We‘re really in love-hate relationship with this show. It gave us some really great scene addition about XL but also watering down XL-XY sweet/romantic moments as well and also some questionable scene like this ‚FFB-TSJ bargain scene‘.

Very true. I will say that S1 is truly well adapted for the most part, but still falls short when held up against the novel, and scenes that jar are often scenes that differ from the source material, or are created for the drama itself, with the exception of a few scenes that actually work better with its inclusion. I also find it interesting that Yang Zi said how most scenes with Xiang Liu were difficult to film as these were iconic scenes from the novel. I can understand changing more fantastical aspects of it, especially due to limitations in terms of CGI, but watering down what was originally in the novel is a great disservice to the characters and the relationship they shared. To quote my daughter after she read the novel's description of the 37 years under the ocean and compared it to what the drama gave, "We have been robbed!"


Hi Liddi!

I can't quote your previous post but i agree what you said. 

Even they faithfully adapted from the novel, they took out what I think the "essence", the unspoken love between XL and XY.  Now when i'm watching the drama, i felt some scenes between them were out of place in terms of emotional placement.

Heard that Tong Hua is involved in the screenwriting? Not to nitpick, but she's an author and she should be proud of her what she has written. I mean, any scenes can be adapted, but basically removing that particular element that resonated amongst her readers. I can understand their disappointment at this moment. On the other hand, i feel maybe she has her own difficulties. 


During 37 years under the sea, there were 444 kisses (on mouth) and 444 times of neck sucking/kisses and hundreds time of cuddles. We have none on screen. Such a big loss. LOL. 

I think we will be robbed more in season 2. 

I personally like the part when XY touched his white hair in the veteran's house a lot (where XL comforted her about the rumor of being Chi You's daughter). For me, it expresses her feeling for him even more than the scene after they left the casino and she wished to be born a few hundred year earlier, then she would definitely come to the fighting arena to rescue him. In both cases, she looked at him with watery eyes. He could not resist the later one. Touching man's hair is somehow quite sexy and intimate.  To bad that will be robbed too if the leaked script is correct



During 37 years under the sea, there were 444 kisses (on mouth) and 444 times of neck sucking/kisses and hundreds time of cuddles. We have none on screen. Such a big loss. LOL. 

I think we will be robbed more in season 2. 

I personally like the part when XY touched his white hair in the veteran's house a lot (where XL comforted her about the rumor of being Chi You's daughter). For me, it expresses her feeling for him even more than the scene after they left the casino and she wished to be born a few hundred year earlier, then she would definitely come to the fighting arena to rescue him. In both cases, she looked at him with watery eyes. He could not resist the later one. Touching man's hair is somehow quite sexy and intimate.  To bad that will be robbed too if the leaked script is correct

That's one of my favorite scenes too. Its so intimate on a subconscious level for XY. It's the only time he could not restrain himself to be physical. I know he bit her after he saved from the whirlpool but she offered herself. I was really looking forward to those scene before I found out about the leaked script.

The only part I was really looking forward to and they kept was "the question".

The drama really waters down XY love and make XL seem somewhat unrequited.

Has anyone read the manual? It seems incomplete the version I saw.

The following are the scenes from the leaked script that cover the preparation of the crystal globe, Xiao Yao waiting for Xiang Liu by the sea, right up to just before the wedding ceremony to Feng Long

Leaked script Ep5 scenes 21-22   (Vol 2 Ch14 / Chapter 31)

[This is vastly different from the novel, where Xiao Yao prepared the crystal globe and had it sealed at the North Pole 4 years earlier, after Cang Xuan ascended the throne. Here, she only started making the crystal globe after Feng Long asked to set their marriage in motion]

Her impending marriage in sight, Xiao Yao struggled on how to make the last poison for Xiang Liu and sighed out loud  that she did not know what she should make this last time. She recalled the last time she spoke of her engagement to him outside the gambling den:

FFB: It would be difficult not to know of Chishui clan leader and Gao Xin princess' engagement even if one doesn't wish to! Oh, I forgot to offer my congratulations. (insincerely) Congratulations!
XY: Is there nothing else you wish to say to me apart from congratulations?
FFB: What do you wish to hear?

