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Is that where he will be looking at the crystal ball?


He was gazing at the crystal ball by the river in Qing Shui town under drizzing rain in the novel


Yes, but I couldn't remember if they changed it in the leaked scripted.


as i remember he was gazing at the globe while on boat to Chi Shui


I can see I'm going to have to beg AH to exercise her Table Master skills, cause my pea brain is a melted puddle.  And it only JUNE.

Happy to put liddi and Koala's work into table form. ^^

The LYF S2 leaked script text is from liddi's translation on page 211 of this thread: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/110123-xl-and-xy-story-and-romance-warning-spoilers?pid=2813859&page=211#p2813859

Leaked script Ep 5 scenes 21-22 
Chapter 29 & 31 (Koala)
Her impending marriage in sight, Xiao Yao struggled on how to make the last poison for Xiang Liu and sighed out loud  that she did not know what she should make this last time. She recalled the last time she spoke of her engagement to him outside the gambling den:


FFB: It would be difficult not to know of Chishui clan leader and Gao Xin princess' engagement even if one doesn't wish to! Oh, I forgot to offer my congratulations. (insincerely) Congratulations!

XY: Is there nothing else you wish to say to me apart from congratulations?

FFB: What do you wish to hear?

They looked at each other, their gazes probing, but neither would take the first step. Xiao Yao averted her eyes in disappointment, then shook her head and laughed.

XY: I have two things to discuss with you.

FFB: Say it.

The first is making poisons for you. I can still do it now, but... I won't do it anymore after I am married.

Fangfeng Bei's smile froze, then continued to smile.

[End flashback]

Xiao Yao walked out of the gambling den with Fang Feng Bei chuckling at her. “You seem in a pissy mood. But in this day and age, I can’t imagine anyone in the vast wilderness who dares make you upset.”

The two arrived at the end of the corridor and Xiao Yao sniped back, “As far as the edge of the sky, as close as right before my eyes.”

Fang Feng Bei smiled. “The future Chi Sui clan leader's wife, where is that proud future husband of yours? How come you came to such a place alone?”

Xiao Yao silently took off her dog face mask as did Fang Feng Bei.

Xiao Yao asked, “You already know I’m engaged?”

“Something so newsworthy, it’s hard not to know even if one doesn’t want to know! I forgot to say congratulations!

Xiao Yao silently stared at Fang Feng Bei for a few moments before shaking her head with a smile. “I need to discuss two things with you.”

Fang Feng Bei played with his mask. “Tell me.”

“The first is making poisons for you. I can still do it now but after….I’m married I won’t be able to anymore.”

Fang Feng Bei held the mask still and smiled at Xiao Yao. “And the second?”

“I want to remove the voodoo bug linking us. The Tu Shan Madam had a doctor from the Jiu Li tribe who said that…….our bug might be the legendary Lover’s Bug. This bug is used by lovers…..and you and I…..it’s not suitable!” Xiao Yao mockingly said, “Last time you said you were annoyed by the bug so I want to know when you have free time to go to Jiu Li with me so that we can find the Voodoo King to remove the bug.”

Fang Feng Bei stared at Xiao Yao and under the dim light of the gambling hall his sliver of a smile felt cold.

Xiao Yao added, “Even if the bug is removed, I’ll still be good for my promise.”

Xiang Liu coolly said, “Fine, wait until I have time.”


Xiao Yao softly asked, “Bei, tell me…..why is it so hard to find a person to walk the path with?”

Fang Feng Bei said, “Finding a person isn’t hard, finding a person who shares the same interest, genuinely treats you well, and makes the journey more interesting, that is what is hard.”

Xiao Yao asked, “Can one never forget a person for an entire life?”

“Depends on the person. If you are talking about Jing, then I think it’s highly possible.”

“Do you mean he can’t forget me, or I can’t forget him?”

Fang Feng Bei smiled, “However you want to interpret.”

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows and angrily said, “There are a lot of good men left in the vast wilderness!”

“There are plenty of good men, but there aren't many who will really put you inside his heart.”

“What do you mean? So I shouldn’t marry Feng Long?”

“I don’t mean anything. You asked me so I honestly told you my thoughts.”

“Xiang Liu, I really don’t know, what is your heart thinking deep down inside?”

“You and I are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?”

Xiao Yao mocked herself, “Yes, it’s my over-thinking! No matter what you feel deep down inside, none of it has anything to do with me!”

Xiang Liu stared down the dark alley and said nothing.

Xiao Yao was silent for a few moments and then casually said, “Jing knows you’re Xiang Liu now. He won’t tell my Gege, but if Feng Long knows, Gege will find out. You……be careful.”

Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao and she avoided his piercing gaze and asked, “Who was that old man selling donkey meat?”

“He used to be a subordinate of Qi Yo and one of the survivors in the final battle in Yi Province. Carrying all the memories of those who perished, it’s easier just to have died.” Xiang Liu smiled “Actually, to a General, the best ending is to die on the battlefield.”

It was a warm Summer night but Xiao Yao suddenly felt her entire body turn cold in an instant.

They arrived outside Little Zhu Rong’s residence and Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu both stopped at the same time. But one didn’t depart and the other didn’t go in. They just silently stood there.

In the past she felt they had so many opportunities to see each other, but it wasn’t clear when it began that Xiao Yao started to feel that she was seeing less and less of him. Until tonight, when this feeling became impossible to ignore.

