
back to the topic of suicide...I think before she committed suicide in her heart she believed that XL would save her. I read several articles about it.

Guys, those who read the novel, need your input on this:

I happened to saw someone posted in X, about a scene in the novel where XY just recovered and resume her poison making, but her poison all came out black.

Can someone elaborate more on this scene? When this happened a and the pain XY is going through? Is the black poison is related to her feelings for Jing?


As early as 2019, Tonghua hinted at the correct way for readers to open this book in the introduction of "Sauvignon Blanc 1 Like First Meeting".

"Everything is just a gray line of grass and snakes, stretching for thousands of miles.""What we can see with the naked eye is really the truth of everything?"

Its traces and gray lines are left on the paper, and its context can be discerned, which is a metaphor for things leaving vague clues and signs that can be found.

The so-called "the gray line of grass and snakes, the hidden pulse is thousands of miles away" means that before an event happens, the author has already written some signs of its occurrence (i.e., foreshadowing), so that people will not feel surprised about it. 

Therefore, although the author's pen seems to be writing "A", he can inadvertently write "B", so that the plot about "B" can also progress, and readers can naturally understand the work slightly. From this line "Fu Mai" fills in other plots about "B"

Through this, we can weave a network, write about someone at a certain time, and write about other people "in the midst of our busy schedule", so that multiple plot lines blend with each other and become integrated.

Some scholars have generally summarized the use of this technique in the writing of "A Dream of Red Mansions" in three aspects: as a structural clue, as a "metaphorical" expression, and as "foreshadowing" and "anaphora." 

Example: The whole process of Yao Jing's emotional line actually uses the "grass snake gray line". The author seems to be writing about the marriage of Sang Tian'er and Chuanzi, but it makes the plot about Yao Jing also progress. Using Sang Tian'er and Chuan Zi Strings of characters are used to hint at the nature of the love between Xiaoyao and Tushanjing. The inconvenience of Xiaoyao's feelings for Tushanjing in the book is already reflected in Sang Tianer's words. 

The writing method "Gray threads of grass and snakes can run thousands of miles" runs through the whole book of "Sauvignon Blanc". The most typical example is the metaphor of the nine-tailed fox and the snake demon. This story is a clue that runs through the entire book. It is easy to understand that "Qing is Dai Ying, Xi is Chai Fu", which means writing one character to profile another character. 

Let me give two examples here.

 1. Chi You and A Heng: Xiang Liu and Xiao Yaodescribes the love between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao by comparing Chi You and A Heng. The book links Xiang Liu and Chi You many times, and compares Xiao Yao and his mother. The implication is that if Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu are together, the tragic ending of the previous generation will serve as a lesson to the past. 

2. Left ear: Xiang Liuwrites about Xiang Liu by describing his left ear. Chi You and A Heng are the possibilities that Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao would face if they broke through the window paper and expressed their love for each other; Zuo Er and Miao Pu are the possibilities that Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao would have faced if they had not met Gong Gong. Another possibility for Yao. This is "Qing is the dark shadow, and the attack is the hairpin."

This is just part of it. And there are many more.

When the author wants to write about A, she might actually write about B.


Guys, those who read the novel, need your input on this:

I happened to saw someone posted in X, about a scene in the novel where XY just recovered and resume her poison making, but her poison all came out black.

Can someone elaborate more on this scene? When this happened a and the pain XY is going through? Is the black poison is related to her feelings for Jing?

The same time that Jing got married to Fangfeng Yi Ying, Xiao Yao was torturing herself imagining what the wedding must look like, when she felt Xiang Liu's presence, and realised that he must feel all the pain she was going through as well. As she looked at the sky, she could feel her heart beating in unison with another heart, and the pressure and pain eased, probably because someone else was sharing that burden with her. From there on, she slowly recovered from her illness and starting making poisons again. All the poisons were black in colour reflective of her bad mood, but in the process of making them, Xiao Yao vented some of her pain. As such, when she sent the batch of poisons to Xiang Liu, she derived some cheer from imagining his displeasure in receiving them.

