
3 edition i think. 2013, 2019 and 2023 which is similar to 2019 in term of content but new design and preface

Do you guys have the original Chinese link to the 2019+version


3 edition i think. 2013, 2019 and 2023 which is similar to 2019 in term of content but new design and preface

I think it should really only be 2 editions - the 2023 should be a reprint of the 2019 revised edition except there is no character diagram etc.


Do you guys have the original Chinese link to the 2019+version

I only have the physical copy. So far the ones I see online, still refer to the old names of characters. By right, 2019 edition onwards should refer to Cang Xuan (not Zhuan Xu), Bai Li  (not Jiu Li) etc.

Yes I am. Do you know where it is available?

Here is the one that I used to check the original text. It is "old' edition with old names

Sauvignon Blanc Tonghua, Sauvignon Blanc Novel, Sauvignon Blanc Novel Full Text Free Online Reading - Luoxia Reading (luoxiadushu.com) which last update was made in 2017. Thus this version is published before 5/2017


3 edition i think. 2013, 2019 and 2023 which is similar to 2019 in term of content but new design and preface

I think it should really only be 2 editions - the 2023 should be a reprint of the 2019 revised edition except there is no character diagram etc.

Thank you. So 2013 and 2019? It seems like the first edition has prefaces that give "hints" to the hidden meaning of the story, but these prefaces and hints are removed in the revised edition.

Heathcliff again :-)

I remember you mentioned that Wuthering Heights might apply (even though XL was not that obsessive) to XL since he is a dark character. I actually felt the opposite :)

Heh! Poor Heathcliff!

I don't see Heathcliff & Catherine as comparable to Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao. If Xiang Liu was anything like Heathcliff, LYF would have been a very short story. Gong Gong who? Jing and Cang Xuan would have been eliminated the minute that they posed a threat to him and XY being together. He would have locked her up in his seashell. Granted, I think Xiao Yao would have liked that :-). Personally, I think if Xiang Liu had pushed even a little, Xiao Yao would have caved. Sometimes when you're scared, you just want someone to take the decision out of your hands.

I used Heathcliff and Catherine and Wuthering Heights in the context of the kind of people/lovers for whom the extreme nature of the Lovers Bugs would be attractive. If he had access to the Lovers Bugs, don't you think Heathcliff would have used them? To me, these Bugs are extreme in nature so they would demand exclusive loyalty and devotion. You've read my interpretation of the Lovers Bugs, what are your opinions on them? This is one of the most, if not, the most hotly debated topics on this thread.

XL did start as dark. I don't think his love for XY was selfless initially. I felt that he was quite possessive in the beginning. I think that he was jealous when XY transferred the bug to CX (this was more obvious in drama). I interpreted his action of biting XY in the pool as one of passion and retaliation coming from possessive love.

I've never thought about whether Xiang Liu's love for Xiao Yao started as possessive. Although, romantic love tends to have a high degree of possessiveness. I see the scene in the hot spring as him being angry that she'd thwarted his plan of Killing Cang Xuan. Him biting her had more to do with needing to heal and with his injury his demon instinct was at the fortfront hence the arousal that usually he might have suppressed. Regardless, the important thing is that Xiang Liu was able to let go - not many people who loved that deeply would have been able to do the same.

As to Xiao Yao's feelings for Xiang Liu being possessive. Hmm, I always sees Xiao Yao as avoiding/hiding from her feelings for him more than anything else. The only moment where I detect some potential jealousy and possessiveness was when she told him not to mess with Ah Nian.

I also don't think that XY ever wanted to have the bugs removed. In my opinion, she liked being connected to XL in that way.

This I agree with totally. The whole scene with the Voodoo King, Xiao Yao continuously downplayed the Lovers Bugs and their implications while feeling decided guilty towards Jing who was sitting there. I don't believe that she actually belief in the bullshit that she was spewing. If I was engaged to one man and are linked to another by something called the Lovers Bugs, I would want to remove it asap - it just isn't a good optic at all. And yet she was going to marry Jing while still linked to Xiang Liu with these Lovers Bugs. Plus her reaction after being told by the Heavenly Mother that the Bugs have been removed wasn't exactly one of relief.

Is the ending of the second part of the LYF novel about xiaoyao going to qingqui city after the wedding robbery?


Thank you. So 2013 and 2019? It seems like the first edition has prefaces that give "hints" to the hidden meaning of the story, but these prefaces and hints are removed in the revised edition.

It seems so, TH removed all clues from the foreword and poetry behind the book cover.
I found this comment:  "If you want to read the original version, it is the 2013 version from Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House. After reading that book, you will know who Sauvignon Blanc is missing"

About the poison bug, he might know that it was lovers bug and he question her several time of her aim to use it specially for him. So, he tried to know if she had any love intention to him?

In the novel, we don't know when he found out that the bugs were Lovers Bugs, but considering that he knew that not everyone was an appropriate candidate for transfer, I think we can infer that he's aware that they're Lovers Bugs, which means that he also knows that he loves her by this point. I see him hinting at her to transfer it to him as a way to test her feelings for him. Having the Lovers Bugs successfully transferred to him was a confirmation that their feelings were mutual. That whole expedition under the seas was bittersweet in hindsight. You can clearly see in the drama how happy he was :-(.

Hi everyone,

I still have struggle to imagine and understand the life of XY and XY during more than 1 month in QS town after the wedding robbery: the house, the daily activity (e.g., eating). TH just left blank space there: more than 1 month passed. 

