because XY had serious psychological issues while XL didn’t.  the scare of being abandoned overruled her heart and decision

Agreed! I think that throughout the story XY's character kind of devolved while XL's had development. I used to read fanfics and daydream about situations where XY and XL might have made things work. But I had a change of heart after reading your post about how TH set XL's departure with dawn and XY/TSJ's like a funeral. I now think that XL had the best character arc and the best ending. I kind of understand if TH wanted to write a sequel and then did not. Surprisingly, this has also made me immune to whatever changes made to season 2. I found closure with the novel and looking forward to TJC's acting in season 2. 

Xiao Yao's mouthful of bullshit & entangled info

Part 2- it caused me to lose the man I like/love [喜 欢 - xihuan]

In this analysis would like to discuss about XY's words which could easily mislead the listeners. Who is the one she really mean in this sentence in the conversation with Jing in the begining of chapter 33 (after 1 month staying in QS town)?

Did she really tell lies? Not really, many information was truth. However, she masked the truth, the real subject that she wanted to hide with multiple veils-stories about Jing, FFYY. This analysis elucidates her dreams  that made her enormous pain and sadness. The dreams that she talked with Jing and CX which directly linked to the person that she loved/liked. Let's start with her thought and conversation with Jing after the wedding robbery and 1 month in 1 QS town with XL. 

First, she shared Tian Er's philosophy about companionship and how she dealed with Jing in the past. In short summary, she realized that she didn't walk with Jing, she didn't alarm him the issue of FFYY (that she was a dangerous woman), she did not take commitment in their relationship, always waited pessimistically for the outcome.  So, all the words that she used seems to match the next paragraph where she told him her fault, the reason that she lost the man she loved. It sounds very logical that she was talking about Jing. However, let's analyse her pain and experience of dream directly tied with her crucial mistake. 

Xiao Yao gestured for Jing to be silent and let her finish “Xan Tian Er said that a person’s life was liking walking a mountain road with no clue what to expect. People want a partner for the walk to assist and help. I promised to walk the road with you but I was always pessimistically waiting. It was like if we went to climb a mountain and agreed to do it together, but when I saw you heading down the wrong path, I didn’t stop you and let you continue the wrong way. So I saw a drop and didn’t help you from falling and instead stood to the side watching coldly.”


I stood to the side and watched. My childhood made me pessimistic about human emotions, I feel like nothing will last forever and no one can be relied on. I never truly believed in you and I didn’t want to make the effort first. So when what I expected happened, I felt like it was exactly as I predicted! I know people can’t be trusted! But I didn’t know that what we put in is what we get back. We need to make the effort to achieve the ending we want. Xan Tian Er said that I never planted the seeds and tilled the field, how can I expect to reap the crop in the end?”

And then she shared her experience and her own crucial mistake. She recalled "every night when she woke up from her dreams, she knew she was wrong but it was too late to fix. That pain was like a saw cutting through her bones. But it was all too late…….."

When did she had such painful dream? what did she dream? 

Such dreams were mentioned in chapter 29


Xiaoyao's nose was sore. From childhood to adulthood, every step she took, as long as she was weak, that would definitely lead to death. She never allowed herself to be weak. She didn't even understand that she had gone through such difficult and painful days, and now she couldn't bear it. ? However, every time when she dreamed back at midnight, the sadness and pain were like a flood, drowning her. (Chapter 29)

The keyword involving the pain and sadness were  tide/flood, drown which all relate to water.

Moreover, it is usually said that the dream normally reflect or involved in what people think while awake. XY during the day often thought of 2 key most beautiful/important periods in her life. Below is what she told CX when he concerned her abnormal behavior (in chapter 29)

Since you ascended the throne, for whatever reason I suddenly feel exhausted and uninterested in anything. I don’t have the pressure to get up the next day so I don’t even sleep well that night. I keep remembering the days I spent with Jing in Qing Shui Town and then remembering life with you when we were small and living on Cao Yun Court. I like those times but I don’t like living in memories of the past. No matter how wonderful the past was, it’s gone now. I don’t know why I’m so weak and useless and I don’t like myself now……..”