After a few moments, Xiang Liu said, “You go inside!”

Xiao Yao wanted to talk to him but she didn’t know what she wanted to say. She said, “Now is not like before, you shouldn’t come to the Middle Plains so often anymore.”

Xiao Yao thought Xiang Liu would mock her, asking whether she was worried Zhuan Xu would kill him, or worried he would kill Zhuan Xu. But surprisingly Xiang Liu said nothing and continued to just look at her.

Xiao Yao quietly stood there waiting, but she didn’t know what she was waiting for.

Xiang Liu's cold voice spoke, “You go inside!”

Xiao Yao smiled and curtsied to him before turning to knock on the door. The door opened and Xiao Yao stepped inside while Xiang Liu continued to stand outside, white robe black hair, tall and proud, like the white snow on the black mountains in the North, even if it was covered with flowers it would still look imposing.

Xiao Yao couldn’t take another step and stood rooted in place staring at him as the door slowly closed and Xiang Liu disappeared from sight.

Her maid noted that since it is the last time, it should be something special.

She requested all kinds of rare, expensive ingredients, and for Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian's assistance, to which Cang Xuan readily agreed, much to the old Xuan Yuan king's disapproval, saying that Cang Xuan's reputation for being frugal and self-restrained would have gone down the drain with her extravagance.


Meanwhile, the Gao Xin king instructed Ru Shou to escort Xiao Yao back to Gao Xin for the wedding, but hinted that he should take his time to bring her home [indicating that he wanted to delay the wedding as much as possible]

The Grand Emperor wrote back to Xiao Yao that he and Feng Long’s grandfather had conferred and set the wedding for two months hence.

Ever since Xiao Yao got engaged the Grand Emperor had her trousseau prepared already so all Xiao Yao needed to do was don her wedding dress and walk down the aisle. But the Grand Emperor requested that Xiao Yao return to Five Gods Mountain to prepare for the wedding before he would announce the wedding date to the entire world.

Xiao Yao knew why her dad did this, it wasn’t to adhere to wedding custom because her dad didn’t care about that. It was the request of a father who was worried and anxious over the future of his daughter and wanted to confirm her decision one last time. He wanted to be certain that Feng Long was the man his daughter wanted to entrust the rest of her life to.

Xiao Yao wrote back that she would return to Gao Xing after she did a final personal matter.

Xiao Yao went through Yu Jiang to contact Chi Sui Xian to ask her to dig up something that Xiao Yao asked her to bury a few years ago.

After Zhuan Xu assumed the throne, Xiao Yao used her position for the first time in her life to have precious treasures from around the vast wilderness collected and brought to her.

From the Northeast tops of the Snow Mountain, she collected a piece of Snow Mountain Ice Essence. It grew on the tops of the Snow Mountain and itself was not poisonous. But if something poisonous went inside when it was forming, then it would soak up the poison and after tens of thousands of years it would become one of the most poisonous things in the world. This particular Ice Essence that Xiao Yao found happened to have an injured ice worm demon crawl inside so after countless thousands of years underneath Snow Mountain, it had become a piece of extremely rare poisonous ice. It appeared like a beautiful piece of icy jade but actually exuded a poisonous aura that could pierce straight to the heart.

Xiao Yao used all her effort to carve this piece of poisonous Ice Essence into the shape of a sea clam shell, she carved two sides of an exquisite white clam shell with wave ripples along the edges. When it was opened it resembled a blooming flower.

Xiao Yao then used all sorts of exotic herbs and poisons to create two merpeople. She put the mermaid on the clam shell and she put the merman in the corner away from the clam shell. Xiao Yao also made red coral and colorful little fish.

After it was all completed, Xiao Yao brought out the ice crystals collected from the North Pole and had a specialist split it open and hollow it out. She put the red coral in first and secured it on the bottom. Then she mixed up a batch of poisons with Jade Mountain bone essence to create a blue liquid suspension that she filled the ice crystal ball with so it appeared like blue water. She then put the clam shell with the mermaid and the merman carefully inside the poisonous liquid and surrounded it with the colorful fish. She then closed up the ice crystal ball and used her spiritual power to temporarily seal it.

To permanently seal back up an opened ice crystal required that it be returned to the North Pole and placed back inside the ice mountains. Then a powerful ice spirit god or goddess would then create a spiritual maze around it. After two or three more years, the opened up ice crystal would permanently seal back up without any signs it had ever been opened.

Back then when Xiao Yao finished to the final step, she racked her brains and remembered the most powerful ice power god in the vast wilderness was Chi Sui Xian. She asked Zhuan Xu if she could ask Xian to help and he said, “You found the right person. I’ll have Yu Jiang ask her for help. That ice goddess is quite warm towards Yu Jiang.”

When Xian came to see Xiao Yao, she thought Xian would look down on her for asking such a powerful goddess to do such a little favor. But when Xian saw Xiao Yao’s creation she exclaimed, “It’s so beautiful! You must have spent a lot of time?”

Xiao Yao nodded.

Xian said, “I’ll help you seal it into the ice mountain in the North Pole. When you need to retrieve it, just have someone send me a message.”

Four years had passed and now Xiao Yao needed to take it out. When Xian brought the ice crystal back, she placed it on a dish and it was covered with more ice so it looked just like a regular chunk of ice crystal dug out from the North Pole.

