XY was able to implant the bug in CX because they both love each other, right?

The bug may have been able to enter CX and start making him feel XY's pain because they both loved each other, but XY and XL were able to transfer the bug from CX to XL because CX didn't willingly accept the bug, so it hadn't stabilized / been fully implanted in him. 

In chapter 48 of the novel, XL says:

“The tree grows old on land together, the mandarin ducks die together in the water – the Lover’s Bug connects heart to heart and our lives, and there truly is no way to remove the bug. Years ago I was only able to remove the bug from Zhuan Xu because he didn’t know it was you so he didn’t willingly accept the bug. So you never successfully planted the bug on him in the first place. But I….I was heart and soul willing, so the bug successfully planted in me."

She tried to implant it in XL first, but it didn't work. Does this mean she didn't love him or he's immune to the bug as well (he's immune to poison)? 

This didn't happen in the novel, so we can't draw on the novel to help explain this part of the drama. When I first watched that scene, I thought the bug was just scared of XL. And it wasn't scared later on when they successfully transferred the bug because XL genuinely accepted it and XY told him “You relax, and if possible, feel genuine happiness to welcome the bug to your body.” But other viewers have taken that scene as an indication that XL wasn't in love with XY at that point, which I also think is a valid interpretation. 

In order to transfer the bug to another person, the receiver must have love in his heart. So we know that XL loves XY because he was able to receive it. Does XY need to love XL back in order for the bug to get transfered? If this is true, then XL knows XY loves him, right? 

It's not stated super clearly in the novel, but my understanding is that yes, both hosts of the bugs must have some kind of love in their hearts for the other in order for the connection to be established and maintained. 

For a very long time, XY doesn't know anything about the bugs except that they make the recipient feel her pain. In the novel, when she finally learns more details about them being called Lovers Bugs and everything that that involves, she's goes into complete denial and tries to convince herself (and TSJ) that either their bugs are different or they work differently because she and XL have unique body compositions / qualities. 


Thank you for replying. My guess is that by refusing to  accept the fact of the lover's bug, she doesn't want to accept that she loves XL. She's not allowing herself to do so since she knows they can't be together. 



Thank you for replying. My guess is that by refusing to  accept the fact of the lover's bug, she doesn't want to accept that she loves XL. She's not allowing herself to do so since she knows they can't be together. 

Yep. XY is pretty consistent about never directly acknowledging or fully accepting her feelings for XL, with good reason. 


I know that chapter is supposed to be sad but the angsty scenes are my favorites. It is one of my favorite chapters in the novel, it was painful to read yet beautiful😅 I love it when XY is missing Jing😂

 AH :

Yep. XY is pretty consistent about never directly acknowledging or fully accepting her feelings for XL, with good reason. 

But the bug was already planted in her and CX  (before XL) so technically it was not out of love for XL, but CX? 

Also, how was XL able to control it so that XY couldn’t feel his pain? I feel that this whole bug situation was quite vague throughout the novel. XY was supposed to be the one in control but ended up being controlled by XL.



I know that chapter is supposed to be sad but the angsty scenes are my favorites. It is one of my favorite chapters in the novel, it was painful to read yet beautiful? I love it when XY is missing Jing?

Haha I get you, the angsty chapters are usually the good ones because it shows the characters feelings during the most critical times

 AH :

Yep. XY is pretty consistent about never directly acknowledging or fully accepting her feelings for XL, with good reason. 

I have a feeling .she should acknowledge it to herself. but i think she did in the end somehow at least a little. it's a different one from the one she has for Jing.  It's tong hua novel. 😌


But the bug was already planted in her and CX  (before XL) so technically it was not out of love for XL, but CX? 

Also, how was XL able to control it so that XY couldn’t feel his pain? I feel that this whole bug situation was quite vague throughout the novel. XY was supposed to be the one in control but ended up being controlled by XL.

yes it's very vague to me too. I'm sure she definetly has attraction feel+some attachment for XL though. It's just that she's more true to what she want. I am not surprise if she has loves him after all he has done for her at least subconsciosly. It's only a pity why  some people would think this feeling was stronger than the one between her and Jing which come out from devotion and commitment  . 

 Winny Aye:

yes it's very vague to me too. I'm sure she definetly has attraction feel+some attachment for XL though. It's just that she's more true to what she want. I am not surprise if she has loves him after all he has done for her at least subconsciosly. It's only a pity why  some people would think this feeling was stronger than the one between her and Jing which come out from devotion and commitment  . 

