Joining this thread to read beautiful analyses and the first thing I saw they removed most of XL's scenes due to censorship? One of the biggest crimes against this story - ?

Welcome! Have loved your breathtaking videos since I was first introduced to them via your posts on the main comments section here! One of my favourites is the cinematography video, which reminds me  anew just how beautifully shot the drama is, something I sometimes overlook because I am so engrossed in the characters. 

Yes, we did lose quite a lot of Xiang Liu scenes (or had it watered down) even in S1 (the 37 years under the ocean with all its kisses, neck biting, cuddles; their underwater stroll after they receive the lovers bug where he would pass air to her repeatedly as they enjoyed the sights together etc). If the leaked script is to be believed, we would lose far more in S2, or have his scenes / efforts given to Jing or Cang Xuan. Really hope that S2 will pleasantly surprise us when it does air, and our concerns unfounded. There are little Xiang Liu scenes as it is, even in the novel.


Well, that is a theory.  Of course, they did add some XL scenes too.

While reading the book, I could guess specific scenes they would probably remove but still, was hoping for a miracle because those parts reflect so much of his character. Hopefully, the second season will still deliver the important parts from the book..


What nathsketch said!  Great channel and welcome!

Thank you so much!!


You're here!! Welcome, welcome!!

My guys,  HLCYXNFILMS has the most wonderful YouTube channel. Those videos are a masterpiece, seriously, trust me.

This one will never not be stunning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XY-acS2UAA

Yes, unfortunately, it's not looking good for us Xiang Liu fans. Dude can't catch a break :(

I hope this is all a bad dream and we'll get something good out of it when season 2 finally drops. He deserves better.

What nathsketch said!  Great channel and welcome!

I'm not a costume specialist, as you can see, but I really enjoy analyzing the costumes in a drama. And for me, the costume department of LYF achieved an astonishing result with XL and FFB's costumes. Each of these costumes tells a story and reflects XL and FFB's personalities and reveals their true feelings.

Thank you so much for your in-depth analysis of Xiang Liu vs Fangfeng Bei, and how their costumes correlate to the apparently different yet essentially the same personalities. You have delved into far more detail than I could have. For the most part, Fangfeng Bei is usually only described as richly dressed, except for the occasional white when he takes Xiao Yao away during Cang Xuan's wedding (Vol2 Ch9 - Chapter 26), when he takes her away on her own wedding to Feng Long (Vol 2 Ch15 - Chapter 33) -  is this a deliberate pattern here, to reflect that during those times, he came ostentatiously as Fangfeng Bei but actually represented Xiang Liu

In any case, as I mentioned to @H19279, I find the various shades of red used for Fangfeng Bei's outfits reflective of how he was temporarily a part of the mortal world during those times, contrasted with the otherworldly white of Xiang Liu who chose to be detached from the attractions of that life because of his loyalties and responsibilities to the Shen Nong army.

I think as WXL she did consider XL as a lifetime companion.  She was working with him and the resistance army.  She was concerned about his life.  She didn't have a conflict between him and CX... and that wasn't even on the horizon.

I don't think at that time as WXL she had that thought. They hang out with each other. He was first curious about her, and she found a person who could understand her (her past, her loneliness etc...) Subconciously, they attracked each other. However, she as an abandoned child of her parents, she was  still awared her connection with CX, his opposition to her family. That is why when WXL felt that XL was unhappy, she tried to explain the situation of GG army, tried to convince him another route. XL got mad and punished her. And her reaction "Xiao Liu’s body toppled forward onto the condor’s back like a used rag". Is that just because she got hurt? She collapsed because she understood his loyalty, he was  on the opposite site of her family. When she knew Xuan as CX, she tried to analyze the reasons that XL should not have to kill CX. And the condition that she asked XL when they discussed the condition for bug transfering is he did not forced her to harm CX, YSQ and the two emperors. As WXL, she still cared for her family and closed person. She said from day 1 when they met each other, she already knew his ending. As you see in her conversation with Yellow Emperor, when she was a man, she already had the requirement of a lifetime accompany, so one put her on top priority. She didn't mention about love at all.  

Xiang Liu closed his eyes and there was exhaustion in his brows. Xiao Liu asked “Why are you in a bad mood?”

Xiang Liu ignored him so Xiao Liu just spoke out loud “Since Little Zhu Rong took over running the Middle Plains, I hear the Middle Plains are starting to be well managed. The Yellow Emperor will eventually deal with General Gong Gong. The power structure in this world can’t be reversed, and definitely not by the will of one person. I suggest you take off sooner rather than later. Actually, you’re just a demon, and a loathsome nine-headed one at that. With those snobbish Gods of the Sheng Nong tribe, in their eyes you are……you are less than nothing. Why do you have to worry about the Sheng Nong rebel army. What can you get by following General Gong Gong? Do you like power? Then why don’t you betray Gong Gong and cast your lot with the Yellow Emperor……….”