Xiao Yao asked a master carver who spent three days and three nights to finally shape the ice crystal into a round ball.

The clear exquisite ice crystal, inside was the deep blue sea, and in the water was colorful little fishes swimming and beautiful red coral. There was an all-white giant clam shell like a blooming flower and inside a beautiful mermaid sat on the clam shell. Her hair flowed like seaweed and her beautiful tail was half on the clam shell and half in the water. She had one hand on her heart and the other hand reached out towards the distance like she wanted to grab onto something or like she was calling someone to her. In the direction where her hand stretched there was a merman floating in the water. He appeared close to the clam shell but he was coldly staring outside the ice crystal ball so that it felt like he was actually in another world and not in the world of the peaceful isolated ocean with the mermaid.

The underwater world inside the ice crystal was so beautiful that it appeared like a blue-colored dream.

When the ice crystal ball was placed on the table, it was so cold the icy air swirled around it and made it even more illusory like it could vanish in a gust of wind, except the ice crystal was so hard that even knives and swords couldn’t damage it.

The Yellow Emperor saw what Xiao Yao had made and he was so taken aback. He walked into the hut and carefully examined it for a long time. He said nothing other than to sigh, “Only you will waste such precious things.”

Xiao Yao stared at the ice crystal ball and said, “This is the last time.”

Xiao Yao wrapped the ice crystal ball in a demon bear pelt and sent it along with a letter inside a jade container. She went to the Tu Shan clan messenger shop and paid five times more than usual to deliver it as soon as possible to Qing Shui Town.

Inside the jade container was a letter with only one short message:

“In two months I am getting married. This is the last poison I will make for you. Please accept with a smile.”

liddi's comment about the leaked script scenes: This is vastly different from the novel, where Xiao Yao prepared the crystal globe and had it sealed at the North Pole 4 years earlier, after Cang Xuan ascended the throne. Here, she only started making the crystal globe after Feng Long asked to set their marriage in motion.

Leaked script Ep 6
Chapter 31 (Koala)
As Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian worked to solidify the crystal globe, the surrounding temperature dropped and snowflakes unexpectedly formed and fluttered. Xiao Yao lifted her head to see the snowflakes, and reached out to touch them, sadness on her face as she thought this was the last time she would be making poisons for Xiang Liu.

She then closed up the ice crystal ball and used her spiritual power to temporarily seal it.

To permanently seal back up an opened ice crystal required that it be returned to the North Pole and placed back inside the ice mountains. Then a powerful ice spirit god or goddess would then create a spiritual maze around it. After two or three more years, the opened up ice crystal would permanently seal back up without any signs it had ever been opened.

Back then when Xiao Yao finished to the final step, she racked her brains and remembered the most powerful ice power god in the vast wilderness was Chi Sui Xian. She asked Zhuan Xu if she could ask Xian to help and he said, “You found the right person. I’ll have Yu Jiang ask her for help. That ice goddess is quite warm towards Yu Jiang.”

When Xian came to see Xiao Yao, she thought Xian would look down on her for asking such a powerful goddess to do such a little favor. But when Xian saw Xiao Yao’s creation she exclaimed, “It’s so beautiful! You must have spent a lot of time?”

Xiao Yao nodded.

Xian said, “I’ll help you seal it into the ice mountain in the North Pole. When you need to retrieve it, just have someone send me a message.”

Four years had passed and now Xiao Yao needed to take it out. When Xian brought the ice crystal back, she placed it on a dish and it was covered with more ice so it looked just like a regular chunk of ice crystal dug out from the North Pole.

Xiao Yao asked a master carver who spent three days and three nights to finally shape the ice crystal into a round ball.

The clear exquisite ice crystal, inside was the deep blue sea, and in the water was colorful little fishes swimming and beautiful red coral. There was an all-white giant clam shell like a blooming flower and inside a beautiful mermaid sat on the clam shell. Her hair flowed like seaweed and her beautiful tail was half on the clam shell and half in the water. She had one hand on her heart and the other hand reached out towards the distance like she wanted to grab onto something or like she was calling someone to her. In the direction where her hand stretched there was a merman floating in the water. He appeared close to the clam shell but he was coldly staring outside the ice crystal ball so that it felt like he was actually in another world and not in the world of the peaceful isolated ocean with the mermaid.

The underwater world inside the ice crystal was so beautiful that it appeared like a blue-colored dream.

When the ice crystal ball was placed on the table, it was so cold the icy air swirled around it and made it even more illusory like it could vanish in a gust of wind, except the ice crystal was so hard that even knives and swords couldn’t damage it.

The Yellow Emperor saw what Xiao Yao had made and he was so taken aback. He walked into the hut and carefully examined it for a long time. He said nothing other than to sigh, “Only you will waste such precious things.”

Xiao Yao stared at the ice crystal ball and said, “This is the last time.”

The crystal globe finally completed, Xiao Yao arranged for it to be sent speedily to Qingshui Town.

Xiao Yao wrapped the ice crystal ball in a demon bear pelt and sent it along with a letter inside a jade container. She went to the Tu Shan clan messenger shop and paid five times more than usual to deliver it as soon as possible to Qing Shui Town.

Inside the jade container was a letter with only one short message:

“In two months I am getting married. This is the last poison I will make for you. Please accept with a smile.”

