“Him biting her had more to do with needing to heal and with his injury his demon instinct was at the fortfront hence the arousal that usually he might have suppressed.”

@HeadInTheClouds Your interpretation seems similar to H19279. This seems very possible. For some reason the one that makes most sense to me is that XL was very jealous and wanted to assert his ownership over WXL. In my interpretation XL’s purpose for the bite was like to mark that “you belong to me”. This could be due to me being influenced by the drama portrayal. 

“You've read my interpretation of the Lovers Bugs, what are your opinions on them? This is one of the most, if not, the most hotly debated topics on this thread.”

I think I have read all the posts about the love bugs in this thread. I know that love bugs is a big plot device, but tbh, I have not cared too much about the details of the love bug. Part of this could be that I was convinced enough by the other evidence in the novel indicating that XY’ s feelings for XL was much much stronger than what she had for TSJ. And another reason could be that as a drama watcher first before the novel, I  was very confused by the description of the bug. Perhaps due to the confusing subtitles, I first stupidly misunderstood that the bugs cause the couple to separate and face misfortunes. The novel made much more sense later, but I have not spared a lot of thoughts on the bugs. However, reading through all the posts my general instinct very much aligns with what you had said in your recent post about the bugs. To me it doesn’t make much sense that this kind of mysterious bonding mechanism exists and it also allows multiple love interests. However my general conclusion is very much based on my cultural backgrounds and I don’t dare debate with you folks about the love bug :) I do very much enjoy all the discussion though. 

I want to know how old Tushan Zhen is? isn't he still a child?

Tushan Zhen was born in chapter 26. Then XY engaged with FL in chapter 28. Engagement time was about 6.5 years until the marriage. Then 1 month in QS and XY returned to meet Jing. Did it take about 2 years until TSH and FFYY was caught? Jing waited for 3 years until he proposed XY + 42 years of engagement + 7 year missing = ~60 years (deity age)

XY stayed in Jade mountain for 70 years, thus when she left Jade Mountain, she was older than 80 years old. And she was still a kid at that time.

Therefore, Tu Shan Zhen was still a kid by the time TSJ married XY

so he put the responsibility of the Tushan clan and all its businesses on a little kid? 

Yes, TSZ was definitely still a child when he became clan leader in the novel based on the timelines in the novel and also XY's comments (she calls him an innocent child in chapter 44 when she asks CX to intervene to support TSZ becoming clan leader).


Chapter 44:

Xiao Yao asked about the Tu Shan clan situation and Zhuan Xu said, “It’s a bit of a mess. Tu Shan Zhen is the successor in name but the clan elders know he isn’t Jing’s real son so they are complicating things with their plotting. The Tu Shan clan is a prime piece of flesh that everyone wants a bite out of, and the world would be thrilled to see internal strife in the clan so they are fanning the discord.”

Zhuan Xu never mentioned Jing actively but if Xiao Yao asked then he discussed it directly. He was like a doctor treating a patient, he didn’t hide the injury but also didn’t actively exacerbate it. He knew Xiao Yao was very sensitive to any mention of Jing’s death but he chose not to shy away from the subject now.

Xiao Yao asked, “Can you get involved with the Tu Shan clan situation?”

“Of course I can’t openly, but neither can the other players. So everyone is getting involved behind the scenes.”

Xiao Yao said, “As long as I am alive, I don’t want the Tu Shan clan to fall.”

Zhuan Xu asked, “What do you want to do?”

Xiao Yao said, “Tu Shan Zhen is not Jing’s son but he is the bloodline of the Tu Shan clan. I think the Tu Shan Grand Madam would not have objected to him being the clan leader.”

Zhuan Xu asked, “His parents killed Jing, don’t you hate him?”

Xiao Yao was silent for some time before saying, “If Hou was still alive I could cut him into millions of pieces, but Tu Shan Zhen is just a child and he did nothing wrong. You and I know what it’s like to grow up without parents, and his birth isn’t something good to begin with so his life is already going to be hard. If he can’t be the clan leader then others will likely harm him one day. He is the successor in name and blood, I don’t want Jing to come back one day and have Zhen gone.”

