
Now the legend at the top right:






Parents/Family Bonds



Thanks for this! "Admiration" is interesting. 


Yes, that's it!

Windia sent me a lot of theories she found on Weibo. I'll put them here later today. I need to go have lunch now lol

If book 3 aka xiang liu book goes în the middle, altough I am not sure, because I can't remember the exact order backwards, than that's interesting, because the middle îs love you forever. 

Great observation. I do not know if push comes to shove, Xiao Yao would choose not to abandon her child should Jing die when she seemed to go down the same vicious cycle as her aunt in that sense. However, I am of the opinion that thanks to Xiang Liu, she need never be faced with such a decision, and her children need never suffer the meaningless loss of both parents.

My hope is that, if XY had a child when TSJ died (in chapter 42 or in the future), she wouldn't be willing to die or to take her own life. 

As for Cang Xuan, I don't believe that he is the kind to easily throw his life away, especially since he had already determined to view Xiao Yao as his sister for the rest of his life. And unless he found a way to open up his heart to the women who do truly love him, such as A Nian, I doubt he would ever find any reason to give up on life should anything happen to them. In addition, with the world literally at his feet now, his ambition and vision would far outweigh any personal setbacks.


In the case of Jing, he was the only real father figure Zhen had ever known, so to be honest, I found it selfish to still leave the boy in the care of the clan elders instead of seeing the boy through his formative years, even though I can understand his choice for doing so, having come so close to losing Xiao Yao yet again through his own near-death. Some things should have been related to Zhen by him personally, especially with regards to his relationship with Hou and why it turned out the way it did, but it is what it is, and in the right hands, the boy will still have a chance to be the kind of man his father could have been.

Yes, I really felt for TSZ. He lost his father, his mother and his uncle in one fell swoop. Then had to learn the truth about his parentage and how his father, mother and uncle died. Then he had to take on the role of clan leader while he was still a child without the support of the clan elders and with no parental or sibling figures to support him. 


If book 3 aka xiang liu book goes în the middle, altough I am not sure, because I can't remember the exact order backwards, than that's interesting, because the middle îs love you forever. 

Yes, that's the main thing they mentioned in their comments. 

And I think the choice of hair color in the YaoLiu illustration has already been mentioned here before, iirc.

"But when the three pictures are put together into a complete picture, they are not in the order of 123, but in the order of 231, with Yaoliu in the middle. There is also the deep seabed, like a shadow, with boundless thoughts.

Finally, let’s talk about the inserts. At first glance, it seems to be a famous scene in the book. What really made me feel something was wrong was the insert in the third book, Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu. That's right, it's the white-haired Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao who shoot arrows, not the black-haired Bei! This is a scene that has never been seen in the book! Moreover, this hairstyle is Bei's hairstyle, not Xiang Liu's hairstyle when he was a general.

The second book is Xiaoyao on Shennong Mountain. As Wang Ji and Tushan clan leader, each has its own obligations and responsibilities, but she is looking forward to the day when she returns to Qingshui Town. The first one is about Xiaoyao in Qingshui Town. She imagined that if her mother had not died in the battle and she and Xuanxuan had not been separated, they would still be under the phoenix tree on Xuanyuan Mountain.

With her brother, she is facing from behind, and she is protecting; with Jing, she is sitting and standing, and experiencing it on her own; with Xiang Liu... she is standing side by side with a bow and arrow (she said, whenever the two horses lower their heads and the other raises their heads, she will No.)" 

This translation is very odd, so any help is much appreciated lol

The illustrations:


No, Jing died before his wedding with XY. Funny thing is TH didn't even bother to give us a description of how YX reacted when she found out Jing dissapperead and is belived to be dead. 

I'm not sure I'd put it that way. 

XY followed TSJ to QS town as soon as she received TSJ's letter telling her that he was going to QS town. When she arrived, there were obvious signs that TSJ might have been killed, but she was in denial. Even by chapter 43 she still had some hope that TSJ would come back. 


Chapter 42:

When Xiao Yao arrived at Qing Shui Town, it was already dusk. The field was covered in blood, a winged horse grazing, a bloody mandarin duck engraved bow laying on the ground. The bow reflected the sun but not a soul was in sight.

