like to be touched after he was tortured for 3 years. Every time the torturers touched him was to inflict pain and suffering on him. So touch brought bad memories for him and he did not liked to be touched after that. But as he liked XY, he did not mind XY touching him. 

Also remember in the drama, when he run into his brother Hou when he got back to his family home, and his brother reached out to pat him on his arm, he dodged it. And Hou said, what's up, we used to greet each other like this. So before the torture, Jing was actually ok to be touched.

I can totally see..I will rereading again since Im done with skiming through whole thing. Yep i remember ..that Hou guy scene...he should not expect to pat Jing..😅😌 

 Winny Aye:


In the drama Hing also did not want to be touched at first like what @ChuanTian said. Remember he didn’t want XY to touch him at first too? And I think when he gave her the first piggyback ride, she said I know you don’t like to carry people or something like that I think it’s referring to that not touching thing as well. But since he started to like/trust her he was ok with it.  

I remember that scene . She tells him to consider her as a rock. Same exact words in both. The novel is very warm indeed ..i mean those scenes . I m more alive with YSQ in drama . it is probably because of my mood at the time. i will be continue reading . ❤

Here you go:


Chapter 1:

After half a year, the man’s injuries on his body were gradually healing. The nails on his fingers and toes were not completely grown back yet but he could touch water now. So Xiao Liu stopped washing his body and instead prepared a tub so he could take proper baths.

After being taken care of by Xiao Liu for six months, the man was no longer stick and bones thin but he was still very light. When Xiao Liu picked him up, he nagged “Eat more!”

The man closed his eyes and said nothing. During this entire time he was like that. Every time Xiao Liu touched his body, he shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Xiao Liu understood. After enduring so much torture, his body despised any type of touch and each time he had to endure it.

Xiao Liu put the cloth next to him and said, “You wash yourself. Your hair isn’t fully grown back yet so don’t scrub so hard.”


Chapter 2:

Xiao Liu stood up and said “You stay here, I need to go find something alone.” Shi Qi didn’t nod, where Xiao Liu went, he also went. Xiao Liu glared “You said you would listen to me. If you don’t listen, I don’t want you anymore.” Shi Qi silently looked at him and the sliver of sunlight through the trees shone on his scar along the hair line and the light sorrow in his eyes.

Xiao Liu softened and stepped forward wanting to grab his arm but remembering that he didn’t like to be touched so he grabbed his sleeve. “Shi Qi is the best and most obedient and most capable, I won’t discard you. Not taking you is because it's dangerous. That thing is too clever and if it smells something it’ll be scared off and run thousands of miles in an instant. The only way to get close is to smear its poop on the body but there isn’t enough poop here so only I can go. If I can’t catch it I’ll come right back so wait for me here.”

Xiao Liu tilted his head and smiled and finally Shi Qi nodded.

Xiao Liu picked up the poop and stepped away to smear it on his arm. “Isn’t it gross? You probably never saw this where you grew up. It’s not really that dirty. A lot of medicine is made with animal poop you know.” Xiao Liu turned and Shi Qi was right next to him already and he paused. Shi Qi fixed his sleeve and said “Be careful.”


Shi Qi knelt down and Xiao Liu remembered that he didn’t like to be touched but right now there was no other way so Xiao Liu carefully climbed on his back “I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to carry someone. You can imagine that I’m a rock and rocks don’t make any noise……..Or you can imagined that I am a pig, a pig who speaks. Oh, but do you dislike pigs? Then you can imagine I’m a………”

Shi Qi’s voice was low “I will think that it’s you. I am willing to carry……you.


The drama is good on it’s own but novel is supplemental I guess. I especially like all the little details from the novel from all the characters that doesn’t get shown as well in the drama

It's really good you know to have a novel while waiting for S2. or else we will be more tormented in waiting . I like how the drama mostly follow the novel though not all..

 His Smile:

Off topic. What would you feel if The Legend of Rosy Clouds got to air first before LYF? I found a funny post on Twitter saying that they need LYF S2 to air first because they'll have conflicting feelings for DW as a villain who is super obsessed with another woman versus DW as the purehearted Shiqi who deeply loves Xiao Yao. heheheh 

As for me, I'll be cheering him on in both roles, even though he is a pure menace in LoRC. 

It would be great if they aired simultaneously. We can be obsessive with him in Rosy Clouds and then he can heal us as TSJ in LYF...lol 

Thanks @AH, I almost forgot how Shiqi was at the beginning since I was so focused on Jing (even though they are the same but my mind separates them for some reason 😂) Shiqi went through a lot too but was brave/strong enough to move forward and even be able to be in the same room as his evil abuser/torturer brother, how that’s possible 🤯 


It would be great if they aired simultaneously. We can be obsessive with him in Rosy Clouds and then he can heal us as TSJ in LYF...lol 

Yes but also no 😂 with just LYF he had so much black hot searches daily, I can’t imagine if two dramas air at the same time he’ll probably break a record with black hot searches lol poor DW 🥲


Yes but also no 😂 with just LYF he had so much black hot searches daily, I can’t imagine if two dramas air at the same time he’ll probably break a record with black hot searches lol poor DW 🥲

Darn it. LOL