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Actually, the text in the 2013 and 2019 editions were the same.

This source has text that does not include the question about TSJ. 

Kanunu8 Mandarin Text
Koala's Translation
Google's Translation





Xiao Yao finally spoke. “When can I leave? What is your plan?”

Xiang Liu didn’t answer her question and just tossed a jug of wine to Xiao Yao. “This wine is specially made strong liquor, one sip and it’ll knock a person out.”

There was no brazier lit in the room so Xiao Yao was chilled. “No matter how strong the wine, it won’t let me drink my woes away!”

She picked up the jug and took a big large gulp. The strong wine hit her throat and burned its way down to her belly, instantly warming her body and relaxing her mood.

Xiao Yao continued to drink and Xiang Liu kept her company and also silently drank.

Xiao Yao finally spoke: "When can I leave? What is your plan?"

     Xiang Liu didn't answer Xiao Yao's question, but threw a jar of wine to Xiao Yao's hand: "This wine is a specially prepared strong wine. One glass can make you intoxicated."

     There was no charcoal stove in the room, so Xiao Yao's body felt a little cold and she said, "No matter how strong the wine is, it can't make me get drunk and relieve my worries!"

     She picked up the wine jar and drank heavily for several days. The strong alcohol entered her throat and rolled into her abdomen like a burning knife. Her body immediately warmed up and her heart gradually relaxed.

     Xiao Yao kept drinking, and Xiang Liu also drank silently with Xiao Yao.



Xiang Liu suddenly asked, “Do you want to marry Feng Long?”

Xiao Yao’s expression changed, she appeared to try and snap herself alert. Xiang Liu’s eyes were piercing bright and his voice tender and soft as he asked, “Do you want to marry Ye Shi Qi?”

Xiao Yao murmured, “I do.”

Xiang Liu suddenly asked: "Are you willing to marry Fenglong?"

     Xiaoyao's expression changed, as if she was struggling to wake up. Xiang Liu's eyes shone even brighter, and his voice became softer and asked: "Are you willing to marry Ye Qi?"

     Xiaoyao murmured: "Yes."




Another question was right at the tip of Xiang Liu’s lips but he was actually torn until a moment later he asked, “Who do you most want to spend your entire life with?”

Xiao Yao opened her mouth to answer but her expression showed her internal struggle as her mind refused to let her say what her heart felt.

After multiple struggles she became more and more pained and her body began to shake as she clutched her head. “Hurt…..hurt…..” Xiang Liu had used his power to try and see into Xiao Yao’s heart but Xiao Yao’s mind was too strong willed. If she encountered something that even she refused to think about, then she would unexpectedly oppose answering it and the headache was the result of her refusal to answer the question.

Xiang Liu was afraid that she would injure her soul essence so he didn’t dare push her and quickly pulled back his probe and said, “If your head hurts, rest.”

A question was on his lips, but Xiang Liu was hesitant. After a moment, he asked: "Who do you most want to spend your life with?"

     Xiao Yao opened her mouth as if she wanted to answer, but her expression was very resistant and her will refused to answer.

     After several struggles, she complained more and more painfully, her body trembled, and she suddenly held her head: "It hurts, it hurts..." Xiang Liu used magic to peek into Xiao Yao's heart, but Xiao Yao's will was extremely tenacious, when she encounters problems that she usually refuses to think about, she will be extremely resistant, and the headache was the outbreak of her resistance.

     Xiang Liu was afraid of hurting her spirit, so he didn't dare to force her anymore, so he quickly removed the demon power and said to Xiao Yao: "If you have a headache, just rest!"
 AH :
This source has text that does not include the question about TSJ. 

I checked my 2013 edition physical copy reprint and confirmed that the question regarding Jing was included. Could it also have been an accidental omission on this site? I see that this site also had the typo 茱萸姨 vs the correct 朱萸姨 for Aunt Zhu Yu...