Xiao Yao knew that Jing was not a fighter, and compared to Hou it was like a forest fox versus a mountain tiger. The tiger might not be able to catch the fox in the woods, but in a direct battle the fox was doomed. Hou claimed he wanted a fair fight but he chose the method that gave him the advantage. So Jing was going to die whether he agreed to the fight or not.

But Xiao Yao didn’t believe it. She kept telling herself that Jing was alive! He must be alive! In twenty four days he was going to marry her, so how could he not be alive?

Xiao Yao followed the river calling out, “Jing ——– Jing——–“ But no one answered her.

Xiao Yao didn’t care and even if her throat was parched raw she kept yelling while Jing Ye kneeled before her sobbing, “We’ve searched everywhere, Clan Leader hasn’t been found.”

Hu Ya and You walked the field and stopped by a patch of blood. Hu Ya said to Xiao Yao “This is all Clan Leader’s blood, because his powers were ripped when the nine-tailed fox tails were pulled off, his internal organs were severely injured. He couldn’t even stand so must have collapsed here.”

Looking around, he continued, “This is where he laid the longest, and he would be severely injured so couldn’t move easily. If he moved anywhere he would leave a trace behind, unless…..Clan Leader went from this spot directly into the river.”

Jing Ye was ecstatic. “That means Master must have escaped, he’s still alive!”

You shook her head so Jing Ye’s face fell. Hu Yao continued, “You don't believe that. If Master escaped then Hou should still be alive, but You smells Hou’s scent of death.” Hu Ya pointed to the trail of blood leading to the river. “That’s all blood from Hou’s heart, and the blood on that final stretch doesn’t have any scent of life, which means Hou was already dead.”

Xiao Yao anxiously asked You, “If you smell Hou’s death scent, do you smell anyone else’s?”

Hu Ya said, “Clan Leader is the King of the fox tribe. You has no ability to determine if he’s dead or alive.” Hu Ya saw Xiao Yao’s face ashen and about to cry so quickly added, “Right now it’s just Hou. She also can’t smell Fang Feng Yi Yang’s death either.”

Xiao Yao said, “But you’re certain Jing fell in the river?” Hu Ya added “Clan Leader couldn’t have vanished into thin air, so that’s the only possibility.”

“I’ll go find him!” Xiao Yao dove into the water with a plop and vanished in the waves. Hu Ya yelled, “We’ve already sent ships searching up and down the river!”

Jing Ye cried, “Let her go, if she doesn’t do anything she might have a break down.”

That night Qing Shui River was brightly lit with lamps on ships going up and down the length. There were also tens of water demons searching in the water depths. Deep into the night, even more ships and water demons arrived to join the search. Right as the sun was close to rising, at the darkest and coldest point of the night, Zhuan Xu arrived.

He was in full armor and clearly rushed here straight from an army base without even stopping to change, riding the fastest winged ride to get here.

Xiao Yao was still in the river looking for Jing, from dusk until now she refused to leave the water. She searched every inch of the river floor from Qing Shui Town until when the river met the ocean. A ship brought Xiao Yao back to Qing Shui Town but she refused to quit and wanted to swim back upstream and search all over again. Everyone could see she was exhausted but no one could stop her. Xiao Yao jumped into the river and her legs spasmed so she couldn’t swim. She tightly grabbed onto an oar and still refused to get out of the water, as if she could stay closer to Jing if she stayed in the water, and give him a better chance of being alive.

It was only when Zhuan Xu arrived that he forcefully pulled Xiao Yao out of the water. Her face was blue and her lips black, her eyes blank, with her hair plastered on her face and body colder than ice. Zhuan Xu called her to drink wine but she didn’t respond. Zhuan Xu forced her lips open and poured wine in her mouth. Xiao Yao’s body jerked and she started to cough.

Xiao Xiao dried Xiao Yao’s hair with a towel and used her power to dry her clothes. Zhuan Xu wrapped Xiao Yao up in a blanket to carry her away but Xiao Yao’s eyes remained fixed on the water in abject terror as she shook her head vigorously. Zhuan Xu had no choice but to let Xiao Yao sit by the shore.

