Also, I might be alone here, but the discussion she had with AhNian în chapter 33 IMO targets Jing as well. I mean she herself said that she didn't actually fight for them and she expected Jing to put all the work by himself. Yes, her relationship with Jing she didn't end it herself, but she didn't help much either.  She did take the initiative with XL, when she sent him the crystal ball - she was pleading, begging and summoning even against all odds, because XL never really gave her any hope, but for Jing IMO she never really did anything, beside waiting. Maybe the reason why she ran away from the wedding wasn't only because she didn't love Feng Long, and thus got the reason to end it, but also because "liking someone is something that can't stop you", implying her love for XL. 

“I want to know why you ran away from the wedding. Good Jiejie, tell me!”

“My running away from the wedding impacted a lot of people but actually the fundamental reason is that I don’t love Feng Long. You know that liking someone is something that can’t stop you, and not liking someone gives you any reason to end it.”

I am curious how you guys interpret the dream she had în chapter 32. My interpretation is that even though she is aware that her life next to Shiqi is something that she always longed for, since she always wanted a peaceful life with a forever companion, the truth is that deep down all she can see and what she actually wants is XL /  pure white, not Jing. She covers her eyes the same way XL had, when he saw himself reflected into her eyes, în  chapter 35.

"Xiao Yao nibbled on the biscuit and gradually fell asleep. She felt like she was back in Hui Chun Clinic and napping in the courtyard with Shi Qi quietly working beside her. She would natter to Shi Qi that the Autumn afternoon was the highlight of the day and have him go lay on the pallet with her to bask in the sun.

A string of children’s laughter roused Xiao Yao from her sleep and she flipped over. She subconsciously glanced towards Shi Qi and instead saw only pure white. Xiao Yao covered her eyes with her hands but she didn’t know what she was trying to cover."

Chapter 35

"Because she just cried, Xiao Yao’s eyes were extraordinarily clear and bright. Xiang Liu could clearly see himself reflected in her eyes so he covered her eyes with his hand “I’m off!”

“As to Xiao Yao's feelings for Xiang Liu being possessive. Hmm, I always sees Xiao Yao as avoiding/hiding from her feelings for him more than anything else. The only moment where I detect some potential jealousy and possessiveness was when she told him not to mess with Ah Nian.”

@HeadInTheClouds Apart from the interaction with Ah Nian, I agree that there are not that many instances where XY seems jealous with regard to XL. IIRC, novel did not have that many situations for XY to be jealous of any women with FFB after his identity as XL was revealed. But my interpretation is that even if there are situations like that, XY could still not be jealous. Part of the reason for this is, according to my interpretation, XY always considered XL to be unattainable and someone from somewhere else who is briefly visiting the mortal realm. Even with FFB, she compared FFB with Tushan Hou and reflected on how FFB seemed indifferent to any mortal attachments (not the exact words, but something like this). So, my take is that XY was never in a position to be jealous of XL. To me, it felt like she was perpetually yearning for something she could not have, not just because of her family ties, but also because of the indifference she thought XL had. 

Even though XY could not be jealous, I think that her disregard for XL’s life during her suicide attempt and seagull assassination attempt reflects her selfishness and possessiveness when it comes to XL.

I am curious how you guys interpret the dream she had în chapter 32. My interpretation is that even though she is aware that her life next to Shiqi is something that she always longed for, since she always wanted a peaceful life with a forever companion, the truth is that deep down all she can see and what she actually wants is XL /  pure white, not Jing. She covers her eyes the same way XL had, when he saw himself reflected into her eyes, în  chapter 35.

That chapter is difficult to understand like hell. Serial of contradict.

