
So when she said that I had lost the man I liked... that was her feeling towards xl. and she didn't want to do the same thing again, and she tried it with jing.

I don't think we'll have to worry about XL's final scene.  Tan Jian Ci said not only was he moved, but everyone in the dubbing studio watching was crying.  And just today, he said his Dad was there, and had to stop re-watching and left the room, he was so moved and bothered by seeing XL / Tan die like that, and didn't want to cry more.

That is reassuring. I have full faith that TJC will deliver a strong performance. My worry is about everything else... but it's good to know that those who watched the scene play out as scripted were deeply moved. 

Here go.


Susu also did an English sub, with slightly different word choices, if you want to compare.


Thanks for sharing these!

I believe it reinforces Xiang Liu's mindset all this while, which was to remain loyal to the comrades he went through everything for.

I agree that that part of it is good. 

I am glad they showed his true form here. I always wondered why in the novel, he never used his true form, which was huge and so powerful, in that last battle, instead choosing to destroy all his enemies by just using his blood alone, which would only have worked if they had fallen into his trap and tried to desecrate his body.

That's an interesting question.

Perhaps because his true form is a nine-headed sea serpent? Reverting to his true form was necessary in chapter 43 when he battled the whirlpool to protect XY, but perhaps it wouldn't have given him an advantage in the same way on land? 


 AH :
So... he's still alive at this point, even after the noxious black fog was emitting from him, Ru Shou declared him dead, and Ru Shou's army had evacuated? I really hope the order of events in the drama is crystal clear. If XL's death scene ends up being undercut by confusing sequencing... that would be very upsetting. 

No, he was dead by then. In his last moments, he no longer cared about the arrows that came, his eyes only tenderly fixed on the tear pearl that he cherished

I find it confusing that he is already dead, but somehow his eyes are still filled with tenderness... I see that the script says that his expression does not change when he dies, but eyes still being filled with tenderness after death doesn't make sense to me. But maybe it won't be confusing on screen. 


Countless arrows breached through the formation, hitting Xiang Liu, and the six heads in the sky collapsed one after another in death, a tragic sight.

At last, Xiang Liu died, but his expression was unmoved, his body remained upright, standing tall.

There was destruction everywhere they looked, and fear was etched on all their faces, not daring to move, warily fixing their eyes at Xiang Liu.

JM (softly): Senior brother, is he... is he dead?
RS (with great respect): He is dead.

Ju Mang and the rest breathed a long sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had fallen off their shoulders.


Ru Shou faced the body and bowed in respect. As he rose, he noticed poisonous black fog emitting from Xiang Liu's body, dissolving all in its path.


RS: We can't stay here for long. Retreat immediately!

With that, Ru Shou led his army and evacuated from the area.


The only one left on the slope of the mountain was Xiang Liu, white robes torn and bloodstained, quietly standing in the midst of the poisonous black fog billowing on the ground. Xiang Liu's face was peaceful, his eyes downcast with lips curved in a faint smile, gazing at something between his fingers. A spotless, crystal-clear pearl was held between his fingers, his eyes filled with tenderness.

The black fog grew thicker and thicker, dissolving everything in the vicinity. Xiang Liu's body slowly collapsed, and the pearl between his fingers transformed into a string of tears, falling down drop by drop on Xiang Liu's face.

In his last moments, he no longer cared about the arrows that came, his eyes only tenderly fixed on the tear pearl that he cherished, the only thing from her that he allowed himself to keep. And I'm tearing up again. 

There. When you put it like that, that evokes emotion! 

If only you were part of the script writing team liddi. 

With regards to Jing's survival, I am clinging on to a sliver of hope that we will see some indication that he was there, secretly keeping Jing safe until he could claw his way back up to the surface. Anything that shows that his role in giving her the lover she wanted, was more than just pushing her away from him into Jing's arms.

This is just making me think how easily they could have given TSJ a more active role in his own survival by adding all the cave-climbing stuff, while still incorporating most of XL's role by having TSJ collapse on the brink of death when he finally escaped from the cave, with the merfolk finding him at that point and later using the pill that XL created from XY's blood to save his life / revive him. 

Vol 3 Ch4  (Chapter 37)

Thank you for translating! 

So many times when motivational talks are given in relation to Jing I feel it can apply to XL but it is never taken that way by XY. It's annoying to me as a reader. I want to scream IDIOT to XY.