  • Her childhood with CX on Cao Yun Peak: this was her fond childhood memory thus it could not cause such pain
  • The time in QS town: did she only think of Jing in the memory about QS town? Could memory of QS town bring sorrow and pain when the time she had with YSQ and others in Huichun Clinic was peaceful and happy? Her memory about QS town was described in chapter 28 as following

She suddenly remembered her life in Qing Shui Town, the countless muggy Summer nights when they sat outside on the straw pallet, with Lao Mu, Ma Zi, Chuan Zi all jostling with each other, and Shi Qi sitting quietly next to her as she gnawed on a duck neck and drank her plum wine and happily thought about nothing.

Back then, the only tough thing in her life was Xiang Liu.

Qing Shui Town days seemed so long ago and so far beyond her reach, yet remaining vividly in her memories, leaving Xiao Yao’s eyes wet with tears. (Chapter 28)

Yes, the memory of QS town managed to make her cry. Jing (YSQ) was a part of Huichun Clinic. The memory of YSQ was equal as other members like Lao Mu, Mazi, Chuanzi and their life was happy then. "Everything returned to normal and every day was just like before – it was so calm it was boring, it was so boring it was peaceful, it was so peaceful it was happy. (Chapter 2)". But the one that stood out was XL. He was the suffering (苦 难   ) element in her life back then. I wrote an analysis about XY's view on suffering and tribulation corresponding to her perception of XL which could be found in the following link which includes full explanation 


Why suffering? Because she realized he was in her heart without her will and it's suffer of love that she knew should not be allowed. (she kept making poison - gifts for him which carried her thought, her emotion and experience that she wanted to share with him. She always cared for or wondered his reactions when receiving her gifts. As she had admitted "Actually, it didn't matter what the present was, it mattered what the giver meant. If someone was in the heart, then that person would naturally want to share everyday things with the other so even a wild flower or a rock could be a present.")

In her dream, seeing "daddy" Jing, she just run away as fast as she could from Qing Qiu to Qing Shui town; she swam toward FFB who was sitting on the white shell but then she turned back and swam toward the land when FFB transformed to XL. She cried out in her dream.

In her dream, she saw Jing with his son, but she couldn’t see his son’s face, only that he curled in his dad’s arms and called him sweetly “Daddy” while Jing smiled back.

Xiao Yao ran away as fast as she could and in a second she ran from Qing Qiu to Qing Shui Town. Xiao Yao jumped in the river and swam towards the vast blue ocean. She could see endless horizons and the joy of swimming freely, but she was so so tired! Where could she go in this entire world? Fang Feng Bei appeared on the surface and he sat on an all white clam shell smiling at her with his black hair flying in the breeze. Xiao Yao swam towards him but in a second his hair turned all white and he became Xiang Liu coldly staring at her. White clam shell, all white Xiang Liu, it was like an ice mountain floating on the ocean surface.

The black hair him, the white hair him, closer and further away……Xiao Yao suddenly turned and swam towards land, as she swam her tears tumbled down like rain……

Xiao Yao startled awake from her dream and felt cold wetness on the pillow. She touched her face and discovered that she was drenched in tears.

XL was her suffering, her tribulation in QS town. The dream of XL related to water, swimming and it made her immersed sadness, cry out unconsciously (in the dream and in practice). Therefore, dreaming about XL is the crucial reason for her pain and sadness like tide/flood that drown her. Hence, that is also the person in the paragraph where she said because of her mistakes that she lost the one she loved. CX thought that sadness came from Jing but it was not Jing. In fact she hated herself since this only related to XY and XL. 

Moreover, in chapter 29, XY started suffering from depression. She had very poor sleep. She didn't wanted to do anything (only made poison) etc. Her depression in chapter 29 until chapter 31 was discussed in the following post: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/110123-xl-and-xy-story-and-romance-warning-spoilers?pid=2862739&page=345#p2862739. I had discussed that the origin of her depression, her pain was the farewell with FFB after she got engaged with FL. FFB said woman should not follow him, the best ending for a general was on battlefield and they were travelers who had crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever thet met they were each other’s companions to enjoy the world. And the moment they parted each other in front of Xiao Zhu Rong mansion, her impression of him was like a cold, lonely mountain in the North. It seemed to her that the crowded, lively , firework of the mortal world could not keep him in. She felt she lost FFB. This pain and the depression got worsen when she was forced back to Shen-nong ater 13 month staying in Gaoxin and Yellow Emperor asked her about FFB. She said she suffer from pain and she was discourage of everything. By this time, it was more than 4 years since her farewell with FFB/XL. 

