
Thank you for the translation, liddi, I was actually very curious about this chapter, but honestly I am very dissapointed about everything that is coming în S2. 

@liddi thank you so much for the translation!

That script follows exactly what was shown in the trailer

With a smile, Xiang Liu held Xiao Yao's two hands in his. Their palms were joined, blood and flesh intermingling and Xiang Liu began to chant the bug spell. As he chanted, glowing lights emerged from their bodies like countless fireflies flying around them.

From behind Xiang Liu emerged the reflection of the nine-headed demon's true form, except there were only eight heads left, one life having been sacrificed to save Xiao Yao years ago.

Xiang Liu pulled out the dagger and blood gushed forth from the wound, spilling on to the seashell and Xiao Yao's body. His seven-headed form was visibly weakened.

XL: Your bug has been removed! From here on, there is no more connection between us!

And this is what XL said in the trailer: You dare to plant the poison love bug to connect the fate and heart. The Indus trees grow old together on the ground. The love bird does not fly alone in the sky. The mandarin ducks die together. Your poison has been lifted..... 

I think this script is legit, you guys. It's 100% what's going to happen in season 2.


I think this script is legit, you guys. It's 100% what's going to happen in season 2.

Yea, I think so too, there is actually no doubt în my mind. 


I think this script is legit, you guys. It's 100% what's going to happen in season 2.

Yeah, definitely. There's no way this is just an elaborate prank. Oh well.

The lovers bug connects our hearts and lives, and is impossible to remove. Back then, I was able to remove the bug from Cang Xuan only because he did not willingly accept the bug, so you never properly plant the bug in him in the first place. I however, was wholeheartedly willing, and allowed you to properly plant it in me. You kept asking me to remove the bug and I kept telling you it was not possible. You never believed me, but I was not lying. I really cannot remove it.

I'm so glad to see these lines included, they're so key!

XL: I may not be able to remove the bug, but I can kill it (sly smile) Don't blame me for lying to you. Who told you to only ask me whether I could remove the bug, but never asked whether I could kill it.

Not a huge fan of, "Don't blame me for lying to you." When he didn't lie about that part - he just answered XY's question and didn't tell her other highly relevant information that she failed to ask about. I preferred, "Don't blame me for not telling you this before..." from Koala's translation of the novel.

"...But I truly didn’t lie to you, I cannot remove the bug.”

Xiang Liu picked up Xiao Yao’s hand and used his finger as a knife to slice into the flesh of her palm and his palm back and forth until he drew a blood spell. “I cannot remove the bug, but I can kill the bug!”

Xiang Liu smiled before joining his bloody palm to Xiao Yao’s bloody palm, so tightly that the blood flowing wasn’t clear whether it was his or hers. “Don’t blame me for not telling you this before, blame yourself for being useless!”

His face deathly pale, Xiang Liu covered his chest wound with one hand while the other took out a pill the size of a longan - the same healing pill made from Xiao Yao's blood. Instead of using it to heal himself, he fed it to Xiao Yao, and the wounds on her palms healed quickly, her face restored to a rosy hue.

Such an underwhelming use of her blood. Still disappointed about this part. 

Leaked script Ep19 scene 25-26   (Vol 3 Ch15 / Chapter 48)

Thank you for translating! ^^

That is true, but delaying something în order to deal and solve things diplomatically în a difficult situation doesn't mean he didn't put XY first. The only thing he asked her for was time and she did agree to that, otherwise I belive he would have giving up everything at once. Even after everything was sorted out, XY wasn't actually în a rush to get going with the wedding, they waited for like 15? 40? years before doing that. Idk, I just think that even if some circumstances were against Jing at some point în time, he had never giving up on her, everything he did was done with the sole purpose  of fighting his way out for her / to be with her. 

By definition, TSJ making choices based on those other factors (choices that hurt XY) meant that TSJ wasn't putting XY first at that point. That doesn't mean he didn't care about XY or that he gave up on her, but he didn't choose to prioritize her and her feelings over everything else. Which makes sense, because XY's expectation was unrealistic. No one in her life is able to prioritize her over everything else at all times, no matter how much they love her. TSJ is no exception.  

TSJ's ask puts XY in a pretty crappy position. He asks her to wait for him and not let anyone else into her heart for 15 years. He promises to end his engagement and return to her as YSQ within that time. But during that time, she has to watch him stay engaged to another woman who lives with him, often stays by his side, and is publicly acknowledged as his fiancee. XY hates being lonely and feeling abandoned. But that's exactly what her promise gets her. While TSJ slowly works on (unsuccessfully) coaxing his grandmother to cancel the engagement and CX-related political plans (which will also result in XY living closer to him... and his finacee), XY is stuck feeling extremely lonely and neglected for ages (16 months in the beginning, iirc?). She even thought that TSJ had lost interest in her. Only FFB's arrival in her life  finally alleviates her loneliness. And he doesn't make promises he can't keep. 