Xiao Yao stared blankly at the ships coming and going on the river, and whatever Zhuan Xu said it was like she didn’t even hear it. From time to time she would ask “Found yet?”

By noon, Qing Shui River had been searched upside down, and it wasn’t just Jing not found, neither Hou or Yi Yang had been found either. The only find was a jade bracelet, dark green and malleable, without any design on it but the jade itself was very high quality and exquisite. But it wasn’t finished yet so the bracelet shape wasn’t finished either.

Jing Ye saw it and burst into tears. “Clan Leader said the Miss didn’t wear jewelry but a bracelet wouldn’t be too cumbersome, so he was making her this bracelet himself.”

Xiao Yao stood up but Zhuan grabbed her. “Where was it found?”

One person replied, “Down river close to the mouth to the ocean.”

Xiao Yao yelled, “Jing! Jing is there!”

“Because this bracelet was found there, we had men search that area top to bottom and every rock turned over. Nothing was found. Likely carried by the current into the ocean.” Xiao Yao’s voice was tight and sharp, “Then search the ocean.”

No one dared say anything other than to murmur, “The mouth to the ocean has been searched thoroughly.”

Whether it was Tu Shan people or Zhuan Xu’s people, every person was doing everything possible and searching the ocean area nearby. But it was still the ocean, the vast open ocean, forget looking for one person, even sinking an entire mountain into the ocean it would be difficult to find it. Plus there were lots of demon water beasts and sea monsters in the ocean, and gods had godly powers that were the favorite foods of those sea creatures.

Zhuan Xu ordered, “Keep searching!”

“Yes!” Everyone went back on the ships or dove back into the water, and in a second was all gone. Under the bright sun, the river waves churned beautifully forward, not a shred of sadness or awareness that it swallowed up the happiness of two people.

Xiao Yao stood up and stumbled, “I’m going to look for him!”

Zhuan Xu said, “If you want to go, you still need to eat. If you don’t have energy how can you search? Be good, let’s eat first, okay?”

Xiao Yao wanted to shake his hand off. “I want revenge!”

Zhuan Xu shot Xiao Xiao a look and she quickly returned with a ship. Zhuan Xu carried Xiao Yao and flew onto the ship. The ship traveled downstream as Xiao Yao held the unfinished bracelet in her hand and stared out at the water unblinking, as if she wanted to remember clearly the river that so cruelly took Jing away from her.

Xiao Xiao’s powers were strong and the ship was sailing fast. When the sun was dipping low the ship entered the mouth to the ocean. There were countless ships out in the ocean continuing to search. Xiao Xiao halted her powers as the ship slowly sailed forward in the current.

Xiao Yao touched the bracelet and asked, “Was the bracelet found here?” Xiao Yao struggled to stand up to jump in the river. Zhuan Xu grabbed her. “You can’t even stand, what are you going to do down there?”

The ship wobbled and Xiao Yao weakly fell into Zhuan Xu’s arms. She still insisted on diving in as her eyes fixed on the water “I….I….I want to go find him!”

Zhuan Xu grabbed her chin and forced her head up to look around her, nearly about to yell “Look! How many people are looking for him? They are stronger and more familiar with this area than you, they know better than you how to look for someone in the water. If you go down I’ll have to ask them to follow you and protect you. Are you looking for someone or causing more problems for them?”

Xiao Yao’s lips were quivering as her body shook. Zhuan Xu embraced her tightly and softened his tone. “Xiao Yao, if Jing is alive they will find him.”

Xiao Yao stared at the people in the water, searching in pairs in perfect form, truly looking at every inch and nook.

Xiao Xiao directed their ship to follow along with the search vessels. From the sunset until late into the night, all the ships were far out at sea. It was a dark starless night but the moon was bright and it shone down on the thousands of searchers still looking for Jing. Because everyone carried an illuminating new moon jewel sent over by the Tu Shan clan, thousands of moon jewels glittered in the water like thousands of stars dancing in the waves.

From when Jing fell into the water, two days had passed. All the searchers had lost hope but without Zhuan Xu’s order no one dared stop or give up.

