
Chapter 42

I think Jing wakes up in ep 32 or 33, so you'll see it in this season.

I hope not too much time passes between S1 and S2. I'll have the book, but still!!

can someone tell me the order of when things will happen? is it the tree death trap happens, then after they both recover, Jing will marry FFYY? Then Xiaoyao almost marries Fenglong? Then Jing discovers the truth? Also will Jing marry Xiaoyao in the end? Do you think S1 will end with Xiaoyao almost marrying Fenglong and the rest will happen in S2? Or is there still a lot of things to happen in S2?

Thanks so much for your help! As I just want to have an idea of how long I have to suffer for before they're together :)


Do you want spoilers?

Yessssssss PLS ?

 His Smile:

No, I actually have seen it multiple times already with different video edits from YaoJing shippers online lol



can someone tell me the order of when things will happen? is it the tree death trap happens, then after they both recover, Jing will marry FFYY? Then Xiaoyao almost marries Fenglong? Then Jing discovers the truth? Also will Jing marry Xiaoyao in the end? Do you think S1 will end with Xiaoyao almost marrying Fenglong and the rest will happen in S2? Or is there still a lot of things to happen in S2?

Thanks so much for your help! As I just want to have an idea of how long I have to suffer for before they're together :)

Cherry blossom death trap

Jing and XY recovers

Jing becomes clan leader

Jing gets tricked by his grandmother, YY, and Hou to sleep with YY

XY finds out YY is pregnant 

Jing marries YY 

CX becomes King

XY leans to be a real doctor

XY and othe doctor's start to combine knowledge and create a doctor manual

XY marries FL but FFB steals her away


XY finds out it was Jing that asked FFB to ruin the wedding, she goes to Qing Qui to tell Jing to stay away from her, but Jing tells her about his suspicion. 

XY helps Jing investigate and finds out the truth, they get back together

CX spread rumors that XY is che ching's daughter,  severe her and the grand emperor's relationship, also her relationship with Ah Nian(reason I don't like CX... he hurt her so much by doing this)

The grand emperor removes XY from the family ledger. XY's princess title is removed, but instead of becoming a princess of the Chenrong kingdom she becomes Xi Ling clan's eldest daughter and becomes Xi Ling Jiu Yao (i think the name Xi Ling is different, it's Wen Xi or something)

Jing, XY, and grand emperor meet XY's mom

CX attacks Hoaling

Jing proposed to XY and they get engage

Grand emperor gives Hoaling to CX

CX becomes king of Hoaling and marries Ah Nian

XY and other doctors finished manual

Jing gets date for the wedding

CX attacks the Chenrong Army

Jing and Hou battle to the death, Hou and YY dies while Jing is critically injured and goes missing

CX's queen tries to kill XY twice

XY finds out CX loves her

XL kills FL and gives XY clues to who wanted Jing dead

XY finds out who killed Jing, it was CX. She tries to kill CX and herself. Although she tried to kill him she made sure she poisoned him enough that someone can cure him but she took a large amount of poison so that it's incurable. 

CX takes her to Jade Mt to get cured

XL goes to Jade Mt to cure XY and takes out the love bug. He tells Royal mother to no tell XY he was the one who cured her or took the bug out. (I change this because we didn't see the 2 characters when XY went there to turn back into a woman)

XY doesn't want to live in CX world, so she asked to become the next royal mother

Jing flies in and ruin the ceremony 

Jing and XY marries

XY learns of XL death and was devastated 

Jing and XY plan on wandering the world and first stop, the ocean.

The end

Please add if I missed something or subtract if the event was wrong


Yessssssss PLS ?

I think it's in the novel, I haven't reached that part yet, the last chapter I read was 20 which is where the kiss we got today is. But FFYY does get pregnant, but it's not Jing's child, it's his brother's and the wench makes him think it's his by drugging him.

Ltran904  : I didn't read it all but I laughed at her going to see him to ask him to stay away and he gives her the news and she is like "I'm gonna get mah man back!"  Jajajaja


Ltran904  : I didn't read it all but I laughed at her going to see him to ask him to stay away and he gives her the news and she is like "I'm gonna get mah man back!"  Jajajaja

I know right...  I love that part too.. I was like finally!  And I loved how he had to swim to get XY some water lilies in front of everyone to start the investigation 

@Ltran904 Amazing thanks so much for the awesome summary!! Great to know that all the pain is worth it :D

Thanks “Ltran904”.! How could you manage simplifying the order of the most important events so well? that’s nice. Now I get less stress while watching the drama and then put it on hold till the next season:)

just couple of questions, at the end when wondering around the world, are they still keep their status or they would live as normal people? Can they change their roots? Is  our fox stays with two tails and his abilities or is  XY  keeps her healing blood and more…? Just curious. I liked the Ashes of Love drama’s ending. Kind of similar. 


@Ltran904 Amazing thanks so much for the awesome summary!! Great to know that all the pain is worth it :D

Dont know if you care but I just updated some more events I forgot to add like attacking hoaling and chenrong and Ah Nian  marriage. 

I haven't caught up on all the episodes, and never read the book (besides the epilogue) so can someone tell me how they interpret that part where XY waits for XL? Don't get me wrong, I think it's nice that XY ends up with Jing, but I also love XL too. Ppl say it's one of the indications that XL is the one she wants to be with, including that part where she tells XL not to enter her dreams. So she does have feelings, he just didn't take his chance?

wah thank you for the novel recap tho. tbh, I reread the novel as I seemed to forget the sequences of it. Im only 28 (same age with Dengwei?) but my memories wont cooperate well with me.

Today's episodes, we all gonna ride roller-coaster together. Cant wait for it tho.


Thanks “Ltran904”.! How could you manage simplifying the order of the most important events so well? that’s nice. Now I get less stress while watching the drama and then put it on hold till the next season:)

just couple of questions, at the end when wondering around the world, are they still keep their status or they would live as normal people? Can they change their roots? Is  our fox stays with two tails and his abilities or is  XY  keeps her healing blood and more…? Just curious. I liked the Ashes of Love drama’s ending. Kind of similar. 

I don't know I just jot down whatever I thought was important...I jot down whatever I can remember... the order might be wrong but you get the general idea... ?

Nope, Jing’s son (nephew) becomes clan leader. So Jing doesn't have to be clan leader. XY isn't a princess anymore because the grand emperor took her off the family ledger because of CX... grand emperor distanced himself from XY so that she doesnt have to choose sides. So she becomes Xi Ling clan's eldest daughter. XY did this to have the same status as Jing. CX wanted this so XY doesn't have the same last name as him so that in the future he can marry her... dream on... hm I should put some of these in the list...

What do you mean can they change their roots?

Yea, he probably still be a 2 tailed fox and XY's powers don't improve but she learned the Fang Feng archery skills and she still have the poison knowledge but now she's a real doctor. He blood is the same, heals people.

After the wedding, XY finds out about XL cries and reminisced on old times... finds out he deleted the memory of him and cried some more.. next day XY and Jing says goodbye to the white emperor formally known as the grand emperor and walks off and the end...

 WangDuo girlfriend:

wah thank you for the novel recap tho. tbh, I reread the novel as I seemed to forget the sequences of it. Im only 28 (same age with Dengwei?) but my memories wont cooperate well with me.

Today's episodes, we all gonna ride roller-coaster together. Cant wait for it tho.

There's no episodes today! We have to wait for 4 days for new episodes!!! Soon sad! Supposed to be a good episode too... ?