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I found this review on a chinese site and IMO it express quite well the bond that XY and XL had. The credits go to lost deer girl. 

"The most regrettable thing is that no one knows the true meaning of Xiaoyao and Xiangliu's mutual understanding. They created a spiritual world with only each other, isolating everyone else, whether it is the characters in the book or the readers outside the book, perhaps except the author Tong Hua. There are also many readers who think that they either don't love each other or have unrequited love, but neither of them is true. They love each other, and they know each other's feelings. In fact, it is written very clearly in the novel, and it can be summarized in one sentence: Lovers are connected. Don't say that Xiaoyao doesn't know about Xiangliu's efforts. She knows everything, whether it is 37 years under the sea, or the later sending bows and arrows, Xiangliu saving Jing, and using his life to remove the poison, Xiaoyao knows it. You can see it by reading the novel carefully. But Xiaoyao pretended not to know every time she paid for Xiangliu, just like she knew the warm moments when Xiangliu saved her in the sea for 37 years, but she pretended not to know because Xiangliu didn't want her to know that she was doing it according to Xiangliu's wishes. I saw many book friends say that Xiaoyao is not worthy of Xiangliu and that Xiaoyao is cowardly. In fact, it is not. Many things Xiaoyao did for Xiangliu may not be done by others. They have always loved each other and have been giving to each other. It is not as everyone says that only Xiangliu is giving. In fact, Xiaoyao was the first to give. Since the Qingshui Town period, Xiaoyao took the initiative to take risks for the food and grass of the righteous army. Many readers have overlooked their relationship at that time. At that time, they were not very familiar with each other. Xiangliu was actually a threat to Xiaoyao, but for Xiaoyao, who was unwilling to take the initiative to give, she did this for Xiangliu. She really loved Xiangliu. Don't say that Xiaoyao is just kind. Xiaoyao doesn't have a God's perspective. She risked her life to do this. If she didn't care about someone very much, would she give to this extent for what he asked for? And it was an unconditional sacrifice. Later, Xiangliu killed Zhuanxu and accidentally injured Xiaoyao, and he healed Xiaoyao's wounds. At this time, Xiangliu found that Xiaoyao was very important to him, and was as important as the rebel army. He would not give up the rebel army for Xiaoyao, but he would never hurt Xiaoyao because of the rebel army. He completely understood his own heart, otherwise, from his position, he should have killed Xiaoyao without hesitation and immediately went after Zhuanxu; at the seaside outside the Dragon Bone Prison, Xiangliu came all the way to rescue Xiaoyao, and Xiaoyao was also worried about Xiangliu's safety, so she refused Xiangliu to save her. I personally think that Xiaoyao probably knew at this time that since she had returned to the Five Gods Mountain, she would have to restore her true identity sooner or later, so she also wanted to cut off the ties with Xiangliu. Xiaoyao really She cared a lot about Zhuanxu, and for him, she was willing to give up the person she loved and could give her life for; after Xiaoyao recovered her daughter's body, she met Xiangliu for the first time and agreed to make poison for Xiangliu, which she did for more than 100 years. She has always been concerned about Xiangliu's safety. Although making poison is to make them bond, it is also because Xiaoyao cares about Xiangliu's safety. Xiangliu is dangerous for fighting on the battlefield all year round. The author did not write these, but Xiaoyao in the book knew about it, and she has been using the best medicinal materials to make poison for Xiangliu. Poison is a good medicine for Xiangliu, and she even helped him heal his wounds with her own blood. She started doing this in Qingshui Town. When Fangfengbei lost his vest, Xiaoyao concealed his identity for him and