În chapter 29 she recalls again the scene from chapter 5

Chapter 29

"Xiao Yao listened intently and suddenly remembered the blood red sunset when Xiang Liu was dressed all in white and walked towards her from a burning funeral pyre of dead Sheng Nong soldiers."


Thank you for the reply! Very thoughtful and inspiring~ Yes as you said that's typically her, always hide from truths she's afraid to see. I always believe in some way she could have saved XL. I know she had tried, but maybe just give a little bit more thoughts? I would try harder just for a friend.

@Blabla100, i find it.LOL

substitute literature ?His head is obviously full of black hair, but it's like the Milky Way pouring down the sky.It’s true stand-in literature. The source of my heartbeat is thinking of Xiang Liu’s hair.

But when he saw Jing standing up, he casually untied the crown that bound his hair. His hair was covered with black hair like a galaxy, falling down on his back and drifting in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing of the boat, looking lazily and casually at the dawn of dawn in the eastern sky.

For a moment, Xiaotian was so heartbroken that she was pounding. He called her several times, but she didn't hear him, causing everyone to look at her.

Zhuanxu pushed her, "What are you thinking about?"

Do you know the color of the Milky Way galaxy?

@liddi please help me to translate.




小天忙道:「啊,你們回來了。」臉剎那漲得通紅,幸 虧有面紗遮住,沒有人能看到。


The text in Vol 1 Ch14 is as follows:




小夭忙道:“啊,你们回来了。” 脸刹那涨得通红,幸亏有面纱遮住,没有人能看到。


However, she saw Jing undo the coronet that held his hair as he stood up, sending a head full of black hair down his back like the Milky Way falling from the sky, flying in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing of the ship, gazing lazily and casually at the first light of dawn in the eastern sky.

At the sight, Xiao Yao's heart quickened, pounding hard in her chest for a moment. Cang Xuan called her several times but she did not hear him, drawing everyone's attention to her.

Cang Xuan gave her a push. "What are you thinking about?"

Xiao Yao hurriedly replied, "Ah, all of you are back." Her face turned bright red instantly, but fortunately, it was covered by a veil so no one could see it.

Jing however seemed to understand, and his eyes were filled with joy.

-- Vol 1 Ch14

@liddi What is meant here is the Milky Way galaxy. and it's white.



Yang dimaksud disini adalah galaksi Bima Sakti. dan warnanya putih.

Yes, our galaxy refers to the Milky Way, which has the colour of "fresh spring snow in the early morning" (cr. Space.com). 

In this instance though it specifically states that his black hair fell down his back like the galaxy / Milky Way falling from the sky to the earth. So Tong Hua's simile is an unusual comparison of black vs Milky Way. Was she thinking specifically of the white of the Milky Way, or just stars against a dark sky (which would match up with the black colour of his hair)? I find it debatable... However, Tong Hua also followed with Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao's behaviour, which seemed to indicate that he knew she was mesmerised by the sight of him.


Yes, our galaxy refers to the Milky Way, which has the colour of "fresh spring snow in the early morning" (cr. Space.com). 

In this instance though it specifically states that his black hair fell down his back like the galaxy / Milky Way falling from the sky to the earth. So Tong Hua's simile is an unusual comparison of black vs Milky Way. Was she thinking specifically of the white of the Milky Way, or just stars against a dark sky (which would match up with the black colour of his hair)? I find it debatable... However, Tong Hua also followed with Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao's behaviour, which seemed to indicate that he knew she was mesmerised by the sight of him.

@liddi "Jing however seemed to understand, and his eyes were filled with joy"

Jing's reaction like that was natural, because Xiaoyao was dazed for a moment. But did Jing know what Xiaoyao was thinking?

There are no coincidences. The author wrote it carefully.

There are no coincidences. The author wrote it carefully.

I'm adopting this quote to help me sleep better. Best thing I've read in all of our 282 pages lol

"What we can see with the naked eye is really the truth of everything?"