She didn't get out of the house once (only the last day). So, it seems XL prepared everything: hot water, food etc. She seemed to do nothing, only poor sleeping, sun-bathing or sitting in daze. The first morning after arriving there, she could grab a piece of cake/pastry in the kitchen to eat. How about other days? How did the daily life go?

In the morning when Xiao Yao was still sleeping, Xiang Liu would go out. Xiao Yao never went out and when she slept she would toss and turn like she was still awake. When she was awake she was in daze as if she was dreaming. To say she hated Xiang Liu, but she never resisted and never tried to run away. To say she didn’t hate Xiang Liu, she never spoke to him and acted like he didn’t exist. 

They had their own room. She slept on a kind of couch which must placed next to the windows facing to the yard. So that in the scene where she opened the windows, reaching her hand out to catch the snow, he came in and closed the windows. The next scene of drinking happened in the same couch. 

It's normally said, blank writing is possible if supported information is available elsewhere. Untill now, I can not find any. Or it happened like any ordinary daily life of a family that someone cooked, they ate together (at least for the main meal - dinner)?


Is the ending of the second part of the LYF novel about xiaoyao going to qingqui city after the wedding robbery?

No. By the end of Vol 2, Xiao Yao had left Qingshui Town after being forced to abandon her wedding; gone to Qingqiu to confront Jing; then returned first to Shen Nong mountain to see Cang Xuan and her grandfather; returned to Five Deities Mountain to see her father and sister; fell ill after making live preserving pills for Jing; recovered after 4 months and prepared to leave for Shen Nong mountain again to help Jing uncover the truth about Hou and Yi Ying.


Here is the one that I used to check the original text. It is "old' edition with old names

Sauvignon Blanc Tonghua, Sauvignon Blanc Novel, Sauvignon Blanc Novel Full Text Free Online Reading - Luoxia Reading (luoxiadushu.com) which last update was made in 2017. Thus this version is published before 5/2017

Yes this should be the 2013 version, thank you. One of the best ways to tell is in Vol 3 Ch15 (Chapter 48), where Xiang Liu said he could not remove the bug but he could kill it:

"However, don't blame me for deceiving you. It was you who was useless!"  -- 2013 edition

"However, don't blame me for deceiving you. It was you who didn't ask!"  -- 2019 revised edition onwards


Thank you. So 2013 and 2019? It seems like the first edition has prefaces that give "hints" to the hidden meaning of the story, but these prefaces and hints are removed in the revised edition.

I believe the first printing of the revised 2019 edition had the character diagram which described Xiao Yao as 有情 having love for Xiang Liu etc. Unfortunately that diagram is not available in the 2023 edition that I own.


It seems so, TH removed all clues from the foreword and poetry behind the book cover.
I found this comment:  "If you want to read the original version, it is the 2013 version from Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House. After reading that book, you will know who Sauvignon Blanc is missing"


I believe the first printing of the revised 2019 edition had the character diagram which described Xiao Yao as 有情 having love for Xiang Liu etc. Unfortunately that diagram is not available in the 2023 edition that I own.

Are there any major differences between the 2023 and the 2019 versions, besides the diagram omission, liddi? It does seem that with each subsequent reprint/edition, clues to the true love line in LYF are removed. I remembered that 2013 edition is the one where the preface/intro talked about:

"the one you love quietly left before you were ready to notice

missed the chance while you were waiting, regrets after losing 

how to choose between the right person and the person that you love."

I guess she didn't want to make it too obvious.

Maple Tree

The presence of maple tree with certain intention was mentioned 2 times in the novel: 

  • Chapter 32: the first morning after arriving in QS town, XY went to the yard and she saw XL (back in white hair, very white clothes in front of a maple tree with deep red leaves) 
  • Chapter 37: XY poured the soil that she collected in the peach forest in Chi Shui desert on the hill mountain in Jiuli. Many years later, there grew red maple tree.
Chapter 32
Chapter 37
His hair returned to white, hanging freely, like flowing clouds. Behind him was a maple tree, its frosty leaves blazing red, making him as bright as snow and as pure as clouds, without any shadows.Many years later, in the mountains of Jiuli, there were red maples as red as blood, with straight shapes and bright colors, and ivy often growing on them. I don’t know which wizard said that the red maple is made of Chi You’s blood. From generation to generation, Jiuli people regard the red maple as a sacred tree.  

The maple tree belongs to the Acer family, also known as green maple, with smooth trunk and green twigs. The leaves are opposite, with five or seven lobes. The leaves of the maple tree usually start to turn red in June. The fruits are samaras, each with one wing. The two fruits grow side by side, which looks like they have a pair of wings. It looks like a bamboo dragonfly spiraling down, very beautiful.[1, 2,4]The maple tree is mainly sweetgum, which belongs to the Hamamelidae family. It has leaves that grow in households. Each leaf has only three lobes. The maple leaves usually turn red from October to November every year. The fruit is a capsule, like a thorn ball, and the trunk appears dark. Brown, with many grooves and cracks on the bark surface. [1, 3,4]


[1]. 如何区分枫树和槭树 - 知乎 (zhihu.com) 

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_sinense

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidambar

[4]賞楓知識大補帖/楓香、槭樹教你正確區分方式!光看三葉五葉會搞錯 - 欣傳媒XINMEDIA 最懂生活的咖 


"the one you love quietly left before you were ready to notice

missed the chance while you were waiting, regrets after losing

how to choose between the right person and the person that you love."

yes..this is the 2013 foreword to the 2nd book Sauvignon Blanc: Telling the Heart