They looked at each other, their gazes probing, but neither would take the first step. Xiao Yao averted her eyes in disappointment, then shook her head and laughed.

XY: I have two things to discuss with you.
FFB: Say it.
XY: The first is making poisons for you. I can still do it now, but... I won't do it anymore after I am married.

Fangfeng Bei's smile froze, then continued to smile.

[End flashback]

Her maid noted that since it is the last time, it should be something special.

She requested all kinds of rare, expensive ingredients, and for Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian's assistance, to which Cang Xuan readily agreed, much to the old Xuan Yuan king's disapproval, saying that Cang Xuan's reputation for being frugal and self-restrained would have gone down the drain with her extravagance.


Meanwhile, the Gao Xin king instructed Ru Shou to escort Xiao Yao back to Gao Xin for the wedding, but hinted that he should take his time to bring her home [indicating that he wanted to delay the wedding as much as possible ]

Leaked script Ep6   (Vol 2 Ch14 / Chapter 31)

As Yu Jiang and Chishui Xian worked to solidify the crystal globe, the surrounding temperature dropped and snowflakes unexpectedly formed and fluttered. Xiao Yao lifted her head to see the snowflakes, and reached out to touch them, sadness on her face as she thought this was the last time she would be making poisons for Xiang Liu.
The crystal globe finally completed, Xiao Yao arranged for it to be sent speedily to Qingshui Town.
She met Jing and noted his shock upon hearing of her upcoming wedding. Miao Pu explained that although her wedding was around the corner, both Cang Xuan and the Gao Xin king kept the news tightly under wraps, so the Chishui clan dared not make an open announcement about it. Xiao Yao's maid felt that the two kings were not particularly enthusiastic about her wedding, refusing to announce it to the world, as if waiting for Xiao Yao to change her mind.


At dusk, Xiang Liu stood by the banks of Gourd Lake in the lightly drizzling rain, holding a box in his hand with a faraway expression. It seemed as if Xiao Yao's voice could be heard in the rustling sounds of the wind, rushing waters and familiar scenery.

[Flashback: Xiao Liu challenging Xiang Liu to a swimming competition]

Xiang Liu withdrew his gaze and opened the box, taking out the ice crystal globe.
In an instant, the cold air and drizzling rain that came into contact with the ice crystal globe crystalised into snowflakes that danced around Xiang Liu.
Xiang Liu immediately realised the lengths to which Xiao Yao went to create it. His eyes held mixed emotions, and he was visibly moved.
Within the crystal globe was a base of blue sea, with colourful small fishes and red corals in it. On the surface of the sea was a great white seashell, and a beautiful mermaid sat on it, one hand on her heart, and the other hand outstretched towards the merman in the water, floating on the waves.

[Flashback to the time they saw the mating mercouple]

Xiang Liu lifted his hand and reached out as if to hold the mermaid's hand, but lingered without moving closer. Snowflakes fluttered down between him and the crystal globe, and his eyes were filled with sorrow.


Xiao Yao, dressed in white, sat hugging her knees on a rock outside Dragon Bone prison at dusk. The glow of sunset filled the sky as the ocean waves lapped on the rocks.
Xiao Yao fixed her gaze on the distant waves. She suddenly stood up and looked eagerly at the surface of the ocean, but could see nothing except water. Her eyes slowly filled with dejection and hurt, and she sat blankly back down.


[Several days later]

The sky was getting darker, with the last rays of light left at the horizon.
Waves rolled in, but Xiao Yao still maintained the same position, hugging her knees as she sat on top of the rock outside Dragon Bone prison.
A Nian skipped right up behind her.

AN (curiously): Sister, you have been sitting here for quite a few days already. What exactly are you thinking of?
XY: I don't know.
AN: You don't know?
XY: I am just waiting.

A Nian looked around suspiciously.

AN: What are you waiting for?
XY: I don't know.
AN (amused): You are still waiting even though you don't know?
XY (quietly): Perhaps I am just waiting for fate.

A Nian sat down by her side, and looked at her strangely.

AN: Fate? What do you mean by fate?
XY: I don't know.

