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And now some people have said there are going to be 23 episodes.  Not sure how that is going to happen.

I also saw a post on Weibo that even broke down S2 into 25 episodes, though looking at the summary, it sounded nothing like the leaked script. So far, the streaming platforms still have not specified the number of episodes yet so it's anyone's guess. To be honest, I would love for it to be longer, because it gives me a modicum of hope that there are added scenes that were filmed, which addresses the issues we see in the script. I still remember rumours that Yang Zi fought for the scene with her meeting her mother to be included, which is not in the leaked script (it only had her and her father paying their respects at Chi Chen's home at Bai Li). So perhaps, just perhaps, there are far more that we do not know of yet. Fingers crossed.

I agree.  I do love those scenes.  Of course, if they didn't give us a good Hong Jiang scene, I'd have been very very very annoyed, given what a giant sized obstacle he was for XL.

Yes me too. I need to see the man whose existence changed the course of Xiang Liu's life, and I hope his presence will show exactly why Xiang Liu loved and respected him so much. In Once Promised, he was unfailingly loyal to Shen Nong, his word was his bond, he had no ambition beyond protecting (and later restoring) Shen Nong. Of the four great Shen Nong generals, he was unwavering and set in his ways and beliefs, but certainly also the least politically astute. 

I'm going to make note of it when I rewatch but I have to say, even though I didn't care for A Nian, I thought CX didn't do her right at all.  But then again, she gave him Haolin, soooo

Cang Xuan does love her as his sister - it was evident in the way he protected her in Qingshui Town, regardless of how unreasonable she was. When Xiao Yao was restored to her position as the eldest Gao Xin princess, Cang Xuan showed A Nian especial care in front of Xiao Yao so that she would not feel less loved and threatened by her sister's presence. Of course, this is as much for Xiao Yao as it is for A Nian, but it is certain that he does care for her, which is far more than we can say for the other women in his harem, Xin Yue included. So I don't believe that his affection and care for her would have been influenced by the fact that her dowry was the entire Gao Xin kingdom. In my headcanon, I would like to think that over the years, he learns to love her too with at least a measure of how much she loves him, and they too, learn to live happily, lovingly together for the rest of their days.

While I clearly could CX treating A Nian as a replacement for XY, I didn't get that feeling from Daddy Emperor, who I agree, loved her for herself.  That said, I still have problems reconciling the Emperors between the two books.

I am still a few chapters away from the end of Once Promised, so I can't say too much yet. However, the side story which takes place after the main story does give an inkling to the change in character in the two men, particularly when it came down to their efforts to find Xiao Yao. So perhaps, that is their character growth,  similar to what we expect to see with Xiao Yao as the curtain falls on Lost You Forever, having finally broken free and learnt to lead the life she was not brave or strong enough to grasp before. Like Tong Hua said, their lives continue on even though the story had ended.


Is Jing's iconic scene when he decided to let himself and XY burn to a nice charcoal crisp??? :-)


Your suggestion would have been a far better recreation, but instead they went with one where there was nothing iconic that the plushie could recreate with his scene - him telling Xiao Yao that no matter what happened, he would never let her be unable to find him anymore. And the irony is that there was no shot of Xiao Liu in the scene they used as a comparison with the plushie version. 



Your suggestion would have been a far better recreation, but instead they went with one where there was nothing iconic that the plushie could recreate with his scene - him telling Xiao Yao that no matter what happened, he would never let her be unable to find him anymore. And the irony is that there was no shot of Xiao Liu in the scene they used as a comparison with the plushie version. 

Hmm. I wonder why they didn't used the burning scene.

And those plushie's lines for the group photo. Only XL's is slightly in character (XL wouldn't even attend to begin with :-)). XY's doesn't sounds like something that she would say. And given Jing's low self esteem issues, he should have said something like, "XY, help!!" :-).  They should have gone with "I can show you my fireball juggling skills for FL" :-). And for CX, maybe: "you'll all be my subjects, one day". 

Belatedly came upon the Lost You Forever 2023 red carpet moment, plushie version on Weibo. It's so adorable - having the plushies recreate iconic scenes in S1, and doing a group photoshoot at the end of it.