She met Jing and noted his shock upon hearing of her upcoming wedding. 
After Xiao Yao left the messenger shop, she wandered around the streets of Zhi Yi and could see it was even more bustling than before. This newly designated capital was bigger, more vibrant, more diverse than Xuan Yuan Castle. But for some reason Xiao Yao missed the Zhi Yi Castle she first encountered when she first arrived in the Middle Plains with Zhuan Xu.
A fragrant scent wafted out from the snack shop and Xiao Yao went to buy some duck neck and chicken feet which the shop owner wrapped carefully in lotus leaves. She then went to the next door wine shop to buy a jug of plum wine.

Back then she loved to snack because it was delicious and she couldn’t help but want to nibble on it. Now she realized it wasn’t the taste but the feeling. Back then she thought she was all wizened inside but she was still a very young girl who could happily enjoy the delights of the world.

Xiao Yao left Zhi Yi Castle and Miao Pu was waiting for her by the cloud carriage. She saw her carrying two bags and laughed,
“Princess hasn’t bought these things in a long time.”

Xiao Yao got on the cloud carriage and said suddenly, “I’m not going back yet.”
Miao Pu asked, “Where to then, Princess?”

Xiao Yao was silent for a moment and then said, 
“Accompany me to Qing Qiu.”
Miao Pu was startled and asked, 
“What does Princess want to do in Qing Qiu?”
Xiao Yao stared at Miao Pu and she immediately said, 
“Yes! Departing right away!”

An hour later the cloud carriage landed in Qing Qiu and Xiao Yao got out and glanced over at Qing Qiu Mountain. The mountain was still the same, trees green and rivers flowing, but the person and situation was no longer there.

She slowly walked along the Qing Qiu streets. Qing Qiu was close to Zhi Yi but very different since the people of Qing Qiu were very well off thanks to the Tu Shan clan. The people walking on the streets ambled because they could afford to enjoy life. Xiao Yao unexpectedly came and she didn’t know why she came either. She just walked with no destination in sight with Miao Pu trailing behind her.

Xiao Yao walked until suddenly Miao Pu called out, 
“Princess!” and pulled her sleeve.

Xiao Yao stopped and glanced quizzically back at Miao Pu who whispered, 
“Over there!”

Xiao Yao looked in that direction and saw 
Jing standing not far from her. Neither expected to run into each other on the streets of Qing Qiu so as people passed them by, both stood rooted in place like a spell was cast on them.
Jing got a hold of himself and rushed over to Xiao Yao, “Xiao Yao……….” He had a million things to say to her but couldn’t say any of it.

Xiao Yao’s smile was beaming, “I randomly came for a twirl, didn’t expect to run into you.”

Xiao Yao handed over the packages in her hand and 
Jing instinctively took it. Xiao Yao smiled, “In two months Feng Long and I will be getting married. Please attend with your wife when the day arrives.”

Jing dropped the items in his hand and the jug of wine smashed on the ground and the scent of plum wine wafted in the air. Xiao Yao ignored it and bowed to Jing with a smile before turning and quickly walking away.

“Xiao Yao…….” Jing reached out his hand but couldn’t keep her there and could only watch as her sleeve slipped through his fingers and she floated off.

Moments later 
Jing kneeled down and picked up the other package and opened it to find the duck necks and chicken feet.

In that split second the past came rushing back——-

The first time 
he went into the kitchen he was so clumsy and Xiao Yao laughed at him and then came to help.

The first thing 
he learned to make was marinated duck neck. When Xiao Liu ate it his eyes lit up and whispered, “Yours taste better than Lao Mu. But what will happen if I get used to your flavor?” He smiled and said nothing but in his heart he thought, want you to get used to it because I’ll make it for you for the rest of your life.”

Inside the Evergreen Residence, 
he taught her to play the zither but she hadn’t the patience to learn. She liked to munch on a duck neck and make him play for her. She would solemnly declare, “Since you know how to play, in the future if I want to listen to music you can just play for me.”

On Sheng Nong Mountain, munching on duck necks and drinking plum wine they talked all night…….

Everything was as vivid as if it was yesterday. But she…..she was about to become another man’s wife! Her life would no longer have anything to do with him!

Jing felt such pain in his heart he couldn’t speak. Such pain that a sweet acrid taste rose up in his throat and he started coughing violently.
Miao Pu explained that although her wedding was around the corner, both Cang Xuan and the Gao Xin king kept the news tightly under wraps, so the Chishui clan dared not make an open announcement about it. 

Xiao Yao's maid felt that the two kings were not particularly enthusiastic about her wedding, refusing to announce it to the world, as if waiting for Xiao Yao to change her mind.

Once she arrived on Five Gods Mountain, as expected her dad asked again if she was certain she wanted to marry Chi Sui Feng Long.

Xiao Yao giggled. “If I didn’t want to marry him then why get engaged to him?”

The Grand Emperor said, “Back then Zhuan Xu was surrounded by danger from all sides so knowing your personality you would do anything to help you. If you didn’t get engaged to Feng Long, the Middle Plains clans and families would never have banded together to back him.”

Xiao Yao said, “But Grandfather planned to pass the throne to Zhuan Xu already.”