The clues about the dream, the pain and psychological issues all led to only one name: XIANG LIU. She woke up everynight from dream, thought about the fault, felt regetted for losing him.  She and FFB had many chances in the past. She even knew that the bugs between them might be lovers' bug which used for couple of lovers. She was confused, doubted of his feeling for her (She said he was possible to give her home but had no feeling/intention for her) and she also distrusted, deceived her own feeling for him. She could not asked him directly or confess to him since she was afraid of being rejected (pessimism, negativity) and she was also afraid of being abandoned when one day XL and CX would face in the destined dead battle and XL would lose and die with Shen nong army etc. She thought Jing was her right choice (selft-righteousness) but in the end he failed her trust. Maybe if she could have done more, said more, made more effort, FFB would have still stayed in the mortal realm. Or during 1 month in QS town, if she hadn't ignored him, If she had done more, talked more perhap he would have not cut off their relationship. She had sent him the ice-crystal ball to him, she might had chosen to follow him but she did not have gut to talk face to face with him, explicitly expressed her wish. She knew that she lost him forever after what happened in QS town. This can never be fixed.

There were tears in Xiao Yao’s eyes “Every night I think about the fault and knew that I was wrong. because of my own self-righteousness, my pessimism and negativity and my own distrust, I lost the one I love [喜 欢 - xihuan]. If I made a bit more effort, said more or did more, perhaps the result would be completely different. Zhuan Xu thought I couldn’t get over it because I hated you, but in truth it’s because I can’t forgive myself. Jing, you shouldn’t feel guilty anymore. The world thinks we’re both very smart and calculating but when it came to our feelings and relationship, we both made mistakes. A person can make mistakes that can fixed, other times it can never be fixed…….”

XY once told XL that "I’m scared that if I’m not careful, you’ll walk into my dreams. And you…..” Xiao Yao shook her head “You’re someone who is never ever suitable to show up in a young girl’s dreams. That might actually be scarier than death.”  The dream is the metaphor for "love". She tried to keep him out of her dream but at the end she still dreamed of him, countless nights. 

This segment covers Xiao Yao's reaction to Xiang Liu's death, Cang Xuan keeping his promise to Xiang Liu, and Jing asking the 3 kings for Xiao Yao's hand in marriage.  Here, part of what was originally Xiao Yao's outburst over Xiang Liu, was attributed to the old Xuan Yuan king instead.

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 15-18

The past remained vivid in her mind, but the person had passed away, and was no more.

At A Heng's sleeping quarters in Zhao Yun peak, Xiao Yao sat by the window, grief-stricken, tears flowing down her face.

XY (VO): Although I kept warning myself that you are the enemy, I... I was not prepared at all! How I wish all of this was a lie... you are so cunning, you would be able to survive if you wanted to!

Xiao Yao remembered that the very last time they met was during the confrontation at Gourd Lake. He forced her to repay her blood debt with blood, and she said she did not wish to see him ever again. Unconsciously, Xiao Yao caressed the wounds from which she once gave her blood.

XY (grieved): Didn't you want a lot of blood? Was the blood not enough? If I had known, I should have given more blood... (filled with regret) If I had known... that would be the very last time I saw you in this lifetime, I would have said something else. No matter how cold and cruel you treated me, I would never have wished to say those words...

Taking out the xingxing mirror that she kept hidden on her, Xiao Yao waved her hand over it, only to find there was nothing at all after the ripples spread.
Panicked and frantic, Xiao Yao swiped the xingxing mirror over and over, but still there was nothing there.

XY: It cannot be, it cannot be... how could everything be gone...

Xiao Yao swiped it once again, and like before, after the ripples cleared, there was no Xiang Liu there.