Unsurprisingly, Xiang Liu has the most classic line in that photoshoot moment:

Xiang Liu: How boring, the corals at the bottom of the ocean are more beautiful.
Cang Xuan: This is during Boss Xuan's limited operating hours
Xiao Yao: Xiao Yao misses everyone so much!
Jing: Everyone must be here to see the Young Master of Qing Qiu.
Feng Long: Rather than missing me, why don't you come and meet me instead.

These are wonderful!  Plushies put to work.  :)


Is Jing's iconic scene when he decided to let himself and XY burn to a nice charcoal crisp??? :-)

Heh ... I guess they didn't want to set their plushie on fire, but they could have done the 37 years long suicide scene.  ICONIC.   =_=

Your suggestion would have been a far better recreation, but instead they went with one where there was nothing iconic that the plushie could recreate with his scene - him telling Xiao Yao that no matter what happened, he would never let her be unable to find him anymore. And the irony is that there was no shot of Xiao Liu in the scene they used as a comparison with the plushie version.

Sounds deliberate to me.  Can't have a scene stealer in the scene. ;p

I also saw a post on Weibo that even broke down S2 into 25 episodes, though looking at the summary, it sounded nothing like the leaked script. So far, the streaming platforms still have not specified the number of episodes yet so it's anyone's guess. To be honest, I would love for it to be longer, because it gives me a modicum of hope that there are added scenes that were filmed, which addresses the issues we see in the script. I still remember rumours that Yang Zi fought for the scene with her meeting her mother to be included, which is not in the leaked script (it only had her and her father paying their respects at Chi Chen's home at Bai Li). So perhaps, just perhaps, there are far more that we do not know of yet. Fingers crossed.

25?!!  That would be awesome!

I can't believe they cut the scene with her mother.  That sucks.  But I guess they didn't want a scene where even XY's mom questions the suitability of Jing.  I would die of laughter if they also had the Donkey Meat Seller give Jing the disbelieving eye, like the Witch Doctor / Shaman King did.

Yes me too. I need to see the man whose existence changed the course of Xiang Liu's life, and I hope his presence will show exactly why Xiang Liu loved and respected him so much. In Once Promised, he was unfailingly loyal to Shen Nong, his word was his bond, he had no ambition beyond protecting (and later restoring) Shen Nong. Of the four great Shen Nong generals, he was unwavering and set in his ways and beliefs, but certainly also the least politically astute.

Exactly.  I can't believe Tong Hua thought having Hong Jiang be invisible would be a good idea.  For some reason, from descriptions of Once Promised, I thought he didn't have good people skills ... which made me wonder how in the world he and XL ended up together.

Cang Xuan does love her as his sister - it was evident in the way he protected her in Qingshui Town, regardless of how unreasonable she was. When Xiao Yao was restored to her position as the eldest Gao Xin princess, Cang Xuan showed A Nian especial care in front of Xiao Yao so that she would not feel less loved and threatened by her sister's presence. Of course, this is as much for Xiao Yao as it is for A Nian, but it is certain that he does care for her, which is far more than we can say for the other women in his harem, Xin Yue included. So I don't believe that his affection and care for her would have been influenced by the fact that her dowry was the entire Gao Xin kingdom. In my headcanon, I would like to think that over the years, he learns to love her too with at least a measure of how much she loves him, and they too, learn to live happily, lovingly together for the rest of their days.

Yes, before he reunited with XY, he clearly cared for A Nian.  But afterwards, he seemed to pay her less attention and even ignored her.  Of course, it may have seemed that way, because he and XY spent time together to gain his throne.  That's a lovely head canon.  

Xin Yue made a dreadful mistake, trying to play it safe.  I'm not sure if CX would have grown to actually love her, but I think he would have treated her better, had she married him before he was a sure bet.

I am still a few chapters away from the end of Once Promised, so I can't say too much yet. However, the side story which takes place after the main story does give an inkling to the change in character in the two men, particularly when it came down to their efforts to find Xiao Yao. So perhaps, that is their character growth, similar to what we expect to see with Xiao Yao as the curtain falls on Lost You Forever, having finally broken free and learnt to lead the life she was not brave or strong enough to grasp before. Like Tong Hua said, their lives continue on even though the story had ended.

I don't know ... but clearly time and tragedy changed both of them

Does Once Promised also cover the Rebellion of the Five Princes?

