AH :
But I still don't think XY was waiting for XL, for the reasons I mentioned above and in my previous comment

That is the impression of CX when he saw her from some distance. Can you explain the action of plucking flower petals if it is not typical for girl waiting for or thinking of her lover? Something similar like in many films, novels that the girl plucks the petals and say "love, no love, love, no love ... and so on" or "he comes, he doesn't come and so on ..." That is very classic scene.  In addition, she did not want to meet CX. She even stopped people inform CX about her wake up 2 days ago. Her attitute toward CX is completely empty, nothingness, calm, casual. Was her anxious or impatient because he was coming? Not at all. And I also don't think she pluck the petals, looking at the water outside because she was too bored. TH wrote clearly: "she seemed to be anxiously, impatiently waiting for someone, her fingers absently plucking the petals of the peach blossoms, which in turn fell endlessly to the ground." How long had she been doing this to make endless petals on the ground?

And what I mean the similarity of chapter 49 with Chapter 31 is the figure of XY sitting by the water at night : one observed by Sir Bi and one by Ah Nian. A girl in white outfit, was sitting by the water, the water even reached to her feet, she was staring at the wave. and the impression of the observer (Sir Bi and Ah Nian) is in common: a woman sitting there for thounsand year ( Ah Nian even linked to the legend of a woman waiting for her husband's return (in chapter 31)). 

Even if you think that she was not waiting for him, then at least she thought of him at those moments. 

And why she thought of him can be easily explained if she sensed that XL came to save her again. As I said before, I don't think she knew he broke the Bug because he cast spell on her after feeding blood. If she was smart enough and calm enough, one day she would figure out the story about royal mother breaking her bugs had loophole.


"In your heart of hearts, do you truly believe that XY was waiting for XL to show up on Jade Mountain at that point?

Not waiting, but hoping, after all it was XL who taught her to never lose hope.  Personally initially I was convinced only by the lake scene, no doubt in my mind that she was thinking of XL there, but I wasn't so sure about the window scene, I thought that maybe she was nervous because she knew CX came to see her, but after liddi posted the whole scene (thank you, liddi, for that), now I am quite positive about that too. I wasn't fully sold on the "XY killed herself because she hoped XL would come to her rescue, as he did last time", but I am starting to be. 


Wow, another great article, thank you for that!  I am not really good at these things, but I rember you posted another article that involves the moon and its phases. În chapter 46 when XY sees the full moon she tells XL that it's been 32 days since she last saw Jing, when they walked în the moonlight togheter. The moon from that night, even though almost full, it wasn't totally full, right? Google says the full moon comes every 29,5 days, lol. 


I have to say, I'm surprised that Koala missed such an important detail in such a major way in her translation. Not to knock her efforts of course, since translating is a very difficult task, but it does make me worry about what other key details aren't captured in the English translation

It's a big job so Kudo to her. However what makes me hesitate about re reading her version is that it's the 2013 version and there has been a bit of revision in 2019. 

I noticed even via Google translation and more obvious in the Vietnamese translation is that Koala tends to gloss over the more descriptive words used to describe scenery here and there etc. which generally doesn't matter. However in a book like this where the author has specific hidden meaning for scenes and colors etc or does make you wonder if you are missing a hint.

Is there another language you can read? One more culturally similar to Chinese. It might give a different view.


Initially, the moon belonged to xy and XL.
But xy wants to change it to xy and Jing, by holding a wedding under the full moon. Even though xy describes Jing like the moon, she still thinks about XL.

Because the reason is Xy tries to rewrite the meaning of the moon for herself, and forgets all the memories with XL.

Unfortunately when she declared that she was Jing's wife, the moon did not appear, so she could not redefine the meaning of the moon.
And the Moon still belongs to yaoliu.

More or less the same as the article I posted above about playing Tai Chi .

Reading it from the perspective of XY trying to replace XL with Jing does makes sense. A few dozen pages back, I mentioned that Jing also wants to replace XL in XY's heart/mind by planning their wedding on the full moon.  It was unsuccessful, of course, since he went missing.

 I think H19279 also brought up in an earlier post about XY attempting to transfer her feeling from XL to Jing by replicating her experience with XL with Jing, These two are perfect for each others,  denial and self deception to keep the illusion of their relationship. The scene with The Voodoo King is a perfect encapsulation of this. 

The term "bright, white moonlight" is also popularly used to described someone that we love deeply, but could not have. Like the bright moon that  you can see, but never touch. And because you can never have, you'll yearn for them forever. I don't know if this was Tong Hua intention when she consistently linked XL with the moon in XY's mind,  but it's an interesting coincidence 

Beneath the bright, clear moon, the ripples on the surface of the lake shimmered but Xiang Liu still did not appear. Unable to stop herself, Xiao Yao shouted, "Xiang Liu, I know you can sense me! Get out here and see me!"