This is what the novel said in the 2019 revised edition:

Xiang Liu suddenly asked “Do you want to marry Feng Long?”

Xiao Yao was already drunk, but still sneered, "Why should I agree to him if I don't want to?"

Xiang Liu said: "Xiao Yao, look into my eyes."

Xiao Yao looked at Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu's eyes were like bright black gems, emitting a bewitching light. As Xiao Yao continued to look, she felt herself drowning in them.

Xiang Liu asked, "Are you willing to marry Feng Long?"

Xiao Yao's expression was dull and she replied softly, "I don't want to."

Xiang Liu asked, "Are you willing to marry Jing?"

Xiao Yao's expression changed, as if she was struggling to wake up. Xiang Liu's eyes shone even brighter, and his voice became softer as he asked, "Are you willing to marry Ye Shiqi?"

Xiao Yao murmured, "I do."

Another question was right at the tip of his tongue but Xiang Liu was actually torn. A moment later he asked, “With whom do you most want to spend your entire life with?”

Xiao Yao opened her mouth as if to answer, but her expression reflected her resistance and her will refused to let her respond.

Sep 25, 2023 11:41 am

Oh, yes, he did ask about Jing first, but maybe that's the answer to why did he ask the last question.  Spending her life with Jing as Jing îs different than spending her life with Jing as Ye Shiqi. Maybe that was XL reasoning for asking the last question,  since I personally really don't think he did it just to test her / see whom she really loves..

That doesn't make her answer any less, I will forever belive that her answer to that question is FFB. 

Koala's translations which were done in 2014 does not include the question about Jing. This part might probably have been added in the 2019 revised edition, which includes other changes, including names of characters and places. 

Either way, based on how Xiang Liu hesitated before asking, I feel that that last question was as much for himself, his own need to know, as it is  to find out who she wants to spend the rest of her life with. And her refusal to answer, to the point of experiencing terrible pain in her head, would have given him the name she clearly would not allow herself to verbalise.

Back in September it seemed like you thought the TSJ question had been added as part of the 2019 revisions. 

Did you change your view because you encountered a 2013 copy that did include that question?

Edit: nvm I see that you did encounter it. 


I checked my 2013 edition physical copy reprint and confirmed that the question regarding Jing was included. Could it also have been an accidental omission on this site? I see that this site also had the typo 茱萸姨 vs the correct 朱萸姨 for Aunt Zhu Yu...

How odd. Ommitting multiple lines seems like a much bigger issue than a name typo. But it seems like the typos and ommissions match perfectly with Koala's translation. I feel like she must have used this text as her source.

 AH :
How odd. Ommitting multiple lines seems like a much bigger issue than a name typo. 

However, I even checked your source site for Koala's omission in Ch6, but that part was intact. 

So I am at a loss to understand what happened too. 

However, I will say this. When I translate/transcribe from the physical text, sometimes I accidentally skip lines, especially when the sentences are almost repetitive or similar. Perhaps this was what happened, both to Koala as well as the one who transcribed the novel for your source site..

However, I even checked your source site for Koala's omission in Ch6, but that part was intact.

So I am at a loss to understand what happened too. 

Hmm, so not a perfect match then. 

Did we cover Koala's ommission in chapter six before in this thread? That's not rinigng a bell for me. 

However, I will say this. When I translate/transcribe from the physical text, sometimes I accidentally skip lines, especially when the sentences are almost repetitive or similar. Perhaps this was what happened, both to Koala as well as the one who transcribed the novel for your source site..

That seems like the only logical explanation. 

 AH :
Did we cover Koala's ommission in chapter six before in this thread? That's not rinigng a bell for me. 

I don't think I ever mentioned it in the past. It didn't feel particularly significant at the time, and I only really noticed it because my daughter started reading the novel using Koala's translation (she was convinced that reading from the original Chinese text would take her years to finish!)