Zhuan Xu was startled into silence by Xiao Yao’s words, but after a few moments he smiled, “Fine, let Tu Shan Zhen be the clan leader then.”

Xiao Yao said, “Thank you.”


But it sounds like the timelines in the drama are significantly shorter than the timelines in the novel. TSJ and XY aren't engaged for 42 years, and TSJ doesn't disappear for 7 years. When TSZ became clan leader in the novel, he was already younger than XY was when she was first captured by the nine tailed fox as a kid (after living on Five Gods Mountain for several years, then Xuan Yuan Mountain for 8 years, then Jade Mountain for 70 years, then in unspecified mountains for 20 years). In the drama, XY is shown to still be a kid when she escapes from the nine tailed fox (another 30 years later, so she must have been at least 130 years old). And yet drama TSZ is even younger than novel TSZ when he becomes clan leader... so drama TSZ is super, super young when he becomes clan leader. Definitely still a child and definitely going to remain a child for many more years. 

At the poinciana forest on Cao Yun peak, Cang Xuan gave the Ruo Mu flower to Xiao Yao, the woman he had always loved, the only woman he wanted to give it to. The Ruo Mu flower had the authority to deploy the armies of the Ruoshui clan, and now he gave it to her as her dowry and blessings from his mother who would have wanted her to have it.

He reminisced how in that same poinciana forest, she once promised to be his wife, never to part (this would definitely be changed to sister in the actual drama, in keeping with how the dialogue was re-dubbed). Xiao Yao never thought that he still remembered their promise, thinking he was like their grandfather, only caring about the throne.

Yeah, definitely expecting this to either get changed to sister to match how they changed the promise scene in episode 1 or to just get cut since it would make less sense / be less impactful if it were changed (given that CX and XY continued to call each other gege and meimei and continued to stay with each other and support each other after they reunited).

Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing were married at her grandmother Xie Zhu's palace on Xuan Yuan mountain.

In the morning, Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing went to pay their respects at their families' graves.

Since there is no Sir Bi or Lie Yang to attend the wedding reception and to cry and drink with her, I guess she doesn't get drunk on her wedding night in the drama?

TSJ: I too have no more cares left. Tushan Zhen is now the new clan leader. It would be awkward if I returned.

Wow. They really phrased this in a way that maximizes how bad TSJ's selfish decision (to allow a child to relieve him of his burdens) looks. This manages to emphasize how extremely cowardly (he's willing to dump his heavy burden on a child just to avoid some awkwardness!) and how extremely callous (he's willing to let the child he raised as his own son for decades suffer and bear the difficulties of being the clan leader with very little guidance or protection from the clan elders that are predisposed to make TSZ's position even more difficult since they know the truth about TSZ's parentage) that decision is. 

If they wanted to try to make TSJ look better, they could have phrased it more like, "I have no ties left to hold me back. Tu Shan Zhen is the new clan leader. If I returned, it would cause more problems than it would solve. I can only trust Hu Zhen, Jing Ye and Hu Mao to guide and protect him well in my stead."

They also could have kept the part where he gave Hu Zhen messages to pass on to TSZ and the clan leaders. 

Xiao Yao told her Royal Father that they had not decided where to settle down yet, but planned to travel the world, collecting medical prescriptions and herbs, and updating medical texts. They would settle down once they found a place they both liked. She promised him that they would send word once they settled down, and not just disappear without a trace.

So XY won't fully achieve the freedom from her bloodline that she successfully achieved in the novel. 


Chapter 51:

The Grand Emperor asked Xiao Yao and Jing, “Have you decided where you’re going?”

Jing replied, “No, just wander for a bit and if we can find a place both of us like then perhaps we will settle there.”

The Grand Emperor joked, “When you decide on where to settle, send word to us. Don’t go and disappear without a trace.”

Jing smiled and said nothing while Xiao Yao kneeled down with him and both bowed three times to the Grand Emperor. Xiao Yao said, “Dad, please take care of yourself. We are off now.”

The Grand Emperor sighed in resignation and said with a smile, “Off you go!”

Jing and Xiao Yao got on the cart and, with the clamor of horse hooves and wheels, soon they disappeared amongst the people and carts on the road.

