
yes, everything that she felt and sensed was feasible via the lovers’ bug. 

Okay.  So, wouldn't that mean that XL would know via the Love Bug, that she was aware, even though she was in a coma?


I think they were lured to the separate thread covering poems in chapter titles that H19279 created.

Either way, as someone in their thread mentioned, interpretations are subjective. As such, it is regrettable to see efforts to mock an interpretation that does not agree with their own, particularly if one is able to provide sufficient compelling evidence to support it. Not to mention that these analyses and interpretations were neither done on the main thread, nor encroaching into their individual threads. In an ideal world, we would be having mature, intelligent discussions or indulging in silliness without feeling the need to attack each other, even if we have differing opinions. 

Hi Liddi,

i don’t passby Jing-XY’s discussion. Thus i am not aware such things. Glad that they didn’t leave comments in the folder for poem. maybe some of them felft hurt because many poem in the last chapters of the book link to XL-CY instead of their beloved Fox. 


Yes. I can't be sure it is authentic hence my reluctance to share. Can you remember which post it was? I only had a quick glance through but can't find it today.

I think it was shared to Yaoliu supertalk but i can't find the post.
However, i think i found the user, SukHsin, should be this one.


Okay.  So, wouldn't that mean that XL would know via the Love Bug, that she was aware, even though she was in a coma?

As @ Liddi corrected, it was XY’s spiritual consciousness. i don’t think XL could feel the communication at such deep subconsciousness. She could sense his actions meaning there is communication channel between his bug-her bug and her spiritual consciousness  

i summerized her 37 year healing process in this thread 



I think they were lured to the separate thread covering poems in chapter titles that H19279 created.

Either way, as someone in their thread mentioned, interpretations are subjective. As such, it is regrettable to see efforts to mock an interpretation that does not agree with their own, particularly if one is able to provide sufficient compelling evidence to support it. Not to mention that these analyses and interpretations were neither done on the main thread, nor encroaching into their individual threads. In an ideal world, we would be having mature, intelligent discussions or indulging in silliness without feeling the need to attack each other, even if we have differing opinions. 

Pretty much this.


Hi Liddi,

i don’t passby Jing-XY’s discussion. Thus i am not aware such things. Glas that they didn’t leave comments in the folder for poem. maybe some of them felft hurt because many poem in the last chapters of the book link to XL-CY instead of their beloved Fox. 

Me either.  Nothing of interest for me.

BTW, thank you for collecting the poems in a thread.  I was thinking it would be a good thing to have in one thread, so I don't have to search through this very large one, especially when I get around to reading the novel.


That's ok. Just keep it locked up there. Let us enjoy it discussion here.

Good idea.  Especially since the discussions here continue to be enlightening and far ranging.

@liddi @MySiFeng

Do you guys at least remember what that supposed epilogue was about? I am so curious. 


@liddi @MySiFeng

Do you guys at least remember what that supposed epilogue was about? I am so curious. 

I tend to take these sort of things with a big block of salt, but if it isn't sad, I doubt it's Tong Hua. ;p

Speaking of ...  from that FB post Nathsketch posted, this caught my eye from the comments.

... When Tong Hua said its NOT a tragic ending means that in XYs heart XL is still alive. He exists in her mind and thriving in her soul. Jing is physically with her but XL is the reason that keeps her from living her life to the fullest.  -- Evan Geline Reyes

I'm not sure I agree with this entirely.  I'm somewhat torn about that last sentence, as I don't think that is what XL wanted for XY.   But like XY, I don't want XL erased.  And I don't think Tong Hua wanted it either, or she wouldn't have added the epilogue describing XL's gift to XY, hidden in the fat bellied doll.  But it does make me even more curious to see the hair color of the man XL added to XY's poison crystal ball scene. ;p

Regardless, there's no doubt that XL is the lovesickness that will forever live in XY's heart.   This clip from the end of season 2, shows she may be leaving with Jing, but take a look at what is clasped to her heart.



"I tend to take these sort of things with a big block of salt, but if it isn't sad, I doubt it's Tong Hua."

 I am the opposite, I usually am more inclined to belive that there's no fire without flame, but either way, I am still curious about that epilogue, even if it's fake. Whatever that can give me some closure will do.



"I tend to take these sort of things with a big block of salt, but if it isn't sad, I doubt it's Tong Hua."