My understanding is that XL just told her that FFB was dead. She was extremely sad, cried but didn't want to let him know so she covered her face with the cold water from the well. She did not know if she shed tears out or swallowed her tear back which is more painful (I think). Then in front of him she behaved as if he was nothing. Then she pretended as thing was normal and lying on the mat, eating bread etc. Her message to him is she didn't care eventhought FFB was dead, tried to hide her sadness. She dreamed of Jing as a kind of pain soother, someone accompany her to do the same thing that she liked in the past. She always felt lying under the sun with someone else was much better than alone. The fact was that in the past Lao Mu, Mazi or Chuanzi didn't like sunbathing; only Jing did so when she "forced" him to do so. If in the past Lao Mu or Mazi had done that thing with her, probably she would have dreamed of that one too. Moreover, that memory also remind her one thing: in Jing's case, she was the one who controled the situation (even when Jing and she was in "battle") but in XL's case, she was passive and he made decision.  Of course it was much easier the upper case. Therefore, dream of Jing is a kind of painkiller for her for the pain of losing FFB.

The Autumn afternoon is the most beautiful time of the day. When no one was direly ill, Xiao Liu liked taking a big lily frond to cover his eyes and laying on the straw pallet used to dry herbs. ....

He once encouraged Ma Zi and Lao Mu to bask in the sun in the same way but both felt it was super embarrassing and refused to copy him. So this wonderful feeling, Xiao Liu can only experience it alone.....

Xiao Liu called “Shi Qi.” Shi Qi stopped and looked up at Xiao Liu silently. “Hhhmmm….” Xiao Liu shook his head “Nothing.” Shi Qi lowered his head and went back to work. “Shi Qi.” Shi Qi stopped again but this time didn’t look up at Xiao Liu though he was listening. “You rest for a bit!”

“Not tired.” Shi Qi went back to work.

Xiao Liu took off the frond and looked at Shi Qi, tearing pieces off the front until it was in strips. Lao Mu and Chuan Zi never sensed that he was mad at Shi Qi. But Xiao Liu and Shi Qi both knew – in the beginning Shi Qi wanted to apologize but Xiao Liu pretended to be clueless and was instead even more polite and courteous. Gradually Shi Qi stopped trying and would only silently follow him like a shadow, finishing the work that three people used to do.

“Shi Qi………” Shi Qi raised his head to look at Xiao Liu but Xiao Liu didn’t know what he wanted to say. He bit his lip and suddenly smiled and patted the space next to him “You come here, I’ll show you something fun.”

Shi Qi put down his chores and walked over. Xiao Liu laid down and explained to Shi Qi what to do, showing him how to bask in the sun like he was doing. Shi Qi was not like Ma Zi and Chuan Zi and immediately followed suit. Xiao Liu squinted as he counted the clouds above, feeling content and letting out a sigh. Even though it was the same sun warming him, the same pallet he was laying on, but two people basking under the sun felt particularly nice for some reason. (Chapter 4)

When she woke up, turning to the side she saw XL in brightly white. His figure was so white and bright that sored her eyes (TH even placed XL sitting in front of very dark red maple tree to make him look whiter). She was still hurt of losing FFB, losing her hope of having him in the mortal world with her. 

You're referring to the conversation they have in chapter 29 after leaving the restaurant owned by the one-armed veteran whose specialty is donkey meat?"

Yes, I always had the impression she wanted to tell him more în that scene, but she couldn't find her words and XL didn't encourage her either. 

in this scene in front of Xiao Zhu Rong masion, XL urged her to go in side. he just said it a few time. He want her to get back to her world, the mortal world with her friends, her family. And she had the feeling that XL made the decision to discontinue FFB anymore. That was enough to made her depressed terrible from chapter 29 till chapter 31 (with openly description). So, althought she did want to show to XL she cared but she was devastrated and blamed him. She hid her eyes to avoid seeing him as well as didn't let him seeing her emotion. 

Left Ear in chapter 43 asked her if she missed FFB. Because for demon, if they knew that someone cared and missed them, there would be light in their hearts. XY wanted to punish XL for killing FFB, she showed her ignorance. She treated him as if he didn't exist. Did XL mourn for FFB. She did. Her mental state was identical was her problem in chapter 31: poor sleep, in daze, doing nothing. 