The cart they were riding was ordinary and could not be distinguished from the other carts on the road.

The Grand Emperor had sharp eyes but soon he couldn’t not tell which was her cart. He saw countless carts on the road and everyone was the most ordinary human out there, and now Xiao Yao was one of them.

The Grand Emperor’s heart was sorrowful but also a sense of letting go.

Xiao Yao had the most noble and royal lineage in the entire world. Her mom tried to break free from it with all her might but she didn’t succeed. But now Xiao Yao succeeded.

Xiao Yao had the Face Forming Flower inside her and Jing was the descendant of the Nine Tailed Fox. Once they departed, they could disappear forever.

The Grand Emperor already could sense Jing and Xiao Yao’s intentions but did not openly acknowledge it. He acted like it was a normal trip and would also let Zhuan Xu and the Yellow Emperor think that Xiao Yao was still living in Xuan Yuan Castle.

A few hundred years ago when Xiao Yao escaped Jade Mountain and wandered the world, it likely set in motion today’s ending. She returned briefly to the world of the Gods, from Five Gods Mountain to Xuan Yuan Mountain to Sheng Nong Mountain, she witnessed firsthand the unification of the entire Wilderness. Perhaps it was to complete her mother’s final wish to let Zhuan Xu safely ascend the throne, and today Xiao Yao had fulfilled her mother’s dying wish. Xiao Yao chose the path going forward of the water returning to the sea, the bird returning to the tree, once again returning to where she really belonged.

The Grand Emperor walked with Ah Nian slowly back to the blacksmith shop.

It was the busiest time in Xuan Yuan Castle, people walking on the streets and alleys, carts and horses jamming up the space. The sounds of vendors calling out mixed together, and Xiao Yao could be the lady selling wine in the shop, or the doctor napping in his clinic, or that lady chasing after her son with a fan…

The Grand Emperor could not help but smile, when Zhuan Xu discovered [that Xiao Yao was no longer living in Xuan Yuan Castle] and then could not find Xiao Yao, he would undoubtedly be furious. But he would soon realize that Xiao Yao was the world of people and the world of people was Xiao Yao. As long as the entire world was at peace, then their Xiao Yao would be living happily.

AN (her expression seemingly relaxed, but her eyes were cautious): Older Sister, this is my wedding present for you. Wishing you and... Jing, hearts that are forever united, remaining a devoted couple to the end of your lives.

Xiao Yao was momentarily stunned before taking the gift and holding it in her arms.

XY: Haven't you given us a gift already? Still, one can't have too many presents. Since you wish to give again, I will accept again.
AN (requesting): Older Sister, bring this doll together with you to travel the world. (holding back her sorrow) Make... (softly) up... for what I am missing out on.
XY: Alright.

Man these changes. Not. a. fan.

As they receded into the distance, Gao Xin Shao Hao and the old Xuan Yuan king calmly noted that they had conveniently forgotten to inform Cang Xuan that Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing were leaving. Gao Xin Shao Hao was sad but gratified that Xiao Yao had managed to accomplish A Heng's unfulfilled wish. As long as the world was peaceful, the old Xuan Yuan king was certain Xiao Yao would have a good life.

Among the audience were Cang Xuan and A Nian, dressed in plain clothes, with Lao Sang and Hai Tang in attendance. A physician carting a medicine box accidentally ran into A Nian, touching her dress. A Nian did not mind but merely smiled, but Cang Xuan violently turned and chased after the physician, calling him "Xiao Yao", then realised that he was mistaken. Dejected, he watched as the physician disappeared into the crowd. The world now at peace, Qingshui town was bustling more than ever, but Xiao Yao was no where to be found.

CX: The waters return to the sea, the birds enter the forest, Xiao Yao has returned from whence she came. I wonder where she is right now, and whether she is doing well.
AN (following his gaze to look at the marketplace): Older Sister could be the woman selling flowers, or the owner of the clothing store who is dozing off, or the married woman buying candy for the child... By looking at them, you would know that no matter where Older Sister is, she is definitely living a good life.

This doesn't seem to match up with XY promising to keep in touch and not disappear? Unless it's clear that XY was lying when she made that promise to her father?

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 19-24

Thank you for translating liddi!