 I am the opposite, I usually am more inclined to belive that there's no fire without flame, but either way, I am still curious about that epilogue, even if it's fake. Whatever that can give me some closure will do. 

I hear you.  I'm not sure about closure, but I'm definitely looking for more about about XL and the world. :)

But my experience has been there are no clicks without bait.  ;p   That's mostly from following  Western movies and tv, where people make a living off rumor and 'scoops' and 'leaks'  -- even if they have to make them up themselves.

First things first. Thank you very much @MySiFeng for pointing me to the original Weibo poster! Found screenshots of Tong Hua's interactions from 2013 while re-reading up the post about the supposed additional epilogue. At least these are confirmed to be Tong Hua's words. From her post, apparently her original plan was to write 4 stories in the Mountain and Sea Chronicles:

Once Promised -> [Novel 2] -> Lost You Forever -> [Novel 4]. 

The Guifang clan was supposed to be featured in the story written between Once Promised and Lost You Forever which also featured 冥王 the Ruler of the Underworld, but it was ultimately shelved.

13 Aug 2013

Q: 桐大,在长相思第二部中,为什么相柳帮小夭疗伤时说:“不要恨我。”求回复!!!!
Q: Teacher Tong, in Lost You Forever Vol 2, why did Xiang Liu say, "Don't hate me." when he was helping Xiao Yao to heal? Please answer!!!!

TH: 有两个原因,一个估计大家都猜到了,因为他让小夭的身体变得不再是纯粹的神族,另一个,请继续猜。(请原谅作者的寂寞总要设计一些小乐趣给自己的!)
TH: There are two reasons. The first I expect everyone to have guessed, which was because he turned Xiao Yao's body into one that was no longer a pure deity. As for the other, please continue to guess (please forgive the author's loneliness, who needs to always find something to amuse herself!)


Tong Hua's post on Weibo, 13 Oct (year unknown)








Someone commented in surprise that there was a story in between [Once Promised and Lost You Forever]? Yes, there was. One mountain, two kingdoms, three royal families, four noble families. Xiling was featured in Once Promised; Chishui and Tushan in Lost You Forever; the Guifang clan was supposed to be featured in this story! Apart from this, the story of the two kingdoms have not been written, but that should be in the very last work (the one after Lost You Forever). In this story, there should only be glimpses of the two kingdoms. (I suddenly feel the panic of not being sure whether all the stories could be told before I finish writing...)

However, after writing over 200,000 words, I felt that I did not fully think through what the story was trying to express. I attempted to express the theme of life and death, which is not an easy theme to convey. My experiences and ideas were not enough for that attempt, so I decided to shelve it.

I skipped over the story of the Ruler of the Underworld, and started writing Lost You Forever, which took more than a year.

During that time, I made a decision. My parents were old, and even if I had been away, it was time to return home, so I moved back and settled in China. I also had a minor illness, and underwent a minor surgery which I expected to recover within one to two weeks, but ended up in bed for two months.

I wrote while I laid recuperating in bed.

I would like to thank my friends who gave me a lot of opinions. I am satisfied with my grasp of the story. The main themes I wanted to express were clearly conveyed too.

The female protagonist's choices had always stemmed from her psychological shortcomings, and her psychological state was closely related to her development during her childhood and youth, which is commonly referred to in psychology today, as "family of origin".

Now on to the rumoured 2nd epilogue. Note that there are commentators who said that all these were just fan fiction, so just take it all with a MASSIVE ladle of salt.

According to a Weibo user, there were rumours that there was a 2nd epilogue written by Tong Hua herself. There were two epilogues - the first was about Xiang Liu, the second about Xiao Yao.

In the (second) epilogue, Xiao Yao was said to be pregnant and gave birth to a son, whose character was like Xiang Bei (combination of Xiang Liu and Fangfeng Bei). He loved to lie on tree tops, and was exceedingly handsome. Although he was often despised for being half deity and half demon, both he and Xiao Yao did not care. The boy often helped the fishermen to drive schools of fish, and was exceedingly kind. Xiao Yao knew that the big-bellied doll was given by Xiang Liu, and she often took it out and stared at it in a daze. During these times, the boy would ask if she was missing him again.

Another commentator added that they heard Xiao Yao and her son lived on an island, and YaoJing never consummated their marriage in those two three hundred years.