Lost You Forever has a 长相思第一季回顾特辑 S1 review special airing tonight at 6PM. It brings an inordinate ache to my heart seeing that out of the 4 male leads, Xiao Yao's poster with Xiang Liu is the warmest...

cr. _LostYouForever @ X (formerly Twitter)

Hmm... feels like my MDL notifications stopped working again - it was fine a few hours ago. Anyone else having the same issue?

Hmm. I wonder why they didn't used the burning scene.

And those plushie's lines for the group photo. Only XL's is slightly in character (XL wouldn't even attend to begin with :-)). XY's doesn't sounds like something that she would say. And given Jing's low self esteem issues, he should have said something like, "XY, help!!" :-).  They should have gone with "I can show you my fireball juggling skills for FL" :-). And for CX, maybe: "you'll all be my subjects, one day". 

True about Xiang Liu refusing to attend, but Fangfeng Bei might! You have a point about their lines. Jing sounded like a vainpot while Feng Long is working the crowd like a pro. Cang Xuan might be reminiscing about his wine-shop days, while Xiao Yao's line could be addressed to her Qingshui Town community.

These are wonderful!  Plushies put to work.  :)

I know right? I wonder if we will get a new set of plushie merch for S2. My wallet....

25?!!  That would be awesome!

I can't believe they cut the scene with her mother.  That sucks.  But I guess they didn't want a scene where even XY's mom questions the suitability of Jing.  I would die of laughter if they also had the Donkey Meat Seller give Jing the disbelieving eye, like the Witch Doctor / Shaman King did.

The reunion with her mother was not in the leaked script to begin with... the way it was done, Chi Chen and A Heng were already dead by then, and Shao Hao brought Xiao Yao to pay her respects to them at their home in Bai Li, while leaving Cang Xuan and Jing to cool their heels outside the house. Xiang Liu had a separate scene where he went alone to the house and paid his respects to them, as one would to their elders, and saw the toys Chi Chen made for his unborn child when A Heng was pregnant with Xiao Yao at the time. Now that was strange too, because in Once Promised, I don't believe Chi Chen ever knew Xiao Yao was his child until just before his death, so this is definitely a revised scenario in the drama.

Yes, before he reunited with XY, he clearly cared for A Nian.  But afterwards, he seemed to pay her less attention and even ignored her.  Of course, it may have seemed that way, because he and XY spent time together to gain his throne.  That's a lovely head canon.  

The way I see it, it was definitely due to Xiao Yao's return. But he also gradually distanced himself because initially she was not in the know of his plans to pretend to be useless so as to be sent off to the Central Plains, and later, when he was preparing to attack Gao Xin. 

Xin Yue made a dreadful mistake, trying to play it safe.  I'm not sure if CX would have grown to actually love her, but I think he would have treated her better, had she married him before he was a sure bet.

I don't believe she ever had any hope of winning his love, and she lost any hope of gaining even his trust when she choose to distance herself from him the moment his position was threatened. He understood her reasons, but would not trust her again.

I don't know ... but clearly time and tragedy changed both of them

Does Once Promised also cover the Rebellion of the Five Princes?

I will have to defer to those who already have finished reading the book on this. At this point in time, I have 7 more chapters to go (Vol 2 Ch10 - originally Chapter 13), Shao Hao had killed his father and banished Yan Long, but there has been no full-fledged rebellion of the Five Princes yet. Will confirm again once I do finish reading. By right, it should have taken place when Xiao Yao was at Jade Mountain, so it might be around the time of the final battle between Shen Nong and Xuan Yuan at Ji Province, hence his refusal to be involved? Just my guess for now.

Hmm... feels like my MDL notifications stopped working again - it was fine a few hours ago. Anyone else having the same issue?

Yes.  I didn't get a notice for these posts.  arrgh

Lost You Forever has a 长相思第一季回顾特辑 S1 review special airing tonight at 6PM. It brings an inordinate ache to my heart seeing that out of the 4 male leads, Xiao Yao's poster with Xiang Liu is the warmest...

I saw that, and was stunned that they actually showed them so close, like the couple that they are.  Happily stunned. :)

Hmm... feels like my MDL notifications stopped working again - it was fine a few hours ago. Anyone else having the same issue?

Yes, notification for the discussion section stopped working with me either. 

In the early morning, I got the first notification from this thread but no more further

I know right? I wonder if we will get a new set of plushie merch for S2. My wallet....

