
You can search for it on Google, with the keywords poster sauvignon blanc l/lost you forever, you will find what I mean. I can't include the link, sorry.



You can search for it on Google, with the keywords poster sauvignon blanc l/lost you forever, you will find what I mean. I can't include the link, sorry.

Ok, just a second!



Thats right

Hmm I’ve wondered about this poster many many times. It was the first photo uploaded to the gallery, four years ago. https://mydramalist.com/photos/QNk06

No idea who he is, but judging by his bearing…hmmmmm


isn't that general xiangliu and princess haoling?? ha ha ha ha

About "Xiang Liu raised the corners of his lips, raised his eyebrows and smiled, looking at Xiao Yao on the peach blossom boat, and said: "The person Xiao Yao misses most is Tu Shanjing. ""Full score understanding of this sentence~This is a lie to fools.



isn't that general xiangliu and princess haoling?? ha ha ha ha

It's certainly not the wet noodle... I mean the fox doodle.. I mean dude lmao


Bishui-Red Polygonum-White Xiangliu&Bihai-Red Snake Eye Heather-White Xiaoyao.
Yaoliu's symmetrical aesthetics
ps. The couple's outfit that Yaoliu never wore together in the play is also blue-red-white,
which strongly implies and full of a sense of fate.
Known: Xiang Liu first met Xiao Liu wearing the clothes . Inference: Xiaoyao customized a set when she became the Queen, but she was too embarrassed to show it to Xiang Liu. Summary: This outfit is called "My Unable to Stay Lover"

@nathsketch,Can you find them, the clothes they wear, white, blue, red??

Another youlius symmetrical aesthetics: White-feathered golden-crowned eagle vs. black bird; Maoqiu vs. Yuanyuan; Jiumingxiangyao vs. Jiuyao; Crescent Scimitar vs. Small Crescent Moon Hidden Bow on the Wrist. . . In fact, Yaoliu really expresses symmetry in many couples.

@nathsketch,Can you find them, the clothes they wear, white, blue, red??

I can try!


This one?

A man with black hair in black robes standing above a nobly dressed woman in white looking at a mountain peak? Seems like that has to be the male lead and the female lead. The Black Emperor of Xiyan, Cang Xuan, and the daughter of the White Emperor, Eldest Princess of Haoling, Jiu Yao. 

Edit: The name depicted on the gate could also be a clue. I wonder if it says Zhaoyun Hall? Or the name of the hall where they lived on Chenrong Mountain?


but the male protagonist from xiaoyao's point of view is xl



but the male protagonist from xiaoyao's point of view is xl

If you asked three different fans, chosen at random, who they thought was the protagonist from XY's point of view, there's a decent chance you'd get three different answers. 

But if you wanted to know who the male lead of the story is according to Tong Hua, she's already said it's Cang Xuan.

Back to Xiaoyao's suicide.

Maybe it was true that Xiaoyao really intended to die at that time, how could she not be disappointed with her cousin and her family, she had sacrificed the person she loved most for them, and in the end they still stabbed her in the back, she must have felt bad, and maybe she wanted to dead.

But when you think about it... when you are still connected to the bug,
When you commit suicide you definitely know the 2 possibilities.
1. really dead
2. live again.

When you really die, it means XL didn't save her, XL automatically dies. Did she mean to die with XL?
And when you live again, you will think XL saved you again.

And when she woke up and saw a figure in white clothes, and felt disappointed because it wasn't XL who saved her.
And there is the last sentence after shir bi said this.

"Xiao Yao stared in shock at Sir Bi who replied calmly “Don’t feel bad. Death is a natural part of life.”

Xiao Yao thought about it. If one could not love and live freely, then death would be a form of release." (does xy think she will die with xl, or is she just testing it to find the answer.)

xy didn't let cx die and xy actually committed suicide, this might be xy's revenge against cx. if cx thought xy was dead how devastated would cx be, and when XL saved xy, maybe she thought she would run away from cx. but when xl didn't save him, did are they ready to die together? After Xy found out that CX killed TSJ, didn't Xy feel sorry for saying the words "I don't want to see you again" to XL?

And I want to know if XL really didn't came at all when XY was waiting for him at the Dragon Bone Prison. @kitty_momo @liddi is there anything in the leaked script that indicates if XL at least came peeking, hidden behind a big fish or under a wave or something?

In Ep6 scene 8, Xiang Liu received the crystal globe. He reached out as if to hold the mermaid's hand, but did not touch it. In the next scene, Xiao Yao is sitting on a rock outside Dragon Bone prison, looking out into the ocean. She suddenly stood up and looked out at surface of the water, but could not see anything, after which she sat down dejectedly. No specifics mentioned, but it might hint that Xiang Liu did come to see her, but never let her see him.