The Grand Emperor said, “Silly girl, it’s not the same. If the Middle Plains didn’t band together then the Yellow Emperor may have waited to keep watching Zhuan Xu and delay the passing of the throne. With one delay anything can happen. If it wasn’t for the Four Great Clans banding together to lead the other Middle Plains families, do you think they would support Zhuan Xu this completely? In their eyes Zhuan Xu is the bloodline of Xuan Yuan and the Middle Plains are natural rivals. But because of their battle with the Yellow Emperor they think Zhuan Xu is the Emperor they chose and not the successor the Yellow Emperor chose thus all their rivalry vanished.”

Xiao Yao said nothing. When she agreed to marry Feng Long it was because of Zhuan Xu, she kept insisting otherwise because she didn’t want him to feel bad. But now she didn’t want to call off the wedding because Feng Long was the best choice for her. He knew about her past with Jing and accepted it. They also agreed that he would help Zhuan Xu and he did do that. Feng Long held up his end of the bargain, it was Xiao Yao’s turn to fulfill her end of the promise.

The Grand Emperor said, “I’ll give you seven days to reconsider.”

Leaked script Ep 6
Chapter 31 (Koala)

At dusk, Xiang Liu stood by the banks of Gourd Lake in the lightly drizzling rain, holding a box in his hand with a faraway expression. It seemed as if Xiao Yao's voice could be heard in the rustling sounds of the wind, rushing waters and familiar scenery.

[Flashback: Xiao Liu challenging Xiang Liu to a swimming competition]

Xiang Liu withdrew his gaze and opened the box, taking out the ice crystal globe.

In an instant, the cold air and drizzling rain that came into contact with the ice crystal globe crystalised into snowflakes that danced around Xiang Liu.

Xiang Liu immediately realised the lengths to which Xiao Yao went to create it. His eyes held mixed emotions, and he was visibly moved.

Within the crystal globe was a base of blue sea, with colourful small fishes and red corals in it. On the surface of the sea was a great white seashell, and a beautiful mermaid sat on it, one hand on her heart, and the other hand outstretched towards the merman in the water, floating on the waves.

[Flashback to the time they saw the mating mercouple]

Xiang Liu lifted his hand and reached out as if to hold the mermaid's hand, but lingered without moving closer. Snowflakes fluttered down between him and the crystal globe, and his eyes were filled with sorrow.

He walked out of the brothel to find a misty rain falling.

He walked through a long street towards the western riverbanks, strolling slowly.

He stood by the edge of the river and stared out at the water and misty air and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

After a long time he looked down and opened his hand and in his palm was an
 ice crystal ball.
Misty raindrops fell on his palm and created an icy mist around the ice crystal ball. It made the blue water inside even more vibrant like the ocean under a full moon.

The blue ocean depths, the isolated peacefulness, 
the mermaid sitting on her beautiful clam shell home reaching out her hand to beckon, to plead, to summon. But the merman just coldly looked out at the world outside the ice crystal ball.

Xiang Liu stared at the ice crystal scene for a long, long time.

Slowly he reached out a finger and pressed it on the ice crystal so it looked like he was taking the mermaid’s outstretched hand.

At a glance, it appeared that they were holding hands but in truth the ice crystal separated them. They were from two completely different worlds, they could never truly be together.

Xiao Yao, dressed in white, sat hugging her knees on a rock outside Dragon Bone prison at dusk. The glow of sunset filled the sky as the ocean waves lapped on the rocks.

Xiao Yao fixed her gaze on the distant waves. She suddenly stood up and looked eagerly at the surface of the ocean, but could see nothing except water. Her eyes slowly filled with dejection and hurt, and she sat blankly back down.


[Several days later]

The sky was getting darker, with the last rays of light left at the horizon.

Waves rolled in, but Xiao Yao still maintained the same position, hugging her knees as she sat on top of the rock outside Dragon Bone prison.
A Nian skipped right up behind her.

AN (curiously): Sister, you have been sitting here for quite a few days already. What exactly are you thinking of?

XY: I don't know.

AN: You don't know?

XY: I am just waiting.

A Nian looked around suspiciously.

AN: What are you waiting for?

XY: I don't know.

AN (amused): You are still waiting even though you don't know?

XY (quietly): Perhaps I am just waiting for fate.

A Nian sat down by her side, and looked at her strangely.

AN: Fate? What do you mean by fate?

XY: I don't know.

A Nian pursed her lips and stared at Xiao Yao angrily.

AN: Sister, you didn't bother to answer my questions properly at all. Every answer is an "I don't know"!

XY: I really have no idea. People know nothing in this life! We don't know when we are born, when we will die, whether lovers will eventually get married, loving couples would be able to grow old together. We don't even know what will happen tomorrow.

A Nian finally understood what she meant. She thought of Cang Xuan and looked sadly at the horizon.

AN (murmuring): I don't know... (sighs) Back then, I thought that as Gao Xin princess, I could have whatever I wanted. I did not know that Cang Xuan gege would leave Gao Xin, did not know he would become king of Xuan Yuan, let alone that he would make someone else his queen. The person I am today has no idea either whether I could be with Cang Xuan gege in the future.

Xiao Yao patted A Nian comfortingly, and she looked back at her.

AN: What do you hope to be able to wait for?

XY: Royal Father asked me to wait for 7 days. If nothing happened within the 7 days, it is fate; if something did happen, it is also fate.

AN (comprehending): When you are unable to change anything, and do not know how to change it, it seems that all you can do is wait.

