Hey.... you can't blame the guy for bringing his portable house along. Who knows when he would suddenly feel like taking a nap? Think of it as Xiang Liu's Moving Clam shell as opposed to Howl's Moving Castle! 

Xiang Liu's Moving Clam Shell! (>▽<)

I never thought of it that way. It actually makes sense when you explain it like that - thank you!

The image you shared of Feng Long holding his fireball made me think that his reddish hair might have been inspired by his fire powers, and the fact that his clothes incorporated red and blue (to match his fire and water powers) made it seem more likely. 

I thought so too. Looks like game Xiang Liu is meant to be scrubbing away by the lake during his free time for appearance's sake.

I feel bad for him. Let him be FFB and relax!

@liddi oh, Yes, you are right. It was director ZQ who choosen him as XL. About TH, (she seems really impressed by Jianci performance) I read her interview on Twitter, someone translated that she saw TJC performance as SY, that's how she found him perfect for XL. Maybe its me who mistook ZQ interview for TH. Though, I will still try to find that interview to share.

Also, yes I know numerous actors rejected Jing, I'm sure about YangYang but I can't say if Xiao Zhan really was offered this role was not, but at that time 2019 & 2020 YangYang & Xiao Zhan are one of the famous/traffic stars ( both are still big stars), so MAYBE they were offered, still a rumors, which only LYF production knows, if it was ever true. Glad, Xu Kai declined it, cause I really liking him with YangZi in Best Choice Ever.

Btw, there also some posts on Facebook. We can say, it's mostly some people trying to make heat, benefits out of this drama popularity, by spreading false rumors.

The White Lotus Symbolizes Xiang Liu

We know that the osmanthus (木樨花) represents Jing and the phoenix flower (凤凰花) represents Cang Xuan. So which flower represents Xiang Liu? 

The lotus (莲花, 荷花), specifically the white lotus, represents Xiang Liu. The novel uses two different characters for lotus: “荷” and “莲”. The character “荷” is usually used in conjunction with parts of the plant, while the character “莲” can be used to refer the plant itself or be used in conjunction with parts of the plant. Let’s look at some passages associating Xiang Liu with lotus.

The first verse of the lovesickness song that Xiang Liu hears Wen Xiao Liu singing when they first meet mentions lotus. 

If you are the wind on the water, I am a lotus in the wind.

— Vol 1 Ch 2 (Chapter 2)

When Xiang Liu appears at Ma Zi and Chun Tao’s wedding, he is described as being “as clean as a white lotus blossom.”

Xiang Liu was dressed in white and stood at the door of the Hui Chun Hall. He was tall and graceful, as clean as a white lotus blossom that had been washed by the rain for three days and three nights, so clean as to make everyone want to go home and take a bath.

— Vol 1 Ch 2 (Chapter 2)

When Xiang Liu comes to see Wen Xiao Liu at Dragon Bone Prison to say, “Beneath your feet is the sea (脚下是大海), ” the text mentions Xiang Liu looks like he is standing in white lotus blossoms.

A white shadow stood on the waves, a man dressed in white with white hair, wearing a mask. He stood amidst the waves as if standing in white lotus blossoms, untainted by this world, exuding exceptional grace.

— Vol 1 Ch 8 (Chapter 8)

When Xiao Yao spends time with Fang Feng Bei in exchange for archery lessons, there is mention of a lotus fragrance at the flower demon shop. The words used to describe the various fragrances—serene, proud, ethereal—are all words that can also describe Xiang Liu.

The flower demon's cosmetics shop didn't interest Xiao Yao much with its cosmetics, but a drop of condensed flower essence could perfume a person's body for a month. The serene lotus fragrance, proud plum fragrance, ethereal orchid fragrance… coupled with various blending techniques, could create scents that were truly unique and unmatched in the world. Even Xiao Yao, who was accustomed to being a man, couldn’t help but fall into the trap. After trying various fragrances, she couldn't resist buying over a dozen flower essences.