Yes, and I believe in her heart there is a place for all 3 men. CX, TSJ, XL, but her relationship with Jing definitely grew and developed to devotion and commitment. Although there is a lack of passion in the beginning, that passion was a slow burn that grew over time. Whereas her relationship with XL would’ve been firey and passionate in the beginning.

I do find it interesting how XL and Jing are almost like allies as they both know that they care for XY and want what’s best for her. XL never hides his conversations with XY from Jing, knowing he is always nearby. Jing never interferes with XY interacting with XL. He also is aware of her affections for XL, which doesn’t bother him:

Xiao Yao giggled and assured him “Being heart connected isn’t all that intimate. At most Xiang Liu feels some of my pain whereas I feel nothing from him. This doesn’t count as having our hearts as one.”

Actually Jing wasn’t bothered by the hearts connected, he was worried about the life being linked. This worry was something he couldn’t discuss with Xiao Yao so he continued to let her assume he was bothered by their emotional ties.”

I wonder if Jing would fight with XL for her (similar how he didnt stop pursuing her when Feng Long was interested) if XL was open about his feelings lol. At first, I can see why ppl think her feelings for XL are strongest, but I don’t think that’s the case. Technically, CX was the first in her heart, someone she would do anything for. I skimmed through the end where she says that she always thought about CX (this was before Jing was around). As I read the novel and tried to look at it objectively, her love for Jing grew deeper as she fully opened her heart to him. Perhaps things would be different if XL was in the position to pursue her, but there’s no doubt that the one she loves most is Jing. Ppl tend to downplay this fact, but it is quite clear. XL also feels all her heartaches every time over Jing, so he knows too

But the bug was already planted in her and CX  (before XL) so technically it was not out of love for XL, but CX? 

The point where she is in denial about the bug and its implications about her feelings is when it has been in XL for 70 years. 

She specifically mentions not having a relationship with XL to TSJ as evidence for the bugs not being normal Lovers' Bugs. TSJ doesn't seem very convinced by that argument, but her next argument is that the connection must be breakable because she and XL were able to transfer the bug out of ZX. That line of reasoning does make him feel relieved.


XY finds out the name of the bugs in chapter 26:

Se Mai Er looked around to make sure they were alone and then said “The voodoo bug the Princess mentioned before, I thought and thought and still have no idea what it is. But I did remember a legend that circulated in Jiu Li about a very rare voodoo bug.”

Xiao Yao perked up and listened carefully “What kind of bug?”

Se Mai Er explained, “Most voodoo bugs are parent-child bugs. The parent bug can control the child bug, and this kind of bug is easy to raise and easy to plant. But legend has it there is a rare, extremely difficult-to-raise-and-plant bug. That bug has a gender difference and is split into a male bug and a female bug. It is hard to raise and even harder to plant. If a woman raised the bug, she needs to find a man to plant it. If a man raised the bug, he needs to find a woman to plant it. Almost always this bug is raised but cannot be planted even in a lifetime. So this bug remains just a legend in Jiu Li.”

“What kind of bug is it?”

“I don’t know what kind of bug it is but I do know its name. It’s called a Lover’s Bug and legend says “Lover’s Bug, Heart to Heart.” It sounds a lot like what Princess described.”

Xiao Yao was stunned and in a daze. She then asked “If a woman raised the bug, she needs to find a man to plant it in. But this world had plenty of men and women, how hard would it be to plant the bug! How could this bug be so hard to plant, a lifetime could pass and it still wouldn’t be planted?”

Se Mai Er shook her head and said apologetically “I learned too little back then and listened to this but didn’t ask more questions thinking it just a legend. But our Voodoo King will know.

She talks about it with FFB in chapter 29:

“I want to remove the voodoo bug linking us. The Tu Shan Madam had a doctor from the Jiu Li tribe who said that…….our bug might be the legendary Lover’s Bug. This bug is used by lovers…..and you and I…’s not suitable!” Xiao Yao mockingly said, “Last time you said you were annoyed by the bug so I want to know when you have free time to go to Jiu Li with me so that we can find the Voodoo King to remove the bug.”

Fang Feng Bei stared at Xiao Yao and under the dim light of the gambling hall his sliver of a smile felt cold.

Xiao Yao added, “Even if the bug is removed, I’ll still be good for my promise.”

Xiang Liu coolly said, “Fine, wait until I have time.”

She learns more about the bugs in chapter 37:

The Voodoo King continued “Se Mai Er mentioned that you wanted to know how to break the Lover’s Bug voodoo spell?”

Xiao Yao quickly glanced at Jing and acted nonchalant. “When I placed the voodoo bug I didn’t know it had such a weird name.”

Jing smiled. “It’s just a name, why are you in a rush to explain?”