In XY's defence for this particular talk, XL came to watch the end of her conversation with Tian Er... and the conversation they had after ended with XL pushing her away more harshly than ever before, and he spent the previous month gaslighting her into thinking that he didn't care about her after not responding to her ice crystal ball message. 

Although XY was the first one to bring up the Tushan clan, seemingly out of the blue... so maybe blame her for that.  


Chapter 32:

Xiao Yao burst out laughing and Xan Tian Er awkwardly explained, “They play all day in the clinic and eavesdrop on a lot of the adult conversations with patients.”

Xiao Yao said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve been happy. Today, I’m really happy.”

Xiang Liu came back and stood beside the tree to watch Xiao Yao and Xan Tian Er.

Xiao Yao stood up and stroked Tian Er’s head. “Tian Er, you did well. I know Chuan Zi must have understood and appreciated that he got a great wife. Lao Mu and I are both very happy.”

Xiao Yao walked towards Xiang Liu and Xan Tian Er’s voice broke as she called out, “You….who are you?”

Xiao Yao turned back and smiled at Xan Tian Er but didn’t answer her question. She and Xiang Liu walked through the copse of trees and disappeared.

The tears in Xan Tian Er’s eyes fell and she struggled to stand up so she could kneel and bow in Xiao Yao’s direction.

Xiao Yao said to Xiang Liu, “Why didn’t you tell me that the kids disturbing me everyday with their loud playing are Ma Zi and Chuan Zi’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren?” Life was so hard to predict, the two quiet little kids she took in years ago now left her a gaggle of loud boisterous offspring to give her a headache.

Xiang Liu coolly said, “I told you to go out and walk around the first day when we got here, you’re the one who wasn’t interested.”

Xiao Yao said, “I’ve been gone for so long now, it must be a mess back there?”

Xiang Liu said nothing.

Xiao Yao asked, “You did what you wanted but you let the Fang Feng family bear the brunt of the consequences. Fang Feng Yi Yang must have to help her family weather the storm, and since she’s now the Tu Shan clan leader’s wife, even the Tu Shan clan has been dragged into it.”

Xiang Liu coldly laughed. “Did you think I kept you from getting married so that Zhuan Xu would get into a tiff with the Four Great Clans? I’ll tell you the truth, that was but half the reason!”

“The other half?”

“Tu Shan Jing hired me to go stop your wedding. He promised that if I could keep you from getting married, he would give me thirty-seven years worth of army provisions for the soldiers.”

“What?” Xiao Yao couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Jing hired Xiang Liu to ruin her wedding?

If you don’t believe me you can go ask Tu Shan Jing yourself.

Xiao Yao asked, “When are you going to let me leave?”

Xiang Liu casually said, “I already got what I wanted. You can leave anytime!

Xiao Yao turned to leave and Xiang Liu said, “A word of reminder, the voodoo bug still connects us so if you tell the world I’m Fang Feng Bei, don’t blame me if I hurt your heart and you die from the pain.

Xiao Yao stopped and looked back at Xiang Liu.

“Don’t believe me?”

Xiao Yao’s heart was suddenly cut with so much pain like a sword pierced it, the pain so excruciating she fell on the ground in a slump.

Xiang Liu appeared to hold her life in his hands and he coldly said, “If you don’t want to die, then don’t say a word!”

Xiao Yao was in such pain her face was ashen and cold sweat dotted her face. She sat up and smiled, “Is this the reason you never had time to go to Jiu Li to break the voodoo bug? You want to control my life and death so that one day you can hold me hostage to your will? General Xiang Liu, you really are something!”

Xiang Liu smiled and turned to leave. With a whistle his white condor descended and he vaulted on its back and disappeared in the clouds.



have you read the notes about writing style and technique in LYF. What did Tong Hua hint for readers how to read the book?

Windiaaa041293 made a very informative collection about that


maybe you miss some because of some inactive period 

I have read some of the ones in this thread, although I may have missed some that were posted in the parts of this thread that I never got caught up on. 

I find some of this type of analysis to be very interesting and highlighting details that really enrich the story, especially details that were mistranslated or omitted from Koala's translation of the 2013 version of the novel. But in some cases I don't agree with the analysis, which IMO seems to be overreaching in order to replace every YaoJing moment with a hidden YaoLiu truth, even when it doesn't seem logical to me. 

In some of those cases, I think there is often a second layer or some XL-related aspect to the scene, but I don't subscribe to the idea that in order to truly understand the meaning of those scenes we are supposed to do full cut-and-paste replacement to swap out TSJ for XL. 