XY (murmured): I thought you had forgotten because you never mentioned it again. I never expected that you had erased everything.

Xiao Yao's consciousness looked back, about to say something when she was stunned to see Xiang Liu smiling at her body.

XL: If you like, I will bring you to look at the moon on the day of the full moon. The moonlight at that time looks a little like your xingxing mirror. As for the memories you secretly saved in the xingxing mirror...
XYC (very shocked): How... how did you find out?

Xiang Liu was silent for a while, then his smile faded.

XL (coolly): After you wake up, the memories in the xingxing mirror must be erased.
[End flashback]

Even the only thing Xiang Liu left for her was completely gone. Xiao Yao could not help her sorrow.

XY: Xiang Liu, am I really so worthless in your eyes? So much so that you would not even leave me a single memory!

She involuntarily touched her heart, but the indistinct connection that once existed between them had been completely broken. Xiao Yao broke down in tears, prostrate with grief.

[singing voiceover]
If you are the wind above the water, I am like the lotus in the wind; Seeing and missing each other, Seeing and missing each other. If you are the tree on the mountain, I am like the vine on the tree: Accompanying and relying on each other, Accompanying and relying on each other. If you are the bird in the sky, I am like the fish in the water; Forgetting and remembering each other, Forgetting and remembering each other...


Cang Xuan offered his congratulations to the old Xuan Yuan king for finally seeing his dearest wish fulfilled, the unification of the Great Wilderness. While both of them congratulated each other, there was no real happiness between them. After drinking the wine, the old Xuan Yuan king put down the cup and sighed.

XYK: Ever since the destruction of the Shen Nong kingdom, the Shen Nong resistance army has been a thorn in my side. Now that the thorn has been removed, who would have known I would feel far more regret than relief.

Cang Xuan's expression was one of assent as he poured wine on the ground as a memorial to Xiang Liu.

CX: Although we were enemies, I offer this cup of wine in memorial to Xiang Liu... Grandfather, I just remembered something.

CX: So Xiao Yao has finally recovered? What do you wish from me?
XL: I want a peak on Shen Nong Mountain.
CX (stunned): What do you mean?
XL (looking out at the mountain peak up ahead): All the soldiers follow Hong Jiang because they could not forget their homeland. However, they are displaced, leading a difficult life. Even if they died in battle, it would be difficult for them to return to their homeland. I want you to promise that should you become the king of Xuan Yuan one day, you would designate a peak on Shen Nong mountain as a restricted area, and allow the ashes of all those who died to return to the mountain they longed for.
CX (shaken, growing admiration, silent for a while): If I am unable to become the Xuan Yuan king, you would be making a loss on this transaction.
XL: These are my conditions. You just have to accept or reject it.
CX: Very well, I accept.

[End flashback]

XYK (moved): The only person Xiang Liu ever owed anything to in this life was himself... (great respect) Since you have given your word, then let it be done according to Xiang Liu's wishes!
CX (raised voice): Jun Yi.

Jun Yi hurried in.

JY (bowed): Your Majesties.
CX: Relay my command. Gather the remains of all the Shen Nong soldiers and bury them on Liang Wang Peak of Shen Nong Mountain. Let their souls return and rest in their homeland.
JY: Yes.

[A letter from Gao Xin Shao Hao arrived, requesting Cang Xuan and the old Xuan Yuan king's presence at Cao Yun Peak. There, Tushan Jing asked the three kings for Xiao Yao's hand in marriage. The two old kings readily gave their blessings, but Cang Xuan asked whether Tushan Jing only supported him because of Xiao Yao. The latter denied it and explained himself.]

TSJ: I once followed the merchant groups of the Tushan clan to travel all over the Great Wilderness and saw those displaced by war. A ruler of a nation affects the lives of the people. While I could abide by clan rules for Xiao Yao and choose not to support De Yan and Yu Yang, I cannot violate ancestral precepts and break the clan rules by uniting the Four Noble Families and Central Plains clans to support Your Majesty's ascension to the throne. I spared no effort only because Your Majesty's magnanimity and calibre convinced me that what I did was right!