— Vol 1 Ch 16 (Chapter 16)

Xiao Yao makes a “Koi Fish Playing with Lotus” poison dish for Fang Feng Bei to apologize for making him pay for her bow to spite Tu Shan Jing. After Bei finishes eating, Xiao Yao tells him that he is her soulmate. 

Bei finally withdrew his gaze from the dancer and looked at the wooden tray. It was like an unfolded scroll painting, depicting a scene of rippling clear waves, clusters of green leaves, glistening dewdrops, half-faded 
lotus flowers, and budding lotus pods. A pair of koi fish played joyfully beneath the lotus, their mouths slightly open as if waiting for lotus seeds to fall, eager to snatch them up.

— Vol 2 Ch 2 (Chapter 19)

From these passages, it's clear that the lotus represents Xiang Liu.

From these passages, it's clear that the lotus represents Xiang Liu.

Long time ago, HeadInTheClouds and I posted analysis about flower and white lotus as XL almost at the same time. 

Maybe you haven't read it. If you are interested, here are the links

Mentions of Lotus

Since the lotus (just like the willow and the moon) symbolizes Xiang Liu, let’s look at some mentions of lotus in the novel and interpret the meaning behind these passages.

After Wen Xiao Liu draws nine eyes on Xiang Liu and records it in his gorilla beast mirror, he basks in the sun with a lotus leaf covering his eyes.

When there were no patients, Xiao Liu liked to cover his eyes with a 
lotus leaf, lie on a straw mat used for drying herbs, face up, with his arms stretched upward, touching his ears, and his feet naturally together, toes pointing downward. His whole body was straight like a line and he imagined he could infinitely extend his body. The feeling of stretching his muscles and bones, accompanied by the warm sun and the fragrance of lotus leaves, was like the bones drinking wine, a delightful light intoxication.

— Vol 1 Ch 4 (Chapter 4)

 It could be one of the first signs that Wen Xiao Liu is starting to be lovesick for Xiang Liu. The description "like the bones drinking wine, a delightful light intoxication" at the end of this passage is similar to with an excerpt about lovesickness from the introduction to the first volume of the book. 

Lovesickness is a cup of poisonous fine wine; it is sweet as it enters the throat, melting the soul and eroding the bones, until it enters the heart and lungs, after which there is no longer a cure for it.

— Introduction to Vol 1 (link to full translation by liddi)

When the Royal Mother helps Xiao Yao regain her true appearance, there is mention of a lotus platform. Since the peach blossom symbolizes Xiao Yao and the lotus symbolizes Xiang Liu, the mention of the lotus platform here might be a subtle nod to Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu being soulmates.

The turbulent emerald waves gradually calmed down. A peach blossom, almost the size of a 
lotus platform, floated on the Jade Pool. Several emerald peach leaves supported it, enhancing its stunning beauty. The Queen Mother nodded from afar, and the peach blossom slowly bloomed. A naked girl curled up like a baby, lay asleep in the middle of the flower. Her jet-black hair draped over her body, making her skin appear even more delicate than the peach blossom.

— Vol 1 Ch 12 (Chapter 12)

When Jing surprises Xiao Yao with a visit sometime after giving her the purple fish stone necklace, she has him paint poison on handkerchiefs. When Jing asks what she wants drawn, she replies, “Umm…lotus.” The lotus, of course, represents Xiang Liu. Next, Xiao Yao has Jing draw butterflies representing herself. After that, she loses interest and tells him to draw whatever he wants. It’s clear who Xiao Yao has on her mind, even when she’s with Jing.


— Vol 1 Ch 16 (Chapter 16)

After Xiao Yao finds out about Fang Feng Yi Ying’s pregnancy and breaks up with Jing, there is a description of Xiao Yao looking at a crystal basin with a lotus in it. This is one clue that the primary cause of Xiao Yao’s depression is not Jing’s betrayal and upcoming marriage. These are only that the reasons that she can disclose to her family and friends for why she is depressed.

