Hm about clam shell...yep I forget mention, its the merpeople HOME. And YaoLiu had been staying there for 37 years. But anyway, for some reason I wasn't taking it as official, since she's not completely conscious. I did not take it from her heart desire within only. Both mind and heart must be involved. So I recall it to poison symbol as passion. The flower bloom to passion bloom (making it more official).
And the reason why I wrote she asking why he is cold is from this passage..
He appeared close to the clam shell but he was coldly staring outside the ice crystal ball so that it felt like he was actually in another world and not in the world of the peaceful isolated ocean with the mermaid.
He's outside crystal ball and staring coldly. I interpreted it to her asking. .actually not asking but asking. .because I think she's sort of feel about XL feelings subconsciously. But he was cold to open up about it? So what I am meaning is asking him to be open up about her? Take her hand for commitment (officially )?
Well I think our interpretation overall is same same...not that different.