"When she fell asleep, she tossed and turned as if she were awake; When I was awake, I was in a trance, as if I was dreaming." (Chapter 31)

I think that her disregard for XL’s life during her suicide attempt and seagull assassination attempt reflects her selfishness and possessiveness when it comes to XL

Thinking back about her suicide attempt that she seemed not to care for XL's life. I suddently have a hypothesis that 

1. Honestly she was a mental problem patient. Losing her biggest hope that was so close or losing the person that she treasured most, trusted most was big shock for her. As she admitted that she had noone to love, could not go freely then death was a solution.

2. Did she took XL into consideration. Maybe she had this thought long before: XL would not die if XY died. He had 9 lives. If she died, he could lose 1 life but it was likely that he would survise. Normally everyone had only 1 life. Thus if one died, the other of the loving couple would died because he/she would loss the only life. We see that in chapter 48, XL used 2 of his lives to kill the bugs. Each bug died together with one life. Probably, XY had exchange information with the witch king in the process of trying to remove her bug. The 2nd reason is the day she committed suicide was on fullmoon day. The first attempt was on wedding night - 15th day of the month. And the 2nd time with CX was also on full moon day when the demon power was at its peak. XL also chose fullmoon for treatment and killing the bug. Actually I don't like XY's attitude, this point can help her image a bit. In anycase, she promised with XL that she had to live but she didn't keep her word. On the other hand, CX betrayed her, if she didn't keep the promise to not do such stupid thing in future, it might be a draw between them. 

3. Another explanation for "XY died but XY could survise" is XY knew in her Merlin assassination case, XL could use blood spell to use one of his live to extend/renew her life. So, she might have thought that in case she died, one of his life was dying and he could use blood spell to extend that dying life. 

In anycase having 8 lives left would give XL chance to survise. 

“I want to know why you ran away from the wedding. Good Jiejie, tell me!”

“My running away from the wedding impacted a lot of people but actually the fundamental reason is that I don’t love Feng Long. You know that liking someone is something that can’t stop you, and not liking someone gives you any reason to end it.”


My escape from marriage seems to involve many people, but in fact, it has nothing to do with anyone. The most fundamental reason is that I don't like Feng Leong. You should be able to understand that if you really like someone, no one can stop you. If you don't like that person, any reason will be a reason to give up. " 

Note: TH used only the world "喜欢" [xihuan] which can means love/like/fond of. So if the fundamental reason is that she didn't love FL then then other sentences should be translated as love instead of like. Or the other way around: like or don't should be used in all sentences. 

XY's running away from the wedding in her opinion had nothing to do with repayment of XL's debt for moving the bug. She calculated the balance of love, happiness/pain, bitterness and in both cases paying XL's debt or not would result in the same (text in orange). Actually, the pain for bitterness caused by breaking the vow with XL could be uncertain. But the consequence of running with an infamous prodigal boy as FFB in front of entire world (all sort of noble families) was definite. The critical reasons are following:

1. Fundamental reason: no love with FL. Thus FFB came with the request of paying his debt was just an excuse for running away. She run away with FFB (not FFB took her away) because that was what she wanted deep down inside. 

2. Run away from the wedding for someone that she really liked (she owned him her life) althought she would be spitted by the entire world, althought he used such worst way to snatch her from the wedding, detroying her reputation and influenced her family reputation too. As she said "if you really like someone, no one can't stop you.". It required a lot of courage to run away in such case as Yellow Emperor told her that  “You have the guts to run away from your wedding in front of the entire world, I thought you would be afraid of nothing. (chapter 33)"

Fang Feng Bei “I want you to leave with me right now!”