In the crystal basin, the 
lotus that A Nian had transformed just a moment ago was withering, petals falling one by one, lotus leaves wilting. Looking across the withered lotus, Xiao Yao sat upright on the couch, seeming to be looking at him, yet also seeming to be not looking at him. The distance was only a crystal basin, but felt like a world apart.

— Vol 2 Ch 8 (Chapter 25)

Before Feng Long’s assassination, Xiao Yao’s heart was pained when she saw Jing’s old residence in Qing Shui Town. There is mention of a “moonlight lotus white” colored ice crystal wind chime. Moon, lotus, white, and ice crystals can all be associated with Xiang Liu. This may be a subtle hint that Xiao Yao may not have been thinking of Jing when she felt the sharp pain in her chest.


During the scorching summer days, there would be a row of wind chimes hanging in the corridor, made from ice crystals collected year-round from the far north where snow never melts. They were in hues of crimson, bamboo green, indigo purple, and 
moonlight lotus white, each carved into various flower shapes to match the colors of the ice crystals. When a breeze blew, it carried the chill from the ice crystals, dispersing it and making the entire courtyard cool like spring. The courtyard was adorned with various blooming flowers such as jasmine, carnation, orchid, musk vine, hibiscus, cassia, banana flowers, dahlia, and ixora...
Xiao Yao walked into the round moon-shaped archway and saw various flowers blooming vividly, just like in the past. For a moment, Xiao Yao almost felt as if a gentleman with a golden and silver aura, as refined as jade and precious as jade disks, would stand up from among the flowers, smiling and gazing at her, but no one did.
The sunlight remained bright and radiant, and the flowers were still colorful and abundant, but the person who had gazed at her countless times was nowhere to be found. Xiao Yao felt a sharp pain in her chest, her vision darkening, and she almost fell. Cang Xuan quickly turned around and embraced her, saying, “Xiao Yao!”

— Vol 3 Ch 13 (Chapter 46)

There is mention of a lotus cup at the scene where Xiao Yao poisoned Cang Xuan and committed suicide. This could hint that she considered Xiang Liu before committing suicide, and hoped that he would come save her and take her away.

It was another full moon night, Xiao Yao carried a white jade lotus cup, humming old folk songs as she walked slowly along the mountain path. The guards, seeing her heading towards the Phoenix Forest, did not stop her but followed her discreetly.

Xiao Yao strolled through the Phoenix Forest, where petals kept falling. She caught them in her hand and placed them in the 
lotus cup. Before long, the bowl was filled with phoenix flowers.

Although it had been unused for a long time, because of Cang Xuan’s spiritual power, the swing frame remained clean and tidy without vines climbing on it. Xiao Yao jumped up and sat on the swing, her feet dangling and swinging gently. She leisurely admired the phoenix flowers while occasionally taking a flower from the 
lotus cup and sucking on its nectar.

Xiao Yao handed the white jade 
lotus cup to Cang Xuan and said, “I don't know if I hate you or I hate myself, probably both! After all, I've always believed that no matter what you do, I'll help bear the burden with you. If you make a mistake, I’ll share half the fault.”

— Vol 3 Ch 14 (Chapter 47)

Tong Hua has woven mentions of lotus in the narrative to subtly hint Xiang Liu is never far from Xiao Yao's mind.

Long time ago, HeadInTheClouds and I posted analysis about flower and white lotus as XL almost at the same time.

Maybe you haven't read it. If you are interested, here are the links

Thanks for the links! The posts contained some good information on the symbolism behind the various flowers. I'm slowly working my way through the previous posts in this forum and hadn't gotten to those yet. 

Have you watched 难寻 Hard to Find? It's a short drama with only 28 episodes of 20+mins each. While the actors are less well known and perhaps not as mature in their acting, I find the story surprisingly interesting, and actually better than a lot of the current dramas with big-name casts. Not to mention I love the female lead, who is strong, mature and decisive. 

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check that one out.

Thanks for the links! The posts contained some good information on the symbolism behind the various flowers. I'm slowly working my way through the previous posts in this forum and hadn't gotten to those yet.

