AH :
This I agree with. Which is why I asked what each commenter meant by not suicidal and not seeking death. Because I don’t think he was worn down or depressed, but I do think his ending was still something he intentionally chose. Not an accident or an unhappy and unavoidable consequence of other choices. 

I hope MDL upgrades their discussion and comment areas some day. I wanted to heart this post, but couldn't.


I hope MDL upgrades their discussion and comment areas some day. I wanted to heart this post, but couldn't.


So his frustation and anger when he found out that WXL is XY and even a Haoling-Xuan Yuan Princess who belongs to enemy’s family is very understandable for me. He’s already doing so muc for WXL, even taking the lovers bugs with their death risk. He’s showing a great restraint actually in my opinion,

Hi @luv2bafangurl thank you for sharing your thoughts!

I beg to differ on this passage above. Firstly, XY doesn't have to be held accountable for XL for being in love with her. XL is angry mainly because he felt betrayed, he felt betrayed mainly because he entrusted his affection to someone he actually barely knew. So he had no rights to vent his anger and his spite
on her. All the more so he didn't even confess his feelings to XY and she consequently made no oath to him. She owed him nothing at all and she's herself a victim here because she tried her best not to return to her princess identity, even asking XL's help (but he was too late).

Correspondingly, XY knows her own identity and still befriended her family worst ennemy without any prejudice against him. Even maintaining this friendship after she discovered CX's true identity and XL said to her face "I'm going to kill CX before he leaves town".

@blimarch : hope you see my reply. I haven‘t found out how to tag another user in my reply post ?. For some reasons I can‘t quote other post either ? (MDL doesn‘t allow me to?‍♀️).

yes, I agree with your first opinion that XY shouldn‘t be held accountable for XL feelings/love and may I add, she’s not obliged to reciprocate XL feelings. I stand by my opinion however that XL reaction is understandable because from XL perspective: 

1. he and WXL spent quite a lot quality time together, where both of them practically bare their sorrow, hearts and innermost thoughts and they console each other (WXL confessing he tried suicide and  XL showing her the Moon and remind her that life is precious while WXL consoling him for  being nine heads demon by saying she was even weirder, just some examples on top of my head). For me as spectator of their dates, the connection they feel is mutual on both side and not only one sided from XL (at least that‘s my take on their date scenes). So I beg to differ on your point that XL barely knew WXL cos I believe they connected already at deeper level

2. XY always knows her identity but XL didn‘t, so it must be a great shock for him to find out WXL true identity and if his knee jerk reaction to this revelation is anger from feeling betrayed because he‘s baring his soul and being so vulnerable to ‚enemy‘ this whole time, this is a pretty normal reaction in my book. Often we take a shock really hard and thinking automatically the worst of the other party. That‘s why I admire XL for giving XY chance to explain herself and not kill her on the spot.

So my understanding is: XL felt so betrayed not because he entrusted his affection to someone he barely knew but exactly the opposite, he feels betrayed because he feels deeply connected with WXL  (and I think also XL believed/felt that its mutual) and trust WXL on deeper level (he knows WXL is a liar, but he trusts that on things that really matter WXL was always honest with him). WXL true identity reveal must hurt him deeply and he‘s thinking that everything WXL told him are lies designed to get close to him and to find his weaknesses for his enemy.

I agree with others that XY reactions to XL necking contradict the sensation described in the novel and thus give Jinger ammunition to attack XL. Luckily their chemistry is over the roof and give me another take (hot and bothered????) during those scenes ?. I only lamenting ‚what could have been‘ on those scenes after reading the novel though and enjoyed the drama as it is. On second thought, the drama won’t pass censorship if the watered down version already got me ???how hot it’s going to be in all its glory??. Like someone said in another post, just take the drama as the alternate universe of the novel. And let’s create another universe here  where XL got his HE with each of us ?.

For me as spectator of their dates, the connection they feel is mutual on both side and not only one sided from XL (at least that‘s my take on their date scenes). So I beg to differ on your point that XL barely knew WXL cos I believe they connected already at deeper level

Yeah, all of this. I get so mad when people say his love is one-sided. Okay, the drama has its obvious limitations, but even as it is, there's no such thing as one-sided love.

WXL true identity reveal must hurt him deeply and he‘s thinking that everything WXL told him are lies designed to get close to him and to find his weaknesses for his enemy.

It's sad to think how disappointed he must have felt. Poor baby.

I agree with others that XY reactions to XL necking contradict the sensation described in the novel and thus give Jinger ammunition to attack XL. Luckily their chemistry is over the roof and give me another take (hot and bothered????) during those scenes ?. I only lamenting ‚what could have been‘ on those scenes after reading the novel though and enjoyed the drama as it is.

People saying it's torture is the funniest, most absurd thing ever. Where do I sign up for this kind of torture? Also, aren't they familiar with vampire stories? Bela Lugosi would like a word.

On second thought, the drama won’t pass censorship if the watered down version already got me ???how hot it’s going to be in all its glory??. Like someone said in another post, just take the drama as the alternate universe of the novel. And let’s create another universe here where XL got his HE with each of us ?.