A Nian sadly rested her head on Xiao Yao's shoulders.

With the surging of the tide, the two sisters looked out to the horizon as the last rays of sunset sank under the ocean.

The Grand Emperor said, “I’ll give you seven days to reconsider.”

During the ensuing seven days, Xiao Yao really did reconsider and think carefully. Every day she sat on the jagged rocks outside of the Dragon Bone Prison and looked out over the deep blue ocean.

When Ah Nian went to get her, she could see the blue horizon, the red rocks on the cliffs, and Xiao Yao dressed all in white sitting barefoot on the black jagged rocks as the waves crested at her feet.

This image was impossible to describe other than Ah Nian felt a sense of utter desolation for her sister. Xiao Yao’s image made her think of the legends of old, of a fisherman’s wife sitting on the rocks waiting for her lover to come back, sitting and waiting for so long she turned into a rock.

Ah Nian had to break the desolation so she flew over and yelled, “Jiejie!”

Xiao Yao smiled at Ah Nian and then continued looking out over the horizon. Ah Nian said down beside her. “Jiejie, what are you thinking about?”


Ah Nian also looked out on the horizon and sighed. “I remember it was near here that I pushed you into the ocean. Back then I was so unhappy but now I realize it was nothing.”

Xiao Yao smiled. “You’ve grown up.”

Ah Nian asked, “Jiejie, what were you doing that night here?”

Xiao Yao said, “I came to see a friend.”

“Then later, did that Nine-headed demon Xiang Liu continue to harass you?”

Xiao Yao shook her head.

Ah Nian said, “I thought that demon was pretty fascinating.”

Xiao Yao looked back out over the blue ocean and said nothing.


Seven days later the Grand Emperor asked Xiao Yao, “Have you decided?”

Xiao Yao said, “I decided. Announce the wedding date!”

The Grand Emperor said nothing and announced the wedding date to the world. In the Autumn month on the 22nd day, Eldest Princess Gao Xing Jiu Yao was going to get married.

On the day of the wedding, Xiao Yao was on board the Gao Xin wedding barge.

The Autumn month arrived and the Gao Xing wedding party departed from Five Gods Mountain via the water route towards Chi Sui.

Under Ru So’s expert travel planning, the wedding party entered the Chi Sui waterways on the dawn of the 22nd and the Chi Sui welcoming ships were waiting with celebratory music playing that was so loud it shook the Earth.

Both sides of the Chi Sui shore were jam packed with spectators there to watch the festivities.

Chi Sui’s clan traditional attire was the classic flair of the Middle Plains with a preference for red. Xiao Yao took off her white robe with her maids’ assistance and put on her red wedding dress.

The ships entered the Chi Sui river and gradually slowed down. It was the season for the magnolias to bloom and there were magnolia trees on both sides of the shore and the fragrance carried for miles as the petals rained down. Xiao Yao sat by the ship’s window and silently stared at the yellow petals floating by in the water.

The ship hadn’t yet reached the Chi Sui clan residence when the sound of the chatter on the shore reached the ship. Because too many guests were in attendance and the residence could not hold so many, the Chi Sui clan used its ice powers to freeze the lake surface into ice and a banquet was set up there. It brought a cool breeze to the proceedings and a great view to enjoy the banquet.

The guests sighed, clearly the head of the Four Great Clans could do anything, it could find disciples with the necessary powers and it had money to spend on even the biggest of parties.

When everyone saw the Gao Xing ships arriving, all the wedding guests stood up to watch.

Feng Long was wearing all red and was standing by the shore.

Xiao Yao gingerly walked to the edge of the ship with the assistance of her maid. She was dressed regally in all red and wearing a crown of jewels but her face was very beautifully bare. She only had on a little bit of lip tint which paired with the red peach blossom brand on her forehead turned her into a vision of beauty.

Feng Long normally didn’t put much thought into women but seeing her and thinking that tonight she would lay in his arms made even his heart thunder.

The ship reached shore but Feng Long still didn’t move and only stared dumbstruck at Xiao Yao.

The crowds laughed at him and his face turned beet red and he quickly grabbed the red lotus flower branch bouquet and bowed to Xiao Yao. “The lotus opens to bear unity, together our hearts as one.”

Xiao Yao reached out for it and repeated the same auspicious promise.

With the sound of music surrounding them, Feng Long assisted Xiao Yao off the ship and felt her small hand in his but it wasn’t soft like the other girls but instead had hard calluses, which made him feel even more tender towards her and he held her hand even tighter.

Meanwhile, Fangfeng Bei sat at the bow of a small boat on the river canal of Zhi Yi city. The boat passed by the location where Xiang Liu came to the city the last time and met Wen Xiao Liu.

[Flashback to Wen Xiao Liu waving to the boat from the shore
WXL: Boatman! Boatman! ]

Fangfeng Bei's eyes were cold and the illusion disappeared. The boat continued to move forward but the illusion of Wen Xiao Liu reappeared once more.

WXL: I take things as they come, the four corners of the world is my home, no matter where I go. ]

Fangfeng Bei's cold eyes betrayed a trace of emotion. Lowering his gaze, an ice crystal globe appeared in his hand.

He stared at the crystal globe intently as if bewitched, and reached out to touch the mermaid within, their fingertips touching through the ice crystal.

His eyes softened but his words were cold.