Thanks for sharing about the lotus @solarlunaeclipse. It's awesome that we all picked up on the same thing. We probably have some differences in the way we approach/look at it and that will add to the topic :-).

This thread is so long with so much content, it's nice to revisit things from newer posters. I know I missed a lot of details/discussions when they were happening. Re-reading the older posts is illuminating. 

Haven't got the time to read through your posts yet. Will do so later.


Long time ago, HeadInTheClouds and I posted analysis about flower and white lotus as XL almost at the same time. 

Maybe you haven't read it. If you are interested, here are the links

Thanks for locating these @H19279. I'm trying to locate some of my "analysis". This helps.

Thanks for the links! The posts contained some good information on the symbolism behind the various flowers. I'm slowly working my way through the previous posts in this forum and hadn't gotten to those yet. 

There is a lot of information and knowledge in this thread. And for certain topic we made multiple rounds, each time there is always something new. 

There is an event in chapter 25 related to lotus. I had considered it but then left out. Here I can share a thought about that. 

In chapter 25, it started with XY's graduation from archery course. FFB told XY that she didn't need lesson anymore. And later, XY figured out FFYY's pregnancy and she splitted with Jing. She got blood spilled out when she returned to Shennong mountain and said the blood is due to accumulation of sadness, distress over long time. Then when she got better, Ah Nian wanted to cheer her up., she made lotus illusion in the basin. 

After Xiao Yao finds out about Fang Feng Yi Ying’s pregnancy and breaks up with Jing, there is a description of Xiao Yao looking at a crystal basin with a lotus in it. This is one clue that the primary cause of Xiao Yao’s depression is not Jing’s betrayal and upcoming marriage. These are just that the reasons that she can disclose to her family and friends for why she is depressed.

In the crystal basin, the lotus that A Nian had transformed just now was withering, petals falling one by one, (lotus) leaves wilting. Looking across the withered lotus, Xiao Yao sat upright on the couch, seeming to be looking at him, yet also seeming to be not looking at him. The distance was only a crystal basin, but felt like a world apart.

XY had chosen Jing, used him to replace or subpress her desire for XL. They had some sweet time and when she returned after 37 years, knowing Jing's willingness to die because of her, she was happy. She thought she found the one who never left her. In the end he failed her trust. Jing was like that lotus in the basin. She used Jing to replace he real "lotus" but in the end Jing was just illusional lotus that withered, a fake lotus. 

P/s: Lately I realize that TH used multiple plant/flowers or symbols for each characters:

so MAYBE they were offered, still a rumors, which only LYF production knows, if it was ever true. Glad, Xu Kai declined it, cause I really liking him with YangZi in Best Choice Ever.

I asked in the comment section of Best Choice ever about thr rummor that Xu Kai declined Jing, one of the reply/comment saying that the rumor is not true. 

Anyway, if the rumor is correct, I am also glad that he did so. If he had only 1 opportunity to work in Yang Zi, being smart, capable Yao Zhi Ming is much better than the incapable Jing. Maybe he will not get as much attention and success as DW, YZM is way better image

P/s: Lately I realize that TH used multiple plant/flowers or symbols for each characters:

CX: pheonix flower and white rose flower
Jing: Sweet osmanthus  and bamboo
XY: peach blossom and butterfly
TH used white lotus for XL and hibiscus flower for FFB. (link of analysis about hibicus

Thank you for the information about the plants/flowers. I never realized  CX and Jing had two each. Your analysis on hibiscus was really fascinating! I've encountered the theory on hibiscus before, but your analysis is the most thoroughly laid out that I've read. I'll be bookmarking this article for sure!

XY had chosen Jing, used him to replace or subpress her desire for XL. They had some sweet time and when she returned after 37 years, knowing Jing's willingness to die because of her, she was happy. She thought she found the one who never left her. In the end he failed her trust. Jing was like that lotus in the basin. She used Jing to replace he real "lotus" but in the end Jing was just illusional lotus that withered, a fake lotus. 