saved him with her own blood. Xiangliu trusted Xiaoyao very much. It was clear that he went to find Xiaoyao when he was injured in Qingshui Town, but after Xiaoyao recovered his identity, he was not worried that Xiaoyao would expose his identity for Zhuanxu. If he didn't know that he was very important to Xiaoyao, where would he get the confidence? Xiaoyao would definitely choose to save Xiangliu when he was injured. This is the mutual understanding between them. Xiangliu knew that Xiaoyao would not do anything that was not good for him. Xiaoyao also knew that Xiangliu knew how important he was to her. Otherwise, Xiangliu would not come to her in such a dangerous place every time he was injured. He was sure that she would not watch him die. She also knew his certainty, but Xiaoyao had no other choice. She just couldn't watch Xiangliu get injured and not care. This is Xiaoyao's contribution. Many readers emphasize that they have different positions, but it is easy to ignore this point when reading. Many of Xiaoyao's contributions were made without hesitation when betraying Zhuanxu and betraying their positions. This is the performance of loving Xiangliu. The friendship between them is very deep. If you want to understand it, don't look at what they say, but look at what they do. In addition, the author rarely expresses their feelings through psychological descriptions. As for what they do for each other, they always use concise and clear words to understate it, never embellish or repeat it, so it is easy to ignore. But the author also left a lot of space for readers. For example, when Xiaoyao made poison for Xiangliu, the difficulty of making poison was never directly described through Xiaoyao's psychology. From Xiaoyao's perspective, making poison was very interesting, but it was expressed twice through Zhuanxu and Jing, although it was only mentioned twice., but the author also expressed it very clearly. In the later period, that is, 37 years after being under the sea, the two of them really understood each other more and more. Xiaoyao understood that Xiangliu loved her and understood Xiangliu's choice, but she hoped that Xiangliu would not die, and she had been working hard. Xiaoyao concealed Xiangliu's identity from Zhuanxu, expressed her love through the crystal ball, and hoped that Xiangliu would take her away. Later, she even committed suicide to keep Xiangliu, but all failed. The last effort was to ask her brother to let Xiangliu go. Xiangliu also understood Xiaoyao's heart, but as Xiaoyao said, Xiangliu's choice was the same as Xiaoyao's fourth uncle and fourth aunt, that is, I love you but I have comrades and great righteousness, which cannot be separated. Xiaoyao understood, but she could not watch Xiangliu die, so she had been trying to change this result. For Xiangliu in the later period, after Xiaoyao and Merlin's killing, he only hoped that Xiaoyao could live well, whether he was there or not, he was afraid that Xiaoyao would die with him, so Xiangliu kept telling Xiaoyao to live in the later period. Don't say that Xiaoyao won't die with Xiangliu. She has already done so. She even committed suicide to keep Xiangliu in the later period, but she didn't succeed. On the surface, she was lifeless when she decided to become the Queen Mother because of Jing. In fact, she knew that even if she died, she couldn't force Xiangliu to give up the belief of living and dying with his comrades. She was completely desperate and ready to die with Xiangliu. Why do you say that she is ready to live and die with Xiangliu? Because of the lover's Gu. Don't forget that the lover's Gu will live and die together. But the book says very clearly that Xiaoyao doesn't care that the lover's Gu will cause her to die with Xiangliu. Instead, Jing cares a lot. Why doesn't she care? It's because she has decided to die with Xiangliu. Xiaoyao is not a fool. She knows Xiangliu's choice very well. Xiangliu's ending is death. If she wants to live, the best way is to remove the Gu, rather than betting her life on whether the lover's Gu will kill both of them. Have you seen what