But in some cases I don't agree with the analysis, which IMO seems to be overreaching in order to replace every YaoJing moment with a hidden YaoLiu truth, even when it doesn't seem logical to me.

In some of those cases, I think there is often a second layer or some XL-related aspect to the scene, but I don't subscribe to the idea that in order to truly understand the meaning of those scenes we are supposed to do full cut-and-paste replacement to swap out TSJ for XL.

I couldn't help but laugh reading this. I can't agree more. I love the insights but some are very far fetching. I am glad most of the discussions here are allot more level headed.

I am very interested in the version changes and alternate translations. I do think that as translators in some cases you can't or shouldn't do a straight word replacement translations, particularly into languages of different types and cultures. There is room for the translator to provide personal interpretation to better represent the intent of the text. That's the personal flare of the translator. That mistranslation of Koala could simply be they don't interpret it same way and made a personal choice to words they thought better reflect the meaning. In some cases we disagree. I just don't want people thinking the Koala translation is totally trash and not give it a go. 

It's still very good and enjoyable read. It's very hard translating and for that reason it's better to translate into your native language.

 AH :
There. When you put it like that, that evokes emotion!

If only you were part of the script writing team liddi. 

If I were part of the script writing team, a certain character would have been gobbled up by sea monsters way back when. Which certainly would have cut short the drama down to 19 episodes.

 AH :
This is just making me think how easily they could have given TSJ a more active role in his own survival by adding all the cave-climbing stuff, while still incorporating most of XL's role by having TSJ collapse on the brink of death when he finally escaped from the cave, with the merfolk finding him at that point and later using the pill that XL created from XY's blood to save his life / revive him. 

Exactly. There are endless possibilities, but we won't be getting any of that, unless a miracle happens.

XY told Miao Pu that she never dreamed of Jing? But a moment before she woke up from a dream and felt as if someone opened the window. She said 'Jing, is that you (or sth like that)". She dreamed of someone who came from the window - it was FFB. So she covered up her secret by using "Jing". She cried after dreaming and many time became more sorrow after dreaming. Who did she dream of actually? So, we have to be very careful with what XY said because she had mouthful of lies.

When XY asked Miao Pu why she hadn't dreamed of TSJ once in chapter 42, I interpreted that as her asking why she hadn't had a single dream of TSJ since he vanished a month earlier. Not why she hadn't had a single dream of him ever at any point in the whole story. 

Also, it didn't seem like XY was dreaming of anyone in that scene. She was asleep, and then she woke up because she heard the wind rustling the trees and mistook it for someone knocking on her window. She thought it was TSJ coming back. She had been waiting for him to come back the whole time, and that particular night was the night before their scheduled wedding date. So (while awake) she opened the window and called for TSJ. When he wasn't there, her heart broke. 


Chapter 42:

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yao woke from her sleep as if someone was knocking on her window. She opened the window, “Jing……Jing, are you back?”

Miao Pu was beside her. “Miss, it’s just the wind rustling the trees.”

Xiao Yao felt dizzy and couldn’t stand up so she leaned on the window. “It’s really not him?

Under the moonlight there were only trees with no shadow of a person. Xiao Yao’s heart broke and asked, “Miao Pu, why do you think I’ve not once dreamed about Jing?”

Miao Pu draped a robe over Xiao Yao and handed her a slipper and didn’t know how to answer other than “Your servant doesn’t know.”

Xiao Yao looked up at the moon. “I really miss him, and even if I really can’t see him again, seeing him in a dream is better than nothing.

Miao Pu felt like crying, she had been serving Xiao Yao this whole time and had seen how hard it was for Xiao Yao and Jing to finally get together. Just as they were about to get their happy ending, then this happened.

Xiao Yao said, “Likely because I didn’t see it with my own eyes, everything doesn’t seem real. I feel like he will suddenly appear. How could someone just vanish like that? How come he didn’t say goodbye to me? I would rather he died in my arms, that we could say our last words to each other. But what’s this? One day I get his letter telling me to sleep early and not read late into the night, and the next day everyone says he’s gone. How’s that possible? I don’t believe it! Why didn’t he tell me anything? I hate him!” Xiao Yao screamed at the moon, “Tu Shan Jing, I hate you!”

The night was silent back.

Xiao Yao wearily lowered her head as the tears came down like rain drops. “But I don’t have the heart to hate you. I know that you must be in pain that you couldn’t keep your promise.”