Just as her voice turned hoarse with her screams, the clear cries of a condor was heard, and the white, golden-crowned condor swooped down from the sky and flew close to the lake's surface. Xiang Liu vaulted off his mount and trod the blue-green waves towards Xiao Yao.

wow then the night scenery on the gourd shaped Lake when she swore not to see him in life (the last time she saw him consciously) is similar to the night when she stared at the water in Jade Mountain: bright, clear moon and blue-green waves of the lake 

Yeah...The article about the metaphor of the snake demon and the fox demon seems to be true, in the article xy waited for XL to save her from the fox's cage, but neither death nor XL came to take her away, so she looked for her own way out, namely becoming a queen mother.

@blabla100,is this what you mean?

This is YAOJING's first meeting:

The beggar didn't say a word, and Xiao Liu looked up at the sky. The first quarter moon hung coldly and faintly on the horizon, like a touch of God mocking the world.(Tong Hua understands clearly in her heart: Sarcasm + ridicule, this is Yao Jing’s tone)

After a while, Xiao Liu reached out and picked up the beggar. He was a man with a big frame, but he was as skinny as wood, light and not heavy at all.

And it ends with them getting married: 

Yaojing gets married on the second quarter of the crescent moon.

Yao Jing starts from the first quarter crescent moon and ends with the second quarter crescent moon, but she never has a chance to meet the full moon. And Yaoliu is always a full moon.

the timeline starts from when Xiang Liu saves Xiao Yao (The book gives a clear date: the Queen Mother's succession ceremony is on the 19th, so Xiang Liu saves Xiaoyao on the 15th):

1. Xiaoyao wakes up the next morning + 1 = 16 (full moon)

2. Succession three days later Queen Mother + 3 = 19 (deficient convex)

3. Jing went to Yushan and stayed for three days. Queen Mother passed away + 3 = 22 (waning moon)

4. Late that night, Xiaoyao and Jing returned to Qingqiu, arriving the next day Xuanyuan City + 1 = 23 (waning moon)

5. Meeting Shaohao one day later + 1 = 24 (waning moon)

6. Getting married in Xuanyuan City four days later + 4 = 28 (waning moon)

The day they got married was the 28th day of the lunar calendar, and the corresponding shape of the moon was a "waning moon", with the emphasis on "waning". If four days later were changed to six days later, it would be the first day of the lunar calendar, corresponding to the "new moon". But tonghua just added four days later. the wedding arranged by Tong Hua was "remnant" rather than "new"

From a mystical perspective, generally the new moon to the full moon is suitable for starting to plan and do things, which is a good image, while the reverse is true from the full moon to the new moon.

Xiaoyao and Jing’s last wedding date was on the full moon , she lamented at that time that "the reunion moon does not shine on the reunited people."
But the full moon has always been Xiaoyao and Xiangliu's intention.

Yaoliu's feelings have always been climax since the first sight of the bright moon rising on the sea, full of emotions.

"Xiao Yao silently wished in her heart: Zuo Er and Miao Pu, we will never see each other again! I wish you happiness! Xian Liu didn't get it, and Jing and I didn't get it, but you will definitely get it. !"

"Jing and I can't get it." There was no problem. After all, in her mind at that time, it was no longer possible for her to marry Xiang Liu. She was originally going to marry Jing.

But "Xiang Liu can't get it", it's already broken... How do you know what Xiang Liu wants? How do you understand that Xiang Liu actually wants the happiness of human fireworks?

they both always knew what each other wanted they knew they knew everything

There is also this sentence, "But is he worthy of himself?"

he has been benevolent and received it, why do you think he is sorry for you? Because you completely understand what Xiang Liu gave up!

Maybe what Jing and xy don't get is staying together.
And what XL doesn't get is freedom... what kind of freedom does he not get?

You always think about him when you look at your left ear.

In drama(s1), xiaoyao has no feeling for xiang liu , whenever xiang liu wants get close to her, she never give him a chance.

Can anyone tell me what's going on in this drama????

This novel or drama makes me insane, I'm feel like I'm going to be crazy 

What are the #red_beans that XY made poison for XL? In episode 19 of LYF, you will see XY making poison from red beans. After meeting XL, she gave the poison made from it for XL to drink. XY said that she specially prepared for him after she read many medical books. If you don't know what these beans mean, you can find the answer here ???

Credit : https://inf.news/en/culture/e216a978f25f3d4964294bec0216766b.html?fbclid=IwAR3Z6y-DK5sUaIFBZs1mCS_9RnLcK3SHeRaCmFehvK0b8P_9mdiYrKnyLpw

? The red beans that XY uses to process exclusively for the XL are called Abrus Precatorius, also known as Acacia red beans. According to iNEWS “ There was a legend that in the Han Dynasty (China), when a husband stayed on the sidelines and did not return, his wife looked at the distance day and night under a tree, sickened with thoughts, and died crying blood. After she died, the tree produced red fruits, as if the wife's blood and tears were condensed, so the red beans were consigned to Acacia, also known as Acacia.
Therefore, red bean is the collective name of plant seeds such as red bean tree, sea red bean, and acacia. It is regarded as a token of love between men and women, and it is often used in literary works to symbolize love or lovesickness.”