efforts she has made to remove the Gu from beginning to end in the book? In addition to saying a few words that are not in line with her heart to stimulate Xiangliu. Lovers are always connected by the poison, and their lives are always connected. However, the author rarely emphasizes this, so it is easy to be overlooked. Everything Xiaoyao does is based on this. She and Xiangliu are connected by life, so how could she commit suicide without knowing that Xiangliu would definitely save her? She just hopes that she can live with Xiangliu safely like in the 37 years under the sea, and they accompany each other. Although she is unconscious, she is satisfied. However, Xiangliu cured her poison, and Xiangliu's attitude is very clear. He can't give up the righteousness of his family and country, and he can't bear to let Xiaoyao accompany him to death. He just wants her to live. Don't say that Xiangliu cured the poison because he was completely disappointed with Xiaoyao. Just look at the extra chapters and you will know that Xiangliu was full of blessings for Xiaoyao the night before he died in battle. The cruel words he said when curing her poison meant that he wanted Xiaoyao to live and not let Xiaoyao die with him. Xiangliu is actually very decisive in many things. Because he loves Xiaoyao, he can be a Fengbei to accompany Xiaoyao to live a short and happy dream, but he will not give up his beliefs for Xiaoyao. He resolutely rejected Xiaoyao's desire to die with him. He is overbearing and wants Xiaoyao to live well, regardless of whether Xiaoyao is willing or not. Fortunately, Xiaoyao understands him and is willing to fulfill his decision. Many people say that Xiangliu is not worth it, but they are wrong. Xiaoyao is worth Xiangliu's efforts. Xiangliu understands Xiaoyao better than many readers. He understands Xiaoyao's pity and kindness for Jing, Xiaoyao's bravery and fearlessness when facing the nine-tailed fox, Xiaoyao's affection for Zhuanxu, and Xiaoyao's deep friendship with him. But he doesn't need Xiaoyao to prove their love by committing suicide, which is what many readers want. He wants her to live well and feel the scenery between heaven and earth. Xiangliu and Xiaoyao know how to give each other the best love far better than many readers. I only realized here that Tonghua actually loves Xiaoyao and Xiangliu the most. She knows what Xiaoyao and Xiangliu want and has fulfilled their wishes. As for Xiaoyao, she also understands Xiangliu's intentions. From Xiangliu's choice to detoxify, she understands that Xiangliu will definitely accompany his comrades to the last moment, but he wants her to live. This is his choice, and Xiaoyao finally respects and fulfills his choice. Xiaoyao must know that detoxification is Xiangliu's decision, and thinks that Xiaoyao believes that it is the friend of the Queen Mother who detoxifies. Don't forget, the witch king said that this Gu cannot be detoxified. Even if the Queen Mother can detoxify the lover Gu, at least Xiangliu needs to appear to cooperate. But when everyone explained to Xiaoyao how to detoxify, did anyone mention Xiangliu? Again, Xiaoyao is not stupid. The author didn't write it, but can Xiaoyao really not think for herself? How could the solution to the lover's Gu have nothing to do with Xiangliu? How could Xiangliu not be thought of? In addition, since no one mentioned Xiangliu, Xiaoyao would definitely guess it. So no matter whether the Gu was solved by Xiangliu or the Queen Mother, Xiangliu must have done it voluntarily. He cooperated in the solution, and Xiaoyao would definitely understand this. From the beginning to the end, they both hoped that the other could live well, and they both loved each other with their lives, but as Xiangliu said, as long as there is such a scenery in the world, life is meaningful, so this is the best ending. Lover's Gu, heart to heart, live and die together, for more than 100 years, from acquaintance, to love, to knowing each other, there have been misunderstandings, injuries, and pain, but they have never let down this love. Xiaoyao and Xiangliu live up to each other."