Xiang Liu opened his eyes and it was blood red with a demon glare. Xiao Liu was shaken by his glance like his entire body was paralyzed and blood began to drop from his nostrils and his fingertips. “I…..wrong…..wrong…..” Xiang Liu closed his eyes and Xiao Liu’s body toppled forward onto the condor’s back like a used rag. When they were almost back at Qing Shui Town, Xiao Liu sat up and wiped the blood away before wordlessly falling off the side into the river.

Again, I disagree strongly that Jing / YSQ was ALWAYS beside her.  He ghosted her when she first confronted CX over A Nian and her friends.  He left her to become Tushan Jing, when he was recognized her.  He left her after getting his 15 year promise and treated her as his side piece in their few meetings.  He married another woman!

Ok, Jing or YSQ was not always available. Only the time that he got trapped by FFYY and had to marry her, the rest, he showed his intention to be with her. He had ostacles himself. He could not manage his family mess. It's his fault. However, from time to time, XY still considered future with him. What did she do when Jing got married, she asked CX to choose partner for her. Of course, FL is political choice. But she could have still declined the marriage with FL. She didn't. Sending the ice crystal ball and still proceeded the marriage. What I mean here is she chose the safer choice base on her assumption that XL destined for dying with GG and he was her beloved gege CX's enemy. Because of that though, she never paid much attention on what XL's did for her, a kind of denial behavior. 

Reading chapter 46 again I found a quite precise conclusion about XY:

Xiang Liu smiled and shook his head at Xiao Yao, like staring at a mentally slow child “I’ve always been a cold-blooded monster. It’s not that I’m heartless now, it’s that you’re an idiot for thinking otherwise!”

Yes, she was idiot that she didn't recognise her true feeling and recognised the real meaning of what he did for her. 


That picture features XL and XY (not WXL). Maybe it reflects her yearning for him

Oh, I see, thanks. Still, if he's the only guy who got a picture with her on the first edition of the book, to me personally it does speak volumes. 

Please correct if I am wrong, but the only times I remember both of them walking on the waves together was in Vol 1 (when they admired the moon together),

It is correct that the only time they walked on the sea, observing full moon was in Vol 1 chapter 4. She was in the form of a mid-aged man, WXL (I think WXK has fixed hair). In the poster, it is XL (not FFB) and a girl with loose hair. During 37 year, XL took her to the sea surface but she was in coma, no movement and he held her in his arm (I think), they could only lay on waves. After 37 year, he took her to the sea once but they mainly swam under the water. Later they got on an islands, grilled fish. So the poster is a fantacy scene. I don't know if it refects her yearning of returning to their starting point after he died or before he died. I incline to the previous option (after he died). It's her eternal yearning. And that poster was the only one poster of the 3 volumes


It is correct that the only time they walked on the sea, observing full moon was in Vol 1 chapter 4. She was in the form of a mid-aged man, WXL (I think WXK has fixed hair). In the poster, it is XL (not FFB) and a girl with loose hair. During 37 year, XL took her to the sea surface but she was in coma, no movement and he held her in his arm (I think), they could only lay on waves. After 37 year, he took her to the sea once but they mainly swam under the water. Later they got on an islands, grilled fish. So the poster is a fantacy scene. I don't know if it refects her yearning of returning to their starting point after he died or before he died. I incline to the previous option (after he died). It's her eternal yearning. And that poster was the only one poster of the 3 volumes

It's interesting that the art in the first edition and the art in the second edition with XL feature scenes that never occurred -- unless the attack of the sea gull demon involved them walking on water?

The second edition featured XL, not FFB, shooting a bow with XY with two horses nearby.

I don't know if it refects her yearning of returning to their starting point after he died or before he died. I incline to the previous option (after he died). It's her eternal yearning. And that poster was the only one poster of the 3 volumes

If the poster was part of Vol 2, it would be before his death, possibly a reflection of her yearning which she depicted in the crystal globe with the mermaid, hand on heart, holding out the other hand to the distant merman. A longing for the time when they admired the moon together hand in hand, when life was a whole lot simpler, their identities in no conflict with their loyalties. 

unless the attack of the sea gull demon involved them walking on water?

No, he was badly injured at that time. She wore wedding outfit

The second edition featured XL, not FFB, shooting a bow with XY with two horses nearby.

We can probably see it as a depiction of Xiang Liu teaching Xiao Yao archery, since she was already aware that Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei are the same person, and he continued to teach her after she found out.

unless the attack of the sea gull demon involved them walking on water

They did walk on the waves after he saved her, when they rose from under the ocean, to look for Miao Pu. However, unless I remember wrongly, there was no full moon at the time. And that scene occurred in Vol 3, which is after Vol 2, where this bonus picture was a part of.


If the poster was part of Vol 2, it would be before his death, possibly a reflection of her yearning which she depicted in the crystal globe with the mermaid, hand on heart, holding out the other hand to the distant merman. A longing for the time when they admired the moon together hand in hand, when life was a whole lot simpler, their identities in no conflict with their loyalties. 

|Weibo| The only poster of the story of Xiangtu School – Xiangtu School – Xiangxiao Lieu (wordpress.com) 

it mentioned a small detail that in the poster it's XL holding her hand, in vol1 chapter 4, it was WXL holding XL's hand.