Definitely interesting to hear your interpretation of this scene! I don't disagree with your interpretation, but I would like to believe that the primary cause of her depression is FFB ending their relationship. This passage describes XY's feelings after FFB says she no longer needs him as a teacher:

Xiao Yao stared blankly, silent, feeling a hint of melancholy in her heart. A joke from decades ago, now seemed like it had passed in the blink of an eye, yet it also felt like they had experienced so much in between.

-- Vol 2 Ch 8 (Chapter 25)

While "hint of melancholy in her heart" ≠ "spitting up blood", I think it's possible that XY is still repressing/processing her emotions at this point. After this, she works for several days to make the medicine for Jing's grandmother and treat her, only to find out afterwards that Jing has betrayed her and FFYY is pregnant. She can only let her guard down after she arrives home. The shock of the Jing/FFYY situation was probably the straw that broke the camel's back, but I'd like to think FFB's departure from her life more deeply impacted her. I think your analysis on the poem used for the chapter's title supports this interpretation.

So does the withered lotus represent her sadness for the end of her relationship with FFB or for the end of her relationship with Jing? I'd like to think it represents her sadness for XL/FFB. Jing was always just her coping mechanism and mask for her love for XL. Without her coping mechanism, the cracks of her lovesickness start to show, but the coping mechanism never replaces the real thing. I don't think she ever successfully transferred any of her desire/love for XL over to Jing. I don't even know if that's what she was trying to do.

I think every time she romances Jing, she is just using him as a substitute for Xiang Liu. This is exactly what CX does when he substitutes Xin Yue for Xiao Yao a few nights after their wedding. To me, XY's feelings for XL mirror CX's feelings for XY. Even though CX had a lot of women around him, he only ever desires/loves XY. He also never tries to replace XY's place in his heart with any of the other women around him. 

Also, unlike the moon, lovesickness song, and hibiscus flowers, I couldn't find any references in the text of attempting to transfer the association of "lotus" from XL to Jing. The closest I got to linking Jing with lotus (besides the lovesickness song) is after Jing and XY went qin shopping:

Encountering a stall selling snacks, Jing ordered some duck neck and chicken feet, and asked the vendor to wrap them in 
lotus leaves.

-- Vol 2 Ch 3 (Chapter 20)

Not sure if that counts :)


"So does the withered lotus represent her sadness for the end of her relationship with FFB or for the end of her relationship with Jing? I'd like to think it represents her sadness for XL/FFB.

I am with you, thank you for the whole analysis, it was honestly a pleasure to read it. 


"XY had chosen Jing, used him to replace or subpress her desire for XL."

That's what I thought too, but thinking back, I now believe that up until the wedding robbery, XY's choice was XL, it was only after that that she started to really work things out with Jing. Jing chose her, but why would she bring marrying her enemy to her granpa, if not for her thinking of XL as a choice? For all we know, up till then XY didn't know what type of bugs the lovers bugs are and XL never hinted or promised her anything of this sort, so I personally read that conversation she had with the yellow emperor as expressing her feelings, Jing chose her, she chose XL, but as later mentioned Jing doesn't have the ability and XL doesn't have the will. These 2 discussions, the one with yellow emperor and the one she had with Feng Long are definetely related. 

"After Xiao Yao finds out about Fang Feng Yi Ying’s pregnancy and breaks up with Jing, there is a description of Xiao Yao looking at a crystal basin with a lotus in it. This is one clue that the primary cause of Xiao Yao’s depression is not Jing’s betrayal and upcoming marriage"

Probably far fetched and I am not even sure how accurate koala's translation is on this detail, but she was also wearing a yellow dress in that particular scene. I don't recall how many times XY was described to wear yellow, (I believe în chapter 14 too, when she went to the sea with Jing and the others), but white and green were her colors as far as I remember, so her wearing yellow felt a bit out of character when I read that scene. Thing is yellow was also the color of the flower that FFB shot on their first archery lesson togheter, at least according to koala's translation.  Might mean nothing, might mean something, I am not sure. 