@Blabla 100,

If she knew everything that XL did for her and pretended that she didn’t know it because she respected his intention that he didn’t want her to know and they fully understood their love to each other, I don’t think she would react as such when she found the memory in her mirror had been erased. 

I also don’t agree with the author interpretation of her suicidal intention as her effort to keep XL. 

I don't know if it's the right scene from the second season, but I would like to see it. I am already prepared to cry ?

By the way, XL was always in XY's eyes, like in the scene in the brothel. But what about TSJ? I don't remember this trick in any scene with him. Maybe this absence explains why TSJ didn't have the same level of significance or attention in the storyline. I really don't understand why she lamented and suffered because of TSJ, and even went as far as committing suicide. If her love for XL is as strong as it is shown in their scenes, then why?

It's quite contradictory. 

If we look at the plot, we'll see a beginning with TSJ and ending with him. XL was in the centre of this. Every plot based on main characters. We can understand who was the main character, when we finished reading. Usually, the story ends when the main character's story is over, especially when they died.

Why? XY, why? Maybe she realizee who helped to save TSJ? I'm so confused. When I don't think about TSJ it's easy to say, that XL is the only one, but when I remind about TSJ...


Thanks for posting the translation to the article. Can you also post the link to the original article?

I largely agree with the ideas expressed in the article. I would be very surprised if Tong Hua gave Xiang Liu, one of her favorite characters of all time, the most ignorant, selfish, and undeserving lover of all time. If Xiang Liu's soulmate was truly so reprehensible, what would that say about him? According to one of Tong Hua's Weibo posts:

默默变了: 您在书中透露出对爱情是什么观点, 是像你在博客里所写的那样吗?
Reader: What viewpoint on love do you reveal in your book? Is it similar to what you write about in your blog?

桐华tonghua: 我的观点一直都是: 生命的长度有限, 我们无法控制, 可一个好的爱 人 , 能令生命的广度和深度增加
Tong Hua: My viewpoint has always been: Life's length is limited, which we cannot control, but a good partner can increase the breadth and depth of life.

Xiao Yao was deserving of Xiang Liu's love; she loved him selflessly, just as much as he loved her. This love is easy for readers to miss because Tong Hua intentionally left a lot of blank space in her writing when it came to how Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu felt about each other. Just like Xiang Liu's epilogue shocked some readers, if Xiao Yao had an epilogue revealing her true thoughts, it would shock even more readers. It's not only Xiang Liu who fulfilled Xiao Yao; Xiao Yao also fulfilled Xiang Liu and increased the breadth of depth of his life. She did this not by being oblivious and self-serving, but by selflessly loving him wholeheartedly.

Now, let's take a look at an excerpt from Tong Hua's letter introducing the book:

“Lost You Forever” conveys a type love that “lives on”. I always feel that in this world, while love is no doubt soul stirring, it is not everything in life. Family, friendship, ideals, responsibilities…people in this world have all kinds of ties, and there are many blessings that don’t come from romantic love. Eternal yearning happens because of profound love, because it is unattainable, because it is unforgettable. However, I am willing to bear all these emotions and live well. Life is a series of encounters and partings, a cycle of forgetting and beginning anew. You’ve been here, you’ve gone. Even though yearning is hard to get over, I will still smile when I see a beautiful rainbow.

Although Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu couldn’t be together or express their love freely due to family, friendship, ideals, and responsibilities, they loved each other deeply. They knew of how much the other person loved them and were aware of the selfless acts the other person did for them. How could Xiao Yao continue on to live well and smile at a beautiful rainbow if she truly believed she meant nothing to the only man she loved wholeheartedly her entire life?

Xiao Yao knew everything Xiang Liu did for her, but she pretended not to because he didn’t want her to know. Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu not only loved each other, but also understood each other deeply. However, their love and understanding didn’t mean they always agreed. Xiang Liu wanted to die on the battlefield out of loyalty and responsibility to his comrades, while Xiao Yao wanted him to do himself right and not sacrifice his life for a futile cause he didn’t believe in. Xiang Liu wanted Xiao Yao to live well without being burdened by the knowledge of everything he did for her, whereas Xiao Yao wanted him to confess his love to her and she wanted to remember him all her life, even if remembering was painful.

This is why Xiao Yao was so upset to see that Xiang Liu had erased her memories of him from her mirror. He had gone against her expressed wish to remember him. She also felt that he had underestimated her: she believed he erased the memories because he thought she couldn’t bear to have a single memory of him, fearing it would cause her to give up on living her own life. However, this was not true. Xiao Yao was capable of living her own life. She had done so for hundreds of years before Xiang Liu showed up and would continue to live her life after he left. She would do this for him because that’s what he wanted. This is what Tong Hua meant by "'Lost You Forever' conveys a type of love that 'lives on.'"

For his part, I think Xiang Liu erased the memories not because he thought Xiao Yao couldn’t bear to live on with them reminding her of him, but because he felt it would be dangerous to leave any physical proof of his relationship with her. He feared that someone might discover his connection to her and target her, similarly to what happened when someone discovered her father was Chi Chen and tried to kill her.

Xiao Yao's intention when she poisoned herself was absolutely to keep Xiang Liu with her. This was the same intention she had when she ate the snake demon's eggs.

“Over time, it realized I was becoming ever more cunning and that it couldn't eat me, so it wanted to leave. To make it stay, I secretly ate its eggs. Now, we had a life-or-death feud; it wouldn’t leave and kept chasing after me, trying to kill me.”