 Xiang lu forever:
I once peaked at the other forum ,they were saying Jing was the Master healer.I didn't continue to read.What master healer?!!!

Wow. That's quite the claim. IMO, even if one were to interpret the novel with the most generous and TSJ-favourable view, that still would not be an accurate characterization. 

TSJ's powers enable him to provide some pain relief that doesn't actually heal the underlying injury causing the pain. His wealth allows him to easily buy rare and expensive medicines and to hire expensive doctors. And he learned some medical skills from WXL.

I can't recall TSJ ever healing someone other than WXL/XY, and I actually can't recall a single instance where the novel actually describes TSJ administering treatment to WXL or XY (although by context it is definitely implied that he does so on several occasions). Whereas the drama directly shows TSJ (or rather YSQ) administering treatments to WXL's wounds after taking her away from the remnant army's military camp. 

Plus, in chapter 6 it's specified that WXL's body is unique (due to the time she spent living on Jade Mountain) so her wounds heal faster than the wounds of other deities. Also, because of her unique body composition, normal medical treatments don't always work for WXL. So in the circumstances where WXL or XY heals while under TSJ's direct or indirect care, it's not clear whether the medicine and treatments she receives are actually as effective as they seem, or if WXL mostly healed on her own due to her unique body composition.


Chapter 26:

Jing anxiously put one hand on Xiao Yao’s wrist while his other clutched the wine cup and transformed the wine into a fog. Everyone knew the Tu Shan clan had the power to mystify which was very useful for taking away pain. No one thought it weird what Jing was doing.


Chapter 8:

Shi Qi sat up and wanted to help Xiao Liu up but touched his leg and Xiao Liu yelped in pain. Shi Qi held him. “You’re hurt?”



“My legs.”

Shi Qi felt Xiao Liu’s legs and the pain lessened but Xiao Liu quickly said, “You’re also injured, don’t use your powers.”

Shi Qi ignored him and touched the other leg and Xiao Liu yelled, “Be good!”

Shi Qi said nothing and after he touched the legs Xiao Liu felt the pain lessen a lot


The doctor came to treat Xiao Liu’s injury and Shi Qi stayed to help. The doctor applied medication and then wrapped the legs in wooden boards so the bone could heal. Xiao Liu felt like her two legs were soaked in cool water and almost couldn’t feel any pain.

The doctor said, “Try not to use your legs, if you rest up then it’ll heal fast in a month and slow in three months.”


Chapter 6:

Xiao Liu’s body was very unique so wounds healed faster than most. Jing also left a lot of good medicine ranging from the bones and elixirs from Jade Mountain, harnessed crystal, whatever was in the vast wilderness that was precious it was here. Xiao Liu’s injuries healed quickly.


When Xiao Liu opened his eyes, he was in the middle of a cave, his entire body soaked in a small pool. There were all sorts of precious medicines tossed into the pool. For anyone else, mixing all these various herbs and medicines would do more harm than good. But for Xiao Liu’s weird body, soaking in all sorts of random things actually helped.

There was likely a painkiller medicine in there as well because Xiao Liu felt his body was soft and painless.


A day later, Jing arrived nearby. Xiang Liu was still injured and a very wary person so he would never meet someone that could be a threat. When he felt Jing close to the cave, he quietly left and the injured Xiao Liu was alone in the cave when Jing came in. He saw Xiao Liu floating in the pool, face completely white, body covered in injuries, eyes closed and fast asleep.

Jing felt for his pulse and immediately picked him up, carrying him out of the cave in quick steps while calling for his winged ride.

Ten days later, Xiao Liu woke up in an elegantly decorated room.


Xiao Liu turned and left. Jing reached out his hand but slowly pulled it back, only watching Xiao Liu’s form disappear down the corridor.

It appeared Xiao Liu was recovered but he still couldn’t use any energy and would get tired from just a little labor. 


Winter arrived and by then Xiao Liu’s injuries were all healed.


Chapter 25:

Zhuan Xu touched her forehead. “A bit feverish but the doctor said your constitution is unique so don’t take medicine yet but drink more liquids. What’s most important is that you remain calm and peaceful.”