Xiao Yao’s entire body turned cold, with the entire vast wilderness gathered here, if she ran away from her wedding and especially left with another man, that would be such an insult to the Chi Sui clan and to Feng Long. How would the Chi Sui clan see her? How would the entire world view her?

Xiao Yao asked “Why?” Xiang Liu, you knew two months ago I was getting married, why do you have to do it this way? Do you want the entire world to spit on me? If you want to destroy me, why did you choose this most degrading method?

Fang Feng Bei coldly said “You don’t need to ask why, you just need to do as I say. I want you to leave with me. Right. Now!”

The blood oath rang in her ears “If I renege on this promise, whatever I love will turn into pain, whatever brings me happiness will turn bitter.” With today’s events, even if she kept the promise, did that mean there won’t be any pain and any bitterness? Xiao Yao bitterly smiled, whether or not she kept the promise, she was going to have not a day of peace in her life.

Feng Long nervously stared at Xiao Yao and he didn’t realize his voice was quivering “Xiao Yao, it’s time to bow!”

Fang Feng Bei stared intently at Xiao Yao and coldly pressed her “Xiao Yao, you owe me this.”

She did owe him! Not just the blood oathshe owed him her life. (Chapter 32)

Why did XY said "she owned him her life"? I don't think that is the reason for her excuse of declining the wedding with FL (no love should be sufficient enough, plus the oath with XL).  CX had told her that XL saved her with a condition, a deal that he request a peak in Shen-nong mountain. She could feel relieved or a bit of loss when hearing that from CX. But with her understanding about XL, that was consider to be "fair" deal. Thus, did she consider the ice-crystal ball as her offer that she laid her life in his hand, she wanted to him to take her hand? Or she understood that XL asked for the mountain peak to make her not feel indebt to him but  in her mind he lost one life for her, then she owned him her life? i still have to think about it? any of you have explanations for this quote?

P/s:so she tried to delay the wedding, she got drunk on wedding night in her perception can be due to “ not really like someone “

“The mythological figure that Xiang Liu is based on didn't get reincarnated. Many Chinese fantasy series have multiple lifetimes and/or reincarnations. With reincarnations, there is usually a memory wipe with each reincarnation, but they will typically remember by the end of the story. It depends on the individual world-building of the novel. Nirvana is more of a Buddhist concept and depending on the world-building, some stories will have a mixture of Buddhism, mythology and Taoism.”

Thanks Kokuto and HeadInTheClouds for the response. I think I didn’t write the question well. I wanted to know what is supposed to happen to the novel character XL based on what happened in the novel and how he ended up. I wanted to know if novel XL could reincarnate based on the world building in the novel. If reincarnation happens will he be a demon again?


I wanted to know what is supposed to happen to the novel character XL based on what happened in the novel and how he ended up. I wanted to know if novel XL could reincarnate based on the world building in the novel. If reincarnation happens will he be a demon again?

in the end, XL is believed to die. The End.

in LYF, there is no rebirth or multiple lives of reincarnation 

the only characters were reborn was A Heng, XY”s mother and Lie Yang. however it happened in Once Promised 

@H19279 I see. Thanks so much. 

Thanks Kokuto and HeadInTheClouds for the response. I think I didn’t write the question well. I wanted to know what is supposed to happen to the novel character XL based on what happened in the novel and how he ended up. I wanted to know if novel XL could reincarnate based on the world building in the novel. If reincarnation happens will he be a demon again?

Hmmmm.  I guess you're asking what sort of religion and afterlife is in the novel?  Not exactly sure there. I mean, they don't talk about reincarnation or Nirvana.  But they do have the idea of cultivation of spirit power.  Of course, the tales it draws from predates the standard religions. 

Like HeadInTheClouds said, there is often a mix of religions / beliefs in Chinese fantasies and dramas, so I don't see why he couldn't be reincarnated or resurrected.  If he's reincarnated, it could be as anything, from a plant to a bug to an animal to a human.  I wouldn't think he'd be a demon again, since he's gone through those tribulations, earned good karma, and 'leveled up.'  But he could also ascend to a different level of existence, like the Immortal Realm.