— Vol 1 Ch 4 (Chapter 4)

Xiao Yao's fables of the snake demon and the nine-tailed fox can be directly translated to her relationships with Xiang Liu (snake) and Jing/Cang Xuan (fox) if we take "eat" to mean "be with," and "kill" to mean "love." Xiao Yao poisoned herself to create a life-or-death feud with Xiang Liu, hoping to force Xiang Liu to not sacrifice himself in battle because he loved her and needed to stay with her to save her. Of course, Xiang Liu had his own ideas and was too clever to fall for this.

Why? XY, why? Maybe she realizee who helped to save TSJ? I'm so confused. When I don't think about TSJ it's easy to say, that XL is the only one, but when I remind about TSJ...

Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu saved Jing. She also knew of everything else he did for her:

  1. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu willingly accepted the Poisonous Lovers' Bug, fully understanding what it was.
  2. Xiao Yao knew that Xiang Liu used his Fang Feng Bei identity to get closer to her.
  3. Xiao Yao knew about the unwavering dedication Xiang Liu put into caring for her during their 37 years under the sea.
  4. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu kissed her forehead.
  5. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu had been protecting her. She knew he would have given his life to protect her when he said, “The sea is beneath your feet.” She knew he would come save her when she went to the East Sea searching for "Jing." She knew he set it up for Left Ear to help protect her. She knew he sent a secret message to Cang Xuan to let him know her life was in danger the second time Xing Yue tried to assassinate her.
  6. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu saved her life on Jade Mountain.
  7. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu taught her archery and had a priceless bow specially made for her to ensure she had the ability to protect herself and her loved ones.
  8. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu accepted her choice of Jing as a long-term companion. She knew Xiang Liu deliberately pushed her towards Jing when she had given up on Jing and wanted to be with Xiang Liu regardless of the consequences. She knew Xiang Liu saved Jing’s life for her.
  9. Xiao Yao knew Xiang Liu gave her the sea map so she could always have a place to go.
  10. Xiao Yao knew that Xiang Liu’s wish for her is for her to live well. She knew this is what he wanted when they viewed the moon rise from the surface of the ocean and he said, “As long as there are such sights in this world, then life is very precious.” She knew this is what he wanted when he saved her from the whirlpool and made her promise to stay alive even if Tu Shan Jing was dead. She knew this is what he wanted when she discovered that he erased her memories of him from the gorilla beast mirror.

Xiao Yao only pretended not to know that Xiang Liu did these things for her because Xiang Liu didn't want her to know. Likewise, Xiang Liu understood and took comfort in the depth of Xiao Yao's love for him while pretending to be oblivious.

  1. During their date watching the moon rise from the ocean, Xiang Liu knew that when Xiao Yao said, “No matter how precious the scenery is, it becomes tiresome after seeing it too much, unless there's someone to accompany me, then it becomes meaningful. Scenery is always dead, only people can give it meaning,” she wanted him to reply that he would accompany her in viewing the scenery in the future.
  2. Xiang Liu knew Xiao Yao raised the Poisonous Lovers' Bugs with him in mind, and he knew she truly loved him as soon as they successfully implanted the bugs.
  3. Xiang Liu knew Xiao Yao poured her heart and soul into making ever more elaborate poisons for him. He knew confessed her love to him when she made him the koi fish frolicking in lotus pond poison dish and told him that he is her soulmate. The koi fish symbolizes a boy. The lotus symbolizes a girl. Together, they represent love. 
  4. Xiang Liu knew Xiao Yao was sincere when she expressed her wish to have been born hundreds of years earlier so she could have saved him and allowed him to live freely. He understood that she would have sacrificed her identity, their soulmate connection, and their love for each other if she could change his fate.
  5. Xiang Liu knew when Xiao Yao said, “I really want do go see,” referring to the uninhabited and uncharted islands, what she truly meant was, “I don't want to go back. I want to go with you.”
  6. Xiang Liu knew that every time Xiao Yao asked him to remove the Poisonous Lovers' Bugs, she only really wanted him to confirm that he still loved her.
  7. Xiang Liu knew that when Xiao Yao asked, “Bei, tell me...why is it so difficult to find someone to accompany you?” outside the donkey meat restaurant, she wanted him to accompany her.
  8. Xiang Liu knew that Xiao Yao sent him the crystal globe to tell him she was willing to give everything up to be with him.
  9. Xiang Liu knew that he was the one Xiao Yao most wanted to rely on and accompany her for her entire life.
  10. Xiang Liu knew that Xiao Yao would always help and protect him. He knew this every time he went to her room injured. He knew this when he realized that she deliberately angered him by refusing his help in releasing Tian'er when discussing Chuan Zi's marriage to avoid getting him in trouble. He knew this when he asked for her help to get medicine for his men. He knew this when she told him she wished he could always be Fang Feng Bei. He knew this when she warned him to stay away from the Central Plains after Cang Xuan came into power. He knew this when she poisoned herself in a final desperate attempt to persuade him to stay with her and not to sacrifice his life on the battlefield.