Chapter 2:

Every day Xiao Liu needed to change his bandages and he brazenly took off his clothes and showed his backside to Shi Qi. Xiao Liu couldn’t see Shi Qi’s expression and teased, “I’ve seen your entire body from top to bottom but all you can see is my back. That doesn’t seem fair?” Shi Qi said nothing and Xiao Liu giggled.

Xiao Liu’s injuries were very severe and Shi Qi initially thought they needed to spend a month or two in the mountains but by the 10th day Xiao Liu was up on crutches. Two days later Xiao Liu decided to go home.


Chapter 5:

Xiao Liu looked at his hands which were wrapped like two balls, indicating the injuries were severe but with the medicine applied there wasn’t much pain. Jing brought a bowl of soup over and Xiao Liu was starving but forced himself to drink slowly. After eating, Jing took out a pill and told Xiao Liu to suck on it. Xiao Liu sucked on the pill and looked around.


Chapter 9:

Zhuan Xu wanted to smile but couldn’t as his lips quivered. Shi Qi walked over and said, “Xiao Liu’s hands are injured.”

Zhuan Xu hurriedly called for medicine. The Grand Emperor’s personal retainer had the medicine ready and was waiting outside and rushed in with everything when he heard Zhuan Xu calling. Xiao Liu’s hands were treated and bandaged quickly.

The doctor reported to the Grand Emperor, “It’s just an external injury, no bones or nerves were injured. It will heal in a few days.”

Don't go there, trust me. It's not worth it. AH can confirm, she keeps saying I shouldn't go there.

Yep. If those kinds of posts upset you, don't go there for your own sake. It will harm your mental health and there's no benefit. Definitely not worth it. 

 AH :
I can't recall TSJ ever healing someone other than WXL/XY, and I actually can't recall a single instance where the novel actually describes TSJ administering treatment to WXL or XY (although by context it is definitely implied that he does so on several occasions).

 AH :
6 minutes ago
 Xiang lu forever:
I once peaked at the other forum ,they were saying Jing was the Master healer.I didn't continue to read.What master healer?!!!

Those people who claim him the master healer took the message from the drama: HEALING. The song which is believed as Jing's theme song is Heal(ing). And it is taken from the context that XY told CX that Jing healed her pain in chapter 47. However, don't trust much on XY's word. She said a lot of bullshit one. Jing had never healed her trauma completely. He  is the place where she thought she could escape from her psychology shortcomings.

P/s: and the message that the drama tries to sell is also happy ending with XY-Jing. So it is what is it. I just don't care if both of them healed each other 

 AH :
IMO, slotting in that text makes the scene feel disjointed and makes it so that it doesn't flow as well as Koala's translation.

That is why she/he skipped that. First time that I read the text in my language with that text included, I also feel the text is disconnected to the whole content. But TH didn't write thing without intention

I brieftly put the whole text (I had little time now so I can't polish or check other translation but Kaola also skipped a lot of Jing's garden and the decoration of the room

Ten days later, Xiao Liu woke up and found himself in a very elegant room. The  bright pearl lamps hang high and the silk thread hangs low. It was hot summer outside, but it was very cool indoors. From the wide open window, one could see that the courtyard was full of flowers, such as jasmine, jasmine, gladioli, musk vine, Zhu Jin, and osmanthus. , red banana, harpo, bu... Under the eaves, there wss a row of wind chimes hanging. They were made of ice crystals from the far north where there was snow all year round. They were red, bamboo green, purple indigo, lotus under the moon white...  the ice crystals carved into various flower shapes matching their colors. The breeze blew by, picking up the cold air on the ice crystals and spreading them around, making the entire courtyard as cool as spring

Xiao Liu put on a robe and walked out to the corridor. Jing stood up in the courtyard and looked steadily at him. 

The bright warm sun, the vibrant flowers, and there was a gentleman, such as gold, such as tin, such as jades; everything was pleasing to the eye and made people happy. 

Xiaoliu walked up to Jing, smiled and sighed softly: "I just poured wine from that golden bottle, Drink it to avoid missing forever I only pour wine into a cup made of rhino* horn, Drink it to avoid suffering forever" from death to life, let me indulge for a while and forget about those sad things  

Jing reached out and stroked his cheek, as if to confirm that he was really the same. Xiao Liu tilted his head slightly, feeling the warmth in his palm, Jing hugged Xiao Liu, and gently but forcefully held her in his arms.