Xiao Yao quickly said “Yes, yes! It’s just a name.”

The Voodoo King coughed once and solemnly explained, “Lover’s Bug, like its name indicates, is a pair of male-female voodoo bugs. The couple who has the bug successfully planted will have their life and emotions connected. If one hurts then the other will hurt. If one is injured then the other will also be injured.”

Xiao Yao said, “This I know already. What else?”

“... The Lover’s Bug keeps two people’s lives connected, which means when one is injured as long as the other is healthy then the injured person will survive. This is a very good thing. Even if the Lover’s Bug is notoriously hard to grow, it ought to still be relatively prevalent since many people will try to grow it. So why it is so rare to see?”

Xiao Yao asked, “Why?”

“All living things that have a benefit must also carry a harm. The greater the benefit then the greater the potential for harm. The Lover’s Bug is exactly that. It can lead two people to be connected in life and emotions but it is just like a pair of lovers in love with each other. It is tempermental and hard to control. If the Lover’s Bug turns on each other then both people will die. Which is why the Lover’s Bug also has another name, the Heartbreak Bug.”

Jing stared in dismay at Xiao Yao who quickly said, “It can’t be as scary as he makes it out to be. It’s been over seventy years and I’m still just fine.”

The Voodoo King’s expression changed as he stared at Jing, “You’re not the man the other bug is planted in?”


The Voodoo King stared in shock at Xiao Yao “Can I feel the bug in you?”

Xiao Yao nodded.

The Voodoo King didn’t move so he was likely using a bug inside of himself to sense. He furrowed his brows and murmured “It really is a Lover’s Bug! But how is this possible? ‘Lovers who raise the bug produce the Lover’s Bug, Not Lovers who raise the bug produce the Heartbreak Bug.’ The Lover’s Bug is different than other voodoo bugs and absolutely requires the couple to willingly accept the bug for it to be successfully planted. If the man you successfully planted the other bug in is not your lover, then how did you plant it in him?”

Xiao Yao said, “You might not know as much as your ancestors, the bug could be more multi-facted and evolving in ways beyond your understanding.”

The Voodoo King was still perplexed. But it was clear that the young man sitting beside Xiao Yao was clearly her beloved so the rest of what he wanted to say wasn’t suitable for discussing at this time. He smoothed things over. “Miss you are likely right, the bug inside of you is different than other bugs. Likely Miss and the other man have very unique bodily compositions.”

Xiao Yao inwardly sighed in relief. “He is very unique!” Since the bug was planted, only Xiang Liu could sense her but she could never sense him.

Jing anxiously asked, “How to break the spell?”

The Voodoo King’s face scrunched up. “The Lover’s Bug – either live in love or die in heartbreak. Once the Lover’s Bug has been planted there is no way to break the spell. It is impossible. This is what I was trying to say earlier for why so few people raise it despite the great benefit. Only very determined girls would raise the bug but even if they successfully raise it, it’s near impossible to find a man willing to accept the other bug to be planted in him.”

Jing was stunned and after a moment of silence he slowly asked “What happens if one person who has the Lover’s Bug dies? What happens to the other person?”

The Voodoo King sighed “Our Jiu Li folk ballad sings ‘The twisted roots of the parasol tree entwine on land, the doves do not fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water always die together.'”

Jing stared at Xiao Yao and tightly grabbed her hand.

Xiao Yao smiled at him and made a joke face. “Don’t worry! We don’t need to believe everything the Voodoo King says. Don’t forget, he said that only in a pair of lovers in love could the bug be successfully planted. I don’t have any relationship with Xiang Liu, but we still successfully planted the bug. The Voodoo King also said the spell couldn’t be broken once the bug was planted but don’t forget that I planted the bug first in Zhuan Xu before Xiang Liu helped me break the spell and move the bug to himself.”

Jing let out a sigh of relief, “Yes! The bug was moved from Zhuan Xu!”

Xiao Yao shook Jing’s hand “Don’t worry, there is no absolutes in this world. If no one has broken the spell before then let me be the first.” She said to the Voodoo King, “Once I break it I’ll pass on the knowledge to you as gratitude for your ancestor teaching me voodoo.”

Later in chapter 37, XY wants to spend one night on the ocean before going home. Her body longs for the ocean, and she listens to the song of the merpeople. XL joins her, and they listen together. They talk about XY's true parentage, and then XY brings up the Lover's Bug:

Xiao Yao laughed back. “I just came back from a trip to Jiu Li. The Voodoo King told me all the specifics about the bug inside our bodies. I don’t remember any of the specifics of what he said but the one thing I do remember clearly is that the two bugs live and die together. Which means our lives are connected. If I’m in trouble then you’re not going to get off scot free!”