Xiao Yao stared out at the dark waves and murmured “I don’t understand. In the past when things went wrong, I always knew what the mistake was. Some were because he was too kind and forgiving, others because I didn’t trust him and hold onto him. But this time what did we do wrong? He rushed to see a child in need, that was not wrong. He brought along guards, that was not wrong. He wrote me a letter before leaving, that was not wrong. He chose to battle rather than get shot by arrows, that was not wrong. I rushed to him when I received the letter, that was not wrong. So where did we go wrong?”

Zhuan Xu said, “Neither of you did anything wrong.”

“If we didn’t do anything wrong, then why did things go wrong?”

Zhuan Xu had no answer for that.

“In the past, if we made mistakes, we corrected it and things got fixed. But what about this time? Gege, you tell me, what did we do wrong? I’ll fix it, I’ll for sure fix it. No matter what I did wrong, I’ll change and fix it!” Xiao Yao’s body convulsed from the pain and not eating for two days, she felt like throwing up but nothing came up.

“Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao.” Zhuan Xu tried to inject power into Xiao Yao to lessen her pain but could do nothing because her pain came from her heart.

The moon gradually disappeared as the sun came up from the East and its red light blanketed the ocean in color. One commander came to report “Your Majesty, we’ve searched for two days one night, many soldiers are exhausted and passed out. Does Your Majesty want us to rest or continue searching, or call more men here?”

Zhuan Xu said, “Rest and then continue searching, and order a thousand more water-based soldiers here.”

The commander paused for a moment before saying, “Yes!”

The exhausted soldiers climbed onboard the ships and collapsed on the deck even before drinking water. Calls of “doctor, doctor!” rose from various directions. Some didn’t even have strength to climb onto the ship and fell back into the water, dragging other soldiers behind. No one dared say anything since Zhuan Xu was there.

Xiao Yao stared at the soldiers before looking back out at the ocean, so vast and unending. Even taking all the soldiers of a kingdom as vast as the wilderness was not enough to even match up with one part of the ocean. She was never going to find Jing!

Xiao Yao said in a low voice, “Tell them to stop searching.”

Zhuan Xu said, “Perhaps he was saved by a fishing vessel, or saved by merpeople and sent back to land.”

Xiao Yao’s tears fell in large drops. “Twenty two more days until our wedding, he needs to mind the time to hurry back.”

After saying that, Xiao Yao toppled forward in a dead faint. Zhuan Xu scrambled to catch her in his arms, she didn’t eat or rest for two days and finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Zhuan Xu carefully wrapped Xiao Yao in a blanket and held her in his arms, staring carefully at her face. Her visage was pale and lips white, in two days it was like her entire body wasted away. Zhuan Xu felt his heart hurt and he looked up into the dawning light before taking a deep breath “Xiao Yao, this too will pass, and one day you will forget him!”

Xiao Yao slept for four days straight, and Yin said her body was healthy but it was like she was gravely ill and couldn’t wake up. Even in sleep she would shake in pain.

Zhuan Xu was anxious beyond belief but could do nothing other than stay beside Xiao Yao. After four days and four nights, Xiao Yao woke up, her body wan and thin as if recovering from a major illness. Zhuan Xu had also lost weight and wanted to take Xiao Yao back but she refused so he had no choice but to stay with her in the East Sea for tens more days.

Every night Xiao Yao would wait, every day Xiao Yao would go in the water. Zhuan Xu had no choice so had Xiao Xiao follow her everywhere.

this diagram was included in the book “Once promised “ edition issued in 2019.

That's good context. It makes sense that Shao Hao's father would be depicted as the Grand Emperor then. 


Now the translations are kind of hilarious:

Thanks guys this is all super cool and exciting...

The translations are funny... All I got was it definitely says she likes him. There in the book and irrefutable...

I am sitting here eagerly awaiting some the resident translator.....

 AH :

Liddi posted about the novel illustrations and the novel order in another thread.


And here:

Oh nice, thank you. Looking at them backwards I could think that I am looking at her take on the 3 MLs, but altough I do get love you forever for XL and miss you forever for CX, I am not really sure what to belive of lost you forever for Jing.  Hm, perhaps the shiqi and qingshui era? 