A Nian pursed her lips and stared at Xiao Yao angrily.

AN: Sister, you didn't bother to answer my questions properly at all. Every answer is an "I don't know"!
XY: I really have no idea. People know nothing in this life! We don't know when we are born, when we will die, whether lovers will eventually get married, loving couples would be able to grow old together. we don't even know what will happen tomorrow.

A Nian finally understood what she meant. She thought of Cang Xuan and looked sadly at the horizon.

AN (murmuring): I don't know... (sighs) Back then, I thought that as Gao Xin princess, I could have whatever I wanted. I did not know that Cang Xuan gege would leave Gao Xin, did not know he would become king of Xuan Yuan, let alone that he would make someone else his queen. The person I am today has no idea either whether I could be with Cang Xuan gege in the future.

Xiao Yao patted A Nian comfortingly, and she looked back at her.

AN: What do you hope to be able to wait for?
XY: Royal Father asked me to wait for 7 days. If nothing happened within the 7 days, it is fate; if something did happen, it is also fate.
AN (comprehending): When you are unable to change anything, and do not know how to change it, it seems that all you can do is wait.

A Nian sadly rested her head on Xiao Yao's shoulders.
With the surging of the tide, the two sisters looked out to the horizon as the last rays of sunset sank under the ocean.


On the day of the wedding, Xiao Yao was on board the Gao Xin wedding barge.

Meanwhile, Fangfeng Bei sat at the bow of a small boat on the river canal of Zhi Yi city. The boat passed by the location where Xiang Liu came to the city the last time and met Wen Xiao Liu.

[Flashback to Wen Xiao Liu waving to the boat from the shore

WXL: Boatman! Boatman! ]

Fangfeng Bei's eyes were cold and the illusion disappeared. The boat continued to move forward but the illusion of Wen Xiao Liu reappeared once more.

WXL: I take things as they come, the four corners of the world is my home, no matter where I go. ]

Fangfeng Bei's cold eyes betrayed a trace of emotion. Lowering his gaze, an ice crystal globe appeared in his hand.
He stared at the crystal globe intently as if bewitched, and reached out to touch the mermaid within, their fingertips touching through the ice crystal.
His eyes softened but his words were cold.

FFB: I taught you the ability to protect yourself, yet now you want to take things lying down and just get by. Have you asked if I agreed? 


AN: What are you waiting for?
XY: I don't know.
AN (amused): You are still waiting even though you don't know?
XY (quietly): Perhaps I am just waiting for fate.

Wait for fate does a favor. Wait for what can't be waited.

I am pretty sure that that XL's theme song will be played in the background for this scene. 

@liddi: just when I thought I already desentisized  from all the changes from the novel they ripped me a new one. ‚Sigh‘ at least it looks like the leaked script retained the sense of unspoken longing XY has for XL even if it shorten significantly the time she spent preparing for it. I also don‘t like how the script insinuates that the idea to prepare special poison for the last time came from the maid instead of something XY think herself ?. And thank you for translating the leaked script and share it here. Always appreciate your efforts.

I am really in a drama slump right now. I started watching a few kdrama n cdrama but nothing really hold my interest. I guess only TJC new drama is going to cure me. In the meantime I‘m going back to fast forwarding TJC scenes in his old dramas and his variety shows. The obsession is REAL?.


I recommend "Under the skin". I finished it last week. The plot is interesting.



I recommend "Under the skin". I finished it last week. The plot is interesting. 

I watched it already ?, but I finished it only because TJC. His Shen Yi is good and I like his chemistry with Du Cheng, but storywise UTS  a bit boring for me.  I watched Secret of three Kingdoms (his Cao Pi is deliciously angsty and a messed of daddy issues sprinkled with sociopathic tendency) and his Cut from Court Lady. Now I‘m watching Are You Safe, but the are many fillers scene with the SML, whom I don‘t care about, so back to ff-ing the drama to get through it.


I watched Court Lady (full series) about 6 month ago. Normally I can remember faces very well. But I failed this time. I could not realize that I had watched his drama before LYF. 

They looked at each other, their gazes probing, but neither would take the first step. Xiao Yao averted her eyes in disappointment, then shook her head and laughed.