Xiang Liu smiled at Xiao Yao and didn’t seem surprised at all.

Xiao Yao was shocked and asked, “You’ve known all along since the beginning what kind of bug this was, right?”

“What if I did?”

“The Voodoo King said ‘the doves don’t fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water die together’. If I die then how can you live?”

“Why don’t you ask the question in reverse – if I die, then how can you live?”

Xiao Yao tried to stay calm and plead with him. “I don’t know who dies and who lives so that’s why I’m asking you. Tell me!”

Xiang Liu’s expression was sly and acted really nonchalant. “How would I know? You’re the one who learned some voodoo. This is the first time I played with a bug. But no need to fret, when either you or I die then we’ll know what happens, right?”

Xiao Yao was so frustrated by him she was nearly hopping up and down in fury. “You broke the spell on Zhuan Xu so how could you not want to break the spell between us?”

Xiang Liu smiled until his eyes were slits, “I don’t want to know!”

Xiao Yao wearily asked, “What do you want then?”

Xiang Liu’s body was slowly sinking into the water. “Other than checking on how my wares are doing in your body, what else do you think I want?”

“Hey! Don’t go!”

Xiao Yao flipped over the railing ready to dive into the water to chase after Xiang Liu but a pair of hands grabbed her hard and pulled her back on deck.

“Let me go…….” Xiao Yao struggled and then turned around to see Jing. She meekly allowed him to keep her on deck.

 Winny Aye:
I have a feeling .she should acknowledge it to herself. but i think she did in the end somehow at least a little. it's a different one from the one she has for Jing.  It's tong hua novel. 😌

I think there were points where she did acknowledge it indirectly. Like when she created and sent the ice crystal ball to XL with the mermaid figure holding one hand to her heart and extending the other hand to the merman who was facing away from her.

Yes, and I believe in her heart there is a place for all 3 men. CX, TSJ, XL, but her relationship with Jing definitely grew and developed to devotion and commitment. Although there is a lack of passion in the beginning, that passion was a slow burn that grew over time. Whereas her relationship with XL would’ve been firey and passionate in the beginning.

Completely agree with this.

I do find it interesting how XL and Jing are almost like allies as they both know that they care for XY and want what’s best for her. XL never hides his conversations with XY from Jing, knowing he is always nearby. Jing never interferes with XY interacting with XL. He also is aware of her affections for XL, which doesn’t bother him:

Yes!! I'm a little disappointed that the drama added some minor scenes that made it seem like they were more rivals than allies. In the novel, for example, XL never says that TSJ is useless (because he failed to protect XY) when XY's hands are beaten by Ah Nian in the novel. 

Tbh I’m surprised XL didn't almost die in that scene where XY was fatally attacked by Mu fei. If she “died” he should have too? Or is it because he has nine lives - but then again he only has one heart

I don't know if anyone talked about this, but it seems on China Weibo, the full script for Season 2 has been leaked. I can't wait for Season 2 - its so promising on paper, I hope scenes are not cut or that they really do justice to kiss scenes! Teehee

Season 2 script spoilers (do not click if you dont want to be spoiled

My memory is really bad and I don't know if this was how it played out in the novel, but in the leaked script, after Jing goes missing because of the assassination attempt, XY continues to wait and hopes he will appear at the wedding. XY actually goes ahead to hold a wedding ceremony anyway with the moon as a replacement for Jing and that she will wait for him nevertheless. 

Personally I really love this script change - because we have seen all through this drama that XY doesn't like waiting, and the fact that she chooses to wait for Jing, to marry him no matter what, I think is pretty good sign that Jing was always the chosen one by XY and not a backup.    

I don't know how credible this script is, but I really hope it is, because there are quite a few cute scenes I hope appear in the drama!

My memory is really bad and I don't know if this was how it played out in the novel, but in the leaked script, after Jing goes missing because of the assassination attempt, XY continues to wait and hopes he will appear at the wedding. XY actually holds ahead to hold a wedding ceremony anyway with the moon as a replacement for Jing and that she will wait for him nevertheless

In the novel, she also wears her wedding dress and waits for Jing. Someone shared the part in an earlier post.


This sounds in line with the novel because XY puts on the dress on their wedding day and made her vows to the full moon and acknowledges herself as his wife (in the novel).

I’m really anxious about how season 2 will play out if they’re cutting the episodes. There is already so much to discuss from where season 1 was left off. Even 40 eps may not be enough if we want to capture all the action and details. I really hope they don’t cut down the eps