? Poison is like a tonic for XL. When XY first returned to being the Great Princess,she always brought a bottle of poison just for XL :))))

❤️ The love between them is conveyed through many hidden meanings. There are hidden details that we have to read the novel or watch the drama LYF several times. XY and XL have never directly said they love each other, but many of their actions prove to us that it is love between two persons. Acacia red beans poison is one of the hidden details that XY wants to express her feelings for XL.

If we look closely, the place where the poison was placed has a love shape pattern.

One thing i can't understand, cang xuan when falling in love with xiaoyao?


One thing i can't understand, cang xuan when falling in love with xiaoyao?

The relationship between cx and xy is a reflection of the relationship between xy and XL.
Cx hides his love for xy, just as xy hides her love for XL.

Xiaoyao vs.Xiang Liu=Xuanxuan vs.Xiaoyao.

"Xiaoyao vs.Xuanxuan=Xuanxuan vs.A-Nian

Xiaoyao vs.Tushanjing=Xuanxuan vs.Xinyue.

the timeline starts from when Xiang Liu saves Xiao Yao (The book gives a clear date: the Queen Mother's succession ceremony is on the 19th, so Xiang Liu saves Xiaoyao on the 15th):

Let's get the timeline extend to XY's suicide: 

又是一个月圆之夜,小夭提着个白玉莲花,一边哼唱着那些古老的歌谣,一边沿着山经慢慢地走,侍卫们看着她是去凤凰林,也未阻拦,只是暗中跟着。(Edition 2017, Chapter 47)

月: moon ;             圆: round, circle;       盏: lamp, cup-shape utensil. 

It was another full moon night, Xiaoyao was holding a white jade lotus lamp, humming those ancient songs, and walking slowly along the mountain scriptures. The guards saw that she was going to the Phoenix Forest, but they did not stop her. Just follow in secret. (Google translate)

Kaola translation:

One a full moon night, Xiao Yao carried white lotus basket and hummed an ancient tune as she strolled to the phoenix tree garden. The guards didn’t try to stop her, only silently following. 

I found the translation from Google is more precise than Kaola in this case. It is not a garden, CX had planted a lot of Phoenix trees on the Xiao Yue Peak. 

So let's do the calculation again:

Suicide: Day 15 of the month (full moon night)

CX and XY was found either on 15 or 16. Assuming that the guards thought that they were sleeping then waited until over midnight --> 16th

Going to Gaoxin within 24h since discovery ---> day 16 or 17. A Niam gave Jin the Shell to protect XY. It took almost 1 day from Shen Nong to Gaoxin. Thus XY was kept alive without the shell for about 24h

Ah Niam has  been waiting CX for 3 days outside the room -->19 or 20. 

CX woke up in the afternoon and ordered to go to Jade Mountain right away. They travel day and night. Thus, arrived at Jade Mountain on 20 or 21

CX stayed in Jade mountain for 3 days -->24 or 25

一轮满月,悬挂在黛色的天空,清辉静静洒下,瑶池上水波荡漾,银光点点,相柳犹如一条鱼儿无声无息的没入瑶池,波光乍开,人影已逝,只几圈涟漪缓缓荡开。(edition 2017)

满: Full  ;       月: Moon

Google translation:

A full moon hangs in the dark sky, its clear light is shining quietly, the water on the Yao Lake is rippling, and there are dots of silver light. Xiangliu is like a fish silently sinking into the Yao Lake. The waves suddenly opened, and the figure was gone, only a few ripples spread out slowly. 

Kaola translation:

Under the full moon, the lake rippled silver waves as Xiang Liu silently entered the water and disappeared underneath. 

Xiang Liu came to Jade Mountain on a full moon day too. Therefore, it's 1 month after XY's suicide. Meaning she stayed inside the water for about 24-25 days. TH didn't give clear indication about there a time gap.  

The rest of your calculation is probably correct (I guess)

One note is TH used 2 diffirent words to write full moon:

  and 月. If you combine that 2 adjective words  to make  which in it turn means satisfactory;  expresses perfection and thoroughness, which means that the development of things fully meets people's expectations, and is mostly used in meetings, events, etc. 

圆满 (yuán mǎn) Definition & Meaning - What does 圆满 mean in Chinese | HanBook Chinese Dictionary 

  • XY's suicide marked with
  • XL's life saving marked with

XL saved her, broke the PLB, cut-off the last connection between them, erased the memories and left Jade Mountain in satisfactory. I remember in some interview TJC said that the ending is satisfactory () for XL. I more and more admire  on TH's careful word usage.