@liddi..it is stand-in literature



Thank you for the reply! Very thoughtful and inspiring~ Yes as you said that's typically her, always hide from truths she's afraid to see. I always believe in some way she could have saved XL. I know she had tried, but maybe just give a little bit more thoughts? I would try harder just for a friend.

I too wish she could have done more, but to be honest, I think she also knew the world was such that it was pretty much a lost cause unless Xiang Liu agreed to abandon the Chenrong army and swear fealty to Xiyan, which he never would.  I don't believe that later after knowing Xiang Liu was Fangfeng Bei, she never thought back to what she thought was Fangfeng Bei's careless invitation for her to not be a princess but roam the world with him, and remembered his mute response when she countered that she would if he could give up everything. That would have given her a clue, even if she did not already understand Xiang Liu well enough. She would plead for his life on her wedding day, her first and last time begging Cang Xuan for anything, but what Cang Xuan told her about Xiang Liu's responses to his many overtures confirmed what she already knew deep down inside. 

If only... but then Xiang Liu would not be Xiang Liu, and that would have been a different story wouldn't it?


@liddi..it is stand-in literature

I would love for it to be true because I love Xiang Liu as much as everyone else here, but I need to be convinced, and currently, I am not wholly convinced yet in this situation. In the case of Lie Yang though, I am sold that his similar physical appearance contributed to her tears and getting drunk on her wedding day.


Saya mengadopsi kutipan ini untuk membantu saya tidur lebih nyenyak. Hal terbaik yang pernah saya baca di seluruh 282 halaman kami haha

“Apa yang bisa kita lihat dengan mata telanjang benar-benar kebenaran segalanya?”

xiaoyao's attitude was clearly like someone imagining… a hallucination? delusion? or illusion? LOL

How could she have seen black, if she had a veil on her face? 

"When Feng Long raised his head, he carefully looked at her but her face was covered in a veiled hat so he couldn’t see her features." 


Jing tenderly kissed her on the forehead, until the very last minute when he lifted his head and put the hat on her.

Xiao Yao ran to the back of the boat to fix her clothes and hair. She heard Xing Yue, Zhuan Xu, and Feng Long talking. She looked up and saw Jing’s hair was a mess from her raking her fingers through it. It was too late to tell him and her face darkened with worry. Then she saw Jing stand up and release the band tying his hair up and sent his hair flying in the sea breeze. He leaned against the railing and looked up at the sunrise.

Xiao Yao’s heart leaped to her chest like a little deer lost. Zhuan Xu had to call her a few times to get her attention. He pushed her softly “What are you thinking?”

Xiao Yao quickly said “Oh, you guys are back.” Her face was bright red but thankfully it was covered by the veil so no one could see it. Zhuan Xu seemed to understand something and concern flitted across his eyes. "

The archery bow that XL secretly "presented" to XY: there is difference between the book and the drama

- It took 35 year to make the bow
- XY got the bow when she returned to Gaoxin after 37 years under the see --> The bow making was started during the healing time (a few years after Merlin's assasination
- To tame: “The blood of the nine-headed demon isn’t to feed to the weapon, it’s for the weapon owner to drink, then the weapon owner uses her own blood afterwards to feed to the weapon.” 
- It took 45 years to make it.
- XL went to the bow maker in episode 13, the scene right after CX returned to QS town to capture WXL

- To tame: XL's blood + XY's 1 droplet of blood. She earned his blood by shooting the blood bird which was transformed from XL's blood

So, according to the drama, XL already had plan to give WXL a bow after he got her Lovers' bug. Probably he had plan to teach WXL archery. The drama shows his intent to empower her too: if she wanted something, she needed to earn it, not begging others. 

Moreover, It is said that XL bought or own the house next to WXL's house in QS town where he and  XY stayed for 1 month after the marriage robbery. 

So, I am quite curious about his original plan after the they successfully moved the bug from CX. For sure that he would respect WXL's choice. WXL would remain male form for some time or forever. What kind of relationship would it be? Friendship and Neighbour until he died together with Shen nong Army. Would he expect happier ending for himself? Did he already choose to die with Shen nong Army regardless WXL? Or he only make that decision after WXL become Princess?