Miao Pu used her sleeve to wipe away the tears. “Don’t think anymore, just sleep!”

Xiao Yao said to Miao Pu, “Bring me a godly mulberry wood.” Miao Pu didn’t know why but quickly went to bring one back. When she got back, she saw Xiao Yao in the corridor and she had already brought a ladder over. Miao Pu said, “Miss, be careful, this branch seems flameless but is entirely a flame. Hold it by the jade handle.”

Xiao Yao took the branch with the jade handle and climbed the ladder to light the bright red wedding lantern. 


In the dark silent night, Miao Pu moved the ladder and Xiao Yao lit the lantern, one after another, until all the wedding lanterns were shining brightly. With that the entire residence was bathed in warm red light.


Xiao Yao walked to the window to look up at the full moon. Jing picked a full moon night for their wedding likely so they had a round happy ending. But today the round moon didn’t shine on a happy ending pair.

Xiao Yao told the Yellow Emperor she just needed time, but how much time did she need? How long would it take before her heart didn’t hurt anymore?

Xiao Yao asked “Miao Pu, how long do you think before I’m not heartbroken?”

Miao Pu answered “Like a severe injury, it will hurt a lot initially, and slowly the wound will scab and scar, and slowly it won’t hurt as much.”

Xiao Yao looked down, she had been injured before and knew how long it took to stop hurting. To stop hurting she had to forget! But time was like sand, it would cover up everything in the heart.


Jing, I don’t want to!

If the price to pay to not hurt is to forget you, then I would rather be in pain always so that you can live in my heart, until my life reaches its conclusion.

I’ve already put on my wedding dress and said my vows to the moon. From tonight forward, I am your wife!

I couldn't help but laugh reading this. I can't agree more. I love the insights but some are very far fetching. I am glad most of the discussions here are allot more level headed.

Nice to know I'm not alone in that view. 

If I were part of the script writing team, a certain character would have been gobbled up by sea monsters way back when. Which certainly would have cut short the drama down to 19 episodes.

Lol, I'd watch the Liddi Cut. Sounds quite amusing. ^^

Exactly. There are endless possibilities, but we won't be getting any of that, unless a miracle happens.


Does an animated version count?


Does an animated version count?

I would also be very interested to see the Nathsketch Animated Adaptation.

That would really make LYF the perfect parallel to my Untamed obsession days going down the drama, novel, manhua and anime rabit holes. 

 AH :

I would also be very interested to see the Nathsketch Animated Adaptation.

That would really make LYF the perfect parallel to my Untamed obsession days going down the drama, novel, manhua and anime rabit holes. 

*sharpens pencils*

 AH :

I would also be very interested to see the Nathsketch Animated Adaptation.

That would really make LYF the perfect parallel to my Untamed obsession days going down the drama, novel, manhua and anime rabit holes. 

Good to know I wasn't the only one who consumed all the Untamed mediums.. including the newly released official translations...

Totally agree, would love to see the Nathsketch adaptation... Would it be like this... XY doesn't save Jing and XY XL live happily ever after? 

That is correct. I wrote my explanation for their help for Chi You. However, is it similar to selling provisions to Shen-nong army in LYF. Calculating and potential benefit if Shen-nong could keep their own policy, royal house because under Xuan Yuan ruling their business could be hammered.

Thank you for the reminders from Once Promised. It does match my vague impression of the Tushan Clan as driven by profits and willing to deal with anyone as long as there's money to be made. They are very much merchants they go where the profits are, and things like principles and ideals appear to be secondary considerations. Their family motto is probably “self-interest above all else”. There's some interesting insight into Jing in those excerpts that you posted, I need to mull them over.

 AH :
I didn't mean to imply that his grandmother was fine with TSJ supporting CX as long as he kept it secret from the world. I meant that he had to keep it secret from his grandmother, as well as everyone else.

It's all good AH. Because my comment mentioned the clan's creed, I just wanted to check if my recollection was correct or if his grandmother was OK with him supporting CX in private, just not in public. You and H1 9279 have answered my question :-)

I don't have a problem with Jing going against his grandmother. Part of becoming an adult is separating from your family, which may involve rejecting practices that you no longer agree with. Whether disregarding the clan's traditional creed is a wise move is a different story.

It's all good AH. Because my comment mentioned the clan's creed, I just wanted to check if my recollection was correct or if his grandmother was OK with him supporting CX in private, just not in public. You and H1 9279 have answered my question :-)