[Cang Xuan smiled and finally gave his blessings.]

Congratulations to Lost You Forever S1 for winning "Drama of the Year" at The Tencent Golden Penguin 2023 awards! I love how they used the scene from Xiao Yao's first conversation with Fangfeng Bei to introduce the drama:

"What exactly do you want to do?"
"I want you to remember me."


Tong Hua also won "Best scriptwriter of the Year (original script)":


If it is a given that TianEr-Cuanzi is a parallel to XY-Jing, than how can I take all of XY's affectionate acts to Jing as real? When does her so called love starts? Does it ever, as long as she shares the lover's bug with XL?

These are good questions. 

I think we get bogged down by the word "love" and get ourselves tied up in knots. This is the limitation of the language, whereas in other languages there are a variety of words that you can use and people understand immediately the kind/quality/quantity of "love". So if you say Xiao Yao ABC Jing, but DEF Xiang Liu, people will immediately know the differences in her feelings etc. Do the Lovers Bugs allow you to love people besides your bugs partner? Of course, besides our "lover" we also love our friends, our siblings, our parents, our neighbours, our cats, our dogs etc. But, IMO, the Lovers Bugs requires you to have a special kind of love for your bug partner that is distinct and separate from other people. Xiao Yao loved Cang Xuan, and it didn't intefere with the Bugs, so with Jing it's just the same.

The way I see it, Xiao Yao's attraction and feelings for Xiang Liu were instinctive, and was out of her control. She doesn't want to love him, knowing their ending and she tries to protect herself from getting in deeper - the promise to Jing was one way she used to do this. Unfortunately, if we can choose who to love and when to stop loving, there won't be any people suffering from broken hearts. Too scared to love him, but unable to stop loving him. 

With Jing, it was a case of actively choosing to make their relationship work so that she could have a lifelong companion that she so desperately wanted. It's about choosing a suitable marriage partner. It's very much a decision made based on weighing up the gains and losses, love was not a consideration. Her commitment to their relationship grew with time and so did her attachment and affection for him. That's pretty normal. Does her feelings for him ever move into love, sure - when I looked after a friend's dog for 3 months, I grew to love it too, that's human nature. Does it ever trespass into what she feels for Xiang Liu? No.

One is the person that she loves despite her fears and reasons - carved into the bones, inscribed on the heart. The one that she wants, but couldn't have. He'd "the one that got a way" or maybe I should say that she let him get away due to her fears. And she will never forget him.

The other is the person that she work hard at "loving" because he's the sensible choice based on her fears and "psychological shortcomings".

Let's also not forget that XY, by her own free will waited for 43 years to set a wedding date with Jing, even though Jing wanted asap for them to get married.

To me, this is a strong indiator of just how much Xiao Yao "loves" Jing and committed to their relationship. This has got to be a serious case of cold feet. And no I don't buy her bulls*** excuse of completing the Medical Manuals. And after the manual was completed it was Jing who had to remind her 'cause it was so important that she forgot about it (*sarcasm). And getting drunk on the wedding night. Do these behaviour screamed a woman madly in love and desperate to marry the love of her life to you? It's not one thing, it's a combination of things that paint a particular picture.

This is different, not like in the novel

If you are the wind above the water, I am like the lotus in the wind; Seeing and missing each other, Seeing and missing each other. If you are the tree on the mountain, I am like the vine on the tree: Accompanying and relying on each other, Accompanying and relying on each other. If you are the bird in the sky, I am like the fish in the water; Forgetting and remembering each other, Forgetting and remembering each other...

This segment covers Xiao Yao's reaction to Xiang Liu's death, Cang Xuan keeping his promise to Xiang Liu, and Jing asking the 3 kings for Xiao Yao's hand in marriage. Here, part of what was originally Xiao Yao's outburst over Xiang Liu, was attributed to the old Xuan Yuan king instead.

Thank you liddi. I don't like that they moved Xiang Liu's death to before the wedding. And what's the purpose of giving some of Xiao Yao's outbursts to the old Xuan Yuan king?