It is also said that originally, the novel included Hong Jiang's fate, who was being pursued to the death on Cang Xuan's orders. In the end, cornered at Snow Mountain with no way out, Hong Jiang chose to die rather than surrender, killing himself by slamming himself against the mountain. With the obliteration of the Shen Nong army, the world was finally united.

There were also rumours that in the story, Xiao Yao had met Hong Jiang previously and held him in great esteem. Hong Jiang told Xiao Yao that she was the only friend Xiang Liu made in hundreds of years, but Hong Jiang never realised that she was a female.

There was also mention about Fangfeng Bei and the Guifang clan's relationship. It was said that before the final battle, Xiang Liu also went to the Guifang clan to settle his affairs. He left his cultivated demon core with the Guifang clan, which would be used to wake up Fangfeng Bei (presumably the real one). A comment elsewhere (can't find it during my re-read) added that Xiao Yao did meet the awakened Fangfeng Bei after that, but they never got to recognise each other because the Guifang clan had sealed all of Xiang Liu's memories. 

This part about leaving his demon core with the Guifang clan sounds a little plausible. When Xiang Liu died, his entire body disintegrated and there was nothing left but a black pool of poisonous blood. There are those who pointed out that there was no mention of his demon core. So it was possible that he could have entrusted his demon core to the Guifang clan. 

The novel itself hints at strong ties between Xiang Liu's Fangfeng Bei and the Guifang clan, with him using a token from the Guifang clan leader to convince the Jin Tian clan to forge Xiao Yao's bow for him. The Guifang clan was a mysterious clan who could traverse the wilderness without leaving any trace. They were the ones who presented Cang Xuan with an extravagant wedding gift of nine soul-restoring herb plants (which some say, hinted at the Xiang Liu's nine heads). In the play Cang Xuan had performed all over the Great Wilderness about the origins of the world, Gui Fang was portrayed as frail but cunning. We never knew the specifics of the ties Fangfeng Bei had with the Guifang clan. If the rumours were true, I suspect we could have had some hint to that in the shelved 2nd novel before Lost You Forever. Unfortunately, unless Tong Hua chooses to pick up where she left off, and give us the remaining two books, we will never know.

In any case, just remember. Massive ladle of salt. Massive ladle of salt. I won't put much stock in this unless I see it authenticated.


Hey Windiaaa, I was talking to the girls in the Instagram fan club and they asked me to tell you that they love your posts on the Facebook group. I figured it was you because they said it was a very intelligent lady who usually brought many interesting things about the illustrations and other hidden details. <3 

Have you been fighting off Jingers there alone? Let us know if more ice swords are needed :)

Ah..yes..please convey my thanks for welcoming me warmly to the group.
Actually, at first I just wanted to see, but when I saw some of the comments that were badmouthing XL, and the harsh words they said to XL and Yaoliu, I personally felt sad and hurt.
Finally I tried to post several articles that I also posted in this group.
What's even more ridiculous is that when I posted about character diagrams, they really made the atmosphere instantly hellish. LOL


I just finished reading a fantic which some similar detail like this. 

Hi Liddi,

i don’t passby Jing-XY’s discussion. Thus i am not aware such things. Glad that they didn’t leave comments in the folder for poem. maybe some of them felft hurt because many poem in the last chapters of the book link to XL-CY instead of their beloved Fox. 

I don't visit their thread either and only went there today to see what the fuss was about. Our thread is enough to keep me more than occupied (which reminds me, I still owe you my thoughts on the 2nd healing process - need to find the right frame of mind to read it through before I respond!)



I just finished reading a fantic which some similar detail like this. 

Cue truckload of salt. Do you see why I was not keen to share it here?

However, I think what I posted about Tong Hua's posts and comments above it is interesting and worth taking note.


Cue truckload of salt. Do you see why I was not keen to share it here?

However, I think what I posted about Tong Hua's posts and comments above it is interesting and worth taking note.

Thanks for sharing liddi. I just want to clarify; are these details about a second epilogue to the novel or is it about the drama? If it's for the novel, then there might be some merits, but for the drama then there are far too many details that are missing in the drama for it to even be a possibility.

But yes, it does sound similar to some of the fan fiction that I've come across.  I would put this in the "made up" category at this moment.

Now, who wants to guess what is the second reason that Tong Hua is refusing to say???? I bet she would love this thread of ours with the endless speculations about her meanings and intentions.