I don't think I ever mentioned it in the past. It didn't feel particularly significant at the time, and I only really noticed it because my daughter started reading the novel using Koala's translation (she was convinced that reading from the original Chinese text would take her years to finish!)

Not significant. So then I'm guessing it wasn't that she ommitted multiple lines like in chapter 32?

Oh wait, was it this text?


小六走到璟面前,微笑着轻叹:“我姑酌彼金罍,维以不永怀!我姑酌彼兕觥,维以不永伤!” 从死到生,让我姑且放纵一下吧,那些悲伤的事情就不想了

 AH :

Not significant. So then I'm guessing it wasn't that she ommitted multiple lines like in chapter 32?

No. I believe Koala's omission in Ch32 was a genuine mistake. During the course of my own translations, I have personally experienced picking up at the wrong sentence because the line before it was similar to where I stopped. 

This is the original text - and the two sentences highlighted in green are questions asking whether she would marry Feng Long, and if she would marry Jing:





You can see from the original text that the two sentences "Are you willing to marry Feng Long" and "Are you willing to marry Jing" are exactly the same except for the name. As such, it would have been so simple to have accidentally mistaken the line "Are you willing to marry Jing" as the one that was already translated ("Are you willing to marry Feng Long"), and move on to the next sentence.

As we have discussed in the past, Koala's translations sometimes gloss over or summarise details (e.g. the description of the layout of Jade Mountain where Xiao Yao appeared to be waiting for someone as she absently plucked the petals of peach blossoms in Vol 3 Ch16 / Chapter 49). However, I find that these are only for details which she considers to be not as vital to the actual plot. Of course there are also some other mistakes such as having Jing summoning wood powers instead of the correct water spirits to counter the heat in the peach blossom forest (Vol 3 Ch3 / Chapter 36). However, these are understandable mistakes.

We also spoke about this scenario before - accidentally omitting a word in the text when reading too quickly, which can result in a totally different meaning :


Last night, when she realised he was Xiang Liu, she felt no surprise at all. It was as if that was how it was meant to be, and the heavy burden in one corner of her heart was lifted, but weighed down at the same time in another part of her. 

-- Vol 1 Ch17

which was what happened in Koala's translation:

Last night when she knew for sure he was Xiang Liu, she wasn't surprised or shocked in the least. It felt like it was always this way, and this heavy burden in the corner of her heart was lifted, thought another burden had arisen.

By accidentally missing out the word 该 in the highlighted text, the meaning changed:

Actual text:
就好似一切本如此    It was as if that was how everything was meant to be

Text missing out the word 该:
就好似一切本如此          It was as if everything was always that way 

Again, these are commonplace and genuine mistakes that can happen in the course of translation.

No. I believe Koala's omission in Ch32 was a genuine mistake.

I didn't mean to suggest that I thought her omission in chapter 32 must be intentional. I only meant that the omission (whether intentional or accidental) was significant, so if the omission in chapter 6 isn't significant then it probably wouldn't involve the omission of multiple lines like the chapter 32 ommission.

But looking back at H19279's comments about Koala's ommission in chapter 6, it seems that it did invovle multiple lines. 

You can see from the original text that the two sentences "Are you willing to marry Feng Long" and "Are you willing to marry Jing" are exactly the same except for the name. As such, it would have been so simple to have accidentally mistaken the line "Are you willing to marry Jing" as the one that was already translated ("Are you willing to marry Feng Long"), and move on to the next sentence.

That makes a lot of sense and seems very plausible. 

 AH :

Oh wait, was it this text?


小六走到璟面前,微笑着轻叹:“我姑酌彼金罍,维以不永怀!我姑酌彼兕觥,维以不永伤!” 从死到生,让我姑且放纵一下吧,那些悲伤的事情就不想了

The text I cited as an example was actually in the beginning of the same chapter:



Xiao Liu felt talking to Xiang Liu was just making himself angrier and did not wish to talk to him anymore, so he ran around in the forest with his hands raised, screaming miserably.