Xiao Liu closed his eyes and rested his head lightly on Jing's shoulder. At this moment, they were  Shi Qi  and Xiao Liu.

Ding Ding Dong - the sound of cups and plates falling to the ground.

Xiao Liu raised his head and saw Jing Ye standing sluggishly under the porch, her eyes full of horror.

Keep in mind what happened in the pool just before she was unconscious , the arousal sensation she had with XL who she knew he was not suitable and in the drama they showed XY called XY name, tried to grab, keep him Of course you also can interpret that she called XY to stop killing CX in her dream. However, XY had never develop romatic feeling (lover to CX) so what is more plausible

Seriously, though, thank you for the one on one comparisons so I can see the changes that were made.  I love this song.  Besides being beautiful, it introduces XL in one of the best entrances ever.

Yes. And whether intentional or not, the lyrics when we see him in the drama for the first time, hearing her sing were:

Why are there joys and sorrows in the world; Why are there gatherings and partings in the world;
Why am I willing to hold hands with you for the rest of my life,
Stay together forever, never to part. 

 AH :

Yep. If those kinds of posts upset you, don't go there for your own sake. It will harm your mental health and there's no benefit. Definitely not worth it. 

Yeah.That was my first and last.I was just curious but then I realised it was really a terrible idea.Never again!I'm just gonna stay put in our own shell.

 AH :
Since there is no Sir Bi or Lie Yang to attend the wedding reception and to cry and drink with her, I guess she doesn't get drunk on her wedding night in the drama?

Nope. The wedding (scene 20) ends with Cang Xuan giving his blessings, entrusting Xiao Yao to Jing and finally drinking the wine as a toast to the couple. The next scene are the newly weds paying their respects at the graves of her family. 

 AH :
Wow. They really phrased this in a way that maximizes how bad TSJ's selfish decision (to allow a child to relieve him of his burdens) looks. This manages to emphasize how extremely cowardly (he's willing to dump his heavy burden on a child just to avoid some awkwardness!) and how extremely callous (he's willing to let the child he raised as his own son for decades suffer and bear the difficulties of being the clan leader with very little guidance or protection from the clan elders that are predisposed to make TSZ's position even more difficult since they know the truth about TSZ's parentage) that decision is. 

Yes. This scene does not paint Jing in a good light in any way.

 AH :
So XY won't fully achieve the freedom from her bloodline that she successfully achieved in the novel.

 AH :
This doesn't seem to match up with XY promising to keep in touch and not disappear? Unless it's clear that XY was lying when she made that promise to her father?

Yes, it was really misleading because she promised her father she would let them know once she settled down. She also promised her grandfather that if she came across any type of edible grains she had never seen before, she would arrange for merchant groups to bring it to him. Yet in the last scene, it is evident they (or at least Cang Xuan) have no idea where she was anymore. My take is that she settled down in Qingshui town as she and Jing agreed upon (and Cang Xuan overheard), but probably lived incognito and in disguise. In any case, it gives the impression that she did not keep her word after all. 

 AH :
Man these changes. Not. a. fan.

Exactly. And one more reason why I am so frustrated with the changes. What is the point of him going to all that trouble to making the laughing doll which carried his blessings and well wishes for her, when it was just an extra gift from A Nian in her eyes, that she could just as easily do without. 

Keeping fingers, toes, hair, heck... even eyes crossed that the finalised version fixes all these glaring issues, and not butcher the story and the characters, especially seeing how the cast are saying that S2 is even better than S1. 

Oh @liddi! It must have been tough all these months with that abomination running through your head. No wonder you had that outburst about Xiao Yao, when you're usually so calm. Unlike some of us here :-)

So sorry for missing your post! It's out in the open now... so I don't feel so lonely anymore since everyone here is suffering from it too!

I've been good this past week, staying away from the drama, the novel and the discussion forums. It has helped. But today, with everyone feeling so upset, seeing that gif that Elise posted of the scene when he found out about her identity and writing about his outfit/the exchange outside the Bone Prison had me tearing up again. Stupid hormones!!!