Censors be like

But in any case, that's why we have The Audio™.

So much yes.

Yeah, all of this. I get so mad when people say his love is one-sided. Okay, the drama has its obvious limitations, but even as it is, there's no such thing as one-sided love.

For real. How can anyone watch this and say it's one-sided love?

Chapter 23:

"Xiao Yao walked and talked “I was thinking that when you escaped the slave death match arena, wouldn’t it have been great if I was the one who saved you! If that was the case, then I would let you only be Fang Feng Bei! I really hate that I wasn’t born a few hundred years earlier. I would definitely find you in the slave death match arena…….”

Bei stopped and stared at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao turned and stared at him, their eyes meeting in the darkness, wanting to say more but not."

But in any case, that's why we have The Audio™.

And Pororo's video ?

For real. How can anyone watch this and say it's one-sided love?

Troublemakers, ingrates, and toerags say this and feel no remorse in their bones.

Despicable poppycock! Pure, unadulterated balderdash!


Troublemakers, ingrates, and toerags say this and feel no remorse in their bones.

Despicable poppycock! Pure, unadulterated balderdash!

People who say XY never loved XL like she did that other dude are wrong.

First of all, the poison love bugs never turned into heartbreak bugs.

Secondly, remember when Fang Feng Bei asked her to drop everything and travel the world with him? She said yes, as long as HE can drop everything too. She was deadly serious.

Thirdly, when she was talking about marriage to her grandfather she mentioned Jing AND Xiang Liu.

Fourthly, she told Xiang Liu it would've been great if she was the one to save him, not Gong Gong, so that he'd be free and have no obligations. If he was free, there would have been no obstacles to stop them from being together.

Fifth, she made that snow globe for him and waited 7 days by the sea for him to take her away. Even A Nian thought she looked like a fisherman's wife waiting for her husband to come back.

Lastly, and this is the most telling, when Xiang Liu probed her mind and asked her who she wanted to spend her life with, she didn't say Jing or Cang Xuan. She refused to say it out loud. We all know it's Xiang Liu!!!

So to those who say it's one-sided love:

Lastly, and this is the most telling, when Xiang Liu probed her mind and asked her who she wanted to spend her life with, she didn't say Jing or Cang Xuan. She refused to say it out loud. We all know it's Xiang Liu!!!

This is the part I love the most. It'll be the only scene I'll watch. If they don't butcher it as well.


This is the part I love the most. It'll be the only scene I'll watch. If they don't butcher it as well.

I made the mistake of looking at the other thread before I made that list and got riled up.

And I'm looking forward to that scene too! I'll probably gif it lol

Secondly, remember when Fang Feng Bei asked her to drop everything and travel the world with him? She said yes, as long as HE can drop everything too. She was deadly serious.

I have no notes on 1, 3, 4, 5 or 6, but for #2... I don't think XY was being deadly serious with her response. As in, I don't think she would've up and run away with FFB then and there if he really was prepared to give up everything in that moment to leave with her. She didn't believe his suggestion was a serious one. So she called his bluff. 


In chapter 16 of the novel:

Fang Feng Bei asked half seriously half in jest, “Why don’t you not be a Princess anymore and go wander the world with me?”

Xiao Yao giggled. “Sure! If you can let everything go first.”

Fang Feng Bei chuckled while Xiao Yao stared at him. She felt like she called him on his bullshit. When she was wandering the world being a con artist, he was likely home tickling his maids!

In episode 23 of the drama:

FFB: Why not quit being a princess and wander around with me?

XY considers his words. 

XY: Okay. If you give up everything, I'll go with you. 

FFB stares at her for a moment, before adopting a sardonic smile and laugh. XY scoffs with a brief half smile.

XY: Don't try to fool me. Don't think you're more bold than me. 

Oderint dum metuant.

Next time there's a shipping war, I'm quoting Accius.

Enough playing nice.

 AH :
I don't think XY was being deadly serious with her response. As in, I don't think she would've up and run away with FFB then and there if he really was prepared to give up everything in that moment to leave with her. She didn't believe his suggestion was a serious one. So she called his bluff.

I'm delusional and still think she was serious when she said she would drop everything if he dropped his responsibilities too. The Drama Version of Xiao Yao. I think she was telling him the truth while hiding it behind a smile/joke.

I'm drowning in my delusion as well. Whatever helps me sleep at night. Delulu™, that's our brand.


I'm delusional and still think she was serious when she said she would drop everything if he dropped his responsibilities too. The Drama Version of Xiao Yao. I think she was telling him the truth while hiding it behind a smile/joke.

Lol, sometimes a good dose of delusion is called for. 

But for that scene... I'd have quite mixed feelings if XY really was ready to leave with FFB right then, since she hadn't confirmed that FFB was XL by that point. My delusion is not liking that idea because it feels like XY picking FFB over XL, even though they are the same person and we already know she wishes XL could have been FFB forever. ^^"