OMG! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an official FFB plushie and more XL outfits. I want the black assassin outfit with the cape so bad. 

And OMG! What's wrong with me? Why am I this excited for plushies and doll's clothes? I need help!!!

Hmm... feels like my MDL notifications stopped working again - it was fine a few hours ago. Anyone else having the same issue?

Mine is on the fizz again as well. Glad it's not just me, though. 


Lost You Forever has a 长相思第一季回顾特辑 S1 review special airing tonight at 6PM. It brings an inordinate ache to my heart seeing that out of the 4 male leads, Xiao Yao's poster with Xiang Liu is the warmest...

cr. _LostYouForever @ X (formerly Twitter)

This is such a bait and switch. Why are the "soulmates of the friendship kind" sitting next to each other while the official love interest is Covid distance away? Are they trying to fool people into thinking that YaoLiu is the end game so they'll watch? Many international audience have not read the book.

She definitely knew that he did not love her romantically, but by the end of it, she did not care. Per the script, she knew she would be miserable without him, so she was willing to make do with what little he could give her as his empress, even if it made him unhappy to marry her. I think she always knew that Xiao Yao held a place in his heart no one else could ever hope to touch or replace. Whether or not she was aware he loved her romantically was never explicitly stated, at least not that I can recall, be it in the novel or the script (anyone, do correct me if I am wrong). But she also knew that Xiao Yao did not see him as anyone else except her closest, most beloved brother.

When I was reading this I wondered why you were calling Jing "she". This sounds like the situation between Jing and XY. All this talk of shadow characters, well, looks like Ah Nian is Jing's shadow character :-)

Lost You Forever has a 长相思第一季回顾特辑 S1 review special airing tonight at 6PM. It brings an inordinate ache to my heart seeing that out of the 4 male leads, Xiao Yao's poster with Xiang Liu is the warmest...
I saw that, and was stunned that they actually showed them so close, like the couple that they are.  Happily stunned. :)

Nice! Thanks for sharing. The posters prove who the real couple is.

  • XY and XL are the only ones touching each other and looking in the same direction.
  • XY is sitting at a distance from CX and she is looking at him while he is looking in another direction.
  • XY is at a distance from TSJ, sort of seeing him and sort of in a daze. TSJ has his back to her.
  • XY is at a distance from FL, facing him, but looking in another direction. FL has his back to her.

I somehow didn’t get any notifications from your comments and cannot quote long posts but thanks for sharing your thoughts Liddi and Kokuto!

I know this is a YaoLiu thread, and am bummed they removed some of their iconic scenes in S2. Especially the action packed scene with him showing his true form in front of XY! (Secretly a YaoXuan shipper haha so forgive some of my biased comments because I do love XL as well).

I never read Once Promised and hearing about it, I don’t plan to either because I don’t wanna feel that disconnect in the characterization of the emperors. You are right about the Gaoxing emperor, he loved AN very much and despite what he may have done, he was at least a good father. Although, I do wish her name and part of her existence was not connected to XY or A Heng’s memory because she deserved to more. It is a nice touch as her name represented his love for AH but anyway. I appreciated her character development because she was really annoying in the beginning and in another dimension, I can see her paired with RS as they bicker like a married couple haha. She was just so fixated on the one guy she knew in her life, being CX, that it was a little tragic. IMO I don’t think CX could ever love her or any other woman romantically. In the novel, he did promise that he would show her the care and respect the gaoxing emperor showed his consort. But I believe he (like the gaoxing emperor) lost the one thing they loved forever because of the choices they made - hence the name of the drama (which was for CX, our male lead). Also it was not explicitly mentioned in the novel that AN knew about CX’s love for XY, I also don’t think she was aware. With the way he married other women and XY being engaged to FL and TSJ, it would derail any suspicions. Altho she was always envious that XY was important to CX and that XY held a higher place in his heart (but dont think she thought of it as romantic). 

I will say it is weird they ended things off with AN witnessing XL destroying the bug (wish they included ah bi and lie yang), and CX and AN looking in Qingshui town for XY. It’s odd. I guess they wanted to make CX’s character appear good by showing him accepting it all, because the narration was supposed to end with Gaoxing emperor (who said CX would have been furious if he knew XY left). Anyway….im sad with these changes.