The video of Ah Nian and Xiang Liu reminds me of an interview with Dai Luwa on Bilibili where she talks about her first impressions of the 3 male leads. No access to link the video here, but  just remove the spaces in the link below if anyone is interested in watching it.

https : // www. bilibili. com / video / BV1pk4y1g7bC /

[DLW talks about her experiences working with Yang Zi, and how much she learnt from her. She is particularly moved by Yang Zi's crying scenes, which makes her really sad as well]

Dai Luwa talks about the male leads' good looks

DLW: They are all very handsome!
[interviewer asks for specific details]

DLW: [Do you expect] me to really scrutinise them?
Interviewer: What is the first thing you noticed about Zhang Wanyi's good looks?
DLW: Hair. His wavy hair
Interviewer: What about Deng Wei?
DLW: He is really tall!
Interviewer: How about Tan Jianci?
DLW: Ohh... handsome.
Interviewer (laughs): Handsome all over?
DLW: Yes.
Interviewer: No first impressions? Did he make you shy?
DLW: Yes, because during the time [couldn't catch what she said here], they were sitting opposite me, so that was a direct view. But when Teacher Tan sat by my side, I totally dared not turn my head.

[If they finish early, Zhang Wanyi would often treat her and Yang Zi to meals]
[Both she and Tan Jianci often take naps during make-up sessions as they start work very early]

"Teacher Tan" hgnghghgngnghghgngh yes he's handsome all over, our Teacher Tan 😻

Interviewer: How about Tan Jianci?
DLW: Ohh... handsome.
Interviewer (laughs): Handsome all over?
DLW: Yes.
Interviewer: No first impressions? Did he make you shy?
DLW: Yes, because during the time [couldn't catch what she said here], they were sitting opposite me, so that was a direct view. But when Teacher Tan sat by my side, I totally dared not turn my head.

@liddi thanks for the translation!!! lol I'd totally be the same way if TJC was nearby. I'd be too shy to even look at him 🤣

@nathsketch @Elise That's probably the real reason A Nian passed out when she saw Xiang Liu for the first time lol

I'd be blushing so hard my face would spontaneously combust heueheueheuehe


I'd be blushing so hard my face would spontaneously combust heueheueheuehe

my face would be so red especially if he was wearing his historical costume. He looks great in modern attire but with the historical robes and long hair, he looks absolutely breathtaking!! 🤭

interesting 🧐

my god I hope this is true and they really did film something. maybe they filmed a short bonus video with Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao getting married but it won't air until season 2 ends....


interesting 🧐

my god I hope this is true and they really did film something. maybe they filmed a short bonus video with Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao getting married but it won't air until season 2 ends....




"During #Tanjianci’s live event today. He said that in addition to a live broadcast, there will be other activities after the show ends" 👀

Other activities like showing bonus episodes???????


"During #Tanjianci’s live event today. He said that in addition to a live broadcast, there will be other activities after the show ends" 👀

Other activities like showing bonus episodes??????? 

I'd legit buy fireworks. No kidding.


Não acho que XL morra assim. Ele tem nove vidas, não é?

Ele vem gastando as vidas na guerra que foi longa e escolheu morrer em combate (o exército e ele não assinaram rendição e lutaram até serem completamente exterminados)


Falou bonito! Sinceramente, acredito que Xiang Liu nunca conheceu amor ou interesse por outro ser imortal antes de Xiao Yao tropeçar em seu caminho. Ele era um solitário e escolheu a história do guerreiro em vez da intimidação, e então o destino foi entrevistado. Os melhores autores ou dramaturgos escrevem uma narrativa que pode se dividir em pelo menos dez detalhadamente. "Se Xiang Liu teve confessado seus sentimentos...", "se Cang Xuan teve escolhido o amor em vez do poder e da manipulação..." são duas situações específicas que o enredo poderia seguir, e a história seria igualmente envolvente para o espectador. Dito isto, Xiang Liu é um dos meus personagens favoritos até agora, tanto na escrita quanto na atuação habilidosa de Tan Jian Ci. Seu retrato matizado de Xiang Liu abre uma pequena janela de compreensão sobre as maquinações tanto da busca de amar Xiao Yao quanto de mantê-la à distância. Eu adoraria se eles dedicassem outro drama a esse personagem.

Ele nunca esclareceu porque já havia feito o compromisso de lutar aquela guerra até o final e sabia que mais cedo ou mais tarde teria um desfecho ruim.

Deixar tudo pra viver uma vida normal não estava nos planos de Xiang Liu. 

e abdicar de uma vida normal e da segurança de um amor tranquilo não estava nos planos de Xiao Yao.

Os personagens tiveram uma relação bonita, mas nunca tiveram nenhuma chance como casal porque ambos tinham ambições e perspectivas diferentes e irreconciliáveis. 

Nunca torci para XL e XY como casal, mas realmente queria um final mais doce para XL no drama, ele merece refazer a vida e ter um pouco de sossego.

Meu Deus gente, vocês são brasileiras também?? 😻


Meu Deus gente, vocês também são brasileiros?? ?

AAAAAH, muito bom encontrar conterrânea 


e sem inglês fluente kkkkk

Vamos de hablar português


AAAAAH, muito bom encontrar conterrânea 


e sem inglês fluente kkkkk

Vamos de hablar português

Amigaaaaa eu não tinha encontrado ninguém aqui da terra Brasilis ainda 😭😹