Xiang Liu pretended that Xiao Yao's love for him was unrequited because he had chosen his path and he believed that revealing his love would only compound her suffering when he inevitably had to leave her behind. Ultimately, Xiang Liu got his "best ending," and Xiao Yao chose to carry the knowledge of his love and live on because that was what Xiang Liu wanted for her. Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao increased the breadth and depth of each other's lives through their mutual love.

If we look at the plot, we'll see a beginning with TSJ and ending with him. XL was in the centre of this. Every plot based on main characters. We can understand who was the main character, when we finished reading. Usually, the story ends when the main character's story is over, especially when they died.

Why? XY, why? Maybe she realizee who helped to save TSJ? I'm so confused. When I don't think about TSJ it's easy to say, that XL is the only one, but when I remind about TSJ...

Ignore Tu Shan Jing. Xiao Yao had affection for him because she saved him and he couldn't live without her, but she never loved him the way she loved Xiang Liu. The Poisonous Lovers' Bugs are proof of this because they would have retaliated if Xiao Yao didn't love Xiang Liu wholeheartedly and also loved Jing the same way. In the beginning , it was Xiao Yao's loyalty to Cang Xuan and the vow she made to her family that made her decide to cut ties with Xiang Liu. Jing just happened to be there to help ease her suffering: he served as a substitute for Xiang Liu and also allowed her to mask for her yearning for Xiang Liu to the outside world through misdirection. 

You can remove Jing, and the whole story would play out similarly because Xiao Yao couldn't abandon her loyalty to Cang Xuan and her family and Xiang Liu couldn't abandon his loyalty to Hong Jiang and his comrades. The intractable problem had always been that Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu were destined to directly oppose each other and fight to the death. Jing is simply a hilariously hypocritical and inept plot device designed for comic relief. In fact, I was going through old posts in this forum and read that another production company had previously planned to film Lost You Forever with Dilreba as Xiao Yao. Supposedly, in this production that was never filmed, they planned to drop Jing and only have Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu as the male leads.

The way I see it, Xiang Liu wasn't concerned at all about Jing being his love rival so we shouldn't be either.

I personally am conflicted about what XY knew and didn't know, as well as how much did XL believe XY knew.  Was there a tacit understanding between them or was XY that dumb that she couldn't guess that the bow and arrows was from him or that the mermaid couple who saved jing has no tie to XL? Or was it that XY knew everything, but she didn't want to let XL  know that she knows, because she knew that that's what he wanted? 

Chapter 26 

"Xiao Yao swam and turned back to look at the colorful fishes still swimming back and forth “I remember them but they’ve already forgotten me. In the future when I see the same type of fish I’ll remember them so that each new meeting is like a reunion, but each meeting for them is a new meeting, so even a real reunion is like a first meeting.”

Xiang Liu asked “Do you want to remember or forget?”

Xiao Yao thought about it “Remember, even if it’s painful and a burden, I still want to remember.”


"Xiang Liu said “That’s….”

“The mating song of the merpeople.”