About jing's death, I wasn't impressed, honestly. What I meant was that we didn t get to see her reaction when she first heard the news and I was looking forward to that, because I really wanted to compare her reaction in regards to jing's disappearence / death to the reaction she had when she heard of XL's death. 


Oh nice, thank you. Looking at them backwards I could think that I am looking at her take on the 3 MLs, but altough I do get love you forever for XL and miss you forever for CX, I am not really sure what to belive of lost you forever for Jing.  Hm, perhaps the shiqi and qingshui era? 

I wouldn't read any meaning into the re-ordering required to view the panorama scene on the back covers.

Volume 1 depicts CX with XY on its cover. That one is titled 如初见 (As When We First Met).

Volume 2 depicts TSJ with XY on its cover. That one is titled 诉衷情 (Love Confessed).

Volume 3 depicts XL with XY on its cover. That one is titled 思无涯 (Unending Yearning).

liddi and I discussed the volume titles (and Koala's different translations for them) earlier in this thread.


And here:

Edited to add "on its cover" for clarity. 



About jing's death, I wasn't impressed, honestly. What I meant was that we didn t get to see her reaction when she first heard the news and I was looking forward to that, because I really wanted to compare her reaction in regards to jing's disappearence / death to the reaction she had when she heard of XL's death. 

I'm not sure that XY ever "first heard the news".

As soon as she received TSJ's letter saying that he was going to QS town because TSZ was sick, XY went straight to QS town. It's possible that she got there before anyone else from the Tu Shan Clan. When she arrived she definitely would've looked for TSJ. She would've gone to the house where TSZ was first. TSJ and FFYY should've been there too, but XY would've found that they were not there. She might've encountered Hu Zhen there, maybe still unconscious after being knocked out by Hou. Hu Zhen could've told her that TSZ's illness was a trap set by Hou and that Hou had killed or "detained" all of TSJ's guards and servants, but he wouldn't know more than that. 

We know for sure that XY ended up at the bloody field, which told its own story. Seven of TSJ's severed tails were strewn across that field. There were no living witnesses to the fight, but the bloody field would tell XY and the others that a bloody battle was fought between TSJ and someone stronger than him. Someone who hated him. Even if XY didn't encounter Hu Zhen, it would be obvious that the person TSJ fought with could only be TSH. 


in volume 2 there are 2 lines of love, the dark line (yaoliu) and the light line (yaojing), so it's not just about yaojing



in volume 2 there are 2 lines of love, the dark line (yaoliu) and the light line (yaojing), so it's not just about yaojing

None of the volumes are about just one of the male leads. When I said that Volume 2 depicts TSJ, I meant that that's the volume that has TSJ on its cover. 


Thank you, guys, but what does it says? Maybe liddi can help us with the translation. Also I am curious about that empty heart, there is something on the right that explains the symbols but it is too unclear to read, I think. 

The text is not very clear, but this is what I can make out for Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu's descriptions, as well as their corresponding relationship symbols:

Xiang Liu    (爱慕 loves and adores Xiao Yao)
Shen Nong general, Hong Jiang's close friend, Nine-headed sea demon. Dressed in white, with a handsome appearance, loves Xiao Yao for his whole life. Since Shen Nong and Xuan Yuan are enemies, he has no choice but to never express his love, and even deliberately pretends to be hostile / malevolent. However, he saves Xiao Yao from danger every time, and is even willing to plant the 相思蛊 lovesickness bug (?) together with Xiao Yao. In the end, he dies in battle for Shen Nong.

Xiao Yao  (爱慕 loves and adores Xiang Liu, 爱情/夫妻 has a love relationship with and marries Tushan Jing)
Xiling Jiu Yao and Wen Xiao Liu. Xiling Heng and Chi Chen's daughter. When she was young, she mistakenly thought that Shao Hao (Gao Xin king) was her real father. She thought she was abandoned. In the end, she understood her parents' love. She and Cang Xuan treat each other as extremely close brother and sister, depending on each other in life and death. She has love for Xiang Liu 有情 but mistakenly thinks that Xiang Liu hates her. Her lifelong wish is to have someone who wholeheartedly protects each other for life 相护. In the end, she marries Tushan Jing.

Are there any close-ups of the other character details? Can anyone send me the links to the original images on Weibo?