You had me all emotional too with the implications of the outfit and why he never wore it again, at least in S1. Not sure if we would see it make a comeback in S2, but I doubt it, based on the script.

The drama makes me hate Xiao Yao and I just want to find some XL/OC character fan fiction to wash the bad taste out of my mouth. Reading this last episode was so bad that I ran back to Love My Voice despite that show being as dull as watching paint dry. 

If I remember correctly, Yang Zi made an interesting comment though... based on her analysis of the character, in the end, Xiao Yao's healing did not come from anyone else, but through her own personal growth as she faces and overcomes all the hardships that came her way. I thought I read somewhere that she fought for the scene with her mother to be included, but I don't see any such scene, unless they are referring to that illusion she had of her mother and father in the bamboo house. Whatever it is, I am still holding out hope that the leaked script was not yet finalised, and someone had the good sense to address the glaring issues. However, I then remember what she insisted in her live stream that, Xiao Yao never knew the extent of what Xiang Liu felt and did for her, so I don't know what to think anymore. Please don't disappoint. S1 won so many awards this year, and I really hope that this will continue with S2.

As for LMLMV, I don't know whether I will ever go back (I never watched past Ep1!) if rumours that the Gu Yun persona was purely for the MV, and not even in the drama proper, are true. Do you know? I will probably try and continue Are You Safe, or A Journey to Love (though I heard that was another massacre in the end) to distract myself. We will see. 


especially seeing how the cast are saying that S2 is even better than S1.

the cast has to try to attract audience and “sell” the drama.

for each of them the definition of success or better is different 

ZWY will have more emotional scenes for sure to show his performance skill 

DW  will have more plot stories which aims to paint him better. his character will end up with FL. happy ending.

TJC: he knew his character’s fate. so he would try his best to grab audience’s sympathy and admiration of his emotional performance skill. Such as more bloody but poetic death.

Yang Zi: she is FL. anyway she has to protect her role

P/s: if the trend of storyline matches the leaked script, i wish they win nothing next prize season

the cast has to try to attract audience and “sell” the drama.

Please don't shatter my bubble. It is fragile enough as it is, and I need something to hold on to. Seriously though, there are scenes I am definitely looking forward to - the bugs glowing in unison after the 4th question, Xiang Liu singing Chi Chen's song to Xiao Yao, the final confrontation, killing of the lovers bug, and his death scene. 


Please don't shatter my bubble. It is fragile enough as it is, and I need something to hold on to. Seriously though, there are scenes I am definitely looking forward to - the bugs glowing in unison after the 4th question, Xiang Liu singing Chi Chen's song to Xiao Yao, the final confrontation, killing of the lovers bug, and his death scene. 

windiaaa041293 once told me about XL’s blowing heart when he told XY about Jing before the last treatment in the drama. U can see it, the blowing light at the bottom edge of the screen . So there are some intended blowing bugs in the drama (from XL side). What is exact intention?


While I have time to engage in the thread, I have another question. Does anyone know, what is supposed to happen to XL once he is passed according to the Chinese mythology the novel is based on? Can he reincarnate? Or be revived by using his demon core or something like described in fanfiction? Will he have his memories if that happens? Is there a higher status like nirvana in Chinese mythology? 

The mythological figure that Xiang Liu is based on didn't get reincarnated. Many Chinese fantasy series have multiple lifetimes and/or reincarnations. With reincarnations, there is usually a memory wipe with each reincarnation, but they will typically remember by the end of the story. It depends on the individual world-building of the novel. Nirvana is more of a Buddhist concept and depending on the world-building, some stories will have a mixture of Buddhism, mythology and Taoism.

There were no reincarnation or multiple lifetimes in Once Promised or LYF. However, Tong Hua gave an interview about how she planned to write, I think 4 books as part of the Once Promised, LYF world and the second novel was supposed to feature the Underworld.  If there's an Underworld then chances are reincarnations/resurrection would have been definite possibilities. It's too bad that it's highly unlikely that Tong Hua will return to the LYF universe again. Maybe it's a good thing because who knows what she'll write and that may or may not "ruin" the stories that we've already got.