So it was Xiang Liu who was with her, supporting her and helping her slowly recover from her grief at the time. Which was yet another detail totally removed from the drama.


Guys, those who read the novel, need your input on this:

I happened to saw someone posted in X, about a scene in the novel where XY just recovered and resume her poison making, but her poison all came out black.

Can someone elaborate more on this scene? When this happened a and the pain XY is going through? Is the black poison is related to her feelings for Jing?

So it was Xiang Liu who was with her, supporting her and helping her slowly recover from her grief at the time. Which was yet another detail totally removed from the drama.

That's so touching ... I don't know why they couldn't have added or given some indication of it in the drama.


That's so touching ... I don't know why they couldn't have added or given some indication of it in the drama.

Because they need to sell that other dude to the audience.

The funny thing is that even removing all of those beautiful details and trying to diminish Xiang Liu’s importance in the story, the other dude will never be unanimously liked. He can never be compared to Xiang Liu. 



back to the topic of suicide...I think before she committed suicide in her heart she believed that XL would save her. I read several articles about it.

I am starting to believe  this theory too, because I am sure that there must  be a reason why XY never thought of XL at all before taking the poison. Ok,  don't give him much thought, but at all??? It feels weird, Idk. Yea, I don't find this theory that far fetched anymore, she did ask him once what would happen is she dies again, will she become even more like him?  There is no way she wouldn't have known that XL would save her, no way.  Either she wanted to die with him, either to live with him, anything else it's not possible . 

 blah blah100:

I'm also starting to believe in this theory, because I'm sure there must be a reason why XY never thought about XL at all before drinking the poison. OK, don't think about it too much, but at all??? It feels strange, I don't know. Yes, I don't think this theory is so far-fetched anymore, he once asked her what would happen if she died again, would she be more like him? There's no way he didn't know that XL was going to save him, no way. Either he wanted to die with him, or stay with him, either way was impossible. 

yes... Yang Zi said it herself, that no matter what the circumstances, she was sure that XL would definitely save her. While in the whirlpool and during the assassination attempt by xinyue. I've read several articles about it.

Don't forget :"What we can see with the naked eye is really the truth of everything?"


Because they need to sell that other dude to the audience.

The funny thing is that even removing all of those beautiful details and trying to diminish Xiang Liu’s importance in the story, the other dude will never be unanimously liked. He can never be compared to Xiang Liu. 

This has been my point as a drama viewer, that despite the changes from the novel, Tan Jian Ci's Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei STILL shine so brightly and attracted so many fans.


"Don't forget :"What we can see with the naked eye is really the truth of everything?"

Yea, after I had read all the articles you posted, I am starting to belive this story is even darker than I thought. 


This has been my point as a drama viewer, that despite the changes from the novel, Tan Jian Ci's Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei STILL shine so brightly and attracted so many fans.

It’s my experience as well. I knew nothing about the novel and had no idea about all those changes, and yet he eclipsed this whole thing.

Imagine if they had been 100% faithful to the novel…



"Don't forget :"What we can see with the naked eye is really the truth of everything?"

Yea, after I had read all the articles you posted, I am starting to belive this story is even darker than I thought. 

Do you know, when Xiaoyao wanted to make a lamp from pearl shells, where did she make it, and where did she take it?
It seems like she always carries it everywhere.LOL


Do you know, when Xiaoyao wanted to make a lamp from pearl shells, where did she make it, and where did she take it?
It seems like she always carries it everywhere.LOL

I am not really sure, can you remind me what's this about? What lamp? 


Because they need to sell that other dude to the audience.

The funny thing is that even removing all of those beautiful details and trying to diminish Xiang Liu’s importance in the story, the other dude will never be unanimously liked. He can never be compared to Xiang Liu. 

i'm forever peeved with this drama for not showing what they supposed to show.


i'm forever peeved with this drama for not showing what they supposed to show.

Yeah, it’s kind of insulting to the audience. But they have their issues with censorship so things are not as easy to do as we’d like them to be.

Their loss. If Xiang Liu was the endgame, this would probably be the best series of all time. It would surpass LBFAD in a heartbeat.

Yes, I’m very dramatic lol