Being on the YaoLiu ship is well and truly frustrating.

Oh well. At least they're together in AUs.

All thanks to Pororo :')

Heard that Tong Hua is involved in the screenwriting? Not to nitpick, but she's an author and she should be proud of her what she has written. I mean, any scenes can be adapted, but basically removing that particular element that resonated amongst her readers. I can understand their disappointment at this moment. On the other hand, i feel maybe she has her own difficulties. 

Yes, she is one of 4 scriptwriters for the drama. I do not know how much say she has in the final script, but I suspect that watering down Cang Xuan's descent into obsessive madness, as well as Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao's relationship may have to do with very real censorship issues, so it was either do that or see the drama shelved, as so many others have ended up in recent years, including the BL drama 烽火流金 Winner is King that TJC starred in. Still, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, and I fear that the butchering of scenes and nuances will be even worse in S2. 

During 37 years under the sea, there were 444 kisses (on mouth) and 444 times of neck sucking/kisses and hundreds time of cuddles. We have none on screen. Such a big loss. LOL. 

Total YaoLiu scenes in S1 add up to less than 5 hours, far less than YaoJing and YaoXuan (~ 5.5 hours each). Imagine if we had all those scenes... we might make it past the 5 hour mark, though we as viewers probably would be stuck on repeat at the 37 years under the ocean scenes! TJC once said in an interview that his idea of a happy ending is Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu becoming two fishes and living forever under the ocean, never coming up to the surface after the 37 years. Sounds good to me too!

I personally like the part when XY touched his white hair in the veteran's house a lot (where XL comforted her about the rumor of being Chi You's daughter).

That's one of my favorite scenes too. Its so intimate on a subconscious level for XY. It's the only time he could not restrain himself to be physical.

Yes - that was one of the most beautiful scenes in the novel, a moment so rare and achingly tender that I find myself holding my breath, wishing it would last.

And of course, like almost everything else, this scene will probably not make it, the kiss changed to just a snowflake falling on her forehead, and everything else given to Jing.

I am pretty sure that that XL's theme song will be played in the background for this scene. 

It would be poetic if it did, since this time round, it is Xiao Yao waiting for Xiang Liu in vain. The script does not specifically mention Xiang Liu's presence, but it would be good if we do get to see him watching her, unseen by her as he did during the time in Rejuvenation Hall.

I guess only TJC new drama is going to cure me. In the meantime I‘m going back to fast forwarding TJC scenes in his old dramas and his variety shows. The obsession is REAL?.

My daughter is still mourning over Xiang Liu's impending fate, and trying in vain to find something that would cheer her up. I am waiting for Love Me, Love My Voice which is rumoured to air next month, but she said that she needs to see TJC and YZ in a drama where they end up together, before she could move on. I am back to rewatching Under the Skin, which I really love (tried Are You Safe, but have not been able to get past Ep5). Meanwhile, can't wait for him to return to H!6 - the show never fails to cheer me up with their hilarious antics.

Incidentally, he arrived late to the LYF fanmeet / concert on 17 Oct as he was stuck in traffic after finishing filming late in the evening. What was impressive is when he was singing Xiang Liu's character theme 等不到的等待, he encountered issues with his ear piece, but still managed to deliver a stable, well-executed performance throughout, which speaks volumes to his strength as a singer. 

Being on the YaoLiu ship is well and truly frustrating.

Oh well. At least they're together in AUs.

Definitely. Thank goodness for fanfics!

My daughter is still mourning over Xiang Liu's impending fate, and trying in vain to find something that would cheer her up. I am waiting for Love Me, Love My Voice which is rumoured to air next month, but she said that she needs to see TJC and YZ in a drama where they end up together, before she could move on.

Oh no, another poor unfortunate soul like us! I was waiting to see who your daughter would choose. Clever girl, really really clever!


Oh no, another poor unfortunate soul like us! I was waiting to see who your daughter would choose. Clever girl, really really clever!

Yes she finally decided to marathon it over 3 days last weekend. You can see her journey here on p204.

I am starting to regret her watching the drama though because of how much it has affected her. And she is now encouraging her good friend to watch too. The poison continues to spread...