When TSJ does show up, she can't be with him openly because he's still engaged. Making her the bad mistress, even though TSJ was the one who pursued her. The fact that XY wouldn't have been in a rush to marry TSJ right away if he broke off the engagement quickly is beside the point really. The wedding isn't the issue. It's the position that XY is put in for as long as TSJ remains engaged to FFYY. 

TSJ knew his choices hurt XY, and he apologized for it. Again, I fully acknowledge that XY likes the part of TSJ that resulted in him making these choices. I'm not saying all of this in an attempt to paint TSJ as the wrong endgame. I'm just saying it to underscore that TSJ (like XL and CX) did not always put XY first. 

What I mean by that is that indeed, XL wanted to have the bug transferred from CX to him, but I am not so sure that he would have agreed to get the bug planted în himself if the  bug  wasn't already planted in someone and thus already taking its course by that time. 

I agree it would be pretty weird for XL to volunteer to have the bug planted in him for no reason. 

Would he accepted the bug (assuming he knew everything about what it was) if XY tried to plant it on him directly the way she originally intended (without asking for his permission)? In that scenario, I'm not sure. I can picture XL going either way, but I'm kind of inclined to think he would accept it.  


"Would he accepted the bug (assuming he knew everything about what it was) if XY tried to plant it on him directly the way she originally intended? In that scenario, I'm not sure. I can picture XL going either way, but I'm kind of inclined to think he would accept it. "

I am starting to forget parts of the story, tbh, I should re-read the whole novel again / rewatch the drama to understand things better, but IIRC she did try to plant the bug into XL before planting it into CX, but she wasn't able, right? By any chance do you know how far behind was that attempt? Like how much time had pass between her first failled attempt and the time she actually succeesed to plant the bug? Because I don't think one awareness has much to do with the faillure/success rate of the bug being planted, since it did work for CX to a degree. I am just trying to understand what was the turning point for XL regarding the bug. 



"Would he accepted the bug (assuming he knew everything about what it was) if XY tried to plant it on him directly the way she originally intended? In that scenario, I'm not sure. I can picture XL going either way, but I'm kind of inclined to think he would accept it. "

I am starting to forget parts of the story, tbh, I should re-read the whole novel again / rewatch the drama to understand things better, but IIRC she did try to plant the bug into XL before planting it into CX, but she wasn't able, right? By any chance do you know how far behind was that attempt? Like how much time had pass between her first failled try and the time she actually succeesed to plant the bug? 

She definitely tried to plant it on him in the drama but it didn't work. I find time in the drama hard to tell. It wasn't long afterwards but I don't know if it's week, months or years.

CX didn't know when she planted it on him but it worked. Would that imply that in between the first and the transfer XL fell in love with her?

I am starting to forget parts of the story, tbh, I should re-read the whole novel again / rewatch the drama to understand things better, but IIRC she did try to plant the bug into XL before planting it into CX, but she wasn't able, right? By any chance do you know how far behind was that attempt? Like how much time had pass between her first failled attempt and the time she actually succeesed to plant the bug?

In the drama (episode 8), they added a scene early on where XY starts trying to plant the bug in XL but doesn't finish. Why she doesn't finish isn't totally clear. Acceptance wouldn't be the issue, because CX didn't willingly accept the bug when XY planted it in him. I know some fans interpreted that scene as indicating that XY or XL (or both) didn't have romantic feelings yet, so the bug couldn't be planted. I think that's a fair explanation, but I personally just thought the bug was scared of XL since XY calls the bug a coward (and I felt like the bug wasn't scared when it's transferred to XL later because that time he welcomes the bug into his heart gladly, per XY's instructions). This is pure speculation, but I think they added that scene to introduce the idea of the bugs to the audience. Could totally be wrong about that. But it's not a scene that exists in the novel, so it feels like a scene that isn't that important.

I find time in the drama hard to tell.

Yeah, it's super hard to get a detailed sense of how much time passes between XY meeting XL and XL accepting the bug in the drama. In the novel, more than two years pass between the time that XY first meets XL and the time when he accepts the bug. But in the drama they don't sign-post time passing as much as Tong Hua does in the novel. 

iirc they still acknowledged that YSQ lived at the clinic for 6 years. So that's some indication. The seasons also change, which is sort of helpful if you're willing to pay close attention to those kinds of details. There might be more that one could pick up on if one was looking for those types of details, but I can't recall any off the top of my head. 