So based on this article, it is said that this is her dream/desire that having a free life together with him, discovering islands that they mentioned in Vol 2 Chapter 9

They did walk on the waves after he saved her, when they rose from under the ocean, to look for Miao Pu. However, unless I remember wrongly, there was no full moon at the time. And that scene occurred in Vol 3, which is after Vol 2, where this bonus picture was a part of.

It was a fullmoon that day. But XL had his clothes damaged (I guess) and for sure they don't have such relax mood to walk after he was badly injured. She wore wedding robe, meaning long, red dress 

No, I honestly don't belive he would have been able to move on from the past. I am convinced that's not the case. He took the bug in in order to protect her, not because he thought of a future of her. That's my take on it.

It reminds me of this quote which also seems to be in line with a protective role:

Xiao Yao pouted “I didn’t force you to take the voodoo bug into your body years ago.”

“Years ago, I knew you were useless and would often get injured. But I didn’t know you were this foolish and couldn’t even protect your own heart.”

Xiao Yao opened her mouth like she wanted to argue back but said nothing. She dejectedly lowered her head like a wilted sunflower.

So, basically, people are fighting over whether XL planned to be a temporary (STP) or a lifelong partner (LFP) for XY. And from this flows all the "ifs" ?

Let's sum up the teams and their theories based on XL's sybillian intentions:

  • Team "XL is kind of suicidal" (STP): XL couldn't bear to outlive GG and his buddies and already had decided to use up all his remaining lives for Sheng Nong's cause
  • Team "XL had a back-up plan" (LFP): XL intended to use his last life to stay with XY for evermore
  • Team "XL the protector" (STP): XL had always planned to only protect XY, make her 3 wishes come true and be a temporary companion for her
  • Team "XL's standpoint" (STP): as a matter of position, XL never intended to end up with the granddaughter and daughter of Sheng Nong's sworn enemies
  • Team "XL is so selfless" (STP): XL had planned to fulfill everybody with his 9 lives: XY by protecting her, GG, Sheng Nong and his companions by fighting alongside them, himself by dying with dignity on the battlefield
  • Team "XL the absolute lover" (LFP): after having not spare himself in the last centuries for Sheng Nong's cause, XL intended to enjoy a well-deserved retirement with XY provided that she takes the initiative in formulating clearly that she loves him and chooses him

If one day, we reach an agreement over XL's intentions, the next issue would be XY's choices. Honestly, I don't particularly love her character, but I don't like the pressure that is put on her shoulders. Some blame her by making her responsible for the collapse of her and XL's relationship and a fortiori, for the destiny and the death of XL. Presumably, because:

  • XY chooses TSJ (whether in love with him or not) over XL causing him to give up on her (and on a life after Sheng Nong)
  • XY was too indecisive and ungrateful, going from XL to TSJ despite all XL's proofs of love, causing XL to eventually give up on her
  • XY was stupidly unconscious of her own feelings or too immature to admit and confess her real feelings, causing the self-confident and grown up XL to give up on her
  • XY understood XL's way of communicating ultimatums to her by giving her many chances to go back to him but repeatedly failed to seize even one of them
  • XY had overly demanding criterias for a spouse, making XL unable to fulfil them and thus he gave up on her

I'd already like to point out that neither XL nor XY are communicating properly in this whole story, and if there's one thing they need, it's to settle their misunderstandings with a couple therapist and a "Learn to communicate" module. Secondly, XL withholds information (the true nature of the Lover's Bug, FFYY and TSH relationship, the true natures of TSJ and CX, etc.). He and XY are not at the same level of information and yet XL makes unilateral decisions (he considers that he and her are in a love relationship after the planting of the bug, he vowes to fulfill XY's 3 wishes eventhough she didn't ask for it, etc.). Thirdly, I wonder: "Why would XY be a better candidate than XL for sacrificing loyalty (to CX/her family) and ideals?". I thought it was clear that neither of them wanted to give anything away?

But, I don't think anything I've talked above has any relevancy facing the irrefutable tool that can answer (nearly) all of our questions: the author's intentions. And these intentions expresses themselves via the writing techniques. These last few pages we've been talking a lot about them: the "grass snake gray line" technique, the "foreshadowing", the "Spring and Autumn Brushwork" and Tong Hua's introductions to the novel (the "more than meet the eyes" one and the one that was published on Weibo in 2013 before the publication of the first edition of the novel). These tools enable us to unlock the hidden meaning behind the surface. They open the parallel story from which a reductionist reading would prevent us from enjoying. And some of the keys behind the hidden meaning has clearly been revealed:  

  • XL knows that XY loves him and doesn't doubt her love
  • XY knows that she loves XL, she is fully aware of being in love with him