FFB: I taught you the ability to protect yourself, yet now you want to take things lying down and just get by. Have you asked if I agreed?

They have to give us new songs and BGM, too, right?  I mean, they ARE going to score that final battle.

Oh, that would be cool with Zhang Wan Yi getting a song.  Plus we need another Yang Zi ... WE NEED THAT NEW OST!!!

Why doesn't anyone ask these sorts of important questions in these interviews.  There's even a video with the music guy, Dong Dong? ... maybe he says something about it.  Let me find it.

Composer 董冬冬 Dong Dongdong said he composed 10 songs for LYF.  If we include the nursery song and the Chenrong army's song, there are already 10 songs in the S1 soundtrack. So I am hoping that he considered those as part of the instrumental soundtrack and not proper songs, which means we will get new songs in S2.

The music special feature is also shared on Twitter:

LYF Music Special Feature Part 1

LYF Music Special Feature Part 2

This is the translation of the video:

This drama "Lost You Forever" - its patriotic sentiment, romantic love, familial love, and of course a lot of detailed emotional nuances. So a lot of our music is emotion-centered. Regardless of whether it is the narrative sense from the string instruments, or the humming of the female voice, or each character theme song, they are all expressing "yearning".

From the initial rough edits, to detailed edits, to composing music based on the scenes, I spent 4.5 months. The way I approached [composing for] Lost You Forever is similar to how I would usually compose for a film, but I actually composed 10 songs, and over 200 pieces of background music in total. So it's true, I really love this drama.

Actually when we were composing the instrumental music, we experimented a lot. At first I thought I did not want to use folk instruments this time. We wanted to go more for the symphonic feel, create an overwhelming momentum, let the music be more grandiose. However, probably about halfway through it, I felt that the instrumentation was too simplistic by just solely using a symphonic orchestra. There is still a need to use some folk instruments. So in the end I added the dizi,  shakuhachi, 箫 xiao, as well as the pipa. I discovered that composing for Chinese historical dramas still requires the integration of our folk elements into it.

The music 王权之路 "The Road to the Throne" for Cang Xuan's ascension to the throne is very grandiose, basically with a sense of a grand symphony. Everytime Cang Xuan... whether it is his ascension to the throne, or when he is faced with the greatest challenges, this is the main theme that accentuates his performance.

Tushan Jing's 愈 "Healing". In the beginning, he was a badly wounded person saved by Xiao Yao, who in the end, transformed into an elegant young man. As such, I made his song more "cultured". When Wang Zhengliang sang this song, he gave it more of a scholarly feel, which makes people feel it is a very clean song when they hear it.

In Lost You Forever, the most captivating battle scenes have to be Xiang Liu's, and [the music] is the most different out of what I composed. At the time, I wondered how to represent this Nine-headed Demon Xiang Liu. I felt that using that particularly strange female voice, that extremely cold, high-pitched chanting, as well as the particularly eerie pipa... Each time he appeared, Xiang Liu's distinctive music would be present. Then at the climax of the battle, the 唢呐 suona (loud high-pitched Chinese wind instrument) would play.

In the first 18 episodes, Yang Zi was actually playing a man. Then in Ep18, she suddenly transformed into Xiao Yao, that kind of beauty, whose beauty overshadows everything in the world. I have to compose a song for this, which is 万物不如你 "The World Cannot Compare To You".

This time, when we composed the songs and background music for Lost You Forever, our topmost priority is suitability. Although these are all heartwrenching songs, their levels (of sadness) are not the same. All our songs are about love, which particularly matches the main theme of "Eternal Yearning".

 AH :
Happy to put liddi and Koala's work into table form. ^^

The LYF S2 leaked script text is from liddi's translation on page 211 of this thread:

Thank you for your comparison!

It just drives home again how lacklustre the changes are, and the significance of the crystal globe greatly diminished by changing the fact that it was prepared 4 years ago to something she thought of as a last present for Xiang Liu before her wedding. 

Composer 董冬冬 Dong Dongdong said he composed 10 songs for LYF. If we include the nursery song and the Chenrong army's song, there are already 10 songs in the S1 soundtrack. So I am hoping that he considered those as part of the instrumental soundtrack and not proper songs, which means we will get new songs in S2.

Oh, no!  But someone has to compose the Chi Chen song!

This is the translation of the video:

Oh, bless you!  That's very interesting about the XL music.  I was just talking in the comments about how I felt his music was eerie in part because he was a demon.

And he succeeded so well, in having the music and the themes for each character express yearning.  As soon as I hear the first few notes of the opening credits, my heart just clenches up.

It's cool how he give CX the GRAND music.  As it should be.  lol

I wish he had talked about Yang Zi's See and Miss Me, the duets and Tan Jian Ci's songs, but it would have been a much much longer video.  lol

Thank you for your comparison!

Thank you for providing the script translations!

It just drives home again how lacklustre the changes are, and the significance of the crystal globe greatly diminished by changing the fact that it was prepared 4 years ago to something she thought of as a last present for Xiang Liu before her wedding. 

I completely agree. 

 AH :
Happy to put liddi and Koala's work into table form. ^^

Bless you too!  It's going to take me a minute to digest, but this is so much easier.  Thank you!

Oh, no!  But someone has to compose the Chi Chen song!

Surely it has to happen. Seeing it was referenced prominently in the script to begin with, I am truly excited at the thought of hearing TJC sing it.