“How do you know?” Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao acted nonchalantly with a smile “I guessed it. Legend says the merpeople have incredibly melodic voices so from who else in the deep ocean but the merpeople to sing like that?” Xiang Liu didn’t want her to know that when she was unconscious the things he did with her, and she didn’t want him to know that she already knew. Their embraces and companionship, just let it be buried deep in the dark ocean depths!"

Btw,  I know their description is not 100% the same, but I always had the impression that the colorful fishes XY used in the crystal ball are the fishes that they spoke about in chapter 26, I don't think they serve just as a backround, without any meaning. XY already told XL that giving the choice, she would rather remember than forget, so IMO XY put them in the crystal ball as to express at point blank that she remembers everything about their 37 years underwater, but the merman is looking away, because she knew that XL choose to forget all about it. So same as the fishes, everytime XY and XL met afterwards, XY acted as if nothing happened, even though for her was a reunion and not a first meeting, but played along as to respect XL's decision. Untill the crystal ball. Using those fishes with the mermaid on top of the shell was like telling him that her decision is not to forget, so she begs him not to either and come home basically. The mercouple viewed the shell as their home, when XY found out about it, she was curious if XL viewed it the same, she never asked herself how she herself views it, because she already aknowledged it as her home ever since. I think I have read an article about the crystal ball from different POV's, when yellow emperror saw it, he thought it's useless and a waste of time. When XL saw it, he thought it's impossible, because they don't belong in the same world. When XY made it,  she made it as a plea to him to come back home, because from her pov that was their home. They all have different thoughts when looking at it. 

About jing and XY, I don't know why people believe XY killed herself for him. XY would have never killed herself for Jing, but she would have for XL. That's obvious from what SirBi told XL, even though Jing is dead, he is relieved that XY picked him. 


Here is the link to the article


"It's not only Xiang Liu who fulfilled Xiao Yao; Xiao Yao also fulfilled Xiang Liu and increased the breadth of depth of his life. She did this not by being oblivious and self-serving, but by selflessly loving him wholeheartedly."


I think windiaa already posted these, but since I don't understand anything, I'd thought to repost them, in case there's something missing.

Are these all of Tong Hua's Weibo posts related to LYF? Thanks for having them all in the same post :-)

I found this review on a chinese site and IMO it express quite well the bond that XY and XL had. The credits go to lost deer girl.

"The most regrettable thing is that no one knows the true meaning of Xiaoyao and Xiangliu's mutual understanding. They created a spiritual world with only each other, isolating everyone else, whether it is the characters in the book or the readers outside the book, perhaps except the author Tong Hua.

Sorry, I think alot of this take is stretching.  While I agree they were mutually in love, what XY knew and what she admitted to herself, much less to XL, were different things.  She was often self deluded.  XL actually knew, because XL felt everything through the Lovers Bug.

We even have the character relation map from the revised edition, where it states that XY didn't know and thought XL disliked her.  Granted, I don't agree with that take 100% either.

But Xiaoyao pretended not to know every time she paid for Xiangliu, just like she knew the warm moments when Xiangliu saved her in the sea for 37 years, but she pretended not to know because Xiangliu didn't want her to know that she was doing it according to Xiangliu's wishes.

Definitely don't agree with this.

You can remove Jing, and the whole story would play out similarly because Xiao Yao couldn't abandon her loyalty to Cang Xuan and her family and Xiang Liu couldn't abandon his loyalty to Hong Jiang and his comrades. The intractable problem had always been that Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu were destined to directly oppose each other and fight to the death. Jing is simply a hilariously hypocritical and inept plot device designed for comic relief. In fact, I was going through old posts in this forum and read that another production company had previously planned to film Lost You Forever with Dilreba as Xiao Yao. Supposedly, in this production that was never filmed, they planned to drop Jing and only have Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu as the male leads.

Well, this is an interesting take ... I didn't know that the first attempt at LYF planned to eliminate Jing entirely.  LOL!  Something interesting to think about and how it would work for the drama, book and XY.

相伴一生 literally means "accompany for a lifetime". The keyword here is 一生 "a lifetime", or specifically her lifetime. The way I see it, his last question triggered her immensely because when she sent the crystal globe to him, accepting that he would still persist in his stance, she was resigned to the fact that if he agreed to take her hand, the life they shared would not last her lifetime.