Chapter 16

"Fang Feng Bei asked “What do you want me to shoot?”

Xiao Yao narrowed her eyes and then pointed at the tree on the opposite cliff “That tree’s flower blooms a little yellow bud in the Summer. Shoot the flower bud.”

Fang Feng Bei took his bow, his arrow, put the arrow on the bow, pulled back, and released.

Xiao Yao laughed “Not clear if you hit it.”

Fang Feng Bei reached out his hand and the arrow flew back from the opposite cliff. He handed it to her and there was yellow on the tip, he clearly hit the yellow bud."

Chapter 25

" Separated by a crystal partition, he could see Xiao Yao wearing a yellow robe laying on the pallet facing Ah Nian"


Xiao Yao’s face was pale white and her body wan, but she was wearing a warm yellow color and had on a bit of blush so she didn’t seem all that sick. She seemed more like a Spring flower"


I asked in the comment section of Best Choice ever about thr rummor that Xu Kai declined Jing, one of the reply/comment saying that the rumor is not true. 

Anyway, if the rumor is correct, I am also glad that he did so. If he had only 1 opportunity to work in Yang Zi, being smart, capable Yao Zhi Ming is much better than the incapable Jing. Maybe he will not get as much attention and success as DW, YZM is way better image

Exactly. I agreed. Thankyou for sharing info. More importantly YangZi, Tan Jianci and Wanyi effectively nailed their role as XY/ WXL, XL/FFB and CX respectively by their beautiful performances. ❤️

This is so adorable! Can you please translate the two lines she said (as a child) and as an adult? They seem to be similar except for the first few words.

It's basically the dialogue that she said to XL when Jing came to try to save her the first time she and XL met. And yes, it's the same sentence with only slight variation.

Child XY: He's now my person,  you're not allowed to have any nefarious plans for him

Adult XY: He'd earlier on (already?) been my person, you're not allowed to have any nefarious plans for him. 

Look at adult XY's worried face. She's scared GG is going to snatch XL from her :-)

(Translation is bloody hard. I try to be as literal as possible to capture the meaning of the sentence while also not sounding clunky)

But to be honest, I never understood why the drama showed Xiang Liu as a dark-haired child. If his hair was naturally white, it would have been white even as a child.

Maybe they spent so much money on the amazing wig for adult XL that there was no budget left for child XL? Seriously, XL's hair looks worthy of a Pantene commercial. 

Or maybe, XL's hair turned white from his method of cultivation? I don't really know.  It's probably just an oversight from production.

LYF is like a special event - its story is separate from the main story, and you get little mini-games within the event itself. Free flowers can be redeemed daily which in turn can be gifted to any or all of the LYF male leads. I took a look today, and the ranking is still the same, which I take to mean it is predominantly played by Xiang Liu and Cang Xuan fans?

It's possible that the game is predominantly played by lay people without much interest or knowledge of LYF and they just prefer XL and CX. XL's appearance is pretty eye-catching and the bad-ass attitude tends to attract viewers/players.

YES, definitely. Lemme know where to sign up. Hair and TV screens are also at risk, you know, though I am not quite sure how to protect them from destruction.

I was going to suggest bubble wrapping your TV, but then you won't be able to see the screen. Maybe bubble wrap potential projectile objects so they won't cause too much damage when you launch them at your poor TV?

As for your hair. 

$10 on Temu. Considering the amount of hair-pulling you'll be doing if the leaked script panned out, the investment will be worth it :-)

Probably far fetched and I am not even sure how accurate koala's translation is on this detail, but she was also wearing a yellow dress in that particular scene.

Yes, she was wearing a pale yellow outfit in that scene:

Xiao Yao's face was pale and her body thin, but since she was dressed in warm light yellow and wore a touch of rouge, she did not appear listless. Instead, she looked like a winter jasmine, blooming in the face of cold wind, swaying in the chill of early spring, her beauty fragile yet resilient.

-- Vol2 Ch8  (Chapter 25)

and yes, the flower that Fangfeng Bei shot was yellow.