Unable to stand the noise any longer, Xiang Liu used the white condor to hide in the clouds.

-- Vol 1 Ch6

However, the text you mentioned is different in that Koala glossed over the details (in green), and omitted Xiao Yao's musings (the segment highlighted in orange):





Xiao Liu put on a robe and walked out to the corridor. Jing stood up in the courtyard and looked directly at him. 

The bright warm sun, the vibrant flowers, and a gentleman such as gold, such as tin, such as jade, everything was pleasing to the eye, bringing joy to the heart.

Xiao Liu walked up to Jing, smiled and sighed softly, “I just poured wine from that golden bottle, drink it to avoid missing forever! I only pour wine into a cup made of rhino horn; drink it to avoid suffering forever!” Having come from death to life, let me indulge a while and forget about all those sad things.

Jing reached out and gently touched his face as if to confirm he was real. Xiao Liu slightly leaned his head to feel the warmth of his palm. Jing suddenly embraced Xiao Liu, gently but tightly pulling him into his arms.


Xiao Liu put on a robe and walked out to the corridor. Jing stood up in the courtyard and looked directly at him. 

The bright warm sun, the vibrant flowers, and a gentleman. Like a painting, it was so utterly beautiful. 

Xiao Liu walked up to Jing and he reached out to touch his face as if to confirm he was real. Xiao Liu slightly leaned his head to feel the warmth of his palm. Jing suddenly embraced Xiao Liu, gentle but tightly pulling him into his arms.

-- Vol 1 Ch6

The text I cited as an example was actually in the beginning of the same chapter:



Xiao Liu felt talking to Xiang Liu was just making himself angrier and did not wish to talk to him anymore, so he ran around in the forest with his hands raised, screaming miserably.

Unable to stand the noise any longer, Xiang Liu used the white condor to hide in the clouds.

-- Vol 1 Ch6

This version is so much funnier! ^^

But I agree this ommission isn't significant in terms of plot implications. 

However, the text you mentioned is different in that Koala glossed over the details (in green), and omitted Xiao Yao's musings (the segment highlighted in orange)

This one seems much more significant, especially given the poetic allusion that H19279 mentioned. But I get why Koala (and the drama) may have chosen to leave it out. I imagine many readers would find it confusing and feel that it pulled them out of the flow of the scene. 

 AH :

This version is so much funnier! ^^

But I agree this ommission isn't significant in terms of plot implications. 

This one seems much more significant, especially given the poetic allusion that H19279 mentioned. But I get why Koala (and the drama) may have chosen to leave it out. I imagine many readers would find it confusing and feel that it pulled them out of the flow of the scene. 

TH used special writing method for LYF where she hid one of emontional interest (YaoLiu) and their feeling to each other. She used indirect way and scattered it. It is the clues for the "snake on grass,gray lines in dust" technique and the "writing without writing" that she used. Therefore, in many case leaving out odd words would lead to losing such hints, clues

 AH :
This version is so much funnier! ^^

I know right? And I find the drama's addition of Xiang Liu's sarcastic remark “伤敌八百,自损一千。蠢货!Inflict injuries on 800 enemies, but lose 1000 of your own men. Idiot!" in the same scene adds to the hilarity.

 AH :
This one seems much more significant, especially given the poetic allusion that H19279 mentioned. But I get why Koala (and the drama) may have chosen to leave it out. I imagine many readers would find it confusing and feel that it pulled them out of the flow of the scene. 

Yes. I can understand why poetry used in dialogue is often paraphrased or omitted altogether because it is challenging to translate the poem, particularly when there are nuances and references that are not as easily translated into another language. Another reason I can think of, which applies to me personally, is that poetry is not my strong suit, so the meaning behind the text is not as easily gleaned, without digging deep into the history behind it.

This omission, however, is unfortunate in a sense. If the poem in itself might not be as easily translated, Xiao Liu's thoughts about allowing herself to indulge for a while and forget sad events, should at least have been retained.