This is a fresh and interesting interpretation of this scene. It's certainly a possibility (everything is a possibility with this novel, it seems :-)). XY is still quite heavily avoidance, which is also very in character for her. She could admit to her feelings for him and wanting to be with him, but is she really ready to deal with his death and their eventual separation? It appeared that she might not be. Do you think this is one reason why XL refused? Because he was afraid that she couldn't bear the ending and would follow him in death the way that CX's mother followed CX's father?

 AH :
In this case, this song is stuck in my head and I can't help picturing it as a song sung inside Xiao Yao's heart, in a scenario where she was brave enough to fully acknowledge to herself her feelings for XL in the days after she sent the ice crystal ball to him, and where she was truly prepared to leave everything behind to run away with him. That doesn't quite match up with how I view XY's mindset in chapter 31. So this is basically an AU scenario for me.

Thank you for sharing @AH. LYF staying on our minds even while watching Euro Vision :-). Who ended up winning this year? 

I agree that XY's lack of fighting spirit is very annoying. Her initiative seems almost nonexistent except for when she helps CX take the throne and when she seduces Hou (big eyeroll).

I'm still trying to reconcile the massive shift in the character following the QS Town arc.  Even her helping CX was largely passive and took on the very traditional role of being a matrimonial prize. And she was also a bit half-assed about that, as well.  And the less that is said about the whole "seducing" Hou plot the better. That whole thing did not put her (or Jing and their relationship) in the best light. It just highlighted to me that she didn't grow any from when she agreed to the 15-year promise with Jing. If anything, she's worse because now she's helping him to "get rid" of his wife to clear the way for herself. Really bad optic, IMO and I wonder why TH chose to deal with Jing's marriage in this way. 

Just so that I'm not just talking bad about XY: she did learn medical skills and showed the ability to make her own living. Yay, for her. 

But yeah, I agree that XY should have gotten up off her butt and done something.

It may not have led to a different outcome. XL may just be utterly bullheaded (all 9 of them), but at least do something active, decisive and clear. It might just be a personality thing, but my goodness, it's bloody frustrating watching the constant caging and fishing around. Assertive communication classes are in order :-).

I partially blame this on Tong Hua prioritizing narrative repetition over character development to weave her 'grass snake ash line' story.

I did read somewhere that TH apparently said that she experimented with a different way of writing with LYF and she's very proud of its success (i.e. the constant arguments and discussions about the hidden meanings). Don't ask me where I read this and I have no primary source :-). So maybe there is some truth to your statement - she sacrificed character development to prioritize writing techniques. 

Looking at the picture you posted, there was one question asked to TH that caught my attention.In my opinion, what is meant by the shadows in the first and second parts of the book has something to do with the revival of XL.

I'm a bit confused about what you mean by this. could you elaborate, please? Thank you. 

Oh is that what she say? I did read on a site that the first 2 chapters of the sequel thousands of directions can be find online, but I am not sure how accurate the info is.

I think @liddi mentioned that Thousands of Directions is the prequel to LYF; it's the sequel to Once Promised. The original plan was apparently for 4 books: 1) Once Promise; 2) A Thousand Directions; 3) LYF; 4) Unknown. She started A Thousand Directions but abandoned it and wrote LYF instead. I've been told that she promised a sequel to LYF after it was published, but then it never materialized. Fans were possibly hoping that XL would be resurrected in the sequel. We'll never know now. 

I don't know about the 2 chapters to Thousand Directions, but liddi did translate a short scene featuring XL.

Thank you for sharing @AH. LYF staying on our minds even while watching Euro Vision :-). Who ended up winning this year? 

Real or sacarsm?

Switzeland won this year. The Netherlands  got disqualified for the final because Joost Klein (the main singer) threated/agued an organization employee  since he did not want to be filmed (at back stage). But his song Europapa went viral. Many children (I saw many) obsessed with that song. My children frequently sing Europapa, too. :D. It is also the song which is most streamed/downloaded on Sportify