"But it's not a scene that exists in the novel, so it feels like a scene that isn't that important." 

Ah, I see, dunno why I thought that scene exists în the novel as well, but yea, I guess it is not that important if it's made up only for the drama. Anyway, as I said, the whole bugs part is confusing, but I am still inclined to belive that XL wanted the bug transferred into him mainly în order to protect her, since the bugs already took its course by that time, and not because he actually thought of having a future with her, I really can't belive this hypothesis.

 AH :
Not a huge fan of, "Don't blame me for lying to you." When he didn't lie about that part - he just answered XY's question and didn't tell her other highly relevant information that she failed to ask about. I preferred, "Don't blame me for not telling you this before..." from Koala's translation of the novel.

That part is tricky to translate. The text from the script is actually the same as the novel "你可别怪我骗你". In retrospect though, perhaps I should have translated as "deceive" rather than "lie". 

The novel says this:

相柳拿起小夭的手,以指为刀,在两人的手掌上横七竖八地划出一行咒语,血肉翻飞,深可见白骨。“我虽然解不了蛊,却可以杀了它。” 相柳唇角含笑,紧紧握住了小夭的手,双掌合拢,血肉交融,再分不清究竟是谁的血肉,“不过,你可别怪我骗你,是你没有问!”

Xiang Liu lifted Xiao Yao's hand, and using his finger as a knife, he slashed vertically and horizontally to carve a blood spell on their palms, their flesh and blood flying everywhere, the cuts so deep that their bones were clearly visible. "While I can't remove the bug, I can kill it." With a smile, he held her hand tightly, their palms joined, blood and flesh intermingled until it was no longer possible to tell whose it was. "However, don't blame me for deceiving youYou were the one who did not ask!"

 AH :
“Don’t blame me for not telling you this before, blame yourself for being useless!”

Thank you for bringing this part in particular to my attention, another difference from the revised edition:

However, don't blame me for deceiving you, it was you who was useless!

However, don't blame me for deceiving you, you were the one who did not ask!

 AH :
Such an underwhelming use of her blood. Still disappointed about this part. 

My sentiments exactly. And it makes no sense. That same blood already exists in her body. So how would ingesting her own blood pill be any different. Gah.

I think this script is legit, you guys. It's 100% what's going to happen in season 2.

I am still holding on to a sliver of hope that it is not the finalised version. And that whatever dialogue changes they made during post-production dubbing were able to turn things around by some miracle.

However, don't blame me for deceiving you, you were the one who did not ask!

I'm glad this was changed.  Because THIS just highlights XY's 'problem' in their relationship.  She doesn't ask, because she doesn't want to know.  I mean, she KNOWS, but she doesn't want it verbalized or admitted.

It was also her failure with PLB.  I mean seriously.  How can you take something so dangerous and not understand or try to understand what it is?  And years and years and years of ignorance.  SMH.

Anyway, have to leave, but will read and respond later.  Loving the conversation!

and not because he actually thought of having a future with her, I really can't belive this hypothesis.

We're on the same page here. ^^

If XY did try to plant the bug on XL as originally planned and if he did accept it, I feel like it might partly be for silly reasons (WXL raised this poisonous bug just for him!) and maybe partly because being able to sense her pain and having his lives connected to hers would mean that he would be in a better position to protect her, but in that scenario I think it would mainly be because having their hearts and emotions connected would mean that he would be able to better understand WXL. XL outright says he's more and more curious about WXL early on. She hides her true identity, but has these moments of intense vulnerability. She jokes around with him, even after he puts on his scariest demon general aura. And he starts to fall for her. I think he likes having that extra insight into XY's feelings (when she's not off kissing TSJ...) and an additional deep and unshakeable connection that no one else has with her. So I can see him accepting the bug, even if it wasn't a situation where the bug needed to be transferred from someone else. But not because he pictures a future where he leaves the Sheng Nong remnant army camp behind to build a white picket fence around Rejuvenation Clinic and play doctor with WXL and her band of misfits long term. 

That part is tricky to translate. The text from the script is actually the same as the novel "你可别怪我骗你". In retrospect though, perhaps I should have translated as "deceive" rather than "lie".

The novel says this:

don't blame me for deceiving you.

That's better!

another difference from the revised edition:

However, don't blame me for deceiving you, it was you who was useless!

However, don't blame me for deceiving you, you were the one who did not ask!

Oh the 2019 version is WAY better!

My sentiments exactly. And it makes no sense. That same blood already exists in her body. So how would ingesting her own blood pill be any different. Gah.