Oh, bless you!  That's very interesting about the XL music.  I was just talking in the comments about how I felt his music was eerie in part because he was a demon.

And he succeeded so well, in having the music and the themes for each character express yearning.  As soon as I hear the first few notes of the opening credits, my heart just clenches up.

It's cool how he give CX the GRAND music.  As it should be.  lol

You're very welcome! 

Yes, he made Xiang Liu's theme music very unique - discordant, eerie, otherworldly. I particularly love the motif when Xiao Liu sees his mask melting away for the first time - menacing, the steady beat of the drum reflecting the thumping heartbeat as we see the face behind the mask that strikes dread and awe at the same time.

You summed up the reaction to the opening credits perfectly - I feel the same way too. To be honest, initially I felt that the overall soundtrack a little too muted, but as I continued to listen, I appreciated how dialed back it was, never overpowering, but beautifully complementing the scenes. Oh, and I love 爱之哀叹 Lament of Love which often plays during Xiang Liu's scenes - just the solo, plaintive female voice that perfectly expresses the yearning of the scene, and often brings me to tears.

I wish he had talked about Yang Zi's See and Miss Me, the duets and Tan Jian Ci's songs, but it would have been a much much longer video.  lol

Me too, especially 偏爱人间烟火 Favouring Mortal Fireworks. I guess he selected one song/piece for each main character that best represents them, and he clearly loves what he accomplished with Xiang Liu's music.

The Viki synopsis for LYF 2 caught my eye. With my rock-bottom expectations, I'm not anticipating that anything in S2 will demonstrate that XY wants to run away with XL this clearly and unequivocally. But the acknowledgement here was still nice to see.  

When Princess Jiu Yao’s (Yang Zi) royal past was wiped away, she had no choice but to build a life far from home, masquerading as a man. Living a simple life, fate introduces her to future clan leader Tu Shan Jing (Deng Wei) and the demon Xiang Liu (Tan Jian Ci). Torn between these two and Prince Xi Yan Cang Xuan (Zhang Wan Yi), who has been searching for her, Jiu Yao must choose her path. After helping Cang Xuan secure the throne, Jiu Yao wishes to live a secluded life with Xiang Liu, but Cang Xuan has other plans. Can he let her go after years of searching? Directed by Yang Huan and Zoe Qin, this 2024 sequel to the Chinese fantasy romance series “Lost You Forever” delves into love, duty, and destiny.


Bless you too!  It's going to take me a minute to digest, but this is so much easier.  Thank you!

You're welcome. ^^

 AH :

The Viki synopsis for LYF 2 caught my eye. With my rock-bottom expectations, I'm not anticipating that anything in S2 will demonstrate that XY wants to run away with XL this clearly and unequivocally. But the acknowledgement here was still nice to see.  

When Princess Jiu Yao’s (Yang Zi) royal past was wiped away, she had no choice but to build a life far from home, masquerading as a man. Living a simple life, fate introduces her to future clan leader Tu Shan Jing (Deng Wei) and the demon Xiang Liu (Tan Jian Ci). Torn between these two and Prince Xi Yan Cang Xuan (Zhang Wan Yi), who has been searching for her, Jiu Yao must choose her path. After helping Cang Xuan secure the throne, Jiu Yao wishes to live a secluded life with Xiang Liu, but Cang Xuan has other plans. Can he let her go after years of searching? Directed by Yang Huan and Zoe Qin, this 2024 sequel to the Chinese fantasy romance series “Lost You Forever” delves into love, duty, and destiny.

Whooooaaaa!!!!  How did that slip through?

Dare we ... hope?

 AH :
The Viki synopsis for LYF 2 caught my eye. With my rock-bottom expectations, I'm not anticipating that anything in S2 will demonstrate that XY wants to run away with XL this clearly and unequivocally. But the acknowledgement here was still nice to see.  

Wow that is indeed a clear nod to the YaoLiu loveline, with nary a mention of the official pairing. Perhaps the admin is a YaoLiu fan too. And yes, dare we hope that they know something we don't?

Whooooaaaa!!!!  How did that slip through?

Dare we ... hope?

Wow that is indeed a clear nod to the YaoLiu loveline, with nary a mention of the official pairing. Perhaps the admin is a YaoLiu fan too. And yes, dare we hope that they know something we don't?

Tbh I feel like it's probably a typo and they meant to refer to TSJ. 

But I'll still enjoy seeing it for as long as it stays up. 

 AH :

Tbh I feel like it's probably a typo and they meant to refer to TSJ. 

But I'll still enjoy seeing it for as long as it stays up. 

Nah. I'm utterly convinced they read Xiao Yao's mind and knew exactly whom she really wanted to live a secluded life with. 

But yes. Do tell us if it ever gets changed.

 AH :

Tbh I feel like it's probably a typo and they meant to refer to TSJ. 

But I'll still enjoy seeing it for as long as it stays up. 

But Jing was married after CX ascended the throne, and the end of season 1, so it can't be him.  It has to be XL ... or Feng Long.  lol  Poor Feng Long.


Wow that is indeed a clear nod to the YaoLiu loveline, with nary a mention of the official pairing. Perhaps the admin is a YaoLiu fan too. And yes, dare we hope that they know something we don't?

I'm betting a YaoLiu fan ... but hoping they know something we don't!  lol!