And as Tan Jian Ci said in his last interview, "For the ending of this character, I think you can open up your own imagination for his future.  It's not necessarily what is in the drama."  IOW, like Tong Hua said, "Can you believe what you see?"  There's always layers and there's always fanfic. ;p



I wanted to know what is supposed to happen to the novel character XL based on what happened in the novel and how he ended up. I wanted to know if novel XL could reincarnate based on the world building in the novel. If reincarnation happens will he be a demon again?

in the end, XL is believed to die. The End.

in LYF, there is no rebirth or multiple lives of reincarnation 

the only characters were reborn was A Heng, XY”s mother and Lie Yang. however it happened in Once Promised 

The key word there is 'believed.'  And if there's rebirth in Once Promised, then it also in LYF, since it's the same world and characters.  There's the possibility of rebirth for XL, even if it doesn't seem to occur in LYF.  Plus, Tong Hua did plan on writing a fourth book in the series, so who is to say that was the final end for XL?


Oh your interpretation about that dream makes sense too. Similar to the way she dreamed of CX when she was trapped by the 9 Tales fox. 


My daughter says it's Inuyasha and Kagome. 

Can we use the bonus points to redeem Xiang Liu from being butchered literally and metaphorically in S2?


We're really hitting desperate territory :-)

Tong Hua based Xiang Liu's image on Sesshōmaru from Inuyasha didn't she? If only she'd also gave him a happy ending like Sesshōmaru had :-(

Was the character of Inuyasha created by Tonghua?
I often read comments, they sometimes compare Inuyasha with the XL and XY stories.There is also a character who is obsessed with Inuyasha's hair, and compares it to Xy who is obsessed with XL's hair.


Was the character of Inuyasha created by Tonghua?
I often read comments, they sometimes compare Inuyasha with the XL and XY stories.There is also a character who is obsessed with Inuyasha's hair, and compares it to Xy who is obsessed with XL's hair.

No, Inuyasha is a Japanese manga and anime series. Inuyasha is the protagonist. Rumour is that Tong Hua based the image of Xiang Liu (white hair, white clothes, attitude, not showing emotions etc.) on Sesshōmaru, Inuyasha's half-brother. 

And if there's rebirth in Once Promised, then it also in LYF, since it's the same world and characters.  There's the possibility of rebirth for XL, even if it doesn't seem to occur in LYF.  Plus, Tong Hua did plan on writing a fourth book in the series, so who is to say that was the final end for XL

Of course, if the author wanted her character to "return" and play important role in the story then the only way is to make reincarnation or rebirth possible. 

Ah Heng was brought back in special case. She fell in Yu Yuan which was considered where the sun set, had enormous gravity. Yu Yuan is somehow like blackhole. it attracted everything inside and destroyed it. Moreover she was burnt from inside by magical fire by Zhurong (Feng Long's grandfather). Thus, she was considered as "dead". Lie Yang fell into Yu Yuan with A Heng. 200 years later, a magical stone (ghost stone) was found in Tang Gorge which is the place where the sun rises. And it was believed that A Heng's spiritual consciousness was embedded in that stone. To 'wake" her up, her brothers spent enormous spiritual power but failed. Keep in mind her eldest brother - Qing Yang was considered as one of the most powerful master in Dai Huang (top three are Qing Yang, Shao Hao and Chi You). Yellow Emperor arranged the magical maze to destroy the stone because it could cause catastrophe. In the end, Chi You and Shao Hao tried to enter the maze/challage. Chi You succeeded first and Ah Heng was "returned". He was badly injured. 

Qing Yang died. No resurrection, no reincarnation. 

So yes, if TH wanted to bring back XL for her next project, it is possible. Who will pay for his return. Probably, XY would have to try her best with all kind of resources and sacrifice.