This segment covers Xiao Yao's reaction to Xiang Liu's death, Cang Xuan keeping his promise to Xiang Liu, and Jing asking the 3 kings for Xiao Yao's hand in marriage. Here, part of what was originally Xiao Yao's outburst over Xiang Liu, was attributed to the old Xuan Yuan king instead.

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 15-18

Well.  I am glad to see that they admit XY is grief stricken and we actually get to see some of that.

Thank you so very much for all your translations, liddi!  They are very much appreciated.

Jing comes off like a suck up to the end.

[singing voiceover]
If you are the wind above the water, I am like the lotus in the wind; Seeing and missing each other, Seeing and missing each other. If you are the tree on the mountain, I am like the vine on the tree: Accompanying and relying on each other, Accompanying and relying on each other. If you are the bird in the sky, I am like the fish in the water; Forgetting and remembering each other, Forgetting and remembering each other...


Ha!  Fei Fei song IS a XY / XL song.

Jing comes off like a suck up to the end.

Is Jing ever not a suck?


Congratulations to Lost You Forever S1 for winning "Drama of the Year" at The Tencent Golden Penguin 2023 awards! I love how they used the scene from Xiao Yao's first conversation with Fangfeng Bei to introduce the drama:

"What exactly do you want to do?"
"I want you to remember me."


Tong Hua also won "Best scriptwriter of the Year (original script)":


They won basically everything, didn't they?  Nine awards!

I love that scene!  And I still think it is an important scene.

I wish I could actually see Tong Hua.


Is Jing ever not a suck?


But seriously.  If you wanted to make Jing look good, I'd put that quote somewhere other than where CX is withholding his blessing for the wedding.  I don't care what they try to push, CX doesn't like Jing.  It's nonsense all around.


because XY had serious psychological issues while XL didn’t.  the scare of being abandoned overruled her heart and decision

I think XL had some psychological issues.  But he grew and overcame most of them.


"And getting drunk on the wedding night. Do these behaviour screamed a woman madly in love and desperate to marry the love of her life to you?"

I re-read the last chapter and it's not only the wedding night, there is a gap of a few days between the day  they get married and the day she finds out about XL's death.  If they did consume their marriage in the days leading to the news of XL's death or not it's up to everyone's interpretation, but I highly doubt it. Just the fact that TH didn't mention anything about it speaks volumes, IMO. 

"Lie Yang and Ah Bi stayed for a few more days before departing.

Xiao Yao and Jing sent them off and went to Xuan Yuan Castle to look for the Grand Emperor and Ah Nian."

 About the bugs, I can't help but compare them to the parents-child's bugs. They say these bugs are easy to raise and easy to plant, but IMO that's not because these bugs act different, but because it's a given that the love that a mother and a child share is special / wholehearted / no competition. Their nature, I belive, is the same. 


Thank you again for the translation, XY's reaction doesn't impress much compared to the novel. 


They say these bugs are easy to raise and easy to plant, but IMO that's not because these bugs act different, but because it's a given that the love that a mother and a child share is special / wholehearted / no competition. Their nature, I believe , is the same.

it’s very different.  the one who planted the bug hosted mother bug. that one controlled both bugs. 

it’s possible to recalll the child bug. And when the host of child bug died, child bug return to mother bug. there is no life and heart connection. and they are controllable 


I like your analysis and I mostly agree with it, but IMO XY did try to open the door for XL. The crystal ball and her wait for him is a clear message, I mean what more can one ask of her?  Her hand, as described by TH when XL looked at the crystal ball, was begging, pleading and summoning, there is no way that XL didn't get the message. They both should have put the effort, not just her and the way I see it she did her part. Even after the robbery, she asked him when did he find out about her marriage, perhaps deep down still hoping that he received the message late and thus giving him an excuse for why he acted so brutal, but his reply - "2 months ago" is definetely his answer / rejection to the crystal ball. Also that scene in QSTown when she kept opening the window, while XL kept closing it, I interpret that as an analogy for her trying, while him not allowing it. Speaking of which, that's another window scene that ties XL to her dream from chapter 42. 

Even before the crystal ball, she tried to open up to him when they had that walk after she found out the name of the bugs, but he kept telling her to go inside, go inside. He didn't let her speak more.